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Stress Management

Initial Development of an
Inventory to Assess Stress
and Health Risk

Kenneth M. Nowack


In recent years, considerableattention has Over the last two decades, an abun-
been given to the role of individual varia- dance of research has established the
bles in the stress-illness relationship. Of existence of a significant relationship
particular value at this point are measure- between work/life stress and health
ment tools and studies that evaluate the status. This relationship has been
possible effects of two or moreindividual notoriously weak with correlations
variables" on health status. This study ranging from . 10 to .35. ~ Theretbre,
summarizesthe initial development,psy- slightly less than 13 percent of the
chometricproperties, and validation of a variance in health outcomes are ac-
brief, rationally derived, andreliable stress counted for by the assessment of
and health risk factor instrument. The work and life stress. Consequently,
123-item instrument has showncriterion- researchers have begun to explore
related validity with both physical and additional moderating variables in
psychological health outcomesin a study the stress-illness relationship. These
with 194 employees" working in several variables, along with measures of
large companiesin the Los Angeles area. work and life stress, should increase
Implications for future development,appli- predictions of both physical health
cation, and research are discussed. and psychological well-being.
(American Journal of Health Promotion)
A variety of individual variables
have been investigated in recent
stress studies. Some of these have in-
cluded social support,’* family con-
stitution, 7’" ~-’"
coping skills,
job-individual fit, ’’)-~2 personality,
personality hardiness, a~’a6 and health
habits? 7-~ These individual variables
have consistently been found to
moderate the short- and long-term
health consequences of individuals
Kenneth M. Nowack, Ph.D., is Director experiencing work and life stress. It
of Organizational Performance Dimen- must be noted that these relation-
sions, WoodlandHills, California ships have been established using
diverse measures of stress and both
Thz) manuscriptzoas submitted on December27, 1988, subjective and objective health
revised, and acceptedfor publicationon April 3, 1989. outcomes.

1990, Vol. 4, No. 3 173
Of particular value at this point are recommended by Jackson? 7 In this The initial 300-item version was sent
studies that attempt to measure and regard, the items composing the by mail to 300 full-time employees in
explore the effects of two or more of scales are all theoretically derived a variety of companies in the Los
these individual variables on physical and based on the cognitive- Angeles area. Included was a letter
and psychological health outcomes. transactional theory base underlying soliciting voluntary participation in a
Although numerous measures and stress research first proposed by four-month study. A total of 196 of
health risk appraisals exist, few Lazarus?8 Items for the scales all re- the inventories were returned (64%)
been developed that comprehensively flect extensive empirical findings during the first data collection
and reliably assess more than a few reported in literature on behavioral period. Four months later the same
of the individual moderating medicine pertaining to each of the employees were encouraged by mail
variables mentioned above. In topics represented by the scales in- to complete the same inventory.
general, the majority of assessment cluding perceived stress, social During the second data collection
instruments and health risk ap- support, health habits, Type A period, 146 of the original 196
praisals have not been empirically behavior, cognitive hardiness, and (77%) were returned. The sample
developed, have focused on predic- coping style. included 99 (67.8%) women and
tions of longevity or specific health (32.2%) men who ranged in age
proneness, and have not been ade- from 21 to 57 (mean = 35.6,
quately validated? Constructing the Item Pool SD =8.7), with over 51.2 percent
As a first step, over 1,000 items
possessing a four-year college degree,
This article discusses the develop- were gathered and adapted from and 54.6 percent working in a super-
ment, psychometric properties, and numerous resources, including other visory role.
initial validation of a brief inventory psychological tests, health psychology,
measuring a variety of cognitive and and behavioral medicine texts. Items
Several statistical procedures were
behavioral factors empirically were developed to cover the full
performed to analyze the reliability
demonstrated to moderate the stress- range of characteristics defined by
of the scales. These included inter-
illness relationship. The instrument, each scale construct. Each scale was
item correlations, item-scale
the Stress Assessment Inventory carefully constructed by generating
correlations, factor analysis, and
(SAI), was designed to assess lists of items that appeared to have
within-scale homogeneity (internal
employee stress and health risk content validity with a priori scale
consistency reliability) calculations.
behavior within organizational health definitions based on previous re-
To maximize homogeneity of the
promotion and wellness programs. search by other investigators.
scales, Pearson correlations were
The instrument contains scales, calculated between the items and the
theoretically derived, that appear to total scores for each rationally de-
Reduction of the Item Pool
have adequate internal consistency rived scale. Items showing a
Items were deleted according to the
reliability and criterion-related correlation of lower than .30 were
following general criteria: too com-
validity with diverse measures of eliminated. Also, items which cor-
plicated for a respondent to
health status. The 123-item instru- understand; obvious desirability bias; related .30 or higher with scales
ment measures a total of fifteen other than the one for which they
lack of clear phrasing; and probable
scales including Stress, Global were intended (or theoretically con-
extreme endorsement frequency.
Health Practices, Exercise, gruent) were also eliminated.
Items were retained only if they ex-
Sleep/Relaxation, Preventive Hy- Additionally, scales with internal
emplified the construct of the scale
giene, Nutrition/Eating, Social consistency reliabilities (alpha) below
for which they were written and ef-
Support, Type A Behavior, forts were made to cover the broad .65 were automatically deleted. A
Cognitive Hardiness, Intrusive range of beliefs and behaviors total of five scales were dropped to
Positive Thoughts, Intrusive form the final 123-item Stress Assess-
typified by a given scale. To achieve
Negative Thoughts, Avoidance and ment Inventory so that the goals of
scale homogeneity, three health pro-
Problem-Focused Coping, ease of administration and brevity of
fessionals with knowledge of the
Psychological Well-Being, Global the instrument could be more easily
stress and health psychology litera-
Coping Index, and Response Bias. achieved.
ture were asked to independently
A summary of the scales and sample
sort these items into their rationally
items are presented in Exhibit 1 of
or theoretically appropriate cate- To explore the psychometric proper-
this article.
gories. The criteria for inclusion ties of the revised instrument, the
METHOD required that the item be sorted into 123-item Stress Assessment Inven-
the "correct" scale by all of the tory was administered to 621
Construction of the Stress independent judges. These judges employees attending management
Assessment Inventory also participated in the revising and training workshops in several large
editing of selected scale items for organizations in the Los Angeles
The Stress Assessment Inventory was inclusion in the initial version of 300 area. Prior to each workshop,
developed following procedures items. employees were sent a letter explain-

