NE ZAM - Cue Sheet (Edit It For Your Zone)

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Zonal Activities Meeting (ZAM) - Cue Sheet

Friday Jan 11, 2019

Center: Zone:
Mahaprasad Time: 06:30 PM to 6:55 PM

# Start Time End Time Program PPT Slide # Description Presenter Remarks

1 7:00 PM 7:01 PM 1 Emcee 1 Swagat SNC/Zone Co.

2 7:01 PM 7:03 PM 2 Stuti, Jaynaad, Seva Prathana 2, 3 Refer PPT SNC/Zone Co.
3 7:03 PM 7:04 PM 1 Emcee 4 Introduce presenter Sabha Sanchalak
4 7:04 PM 7:06 PM 2 ZAM Agenda/Objectives 5 Review Agenda/Objectives of ZAM SNC/Zone Co.
5 7:06 PM 7:21 PM 15 Zone Structure Overview and R&R 6-11 Zone Structure, Announce any new seva roles SNC Please keep the R&R explanation brief. In future we can give detailed R&R
6 7:21 PM 7:41 PM 20 Year 2018 Activities Review 12-21 2018 achievements review Zone Co.
7 7:41 PM 8:06 PM 25 Year 2019 Term 1 : Goals overview 22-30 Review Zonal Activities goals. SNC/Zone Co.
8 8:06 PM 8:07 PM 1 Emcee 31 Breakdout session location Jaherat Sabha Sanchalak
9 8:07 PM 8:52 PM 45 Breakout Session 32 Bhaio-Behno Discussion in their group N/A 3 discussion points have been specified. Capture details in the Excel tracker.
10 8:52 PM 8:59 PM 7 Q&A (All participants) 33 Address any open items SNC/Zone Co.
11 8:59 PM 9:00 PM 1 Purnahuti Slok 34

Key Reminders:
o. Projector, laptop, power supply, clicker
o. Proper seating arrangements where Bhaio & Behno can sit in a classroom style (front ma Bhaio & back ma Behno)
o. For breakdout session - will need two seperate areas - Bhaio & Behno na group discusison mate.
o. Lunch/Dinner arragements.
o. Collect Behno side Data (Goshthi, Zone Structure Karyakars Names)
o. Stri-Purush Maryada Jadvay e rit ni location arragements.

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