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You have acquired one of the best systems for playing Baccarat using flat bets only.

This system will let you play for hours without risking a large bankroll. You can play it for as
long as you want, as your profits keep increasing. You only have to promise yourself to quit
when you are ahead. A good quitting point can be when you are 10 units ahead. You may
have a few losing bets up front, but with the way the system functions, you can be certain
that you will be on the positive side after you advance within the method.

Flat Bet Mini Play is very dynamic, as you will bet on every single bet of the shoe. There is
no need for any tracking nor waiting. You can start betting at any stage, right after one

The Method

As we all know, Baccarat is a game with lots of streaks and chops, where you have
consecutive Player or Banker decisions or alternating Player and Banker decisions. At
times, certain patterns are formed. With Flat Bet Mini Play we will cover the most frequently
occurring patterns, to maintain the simplicity of the system and still to ensure we take full
advantage of those patterns.

We will be identifying those patterns based on the last 2, 3 or 4 decisions depending on the

First of all, let us give names to the patterns we will be looking for in Flat Bet Mini Play.

We will refer to Player decisions as “P” and Banker decisions as “B”.

If the last 2 decisions are identical such as B B or P P, then we call that pattern the

If the last 3 decisions alternate in the form of B P B or P B P, then we call that pattern the

If in the last 3 decisions, the last one breaks away from the “Streak”, then it’s called a
“Balance”. So the following two sets of 3 decisions P P B and B B P will be referred to as

Now, the last pattern that Flat Bet Mini Play will consider is a 2-2-2, for the type of patterns
formed by two consecutive “Streaks” of different decisions, such as

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P P B B and B B P P. You will need to look at the last 4 decisions in order to identify a “2-2-
2” pattern.

The way you apply the method is the following:

The very first two bets you will place will follow the last decision. If it was a P then you bet
on P, if it was a B, then you bet on B.

After the first 2 bets, you will already have 3 last decisions to analyze in order to determine
the defined patterns and decide on your next bet. There is absolutely no guessing. Two
people applying Flat Bet Mini Play would be playing exactly the same bets.

If the last 2 decisions were P P or B B, then you determine the “Streak” pattern and your
next bet will be on the same as the last decision. That is, if it was a B, then you would bet
on B, if it was a P, then you would bet on P.

If the last 3 decisions were P B P or B P B, then you determine the “Chop” pattern and your
next bet will be on the opposite of the last decision. That is, if it was a B then you would bet
on P, if it was a P, then you would bet on B.

If the last 3 decisions were P P B or B B P, then you determine the “Balance” pattern and
your next bet will be on the opposite of the last decision. That is if it was a B then you
would bet on P, if it was a B, then you would bet on P.

At this stage you cannot determine a “2-2-2” pattern, as you need to have at least 4
decisions. However, once you advance in the method, the way you determine the 2-2-2
pattern is to look at the last 4 decisions. If they are P P B B or B B P P, you identify this as
2-2-2, despite the fact that the last 2 decisions were the same, where you could identify
them as a “Streak” pattern. The 2-2-2 pattern detection will override the Streak. So instead
of betting on the same last decision you will bet on the opposite one, once a 2-2-2 pattern is
identified. If you lose your bet on the 2-2-2, then you go back to observing the last 2 or 3
decisions and identify a Streak, Chop or a Balance again. If you win the 2-2-2 bet, then you
go on betting on the same pattern, B B P P B B or P P B B P P until you lose your bet.

Table 1 below simulates 500 bets and shows how patterns are detected, that determine
your next bet in the sequence following the last decision.

When you use the method, you may want to have a little notepad, where you register the
last 4 decisions. And this is all you need to keep track of. If you have an electronic
scoreboard above the Baccarat or Mini-Baccarat table, showing the decisions, then you
won’t need that notepad.

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In Table 1, the first column is the Sequence number or the number of the bet.
The second column shows the actual decision, whether Player or Banker. You will notice
that the Tie bets are not marked, as you can totally ignore them when they occur. Your
money is returned to you when a Tie happens. The Ties should not disrupt your tracking of
the last 2, 3, or 4 decisions. When they happen just cross them out, as if they were not
there. The frequency of occurrence of the Player and Banker decisions in the simulation in
Table 1 are according to the actual odds in the casino. Within 10,000 decisions, 4462 of
them are Player decisions, 4,586 are Banker decisions and 952 are Tie decisions. Of
course, those are statistical averages only.