174 American
Journalof HealthPromotion
Exhibit 1
Scale Descriptions
Thescales comprising the Stress Assessment Inventory are noted, along these groupson a 1 to 5 scale where1 -- Not at all Satisfied, 2 = Slightly
with the numberof items scored on each scale. Satisfied, 3 = ModeratelySatisfied, 4 = Very Satisfied, and5 = Extremely
Satisfied. This scale has showna high internal consistency reliability
Scale 1: Stress (6 items)
of .83.
Stress is defined as the experienceof major and minor irritants, annoy-
ances,and frustrations of daily living. This scale measures self-reported Scale 4: Type A Behavior (10 items)
hassles in six distinct areas: 1) health, 2) work, 3) personal finances, This scale assessesthe frequency of specific behaviors in responseto
4) family, 5) social obligations, and6) environmentaland world concerns. perceptionsof daily life challenges, threats, andstresses including some
Respondents were asked to rate howfrequently they experiencedstress or manyof the following: being hard-driving, competitive, impatient, quick
in the six areas on a 1 to 5 scale where 1 =Never, 2=Rarely, to express anger, doing things quickly, working very long hours, push-
3 = Sometimes,4 = Often, and 5 = Always. This scale is conceptually ing one’s self to their limit, and dwelling on work and family related
problems.Respondents are askedto rate howoften they expressspecific
basedon the Hassles Scale.s’ This scale has shownan internal con-
sistencyreliability of .67. behaviors on a 1 to 5 scale where1 = Noneof the Time, 2 = A Little of
the Time, 3 = Someof the Time,4 = Most of the Time, and5 = All of the
Scale 2: Global Health Practices (25 items) Time. A sampleitem is: "1 amquick to experienceand express myfrus-
Health habits are defined as the daily practice of specific behaviors tration and anger." This scale has showna moderately high internal
hypothesizedto be conduciveto both physical and psychological well- consistencyreliability of .82.
being. Thehealth habits scale is subdivided into four additional sub- Scale 5: Cognitive Hardiness (30 items)
scales: 1)Exercise, 2) Rest/Sleep, 3) Preventive Hygiene, This scale assessesthe possessionof specific attitudes and beliefs
4) Nutrition/Eating Habits. Respondents are askedto rate howfrequently baseduponthe concept of personality hardiness attributed to Kobasa
they practice specific health habits on a 1 to 5 scale where1 = Never, and her colleagues?’ This scale is composedof attitudes and beliefs
2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, and 5 = Always. This scale is con-
about workand life that are relatively enduring from day-to-dayand in-
ceptually basedon earlier research on preventive health behaviors clude: 1) Involvement-- commitment,as opposedto alienation, to one’s
including that of Harris and Guten,se Belloc and Breslow,s7 Wiley and
3’ Williams and Wechsler,~’ and Pardine et al. ’’ This scale is work, family, self, hobbies; 2) Challenge-- attitudes aroundviewing life
Camacho, changesas challengesas opposedto threats; 3) Control -- beliefs that
a compositeof the four subscalesand specific items on substanceabuse one has a senseof control over significant outcomesin life. Respond-
(alcohol and drugs) and cigarette smoking. A sampleitem is: "Used ents are askedto rate howstrongly they agree with specific statements
nonprescription drugs (e.g., cocaine, marijuana) for recreational pur- about their beliefs on a 1 to 5 scale where1 = Strongly Agree, 2 =Agree,
poses." This scale hasshownan internal consistencyreliability of .82.
3 = Neither Agreenor Disagree, 4 = Disagree, and 5 = Strongly Disagree.
Scale 2a: Health Habits -- Exercise (3 items) A sampleitem is: "My involvement in nonworkactivities and hobbies
This scale assessesthe level and frequency of exercise a respondent provides me with a sense of meaning and purpose." This scale has
engagesin on a regular basis. A sampleitem is "Spent at least 15-30 showna high internal consistencyreliability of .83.
minutes performing exercises that enhancemuscletone and the cardio- Scale 6: CopingStyle (20 items)
vascularsystem(e.g., stretching, calisthenics, aerobics,etc.)." This scale This scale assessesthe frequency of using both emotion-focused and
