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Autumn Field

LS 5333 School Library Media Center

Dr. Sarah A. Evans
Community Communication Outline
Part 1 of 4. Information, Audiences, and Formats
List the types of information you know will be important for you to communicate to others as a
school librarian (at least 10 bullet points)
• How the library will integrate technology into library activities and makerspaces.
• Establish collaborative networks with the teachers and staff.
• Professional development offered by the school librarian.
• Copyright information for students and teachers.
• New collection resources and materials.
• Data collected from student and teacher involvement in the library during the previous
school year.
• Information on upcoming library programs.
• Community involvement and partnership.
• Author visits to the school library.
• Makerspace connections to curriculum standards.
• Establish a collaborative environment in the library for students and teachers.
• Provide a collaborative meeting calendar for teachers to sign-up to collaborative and co-
teach with the librarian.
• Library Action Plan to illustrate the areas of library improvement and how these areas
will be assessed at the middle and end of the school year.
• Library’s Vision and Mission statement
• Volunteer Opportunities for parents, families, and community members/organizations.

List the different types of communication tools (digital or analog) you will have access to and
plan to use as a school librarian (at least 5 bullet points)
• Monthly Library Newsletter, digital (sent in school’s monthly parent communication
email and available on the library’s webpage) and analog format (available for school
faculty and administrators).
• Library’s school webpage
• Library’s Twitter profile
• School’s Monthly Parent Communication Email
• QR Codes displayed inside and outside the library, linked to activities & programs
occurring in the school library.
• Flipgrid Application
• School’s Morning Announcements via YouTube
• Information handout (Provided during professional development trainings)
Autumn Field
LS 5333 School Library Media Center
Dr. Sarah A. Evans
• Teacher-Librarian Collaborative Calendar
• Library Volunteer Newsletter (including what is happening in the library for the month,
library programs, and different volunteer opportunities).
• Library Volunteer Sign-Up Calendar

For each type of stakeholder listed below, list the type of information they will likely need and
what you think will be the most effective way(s) to communicate with them. (Note: a single tool
can work for multiple stakeholders and each stakeholder can have more than one best tool.)
Stakeholder Information Needs Communication Tool(s)
Students • New collections available • Library Newsletter (posted by
in the library teachers in the classroom &
• Upcoming library available on the library’s
programs website)
• New makerspace activities • QR codes (displayed around
• Information on researching school and on newsletter)
and citing sources. • Library handout
• School Morning Announcements
Teachers (Classroom • New collections available • Library Newsletter (Available in
& Specialists) in the library digital & analog format)
• Upcoming library • QR codes (displayed around
programs school and on newsletter)
• New makerspace activities • Library’s website
• Collaboration with the • Library’s Collaborative Meeting
librarian. Calendar
• Curriculum Resources • Library’s Read Aloud/Lesson
• Literary Connections for Calendar
Classroom Lessons • Digital Catalog & Spreadsheet
• Library Read (Available for Curriculum
Aloud/Lesson schedule Resource Needs)
• Professional Development • Professional Development
Opportunities given by Calendar
librarian. • School Morning Announcements

Administration • New collections available • Library Newsletter (Available in

in the library digital & analog format)
• Upcoming library • QR codes (displayed around
programs school and on newsletter)
• Data on participant • Library’s website
satisfaction from library • Library’s Collaborative Meeting
programs Calendar
• Curriculum Resources • Library’s Read Aloud/Lesson
• Professional Development Calendar
Opportunities given by
Autumn Field
LS 5333 School Library Media Center
Dr. Sarah A. Evans
• Library’s Vision and • Digital Catalog & Spreadsheet
Mission Statement (Available for Curriculum
• Information on classroom Resource Needs)
involvement in the library. • Professional Development
• Information on Calendar
teacher/librarian • Spread sheet with data on
collaborative meetings. participant satisfaction
• School Morning Announcements
Additional Staff • New collections available • Library Newsletter (Available in
in the library digital & analog format)
• Upcoming library • QR codes (displayed around
programs school and on newsletter)
• New makerspace activities • Library’s website
• Professional Development • Library’s Collaborative Meeting
Opportunities given by Calendar
librarian. • Professional Development
• Collaboration with the Calendar
librarian. • School Morning Announcements
• Curriculum Resources
Parents/Families • New collections available • Library Newsletter (Available in
in the library digital & analog format)
• Upcoming library • QR codes (displayed around
programs school and on newsletter)
• New makerspace activities • Library’s website
occurring in the library. • Library Volunteer Sign-Up
• Volunteer opportunities Calendar
• Library Volunteer Newsletter