The third column in Table 1 below is the Detected Pattern, which is based on the last 2
and 3 decisions, that is the “Streak”, the “Chop” and the “Balance”. If there is a 2-2-2, this
will be shown on the next column. The way you read this entry is the following: The last 2
and 3 decisions are checked. The detected pattern according to the description above is
marked on the same line as the last decision. This will indicate how you should be betting
on your next bet.
Remember that a Streak indicates that your next bet should be the same as the last
decision; a Chop indicates that your next bet should be the opposite of the last decision; a
Balance indicates that your next bet should be the opposite of the last decision.

The moment you place your bet and a new decision comes up, you analyze that last 2,3
and 4 decisions.

The 2-2-2 column indicates that you have identified a 2-2-2 pattern in the last 4 decisions
and that that bet will follow the pattern P P B B P P etc.

Please note that 2-2-2 is indicated when you are actually following that pattern at the SAME
sequence that you are placing that bet, as opposed to the Detected Pattern, where it
indicates your NEXT bet. In order to understand this, let us take a look at sequences 12 -
16 in Table 1 below.

In sequence 15, we notice that the last 2 decisions were B and B in sequences 14 and 15
respectively. That’s why the column Detected Pattern indicates a Streak. However, when
we look at the last 4 decisions in sequences 12 - 15, we see the decisions P P B B
indicating a 2-2-2 pattern that is registered in the FOLLOWING sequence (16), showing that
we follow the 2-2-2 pattern and bet on a P instead.

We could neglect the 2-2-2 pattern altogether. However, statistically it has been proven
that it’s more advantageous to follow it, as long sequences of P P B B P P B B can cause a
long losing streak without addressing the 2-2-2’s, because every time we detect a Streak

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and bet on the same last decision, it produces an opposite decision.

At the end of Table 1, the explanation of some of the sequences of the table will clarify all

The column Bet On shows where we are placing our bets (on B or on P).

Win/Lose column indicates a win with W and a loss with L.

The Bet Amount column shows how much we wager at every bet. Since we are playing
with flat bets only, this amount will never change. The table uses $100 units, but you are
welcome to use any bet size that is allowed at the table and that you can allow yourself to

The Cash column will show you your unit profit when you win and will show a negative unit
when you lose your bet. Please note that in Baccarat the winnings on a Banker bet are
commissioned 5%. This amount is reduced automatically when you win on B and indicates
$95. ($100 minus the 5% commission). If you win your bet on a Player decision, you’re
credited $100 or exactly 1 unit.

The Net column shows your net profit or loss. The loss is indicated with a negative

Table 1:

SequencePlayer / Detected 2-2-2 Bet on Win/Lose Bet Cash Net

Banker Pattern amount
1 B
2 B B W $100 $95 $95
3 B Streak B W $100 $95 $190
4 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $90
5 B Chop B W $100 $95 $185
6 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $85
7 P Balance B L $100 -$100 -$15
8 B Chop B W $100 $95 $80
9 P Chop P W $100 $100 $180
10 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $80
11 B Balance P L $100 -$100 -$20
12 P Chop P W $100 $100 $80
13 P Streak B L $100 -$100 -$20

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14 B Balance P L $100 -$100 -$120

15 B Streak P L $100 -$100 -$220
16 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 -$120
17 B Chop 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 -$220
18 B Streak P L $100 -$100 -$320
19 P Balance B L $100 -$100 -$420
20 P Streak B L $100 -$100 -$520
21 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 -$620
22 P Streak P W $100 $100 -$520
23 B Balance P L $100 -$100 -$620
24 P Chop P W $100 $100 -$520
25 B Chop B W $100 $95 -$425
26 B Streak P L $100 -$100 -$525
27 B Streak B W $100 $95 -$430
28 B Streak B W $100 $95 -$335
29 B Streak B W $100 $95 -$240
30 B Streak B W $100 $95 -$145
31 P Balance B L $100 -$100 -$245
32 P Streak B L $100 -$100 -$345
33 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 -$445
34 B Balance P L $100 -$100 -$545
35 P Chop P W $100 $100 -$445
36 B Chop B W $100 $95 -$350
37 P Chop P W $100 $100 -$250
38 B Chop B W $100 $95 -$155
39 P Chop P W $100 $100 -$55
40 B Chop B W $100 $95 $40
41 B Streak P L $100 -$100 -$60
42 B Streak B W $100 $95 $35
43 B Streak B W $100 $95 $130
44 B Streak B W $100 $95 $225
45 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $125
46 B Chop B W $100 $95 $220
47 P Chop P W $100 $100 $320
48 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $220
49 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $120
50 P Chop P W $100 $100 $220
51 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $120
52 P Streak P W $100 $100 $220
53 P Streak P W $100 $100 $320
54 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $220
55 P Chop P W $100 $100 $320
56 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $220
57 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $120
58 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $20
59 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 -$80

