Trabajo de Ingles

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1. Say whether the following statetments are true (T) or false (F).

a. Kobe started playing for NBA when he was eighteen. (T)

b. In his first game he scored 60 points.(F)

c. He won the championship for three times and was the leading scorer for five times.(V)

d. His last game for the Los Angeles Lakers was against the Utah Jazz.(V)

e. In 2013, he had an injury in his ankle.(V)

f. Lebron James has been one of his biggest rivals.(V)

g. One of his dreams was to participate in the Olympic games.(F)

h. Magic Johnson said Bryant had a very positive influence in baskeball.(V)

i. Bryant gave himself the nickname of Black Mamba.(V)

j. Bryant played professional basketball for thirty years.(F)

B) Match these words with their meaning.

1. score A. An activity or sport that people play,

usually with rules and
needing skill.

2. scoreless B. A contest or series of games to determine

a championship, as
between the winners of two competitions

3. scorer C. A group of teams that compete against

each other in a sport.

4. league D. any act of throwing or hitting something,

as in certain sports.

5. season E. The number of points/goals someone

gets in a game.

6. shot F. Someone who scores a point or goal in a


7. game G. no goals or points are scored

8. playoff H. A period during which a particular sport

takes place.
C) Watch the next video and answer the questions.

1. Write the definition in English of the next words: Behaviour – Challenge- Figure out –
Persevere –

Greatness- Persistence- Accomplish-Effort.

# Behaviour: It is called as behavior all the reactions that living beings have in relation to the
environment in which they are.

#Challenge: The term challenge can be understood in several ways. In the first place, a
challenge can be understood as that which constitutes a challenge, a goal to be achieved and
which becomes a priority.

# Figure out: refers to the action of discovering content that is written in unknown characters
or codes.

# Persevere: Perseverance is known as the value that some human beings have in their actions
and that implies perseverance, firmness and tenacity in achieving something, whether it is a
proposed goal, such as graduating from a study career that has selected

# Greatness: Greatness is a concept of a state of superiority that affects a person or an object

in a certain place or area. Greatness can also refer to individuals who possess a natural ability
to be better than everyone else.

#persiatence: Persistence shows the capacity for perseverance of those who have tenacity and
willpower. That is, they have very clear ideas and fight to achieve what they set out to do.

# Accomplish: to do is to make something effective and real. It is a term that we use daily and
that undoubtedly alludes to much of what we do in our daily work.

#effort: It is considered a virtue of mind, related to the strength or determination with which
we face a difficulty or aim to achieve a goal.

2. How did Kobe define greatness?

-He define the greatness as something that never going to die

greatness inspire a lot of people and it's a chalenge in our lives

greatness inspires to all people to be better in your goals

3. Which and whose quote was an inspiration for Kobe Bryant’s career?

-reset at the end,not in the middle

4. By the interview time, what were Kobe’s best moments? Why?

Kobe's best moments were when he found love

the first time he played basketball

5. How did Kobe describe love?

he define the love as a travel and It is also the greatest happiness

6. How did Kobe perceive losing?

losing is a way to gain experience and be better

7. How did he learn most of the strategies he performed in the games?

he always saw what was wrong and he took that experience to improve

8. Write your opinion about Kobe’s thoughts in the interview.

greatness will always inspire people to reach their goals

losing always helps us to be closer to our goal

love is something that you never know is going to happen is something that surprises you

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