Community • New collections available • Library Newsletter (Available in

in the library digital & analog format)
• Upcoming library • QR codes (displayed around
programs school and on newsletter)
• New makerspace activities • Library’s website
occurring in the library. • Library Volunteer Newsletter
• Volunteer opportunities • Library Volunteer Sign-Up
• Community Outreach Calendar
Autumn Field
LS 5333 School Library Media Center
Dr. Sarah A. Evans
Part 2 of 4. Draft a Newsletter
Choose an audience or audiences from the stakeholder table above, then draft out a beginning of
the year newsletter tailored to their needs. Include at least 3 sections with at least one paragraph
each. Insert or simply describe graphics/pictures you would like to use.
(draft your newsletter here)
Audience- Teachers

D.C.E Trailblazers Library Times August 2018

Literary Connections for Classroom Lessons

Teachers, let the library be your support system and guide you through your reading lessons for the
back to school year rut. The library has so many different literary connections available for you and
your students. Our fiction and nonfiction selections have been updated and sorted through over the
summer to better fit your learning objectives. As your librarian, I have worked with my fellow
librarians to find excellent literary connections that zoom in on the grade-level power standards. I
would love to collaborate with you or your team on selecting literacy materials. I have attached the
library’s collaborative meeting calendar for you to sign-up for a one-to-one meeting time.

YAY Images, P. (2018). 16765464 [Digital image]. Retrieved from

YAY Images, P. (2018). 16738304 [Digital image]. Retrieved from

Makerspace Connections to Curriculum Standards

The library is ready to begin the school year off with a variety of makerspaces that connect to
curriculum standards. The district has provided the librarians with a list of power standards for each
grade level that guide the makerspaces in becoming an extension to classroom teaching. We have
developed most of our makerspaces around STEAM related activities, to allow time for our students
to explore, design, and collaborate with their peers. As the school librarian, I invite you and your
Autumn Field
LS 5333 School Library Media Center
Dr. Sarah A. Evans
classroom to the library for a quick overview of the expectations in the makerspace areas and some
time to explore the new activities.

YAY Images, P. (2018).12594598 [Digital image]. Retrieved from

YAY Images, P. (2018).9903142 [Digital image]. Retrieved from

Library Professional Development Opportunities

The library will be providing an array of professional development opportunities throughout the
school year. The professional development sessions will focus on the technology resources
available for teachers and students, how to use the technology in the classroom, copyright policies
and guidelines for students and teachers, information on making the most out of a collaborative
meeting with the librarian, and the student benefits in using the library makerspaces and
collaborative areas with their peers. The library will also be sending out a professional development
survey to teachers to help guide the future of professional development sessions that will be
available to teachers.

YAY Images, P. (2018). 21907366 [Digital image]. Retrieved from

YAY Images, P. (2018). 16762794 [Digital image]. Retrieved from
Autumn Field
LS 5333 School Library Media Center
Dr. Sarah A. Evans
Part 3 of 4. Dream a Website
The parameters of your website will be determined by your school/district policies and software.
But we can always dream! Make a bullet list of the possible content for your future website. Do
this for the homepage and at least two other pages. Reflect back on your stakeholders’ needs as
you work.
Home Page
• Introduction about the librarian
• Library Vision & Mission Statement
• Library Opening Times
• Preview of new books in the library, including pictures of the books along with summary.
• Link to the library’s newsletters and volunteer newsletter
• Information on resources we provide to students, teachers, and families of the school.
• Library Twitter Feed
• Different links to the library’s databases, catalog, library collections, citing sources,
information on what is happening in the library, makerspace information, teacher
collaboration calendar, read aloud calendar, and volunteer opportunities in the library.