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60 B Streak B W $100 $95 $15

61 P Balance B L $100 -$100 -$85
62 B Chop B W $100 $95 $10
63 P Chop P W $100 $100 $110
64 B Chop B W $100 $95 $205
65 P Chop P W $100 $100 $305
66 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $205
67 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $105
68 P Chop P W $100 $100 $205
69 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $105
70 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $5
71 P Chop P W $100 $100 $105
72 B Chop B W $100 $95 $200
73 P Chop P W $100 $100 $300
74 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $200
75 P Streak P W $100 $100 $300
76 P Streak P W $100 $100 $400
77 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $300
78 P Chop P W $100 $100 $400
79 B Chop B W $100 $95 $495
80 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $395
81 B Streak B W $100 $95 $490
82 B Streak B W $100 $95 $585
83 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $485
84 B Chop B W $100 $95 $580
85 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $480
86 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $380
87 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $280
88 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $375
89 P Chop 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $275
90 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $175
91 P Streak P W $100 $100 $275
92 P Streak P W $100 $100 $375
93 P Streak P W $100 $100 $475
94 P Streak P W $100 $100 $575
95 P Streak P W $100 $100 $675
96 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $575
97 P Chop P W $100 $100 $675
98 B Chop B W $100 $95 $770
99 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $670
100 B Streak B W $100 $95 $765
101 B Streak B W $100 $95 $860
102 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $760
103 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $660
104 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $755
105 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $850

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106 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $950

107 B Chop 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $850
108 P Chop P W $100 $100 $950
109 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,045
110 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $945
111 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $845
112 B Chop B W $100 $95 $940
113 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,040
114 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,135
115 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,235
116 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,135
117 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,235
118 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,335
119 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,435
120 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,335
121 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,435
122 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,335
123 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,235
124 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,135
125 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $1,235
126 P Streak 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $1,335
127 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $1,430
128 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $1,525
129 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $1,625
130 B Chop 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $1,525
131 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,425
132 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,520
133 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,615
134 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,710
135 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,805
136 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,705
137 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,605
138 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $1,505
139 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,605
140 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,705
141 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,805
142 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,905
143 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,805
144 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,705
145 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $1,805
146 P Streak 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $1,905
147 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,000
148 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,095
149 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $1,995
150 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,090
151 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,185

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152 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,280

153 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,375
154 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,275
155 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,175
156 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,270
157 P Chop 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $2,170
158 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,265
159 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,365
160 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,265
161 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,165
162 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,065
163 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $2,165
164 B Chop 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,065
165 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,965
166 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,060
167 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,960
168 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,055
169 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,155
170 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,055
171 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,155
172 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,255
173 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,355
174 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,255
175 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,355
176 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,255
177 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,155
178 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,255
179 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,155
180 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,255
181 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,355
182 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,255
183 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,155
184 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,055
185 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,955
186 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,855
187 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $1,950
188 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,045
189 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $2,145
190 B Chop 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,045
191 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,945
192 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,845
193 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,745
194 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $1,840
195 P Chop 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $1,740
196 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,640
197 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,740

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198 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,840

199 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,940
200 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,840
201 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,940
202 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,035
203 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,935
204 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,835
205 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,930
206 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,030
207 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,930
208 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,030
209 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,130
210 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,030
211 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,130
212 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,225
213 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,325
214 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,420
215 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,320
216 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,220
217 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,120
218 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $2,020
219 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,920
220 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,820
221 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $1,720
222 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,815
223 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,715
224 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,615
225 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $1,710
226 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $1,805
227 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $1,705
228 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,605
229 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,700
230 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,600
231 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,695
232 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,790
233 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,690
234 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,785
235 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,685
236 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,585
237 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,680
238 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,780
239 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,680
240 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,780
241 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,680
242 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,780
243 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,875

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244 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,775

