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2.- Corrige oraciones true (verdadero) false (falso) (act. 4 pag. 9)

1.2.- Jacob´s got two sisters. False

2.2- His family lives in a house TRUE

3.2- Jacob´s dog likes cats . TRUE

4.2- His parents like his drums . FALSE

5.2-The Millennium Park ins´t in the centre of Chicago. FALSE

6.2- Jacob prefers books to computer games. TRUE

3.- Completa el árbol genealógico de Mia. Complete el párrafo (Act. 9 Pag. 9)

HY guys. Lots of you ask me questions about my family – so here´s my family tree!

I´ve got one brother , NOOH. His wife´s name is LUCIA . And I´m an aunt, ins´t that cool!
MARIA is an only child and she´s the best niece in the world! My parents ore OK, too. Actually,
DAN is my stepfather – he´s my mum´s second husband. I´ve got three cousins. NATALIE works in
London and she´s like a friends, really. My grandparents are still alive- my grandma FLORA plays
the piano every day. She´s really good!

4.- Escribe la palabra que representa el parentesco con Mia. (act. 10, pag 9)

Mia´s uncle (tío de Mia) = Mia´s uncle is Max

5.- Completa el recuadro en tu cuaderno. Investiga nuevas palabras y agrégalas (act. 11 pag 9)
sigue el ejemplo


Father (padre) Mother (madre) Grandparents (abuelos)
Godfather (padrino) Godmother(madrina) Godparents (padrinos)
In Law (consuegro) Consuegra (consuegra) In-laws (consuegros)
brother in law (cuñado) sister in law (cuñada) Sisters-in-law (cuñadas)
Brothers in law (cuñados)
Step brother (hermanastro) Stepsister (hermanastra) Step brothers (hermanastros)
Stepsisters (hermanastras)

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