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Research Log #1 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date:   2/5/20
Name:   Breyson Chang
Essential Question: How is invasive seaweed harmful to Hawaii’s aquatic environment?
Three Points to Prove: #1: Communities can combat the problem
                                        #2: Invasive algae can be repurposed
                                        #3: The removal of the invasive algae helps the environment
Point that this Source Proves: #3
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 
In the middle of the article, it talks about “Removing invasive algae to allow coral reefs and

native fish habitat to thrive”

According to the article, the Division of Aquatic Resources is “Restocking the reefs with native

sea urchins that eat the invasive algae and keep it from growing back”

According to the article, “Keeping the reefs clear of invasive algae opens up new space for coral

recruits and native seaweeds, and helps restore natural habitat for fish and other sea creatures”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

This website provides strong arguments about why and how the ocean would benefit from the

removal of Invasive seaweed and algae from the waters of Hawaii. But more specifically the impact the

cleaning up had on Kaneohe Bay. This website is very good because it gives a very thorough look at

everything that had to happen to make this result a reality. It talks about the challenges they faced while

tackling the issue. As well as actions taken and the results of the efforts.

After reading the article, I have learned that removing the invasive seaweed will be very

beneficial for Hawaii’s native sea life. Since the invasive seaweed has no natural predators and is able to

grow wild. They end up overgrowing and smothering native coral and sea plant to death. So the Division

of Aquatic Resources developed a super sucker which basically is a big vacuum to catch majority of the
invasive seaweed. Then they further exterminate the seaweed by releasing sea urchins which will further

eat the seaweed keeping the alien species at bay.

Some of the benefits of removing the invasive algae include allowing coral reefs and native fish

habitat to thrive and opens up new space for coral recruits and native seaweeds, and helps restore natural

habitat for fish and other sea creatures. With the removal of invasive seaweed, the native species will be

able to thrive once more. Which would lead to a healthy ecosystem that is teeming with life. With the

coral dead, there is little diversity in reef fish. But when the coral becomes healthy again, all different

types of fish will be able to thrive once more.

Work Cited (correct MLA format): 

 “Hawaii – Invasive Species.” Reef Resilience,


This is a reputable and reliable article because the article was published by an organization that
specializes in taking care of the world’s oceans.
Breyson Chang
English 11 Sec E

Research Journal

Currently in the project, Andrew and I have just been really trying to further immerse

ourselves into the topic which is invasive seaweed in Hawaii. So far, we finished an elevator

pitch as well as an informal write up about our topic. Then we did a little bit of research so that

we had an idea of the impact that invasive seaweed has on the environment. In class we really

worked together to plan ahead to hopefully have a good timeline of what we what to do and

when. We have a good idea of who we want to interview as well as what we will be doing for

community service. So, I feel like we are a little ahead of schedule because we kind of planned

ahead. But we did not commit to any specific date yet. We did do a lot of brainstorming about

how we were going to accomplish ten hours of community service but I think we have a pretty

good plan in place. We will participate in real invasive seaweed removal cleanups with

organizations such as 808 Cleanups as well as the Waikiki Aquarium. We will also look into

possibly going out on our own to further clean up the coral reef even further. Then we will use

the removed invasive seaweed to fertilize of gardens and potted plants that we will purchase.

Then finally possibly try to cook the invasive seaweed into a tasty snack.

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