245 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,870
246 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,965
247 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,060
248 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,155
249 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,250
250 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,345
251 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,245
252 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,145
253 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,240
254 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,335
255 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,235
256 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,135
257 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,035
258 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $1,935
259 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,835
260 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,935
261 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,835
262 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,735
263 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,635
264 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $1,535
265 B Streak B W $100 $95 $1,630
266 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,530
267 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,625
268 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,725
269 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,820
270 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,920
271 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,015
272 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,115
273 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,210
274 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,110
275 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,205
276 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,300
277 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,395
278 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,490
279 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,390
280 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,290
281 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,385
282 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,480
283 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,380
284 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,280
285 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,375
286 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,275
287 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,370
288 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,465
289 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,560

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290 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,655

291 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,555
292 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,650
293 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,750
294 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,845
295 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,745
296 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,840
297 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,740
298 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,835
299 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,935
300 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,835
301 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,735
302 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,635
303 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $2,735
304 B Chop 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,635
305 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,535
306 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,630
307 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,530
308 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,430
309 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,525
310 P Chop 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $2,425
311 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,325
312 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,425
313 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,325
314 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,225
315 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,125
316 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,025
317 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,925
318 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $1,825
319 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,925
320 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,025
321 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,925
322 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,025
323 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,925
324 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,825
325 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,925
326 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,825
327 P Streak P W $100 $100 $1,925
328 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,025
329 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,925
330 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,825
331 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $1,925
332 P Streak 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $2,025
333 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $1,925
334 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,825
335 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $1,725

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336 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $1,825

337 P Streak 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $1,925
338 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,020
339 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,115
340 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,015
341 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,915
342 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,815
343 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $1,715
344 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,615
345 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,715
346 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,810
347 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,910
348 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,810
349 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $1,710
350 P Chop P W $100 $100 $1,810
351 B Chop B W $100 $95 $1,905
352 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,005
353 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $1,905
354 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,005
355 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,105
356 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,005
357 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,105
358 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,200
359 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,100
360 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,195
361 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,290
362 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,385
363 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,480
364 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,575
365 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,475
366 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,570
367 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,670
368 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,570
369 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,670
370 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,770
371 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,670
372 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,570
373 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,470
374 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,565
375 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,660
376 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,755
377 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,655
378 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,555
379 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,650
380 P Chop 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $2,550
381 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,645

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382 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,745

383 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,645
384 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,545
385 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,645
386 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,545
387 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,645
388 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,545
389 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,445
390 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,345
391 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,440
392 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,535
393 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,435
394 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,530
395 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,430
396 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,525
397 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,620
398 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,520
399 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,420
400 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,515
401 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,610
402 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $2,710
403 P Streak 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $2,810
404 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,905
405 B Streak 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $3,000
406 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $3,100
407 P Streak 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $3,200
408 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $3,100
409 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $3,000
410 P Chop P W $100 $100 $3,100
411 B Chop B W $100 $95 $3,195
412 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $3,095
413 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,995
414 B Chop B W $100 $95 $3,090
415 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,990
416 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,890
417 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,985
418 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,885
419 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,980
420 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,880
421 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,780
422 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $2,680
423 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,780
424 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,880
425 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,980
426 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,880
427 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,980

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428 B Chop B W $100 $95 $3,075

429 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,975
430 B Streak B W $100 $95 $3,070
431 B Streak B W $100 $95 $3,165
432 B Streak B W $100 $95 $3,260
433 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $3,160
434 B Chop B W $100 $95 $3,255
435 P Chop P W $100 $100 $3,355
436 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $3,255
437 P Streak P W $100 $100 $3,355
438 P Streak P W $100 $100 $3,455
439 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $3,355
440 P Chop P W $100 $100 $3,455
441 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $3,355
442 P Streak P W $100 $100 $3,455
443 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $3,355
444 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $3,255
445 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $3,155
446 B Streak B W $100 $95 $3,250
447 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $3,150
448 B Chop B W $100 $95 $3,245
449 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $3,145
450 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $3,045
451 B Chop B W $100 $95 $3,140
452 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $3,040
453 B Streak B W $100 $95 $3,135
454 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $3,035
455 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,935
456 P Streak 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $2,835
457 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,735
458 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,635
459 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,535
460 B Streak B W $100 $95 $2,630
461 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,530
462 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,430
463 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,525
464 P Chop 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $2,425
465 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,325
466 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,225
467 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,125
468 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,025
469 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $1,925
470 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,020
471 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,120
472 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,020
473 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,120