has showna high internal consistencyreliability of .79. problem-focused coping strategies on a regular basis in the face of daily
Scale 2b: Health Habits -- Sleep/Relaxation (5 items) work and life challenges, threats, and stresses. Thefour subscalesof
This scale assessesthe frequency of obtaining adequaterest, sleep, the CopingStyle scale include: 1) Intrusive positive thoughts(alpha .69);
and relaxation on a regular basis (e.g., receiving enoughsleep at night; 2) Intrusive negativethoughts (alpha .72); 3) Avoidance(alpha .70);
having enoughtime for daily rest and relaxation). A sampleitem is: 4) Problem-focusedcoping (alpha .69). Respondents are askedto evalu-
"Receivedless sleep than required becauseyou stayed up too late or ate how often they tend to use the specific approachor technique to
had to get up too early." This scale has showna moderatelyhigh inter- effectively copewith daily work andlife stress on a 1 to 5 scale where
nal consistencyreliability of .71. 1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes,4 = Often, and 5 = Always.
Scale 7: Psychological Well-Being (12 items)
Scale 2c: Health Habits -- Preventive Health Practices (6 items)
This scale assessesthe frequency of using soundhealth hygiene prac- This scale assessesthe respondent’soverall life satisfaction and ab-
tices on a regular basis (e.g., avoiding others whoare infected or ill; senceof psychological distress on a regular basis. It is characterized
seeking regular health checkups;taking required prescription medica- by satisfaction with one’s self, ability to enjoy life, andfeeling happy
with one’s family, work, interpersonal relationships, and achievements.
tions if necessary). A sampleitem is "Maintained close, physical, or
intimate contact with someone whowasinfected, sick, or ill." This scale Respondentsare asked to evaluate how often they tend to experience
specific feelings and emotions on a 1 to 5 scale where 1 =Never,
has showna moderateinternal consistency reliability of .70.
2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes,4 = Often, and 5 = Always. Sampleitems in-
Scale 2d: Health Habits -- Nutrition/Eating (8 items) clude: "Feeling positive, confident, and securewith yourself," "Pleased
This scale assesses the frequency of eating well-balanced meals and with your life overall," and "Able to relax and enjoy yourself without
nutritious foods on a regular basis. A sampleitem is: "Limited my in- worry." This scale has showna very high internal consistencyreliabil-
take of dietary saturated fats, cholesterol, salt, sugar, andcalories." ity of .93.
This scale has showna reliability of .70. Scale 8: ResponseDistortion Bias (5 items)
Scale 3: Social Support Network(18 items) This scale assessesthe tendency of respondentsto respondin a man-
This scale assessesthe satisfaction and numberof significant others ner that might be interpreted to be biased or distorted. Theitems are
that can be counted on for emotional support, advice, information, un- basedconceptually on the s° CrowneMarloweSocial Desirability Scale.
conditional love, and assistance on a regular basis. The conceptual Eachitem attempts to discriminate against responsethreats that might
framework for this scale was derived from the frameworkof Sarason confoundinterpretation of the instrument by asking respondentsto en-
et al., 1983. Theoverall social support networkscore is determinedby dorse a series of True and False statementsthat most likely have only
the relative useandsatisfaction across five groupsof individuals includ- onecorrect answer.Sampleitems include: "1 havenever lied in mylife,"
ing: 1) immediatebossor supervisor, 2) other peopleat work, 3) spouse "1 always have bad thoughts about other people," "1 have never said
or lover, 4) family membersand relatives, and 5) other friends. Respond- bad things about someoneelse." High scorers tend to endorse items
ents are asked howrelative use of social supports on a 1 to 5 scale that wouldappearuncharacteristic for mostindividuals raising the likeli-
where1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes,4 = Often, and 5 = Always. hoodthat the respondentwastired, mademistakesin reading the items,
Additionally, respondentsare askedto rate howsatisfied they are with or is responding in a mannerthat could be distorted.

