Gait & Posture: Katharine E. Forth, Matthew J. Fiedler, William H. Paloski

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Gait & Posture 33 (2011) 715–717

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Short communication

Estimating functional stability boundaries for bipedal stance

Katharine E. Forth a, Matthew J. Fiedler b, William H. Paloski c,d,*
Universities Space Research Association, Houston, TX, USA
Wyle Integrated Science and Engineering Group, Houston, TX, USA
NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA
University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA


Article history: We propose a technique to estimate functional limits of stability (LOS) during bipedal stance using a
Received 16 March 2010 controlled, low speed, voluntary leaning protocol requiring feet to remain in contact with the ground.
Received in revised form 22 December 2010 LOS are estimated from ellipses fit to center-of-mass position data obtained during the leaning protocol.
Accepted 26 December 2010
The LOS of nine healthy subjects were found to be 20–59% closer to the center of stance than the more
frequently used anatomical boundaries and were reduced by closing the eyes. We conclude that
Keywords: functional stability boundaries should be used when the outcome measure is related to fall risk.
Balance control
Published by Elsevier B.V.
Stability limits
Stability margin

1. Introduction technique for estimating the functional LOS using a controlled, low
speed, voluntary leaning protocol requiring feet to remain in
Traditional postural stability measures focus on deviations of continuous contact with the ground.
the center-of-mass (COM) from the center of the base-of-support.
2. Methods
However, introduction of spatial [1] and temporal [2] stability
margins has increased the need to accurately estimate the limits of 2.1. Subjects
stability (LOS) because the functional accuracy of stability margin Nine healthy subjects (four males, five females; ages 25–39 years) participated in
estimates depends on the accuracy of LOS estimates. For example, this study, which was approved by the Johnson Space Center CPHS, after providing
studies employing time-to-boundary (TTB), an increasingly popu- written informed consent.
lar temporal stability margin estimator, frequently define the
stability boundary at the outer edges of the feet [2–4]. However, an 2.2. Procedure
individual’s functional stability boundary during bipedal stance is Height, weight, and foot dimensions were measured before testing began (Table
more likely an ellipse much smaller than the base of support [3,5– 1). Foot lengths and widths were measured using a Brannock device. Forefoot and
7], so true TTB is often overestimated. While this may be of little hindfoot lengths were measured from the center of the medial malleolus to the
consequence to basic studies of posture control, it should be of posterior or anterior extent of the foot, respectively. Subjects then stood upon thin
(<1 mm) pressure-sensing material (TekScan Inc., Boston, MA) atop the forceplate
concern to clinical studies addressing fall risks, as TTB over-
of a posturography system (NeuroCom International, Clackamas, OR) with feet
estimates translate directly to fall risk underestimates. parallel to the anterior–posterior (AP) body axis and medial malleoli aligned with
Functional LOS have been estimated previously using leaning the forceplate center axis. Stance width was measured between the medio-lateral
protocols [3,6,8,9], but inconsistencies in techniques may have midpoints of each foot. Throughout testing, center-of-pressure (COP) data and foot-
limited the accuracy and reproducibility of the estimates due to ground contact pressures were recorded at 100 Hz.

fast leaning circles [9], failure to monitor [3,5] or allowing loss of

2.3. Limits of stability testing
foot contact with ground [6,8,9], and/or constructing ellipses from
limited data samples [3,8]. In this note, we propose an alternative Subjects performed eight 35 s LOS trials: four with eyes open (EO) and four with
eyes closed (EC). They began each trial standing quietly upright with arms crossed
at the chest for 3–5 s. They then leaned forward (slowly) as far as possible while
maintaining heel contact with the forceplate, and, after reaching this forward
stability limit, began moving their bodies slowly and evenly to the left (counter-
* Corresponding author at: Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research,
clockwise) or right (clockwise) while leaning as far away from center as possible
University of Houston, 3855 Holman St., Garrison 104, Houston, TX 77204, USA.
without flexing knee or hip joints or raising the toes or heels of either foot (Fig. 1,
Tel.: +1 713 743 9272; fax: +1 713 743 9860.
top). After completing a full 3608 arc, they slowly returned to the upright (center)
E-mail address: (W.H. Paloski).

0966-6362/$ – see front matter . Published by Elsevier B.V.

716 K.E. Forth et al. / Gait & Posture 33 (2011) 715–717

Table 1
Subject characteristics.