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474 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,220

475 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,320
476 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,420
477 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,320
478 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,420
479 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,515
480 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,615
481 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,515
482 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,415
483 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,515
484 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,415
485 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,315
486 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,215
487 P Balance 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $2,315
488 P Streak 2-2-2 P W $100 $100 $2,415
489 B Balance 2-2-2 B W $100 $95 $2,510
490 P Chop 2-2-2 B L $100 -$100 $2,410
491 P Streak B L $100 -$100 $2,310
492 P Streak P W $100 $100 $2,410
493 B Balance P L $100 -$100 $2,310
494 B Streak P L $100 -$100 $2,210
495 B Streak 2-2-2 P L $100 -$100 $2,110
496 P Balance B L $100 -$100 $2,010
497 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,105
498 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,205
499 B Chop B W $100 $95 $2,300
500 P Chop P W $100 $100 $2,400

Explanation of Table 1

You come to the Baccarat table, find a free seat and take place immediately. You see that
the last decision (sequence 1) is a B.

Your first bet (sequence 2) follows the last decision and you place your unit bet ($100) on
Banker. It wins and you get paid your unit ($100) minus 5%, that is $95, shown under
column Net.

Your second bet (sequence 3) also follows the last decision (B), where you win again.

Now in sequences 1-3, you have 3 decisions to analyze. First you look at the last 2
decisions to find out if the pattern is a “Streak”. Since sequences 2 and 3 were both B
decisions, we determine the pattern as a Streak and we need not look further at this stage.
So we bet (sequence 4) on the same as the last decision, that is on B. P comes up and we

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lose that bet, our net going down by $100.

In sequence 4, after P came up, we look at the last 3 decisions, since the last 2 decisions
(sequences 3 and 4) were not a Streak. The last 3 decisions indicate a Streak broken in
the last decision, that is the pattern Balance is identified. Balance pattern - indicated in
sequence 4 - requires us to bet next on the opposite of the last decision. So we bet B in
sequence 5 and we win.

In sequence 5, after B came up, we look again at the last 3 decisions. Since the last 2
decisions (sequences 4 and 5) were not a Streak, the last 3 decisions indicate a Chop
(sequences 3-5 being: B P B). Always keep in mind to also look at the last 4 decisions to
see if a 2-2-2 pattern is formed. In this case, no 2-2-2 is formed, so we go for a Chop and
bet on the opposite of the last decision in sequence 6. We bet on P as indicated in the
column “Bet on” and we lose that bet.

After B came up in sequence 6, we see that the last 2 decisions in sequence 5 and 6 are
the same (B). So we determine the pattern to be a Streak. Note that once we identify the
pattern to be a Streak with the last 2 decisions, we need not look at the last 3 decisions
unless there is a 2-2-2 formed in the last 4 decisions.

Streak requires us to bet on the same as the last decision, in our case on B. P comes up in
sequence 7 and we lose that bet. We look at the last 2 decisions, we see no Streak. The
last 3 decisions indicate a Balance, since the Streak is broken. So we bet on the opposite
of the last decision in the following sequence (8) on B and we win that bet.

In sequence 8, after the B comes up, the last 3 decisions (sequences 6-8) indicate a Chop.
So we bet on the opposite of the last decision, that is on P in sequence 9 and we win that

Note that we need not look for a 2-2-2 pattern in the last 4 decisions if the last pattern was
not a streak.

Let’s take a look at an example where a 2-2-2 is identified. In sequence 15, after the B
comes up, and since the last 2 decisions were a streak, we see that sequences 12-15
indicate a 2-2-2 pattern. So despite the fact that the last 2 indicate a Streak, we go for a 2-
2-2 pattern in sequence 16 as shown in column 2-2-2. So instead of betting on a B to
follow Streak, we bet on a P to follow 2-2-2 and we win that bet.

Since we won the 2-2-2 pattern bet, we follow 2-2-2 again in sequence 17 and bet on P, but
we lose that bet. Losing that bet indicates that we need to stop betting on the 2-2-2 pattern
and start looking again at the last 3 decisions (since there is no streak on the last 2). The

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last 3 decisions (sequences 15-17) are B P B. This is a Chop pattern as indicated in

sequence 17. So we bet on the opposite of the last decision in sequence 18, that is on P
and we lose that bet.