January/February 1990, Vol. 4, No. 3 175

ing the purpose of the testing, assur-
ing them of confidentiality, and Table 1 Table 2
requesting their participation.
Employees were also told that they Meansand Standard Deviations Internal ConsistencyReliabilities
could receive confidential written of the Stress AssessmentProfile of the Stress AssessmentProfile
feedback regarding their results. A (N =466) (N =466)
total of 466 were returned for a re- Scale Mean S.D. Reliability
sponse rate of 74.9 percent. The Scale
mean age of the sample was 35.6 Stress 17.01 3.83
Stress .67
years (SD =9.35) which included 218 HealthHabits
GlobalHealthHabits 90.21 10.01 HealthHabits
females and 156 males employed in GlobalHealthHabits .82
Exercise 8.63 3.21
primarily professional and manage- Rest/Sleep/Relaxation 16.59 3.53 Exercise .79
ment positions. The employee Eating/Nutrition 28.24 5.29 Rest/Sleep/Relaxation .71
sample was well educated (62 PreventiveHygiene 22.95 4.04 Eating/Nutrition .70
PreventiveHygiene .70
possessed at least a two-year college SocialSupportNetwork 45.91 9.89
SocialSupportNetwork .83
degree) and was racially diverse TypeA Behavior 30.69 5.98 TypeA Behavior .82
(67% Caucasian, 10% Black, 10% CognitiveHardiness 97.32 11.45 CognitiveHardiness .83
Hispanic, 12% Asian, and one per- CopingStyle CopingStyle
cent other). IntrusivePositiveThoughts 16.19 2.78 Intrusive Positive
Thoughts .69
Intrusive NegativeThoughts 14.42 3.12 Intrusive NegativeThoughts .72
Means, Standard Deviation, and Avoidance 14.81 2.79 Avoidance .70
Problem-Focused Coping 16.60 2.84 Problem-Focused Coping .69
Reliability of the Subscales PsychologicalWell-Being 43.01 8.93 PsychologicalWell-Being .93

Tables 1 and 2 summarize the

means, standard deviations, and in- homogeneity measures. The average Scale Intercorrelations and Overlap
ternal consistency reliabilities internal consistency reliability (Cron-
(Cronbach’s alpha) of the Stress bach’s alpha) across all scales was Table 3 summarizes scale correla-
Assessment Inventory subscales. .76 with a range from .67 to .93. As tions using the previous sample of
Since items were selected on the evident from these data, and despite 466 employees. Small to moderate
basis of high correlations with the complications arising from the correlations exist among the scales
total score on its substantiative scale, changing nature of attitudes and not theoretically associated with each
each Stress Assessment Inventory behaviors, both stability and con- other. Moderately high correlations
scale should demonstrate at least sistency results obtained on the are notable among scales expected to
moderate levels of internal con- Stress Assessment Inventory proved show such relationships. Based upon
sistency as gauged by statistical satisfactory. previous research, it is expected that

