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Clinical practice goal #1

In my first year of nursing, I hope to improve my confidence in my skills. I want to be

able to walk into a room and not feel the anxiety of doing something wrong in front of the patient

or my colleagues. Learning skills takes some time, but to feel confidence in them is a skill on its

own. I suffer from anxiety in my day to day life; however, nursing gives me a happy, wonderful

feeling when I am doing it and I want to feel the confidence in my skills.

Clinical practice goal #2

Another clinical practice goal I have is to improve my leadership skills. I want to

improve my leadership skills at a lower level such as delegation, and I want to improve them at a

higher level to achieve a charge nurse position. On a team, it is important to work with your

team members cohesively. Being able to ask for help will help the floor run smoothly instead of

trying to take on the job by yourself. Working on my leadership skills will help me see how to

ask for help in a professional, polite way and help me to lead those around me. Additionally, by

learning to lead with my interdisciplinary team, I can learn how to lead at a charge nurse level

for the years to come.

Educational Goal:

My educational goal is to return to school after 10 years and earn a NP degree. I want to

stay in bedside nursing for a while to learn how to care for patients properly and acquire enough

skills and compassion to work as an NP. I like nursing and want to learn as much as I can before

I decide to leave bedside nursing. I feel there is a lot of knowledge to acquire in the different

fields and units. I want to start in Med/Surg nursing to quickly learn new skills and improve the
ones I know. After a couple years I want to move onto ED nursing or Trauma to learn more

skills and develop quick thinking skills. I also think the ED and Trauma units are a great way to

improve pathophysiology knowledge as you must make connections with illness and injury at a

faster pace. The years I practice in these different fields will help to prepare me to become a NP.

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