A few more words on the 2-2-2 pattern. Please note that once we decide to go for a 2-2-2,
it overrides any pattern detected as either Streak, Chop or Balance. A good example of the
usage of 2-2-2 is illustrated in sequences 104-107. Despite the fact that sequence 103
dictates the use of Streak, the fact that we detect a 2-2-2 pattern overrides this decision in
sequence 104. Same argument holds for sequences 105-106. Only after we lose our bet
in sequence 107 with 2-2-2 that we look at the last 3 decisions in sequences 105-107 and
determine a Chop pattern, that makes us decide to bet for P (the opposite of the decision in
sequence 107) and we win that bet in sequence 108.

Sequences 125-130 are also good examples for 2-2-2 usage, as well sequences 145-149.

You can also see in sequences such as 138, 184, 218, 264, 315 for instance the 2-2-2
disrupts a nice streak and we lose those bets. But we need to be consistent. If we decide
up front to use 2-2-2, we need to use it all the time. Otherwise, the system will require
guessing and it is not desired.

In any case, you can see that in Table 1 usage of 2-2-2 enables 47 wins versus 40 losses
overall within 500 bets. Without the usage of 2-2-2 the winning streaks in sequences 400-
407 for instance would have been losses.

At sequence 18, we detect a Streak on the last 2 decisions (sequences 17 and 18, B B).
We bet on B in sequence 19 and we lose that bet.

In sequence 21, we detect again a 2-2-2 pattern in the last 4 decisions and we bet on B to
follow that pattern and we lose that bet.

It looks like we have a slight losing streak from sequences 10-21. This is normal. This is
not a reason to get discouraged, as long streaks and chops in a Baccarat shoe are
unavoidable. As you can see in sequences 27-30, we take advantage of a long successive
streak, and in sequences 35-40, we take advantage of long successive chops. And our net
evens out. A long streak following sequence 41 up to 44 again starts increasing our profits.

Our net fluctuates with slightly more losses than wins in sequences 44-61 until we even out
again in sequence 60. The good thing about flat bets is that we don’t risk a big bankroll
even during successive losses such as in sequences 56-59. If we would use a progression
of some kind, a long series of losses would have hurt us. I have seen up to 14 consecutive
losses while using Flat Bet Mini Play.

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The fact that we take advantage of those unavoidable and most frequently occurring
patterns brings us to the positive level with no long delay.

You see that at sequences 69 to 116, we go from 1 unit profit to about 11 unit profit. At
sequences 117 to 164, we go from 12 unit profit to 20 unit profit. At sequences 357 to 404,
we go from 21 unit profit to 29 unit profit.

During the other sequences, our profits and losses fluctuate in a quasi harmonic way, such
as in sequences 405 to 452, where there is almost no gain and no loss.

Money Management

As an overall performance of this method, we can deduce that within all fluctuations that
even out our losses and profits, we need to set a profit limit where we can be ready to leave
once we reach our goal at a result of the advantageous chops and streaks.

This profit limit is recommended to be 10 units. If we look at sequence 1 as a starting

reference point, we reach this 10 unit goal in sequence 113.

If we were starting to bet at sequence 113, then our 10 unit profit goal would have been
reached at sequence 147.

Similarly, if our starting reference point was sequence 147, we would have reached our
profit goal in sequence 405, and so on.

As you can see, sometimes it may take about as little as 30 bets to reach our goal and
sometimes as many as 250 bets.
We can derive therefore, that the method can provide you a profit of 10 units at a frequency
of an average of 140 bets, or 5 units average per shoe.

As it is possible to reach our goal under normal circumstances, we could expect at times a
big drawdown that will delay our 10 unit goal or under certain circumstances to never reach
it. In that case, we need to set a loss limit, which could be 20 units. Should that loss occur,
we should try the method at another time or another table, going again for a 10 unit profit

A bankroll of 100 units can be divided into 5 sessions of 20 units. This should suffice you
for a very long time, as it is quite unlikely to lose 5 such sessions consecutively. At every
session, the moment you reach your 10 unit profit goal, you should quit the shoe and start a
different sessions at another occasion.

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Statistically the number of the 10 unit goal sessions outnumbers the 20 unit losing sessions
and you will find Flat Bet Mini Play to be a winning system on the long run when you
combine the method with the money management strategy.

Wishing you lots of success using the Flat Bet Mini Play - Baccarat system.

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