Table 3

Intercorrelations of the SAI Scales

(N = 466)
Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Stress -.48* -.15" -.51* -.37* -.31* -.24" .35" -.46* -.18" .35* -.26" .01 -.47"
2. HealthHabits ,45" .64* .72* .81* .32* -.43" .39* .22* -.31* .11 .08 .38*
3. Exercise -.02 .01 .23* .19" -.10 .24" .21" -.09 .20* -.10 .16"
4. Sleep/Relaxation .53* .37* .19" -.37* .27* -.01 -.30" -.01 .01 .32*
5. HealthHygiene .40* -.05 -.30" .24* -.10 -.27* -.03 .01 .22*
6. Eating/Nutrition .29* -.37" -.28* .07 -.17" -.09 .09 .31*
7. SocialSupport -.14 .49* .29* -.16" .16" .23* .46*
8. TypeA Behavior -.22" .05 .46* -.16" .15" -.23"
9. CognitiveHardiness .44* -.38" .34* .23* .67"
10. Intrusive Thoughts(+) .08 .55" .49" .51*
11. Intrusive Thoughts
(-) -.09 .22* -.21*
12. Avoidance .38* .44*
13. Problem-Focused Coping .41*
14. PsychologicalWell-Being
¯ p<.01

176 AmericanJournal of Health Promotion

moderate correlations would exist Factor Structure of the Stress Coping Style scale that did not load
between the Stress, Social Support, Assessment Profile on this factor was Intrusive Negative
Global Health Habits, Cognitive Thoughts. Finally, factor 3 repre-
Hardiness, Coping Style, and The factor structure of the Stress sented the aversive cognitive and
Psychological Well-Being scales. Assessment Inventory scales is pre- behavioral scales including Stress,
Such correlations are apparent upon sented in Table 4. Responses to 13 Type A Behavior, and Intrusive
inspection of Table 3. of the scales were factor analyzed Negative Thoughts.
using principal factoring with itera-
Relationship with Demographic tion and varimax rotation. Since the The factor structure underlying the
Variables Psychological Well-Being scale was Stress Assessment Inventory suggests
developed and conceptualized as a the emergence of three distinct fac-
Of the demographic variables in- dependent outcome measure, it was tors. The first factor, which included
cluded, only a few significant not included in the factor analysis. the health habits scales, accounted
correlations were found. Age was for 33 percent of the total variance.
significantly correlated with both the The initial analysis extracted three This factor appears to represent ma-
Type A Behavior (r = -.16, P< .05) major factors that had eigenvalues jor lifestyle behaviors that have been
and Sleep/Relaxation scales (r =.12, greater than or equal to 1.0 and ac- postulated to have both direct and
P< .05). Education was significantly counted for 60.1 percent of the total indirect effects on well-being.
correlated with Global Health Prac- variance. The stability of these fac-
tices (r = .13, P< .05) and Social tors was tested by factor analyzing It appears that the major difference
Support (r = .20, P<.05). the scales from different subsamples between the scales contributing to
of the initial sample (N = 466). factors two and three may reflect a
Two significant differences were each analysis, the factor structure basic orientation between adaptive
observed with respect to sex and the was similar to the one in Table 4. and maladaptive coping approaches
health habits scales. Men reported to involving specific cognitions,
receive significantly more rest and Factor 1 represented the behavioral behaviors, and emotions. The scales
sleep (F [1, 445] =8.35, P =.004) health habits scales composing the contributing to factor two, Intrusive
and to engage in more frequent and Stress Assessment Inventory. These Positive Thoughts, Avoidance, and
regular exercise than women included the Global Health Practices Cognitive Hardiness, appear to be
scale as well as its four subscales: largely adaptive resistant resources
(F [1,445] =9.07, P = .003). These
differences may be a function of the Exercise, Sleep/Relaxation, Eating/ associated with health status. On the
largely professional working Nutrition, and Preventive Hygiene. other hand, the scales loading on
employee sample used in this study. Factor 2 represented the adaptive factor three, Intrusive Negative
Overall, these differences lend sup- cognitive and behavioral resistance Thoughts, Type A Behavior, and
port to the general lack of sex, resources including the Social Sup- Stress, for example, share a propen-
cultural, and racial bias in these port, Cognitive Hardiness, and three sity to approach the world in a more
scales. of the Coping Style scales. The only critical, pessimistic, impatient, and
time pressured manner.