Subjects N Weight (Kg) Height (cm) Foot length (cm) Forefoot (cm) Hindfoot (cm) Foot width (cm) Stance width (cm)

Males 4 77.6  3.3 178.9  4.8 27.5  1.1 20.1  0.9 7.4  1.0 10.3  0.5 25.1  1.5
Females 5 55.7  8.4 161.9  4.0 24.3  0.5 18.2  0.8 6.1  0.4 9.4  0.4 25.5  1.4
Total 9 65.4  13.1 169.5  9.8 25.7  1.9 19.1  1.3 6.6  1.0 9.8  0.6 25.3  1.4

Values are mean  SD.

position. For each vision condition, movement direction was randomly assigned on
the first trial, and then alternated between left and right.

2.4. Data reduction and analysis

COM position was estimated by low-pass filtering the COP time series data for
each trial using a phaseless 2nd order Butterworth FIR filter with a cutoff frequency
at 0.85 Hz (Matlab 7, the MathWorks, Natick, MA). Data were then removed from
the initial and final lean periods (from/to center) and from each period when the
subject’s feet lost full contact with the support surface (pressure <0.07 Pa under
heel or ball of either foot; Fig. 1, middle). Average LOS boundaries were estimated by
fitting an unconstrained ellipse to the concatenated COM position data for each
visual condition using a numerically stable least squares fitting technique [10], and
functional stability boundaries were defined by the mean + 2SD LOS ellipse (Fig. 1,
bottom). SD was determined from differences between the individual data points
and the best-fit ellipse, and 2SD was added to the major and minor ellipse axes to
create the mean + 2SD ellipse. Repeated measures analysis was used to examine
differences in LOS between vision conditions. Data are expressed as mean  SD and
statistical significance was accepted at p < 0.05.

3. Results

The LOS ellipse center locations and axes orientations were

unchanged between EO and EC, and the axes were closely aligned
with the cardinal body axes (rotation angle = 1.4  3.78 with EO and
1.5  3.38 with EC). The functional stability boundaries defined by
these axes were smaller than the corresponding anatomical
boundaries with EO, particularly in the posterior direction: anterior
boundary = 80.0  7.8% of forefoot length, posterior
boundary = 41.0  10.6% of the hindfoot length, and ML
boundary = 73.5  7.3% of the stance width plus foot width. Each
of these boundaries was reduced significantly by closing the eyes:
anterior boundary = 77.1  7.6% of forefoot length, posterior
boundary = 31.2  10.9% of the hindfoot length, and ML
boundary = 69.0  9.7% of the stance width plus foot width, as was
the area of the functional stability ellipse (363  54 cm2 with EO vs.
321  65 cm2 with EC).

4. Discussion

The functional stability boundary region during bipedal stance

appears to be well described by an ellipse [3,5–7]. Our results
suggest that reproducible, individual functional stability bound-
aries can be easily obtained in about 3–5 min using our proposed
leaning protocol (Fig. 1). While it remains unclear what (if any)
limits the posture control systems use during dynamic activities,
and it seems clear that most people can maintain balance (at least
momentarily) when one or more heels or toes lose contact with the
support surface, we suggest that requiring the feet to be always in
contact with the ground improves reliability of the estimates and
sets a minimal boundary limit that even frail or movement
disordered people can achieve.
The relatively low variability (10–20%) across subjects in the
boundary locations as a percentage of foot/stance dimensions
Fig. 1. Example COM position data from four sequential EC LOS trials showing suggests that it might be possible to define normalized stability
orientation with respect to feet. Top: Raw data tracing from the 1st trial. Arrows show limits that would obviate the need to perform leans testing on
direction of motion, beginning at the solid triangle and ending at the solid circle. every future subject. However, the current sample was limited to
Middle: Trimmed data from 1st trial. Same as top, but with data removed from initial healthy individuals having relatively narrow ranges of age and
and final leans (to/from center) as well as any time when the heel or ball of either foot
lost contact with the support surface. Bottom: Concatenated trimmed data from all
anthropometrics, so these results would not be fully adequate for
four trials, with best-fit COP ellipse (solid line) and proposed functional stability limit that purpose. Also, the observed alignment of the axes of the LOS
(+2SD ellipse; dotted line). Note: the grid lines in each panel are spaced 5 cm apart. ellipses with the cardinal body axes may not hold for all
K.E. Forth et al. / Gait & Posture 33 (2011) 715–717 717

populations. Misalignment of these axes might be expected in Conflict of interest

those having biomechanical or sensorimotor control problems.
The reduction in functional stability limits during EC trials, None of the authors has any financial or personal conflicts of
which has been reported previously [3], suggests that these limits interest in relation to the submission, other people, or any
are not purely biomechanical, but are affected by available sensory organizations.
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