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FIRST INFORMATION REPORT (Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.) (rer 154 woe aff eT) 1.District (Rtam-EAST P.S(QTA:SHAKARPUR —Year(er: 2020, FIR No(s.a.PCA.):0171 Date :12104/2020 2. eter) Section(syeret: = PC 1860 188 3. Occurrence of Offence (snr #t e-T}: (a)pay(fe"): SUNDAY Dato From(xte®): 1204/2020 Date To(feates a: 12/04/2020 Time Period (wnat raf Time From (waa @): 19:00 hrs Time To (HHA ee): 19:00 hrs (O)information received at P.S.arar—agt GAT ATAFE): —Date(RErte): 12/04/2020 ‘Time (HHA): 20:44 hrs ()General Diary Reference (zkaratver wey) Entry No,(Hf&R .):038A Date/Time fetter}: 12/04/2020 20:50, 4. Type of information (Guat aT WATE): Wten 5. Place of Occurrence (treaTE=H } (2)Direction and Distance from PS (arat & gf ait Rear): EAST, 25. Krys) Beat Note #) : 02 (6) Address("am): ,SCHOOL BLOCK .SHAKARPUR DELHI {6)In case, Outside the limit ofthe Police Station (aft ar fr & arg): Name of P.S(2r1 118) District 6. Complainant Informant (Ferrara erat): (a)Name(aTmy: SI MAHESH (0)DaterYear of Birth (ara FAR fe Nationality (xterm); INDIA (c)Passport No,(arahé ¥): Date of Issue (aT8 act A FARE): Place of Issue (ar8t ret an ea): (@)Occupation (array: (e)Address(wen): PS SHAKARPUR, DELHI, SHAKARPUR, EAST, DELHI, INDIA 7. Details of Known/Suspect!Unknown accused with full particulars(attach separate sheet if necessary)(aray aftr ara first sar Rar afta avis): = MANOJ KUMAR (SIO) SH S RAM (lO) $-523, GROUND FLOOR, SCHOOL BLOCK PART-1 NEAR JAIN MANDIR SHAKARPUR, DELM, ‘SHAKARPUR, EAST, DELH, INDIA 8. Reason for delay in reporting by the complainantinformant (Praca | saat grr Peake 2 & eof ert eM): NO DELAY 9. Particulars ofthe properties stoleninvolved (attach separate sheet if necessary): SLNo.(53.) Property Type|Description) Est. Valuo(Rs CH= (# #)) 10-Total value of property stolen (a8. ara a pa ATA): ‘Muinquest Report U.D. Case No. if any (ry eo Rea 8. 7. ANE @ Ditict: 887 Ps: simanrun Year, 2 FIRNe: 01 Date: oex0 12.F.LR. Contents (attach separate sheet, f required)(ser quar Feké a2) sft DUTY OFFICER aga PS SHAKARPUR DELHI fadea gat ware @ Fs arr fears 12/04/2020 at a SI Fa grt CT ANUJ NO 3156/E % af COVID-19 CORONA VIRUS @ aaifeter ate areht AeTATe at Aa ‘fa SENIOR OFFICERS grt feat mat Feit @ aeait amr aTert HeA Bq MAIN MARKET SHAKARPUR Tea at St ata aA 4.00PM wR Te sfeF School Block SHAKARPUR & ora fat AreH aa sr SH Tel on fra dh ae ga TE A eT oT a ag sa HS aT Gera EIS OT YoaTS we rat soa MH Manoj Kumar S/O SH. S. Ram R/O HNO S-523, Ground Floor School Block Park -1, Near Jain Mandir Shakarpur Delhi92 AGE 46YRS acerrar srete sree 4 ten aes ACP area Gre Franc Ta ORDER NO 2271-2370/SO-ACP/PREET VIHAR DATE 11/04/2020 DELHI ait geeiert = af-a fear FAGeit aT ‘Jeeta HL HITE U/S 188 IPC ar Peat Bi safes wa SIA eH Bre were Aare wR CT ANUJ NO 3156/E Bro ara RstaraT St eer Bl Te eT A AAMT Oat HAH Ao HAT a serra HEAT SAA a SI Ales OK rae Famed Bl ea er aA a atte -12/04/2020 AT 7.00PM. Beat street at EAT — School Block SHAKARPUR. era #sh4 aT WAT-12/04/2020 AT 07.40 PM.SD ENGLISH SI MAHESH SINGH D-3318 PS SHAKARPUR DELHI DATE 12/04/2020 anrdtarét fete ats are week st agent ae BHAT ost FIR NO-171/20 U/S-188 IPC @=f COMPUTER ah , FIR COPY ¥a_araet agele CT ANUJ KUMAR NO 3156/E grt asz SI MAHEHS SINGH NO.D-3318/E aga fart or wt 81 ea MTT aa STH armen ater ht feat F arate et ASV/DO. 418.Action Taken Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) uls as mentioned at item No. 2: (51 meh orefagh: Ps chen reer rar or @ Fv a sore eZ. sehen Ter a8): (i)Registered the case and took up the investigation: on (an) (necro): (WDirected (Name of the 1.0.)(a afar ram): MAHESH SINGH Rank (se) ‘SI (SUB-INSPECTOR) Nofat.): 16100123, to take up the investigation (a aia sit ara a aa % fay Ear Ear ma) ORC) i) Refused investigation due to(aa & faq): OR (2 arco de Prat a) (iv) Transferred to P.S(name)(arm): District fam: ‘on point of jurisdiction (at Garter & rem Reataea) FR read over tothe complainantinformantadmitted to be correctly recorded and a copy given tothe complainandinformant, free of cost (i eet hm awe TE me, ok A ae a Page oar heh) ROAC (STEAL, 414.Signature / Thumb impression Signature of Officer ‘of the Complainant / informant: (Ferret 1 era 8 eT 1 ats at Phe: Name(Tm): KRISHAN VEER Rank (Wa): ASST. SI (ASSISTANT SUB-INSPECTOR) Nowa): 28884397 415,Date and Time of despatch to the court (arora or ot sates ate a:

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