Table 4
Criterion-Related Validity of the
Factor Structure of the Stress AssessmentInventory Scales Stress Assessment Profile
(N =466)
The criterion-related validity of the
RotatedFactorMatrix Factort Factor 2 Factor3 Stress Assessment Inventory was ex-
GlobalHealthPractices .93154 .16180 -.27731 plored in a separate study of 194
Eating/Nutrition .79149 .17515 -.11829 professional employees employed in
PreventiveHygiene .71130 -.01786 -.29121 six large companies in the health
Rest/Sleep/Relaxation .57952 -.09072 -.49602 care, aerospace, and service in-
Exercise .38561 .32987 .07534
dustries. During 1986, 262 full-time
IntrusivePositiveThoughts .10172 .82705 .04704 professional employees attending
Avoidance -.11453 .74400 -.21155
Problem-Focused Coping .09933 .70431 .35024 management training workshops in
Cognitive Hardiness .16992 .60639 -.50070 each of the six companies were sent
SocialSupport .27003 .48545 -.19272 a copy of the Stress Assessment In-
Intrusive NegativeThoughts -.06493 .03266 .81052 ventory and separate measures of
TypeA Behavior -.27352 .00090 .64923 physical and psychological health.
Stress -.30676 -.25239 .62690 Prior to each management training
class, respondents were sent a letter

1990, Vol. 4, No. 3 177
explaining the purpose of the study, Psychological well-being was mea- Stress Assessment Inventory scales as
assuring them of confidentiality, and sured using the newly developed the independent variables and health
requesting their participation on a 12-item Stress Assessment Inventory status (psychological distress, physi-
voluntary basis. Respondents were scale of the same name. This scale cal illness, and psychological
also told that they could receive con- assesses global work and life satisfac- well-being) as the dependent
fidential written feedback regarding tion and has shown high internal variables.
their results at the end of the man- consistency reliability (Cronbach’s
agement training program. alpha) of .93. For each of the 12 Additional stepwise multiple regres-
items, respondents are instructed to sion analyses were conducted with
A total of 194 questionnaires were circle how frequently they have ex- relevant demographic variables (age,
returned for a response rate of 74 perienced specific feelings of work sex, education, ethnicity) entered in
percent. This moderately high re- and life satisfaction on a 1 to 5 scale the first step. Although the multiple
sponse rate is most likely attributed of 1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Some- g’s were larger, there were no other
to: 1) separate mailings prior to each times, 4 =Often, and 5 =Always. differences in the contributions of the
management training class; 2) phone Sample items include: "Pleased with Stress Assessment scales to the de-
confirmations regarding subsequent your life overall," "Genuinely enjoy- pendent variables.
attendance to the classes; and ing the things you are involved in,"
3) personalized written feedback pro- "Feeling positive, confident, and se- DISCUSSION
vided to each participant. The mean cure with yourself,", and "Feeling
age of the employee sample was 38.3 satisfied with personal and profes-
years (SD = 8.95). This professional This article summarizes the develop-
sional accomplishments." ment, psychometric properties, and
employee sample tended to be gen-
initial criterion-related validation of a
der balanced (58% men and 42%
women), well educated (62% pos- Stepwise multiple regression analysis brief stress and health risk factor
was used to determine the unique assessment instrument, the Stress
sessed at least a two-year college
degree), and racially diverse (67% contributions of the Stress Assess- Assessment Inventory. This ra-
Caucasian, 10% Black, 10% ment Profile scales to the prediction tionally derived inventory is
Hispanic, 12% Asian, and one per- of physical and psychological health composed of scales hypothesized to
cent other). outcomes. Table 5 summarizes these moderate the stress-illness relation-
multiple regression analyses with the ship based upon a review of the
Psychological distress was assessed
by the Hopkins Symptom Check-
list. .9 This measure has shown a Table 5
moderately high internal consistency
reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) of .85 Multiple RegressionAnalysis with Psychological Distress, Physical Illness,
and a test-retest reliability of .75 and Psychological Well-Being as DependentVariables
over a six-months and growing, (N = 198)
criterion-related validity with normal
49 Scales PsychologicalDistress
adult samples. Multiple R RSQ RSQChange F
Physical illness was adapted by a CognitiveHardiness .58 .33 .33 86.6*