Page 1- Focusing on Library Databases & Catalog

• Digital links to library databases- Britannica School Primary, World Book, World Book
Student, World Book Kids, Kids InfoBits, PebbleGo, PebbleGo Next, BrainPop,
BrainPop Jr., NoveList Plus, Discovery Streaming Video, Culture Grams, MackinVia,
TeachingBooks, Britannica ImageQuest, Capstone Interactive, and Gale Databases.
• Library Catalog

Page 2- Information on “What’s Happening in the Library”

• Information on new collections and resources available in the library.
• Information on past and future makerspaces taking place in the library. There will also be
student work previewed in this space to display projects created during makerspace time.
• Information on upcoming library programs.
• “Volunteer Spotlight” showcasing volunteer interaction with students and teachers.

Page 3- Library Interactive Calendars

• Teacher/Librarian Collaborative Calendar Link (School email required to preview
• Classroom Read Aloud Calendar Link (School email required to preview calendar)
• Volunteer Opportunities Calendar Link and Information
Autumn Field
LS 5333 School Library Media Center
Dr. Sarah A. Evans
Part 4 of 4. Calendar Your Communications
Create a calendar of your school year and consider when and how you will maintain
communication with your various stakeholders. The table below is a suggestion, but feel free to
set up a calendar, chart, or list in any way that works for you.

Trailblazers 2018-2019 Library Communication Calendar

Month Students Teachers Admin Staff Families Community
August 8/16/18 8/7/18 N, PD 8/7/18 N, PD 8/7/18 N, 8/13/18 N, 8/20/18 N, VN
MA, N 8/16/18 MA 8/16/18 MA, PD VN
VN 8/16/18 MA
September 9/10/18 9/10/18 MA, 9/10/18 MA, 9/10/18 N, 9/10/18 N, 9/10/18 N, VN
9/12/18 PD 9/12/18 PD 9/12/18 PD
October 10/9/18 10/9/18 MA, 10/9/18 MA, 10/9/18 10/9/18 N, 10/9/18 N, VN
10/16/18 PD 10/16/18 PD 10/16/18 PD
November 11/5/18 11/5/18 MA, 11/5/18 MA, 11/5/18 11/5/18 N, 11/5/18 N, VN
11/13/18 PD 11/13/18 PD 11/13/18 PD
December 12/3/18 12/3/18 MA, 12/3/18 MA, 12/3/18 12/3/18 N, 12/3/18 N, VN
12/11/18 PD 12/11/18 PD 12/11/18 PD
January 1/7/19 MA, 1/7/19 MA, N, 1/7/19 MA, N, 1/7/19 MA, 1/7/19 N, 1/7/19 N, VN
1/15/18 PD 1/15/18 PD 1/15/18 PD
February 2/4/19 MA, 2/4/19 MA, N, 2/4/19 MA, N, 2/4/19 MA, 2/4/19 N, 2/4/19 N, VN
2/12/19 PD 2/12/19 PD 2/12/19 PD
March 3/4/19 MA, 3/4/19 MA, N, 3/4/19 MA, N, 3/4/19 MA, 3/4/19 N, 3/4/19 N, VN
3/20/19 PD 3/20/19 PD 3/20/19 PD
April 4/1/19 MA, 4/1/19 MA, N, 4/1/19 MA, N, 4/1/19 MA, 4/1/19 N, 4/1/19 N, VN
4/16/19 PD 4/16/19 PD 4/16/19 PD
May 5/6/19 MA, 5/6/19 MA, N, 5/6/19 MA, N, 5/6/19 MA, 5/6/19 N, 5/6/19 N, VN
5/14/19 PD 5/14/19 PD 5/14/19 PD

• N- Library Monthly Newsletter
• VN- Volunteer Monthly Newsletter
• PD- Professional Development Training
• MA- Morning Announcement with Library Info.
• QR- Updated Library Information via QR Codes
Autumn Field
LS 5333 School Library Media Center
Dr. Sarah A. Evans
Statement of Changes:
The first peer suggestion was to proof read over the second section of the draft to check for
spelling errors. I went back to section two of the document and correct a few spelling and
grammatical errors to make the sentences flow more smoothly. The second peer suggestion was
to change the pictures in the newsletter to pictures from my school’s website. I added the
school’s logo to the title of the newsletter. I would have added pictures of students using the
library but our school is currently out for summer break and the library’s website did not have
any pictures available. The last peer review was to add information in the calendar about how
often I would be changing the QR codes in the library. I added the QR symbol to the calendar
key and inserted the dates of when I would be changing the library’s QR codes.

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