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Elementary Placement Zoom Notes with Rachel Hunt, Laurie Davis, Staci Payne, and Kristen Toll

 Classroom Management
-Love and Logic
-Sometimes you just have to push through classes that you don’t like
-If younger students are messing around with their instrument, take it for the rest of

 Kodaly training for secondary??? –Look this up!

 Creating connections with students

-Get to know the Junior leaders
-Invite them for cookies/pop after school just to sit down and get to know them
-Even during planning period, attempt to keep your door open

 Reach out to Amanda Jolly

 Starting class with something very simple every day to create muscle memory---Use this
for 5th/6th grade instrumental

 Administration
-Give them the benefit of the doubt. Bring them a solution

 Be a part of the school. Volunteer, but don’t overwork yourself. Instead of saying
yes/no, say “Give me some time to think about it”.

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