measure developed by Greenberg. HealthHabits .71 .51 .17 58.5"
This eight-item scale asked respond- Stress .75 .55 .05 19.4"
IntrusivePositiveThoughts .78 .60 .04 19.1*
ents to endorse frequency-specific
categories of illness or symptoms of
illness. These illness categories in- Scales Psychological Well-Being
cluded: 1) injuries/accidents; Multiple R RSQ RSQChange F
2) infection (bacterial or viral);
3) respiratory; 4) gastro-intestinal; CognitiveHardiness .75 .56 .56 218.8"
HealthHabits .76 .58 .02 8.5*
5) neurological; 6) cardiovascular; Social Support .77 .59 .01 6.1*
7) change in existing medical condi-
tion; and 8) miscellaneous physical
symptomatology. This eight-item Scales Physical Illness
scale is answered on a five-point con- Multiple R RSQ RSQChange F
tinuum (e.g., "no times," "one
time," "two times," "three times," HealthHabits .48 .23 .23 49.4*
Stress .53 .28 .06 14.1*
"four or more times") over three Avoidance .59 .34 .06 15.2"
months. This scale has shown
moderately high internal consistency *p<.01
reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) of .73.

178 American
Journalof HealthPromotion
behavioral medicine literature. The ques reported significantly less physi- on the internal structure, stability of
Stress Assessment Inventory demon- cal illness than those who were scales over time, and the independ-
strated adequate internal consistency unable to do so. This finding is con- ence of the various subscales.
reliability and criterion-related valid- sistent with current research on Additional factor analytic techniques
ity with a variety of physical and coping effectiveness that suggests with larger sample sizes and diverse
psychological health outcomes in that avoidance and denial processes adult groups should be used to
separate studies with professionally may result in stress reduction, in- clarify the psychometric properties
employed men and women. creased hope, and self-efficacy over and sources of variance of the sub-
Although additional research is war- unpleasant emotions, particularly scales. Additional studies of
ranted, the Stress Assessment when events are beyond one’s con- convergent validity are required to
Inventory appears promising for sub- trol? 1 Similarly, the area of Intrusive demonstrate that the scales are useful
sequent research in behavioral Negative Thoughts contributes sig- for the measurement of the diverse
medicine as well as for possible use nificantly to predictions of constructs for which they were
in organizational health promotion psychological distress (see Table 5) based.
and wellness programs. but no other self-reported health out-
come. This finding is consistent with Second, the predictive utility of the
Although the initial validation results the work of Beck,~2 Ellis, 5~ and others Stress Assessment Inventory with di-
of the Stress Assessment Inventory who have reported significant corre- verse health outcome measures
appear promising, several limitations lations between holding irrational currently in use in research and clin-
need to be briefly pointed out. First, thoughts and measures of psychologi- ical practice requires further
only self-reported health outcome cal distress (e.g., depression, attention. Finally, numerous possibil-
data were collected. For example, anxiety). ities exist for incorporating the
endorsement of illness symptoms inventory into organizational studies
may not be the same as illness per Finally, Cognitive Hardiness signifi- on employee health promotion and
se. Future research should also cantly contributed to predictions of
wellness. It is recommendedthat,
include objective measures of both both psychological distress and well- when possible, such studies utilize
physical health and psychological being but not physical illness (see longitudinal or prospective designs
well-being to strengthen the Table 5). This finding extends the
and include multiple measures of
criterion-related validity of this criterion-related validity of the hardi-
health status and organizational
assessment instrument. Secondly, the ness construct to outcomes other
effectiveness (e.g., absenteeism,
samples used in the development and than physical illness? ~m’~6Addition-
health care costs, disability claims,
initial validation of the Stress Assess- ally, the Cognitive Hardiness scale
ment Inventory are fairly homo- has also shown convergent validity
genous in nature, and to an extent, with the global personality hardiness
self-selected. Additional validation scale ~2 in one recently unpublished SO WHAT?Implications for
research is currently underway with study with 239 police officers? 4 The Health Promotion Practice &
more diverse samples to minimize Cognitive Hardiness scale was sig- Research
possible self-selection issues. nificantly correlated with the global Better assessment tools measuring
Kobasa hardiness scale; ~~ commit- a variety of psychosocial risk fac-
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