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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: Flood-Resilient Waterfront Development in New York City

Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City:

Bridging flood insurance, building codes, and flood zoning
Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts and W.J. Wouter Botzen
Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Address for correspondence: Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts and W.J. Wouter Botzen, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), De
Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Waterfronts are attractive areas for many—often competing—uses in New York City (NYC) and are seen as multi-
functional locations for economic, environmental, and social activities on the interface between land and water.
The NYC waterfront plays a crucial role as a first line of flood defense and in managing flood risk and protecting
the city from future climate change and sea-level rise. The city of New York has embarked on a climate adaptation
program (PlaNYC) outlining the policies needed to anticipate the impacts of climate change. As part of this policy,
the Department of City Planning has recently prepared Vision 2020: New York City Comprehensive Waterfront Plan
for the over 500 miles of NYC waterfront (NYC-DCP, 2011). An integral part of the vision is to improve resilience to
climate change and sea-level rise. This study seeks to provide guidance for advancing the goals of NYC Vision 2020
by assessing how flood insurance, flood zoning, and building code policies can contribute to waterfront development
that is more resilient to climate change.
Keywords: waterfront; flood; New York City; building codes; flood zoning; insurance; NFIP

Lists of Abbreviations: ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers; BFE, base flood elevation; BFL, base floor
level; CEDS, Cadastral-based Expert Dasymetric System; CRS, Community Rating System; CWP, comprehensive
waterfront plan; CZM, Coastal Zone Management Act; DCP, New York City Department of City Planning; DEC,
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; DEM, digital elevation model; DFE, design flood
elevation; DoITT, Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications; FAR, floor area ratio; FEMA,
Federal Emergency Management Agency; FIRMs, flood insurance rate maps; LIRR, Long Island Rail Road; MNRR,
Metro-North Railroad; MOMA, Museum of Modern Art; MTA, Metropolitan Transportation Authority; NFIP,
National Flood Insurance Program; NYC, New York City; NYS, New York State; OEM, Organization for Emergency
Management; OSR, open space ratio; PAD, property address directory; SEQRA, State Environmental Quality Review
Act; SFHA, special flood hazard area; SOC, structural occupancy category; TDRs, transfer of development rights;
TFA, tradable floor area

Extended Summary Insurance Program (NFIP) coordinated by the Fed-

eral Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the
The main outcome of this study is that flood-zoning
NYC Department of Buildings, and the NYC De-
policies, flood insurance, and building codes are
partment of City Planning to ensure that all existing
powerful tools for controlling changing future land
regulations are applied with maximum efficiency.
use, and hence the potential vulnerability of land
International examples of such cooperation are pre-
use to flood risks. Waterfronts are already subject to
sented together with how such cooperation would
many more zoning and insurance regulations than
apply to the situation in New York City.
landward areas, and waterfronts with a mixed use are
more complex to design. This study has, therefore,
focused on recommendations that are rooted in ex- The NFIP and climate change
isting legislation on flood insurance, zoning policies, The federal government provides flood insurance
and building codes. It also illustrates the need for through the NFIP in the United States, which
improved cooperation among the National Flood insures a value of about US$31.6 billion in New
doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06074.x
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 
c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 1
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

York State (NYS) and US$8 billion in New York City ning is to take into account future flood-risk maps
(NYC). FEMA administers the program, sets flood (e.g., the future 1/100 year floodplain) in flood in-
insurance premiums, and sets minimum building surance, zoning, and building code policies. Cur-
standards on the basis of the special flood hazard rently, FEMA produces flood hazard maps that show
areas (SFHA: the 1/100 flood zone). The NFIP is the 1/100 year flood zone. This task consists of de-
an important program for achieving risk reduction lineating flood hazard areas, mapping floodways,
because it imposes the minimum requirements for flood elevations, and flood velocity. These studies
local governments’ flood zoning and flood building form the basis for creating flood insurance rate maps
codes, and it provides incentives to homeowners (FIRMs).
to invest in risk reduction beyond these minimum In view of climate change, the geographical ex-
standards. The NFIP sets the minimum building re- tent of the 1/100 year flood zone is likely to in-
quirements in the 1/100 flood zone, and the local crease, and insurance and zoning regulations could
governments are allowed to impose zoning regula- be made applicable to what is expected to be the
tions and building codes in addition to these min- future 1/100 year floodplain. Knowing the future
imum standards. For example, the base flood el- 1/100 flood zone offers the possibility to impose the
evation (BFE) level of the 1/100 flood is used to same requirements that apply to the current 1/100
determine the minimum height of the ground floor year flood zone, such as the elevation of new build-
of new structures in the SFHA. ings and floodproofing measures, to the future 1/100
The NFIP has been quite successful in providing year flood zone. Such a policy could ensure that ad-
flood insurance to many households in the United equate mitigation measures be undertaken in what
States to which flood insurance would otherwise is expected to be the future floodplain. Each new de-
not be available. Furthermore, the NFIP has been velopment or revitalization program could then be
rather effective in limiting the vulnerability of new overlaid with the future 1/100 flood zone maps, and
constructions to flood hazards through floodproof- the current NFIP regulation with BFE requirements
ing measures. By contrast, the program is generally could be applied to these future flood zones. Cur-
evaluated as being ineffective in limiting new rently, freeboard is added for certain new construc-
developments in high-risk areas and in reducing the tions in the current 1/100 year flood zone, which
vulnerability of existing buildings to flood hazards. means additional elevation of the base floor level
In addition, many buildings that are exposed to (BFL) above the BFE level determined by FEMA.
flooding but are located outside the 1/100 year flood Freeboard is, however, not required for buildings
zone are not covered by the NFIP. This indicates currently outside this zone that are expected to be
that there is a need for an assessment of how zoning within the 1/100 year flood zone in the future. Al-
policies can be better geared toward reducing flood lowing for freeboard in the future 1/100 zones an-
risk. ticipates future climate risk. Apart from mapping
Climate change or other future developments, future flood zones, it is also recommended that ex-
such as urban development, are not addressed in pected damage be mapped, using catastrophe mod-
the NFIP. The general recommendation for the NFIP els, and the expertise of insurance companies and
program is the need for a thorough assessment of academics in these risk assessments.
how the NFIP can be geared toward accommo- An alternative policy to mapping the future 1/100
dating and ameliorating the impact of increased flood zone is to regulate not only the current 1/100
flood risk. Moreover, there seems to be consider- flood zone, but also other flood zones, such as the
able scope to improve the current program even if current 1/500 year flood zone. The advantage of do-
flood risk would not increase as a result of climate ing this is to avoid a discussion on the selection of
change. a climate change scenario that determines the cal-
culation of the future 1/100 flood zone. Regulating
Cooperation between the NFIP and NYC the current 1/500 year flood zone may be justified
zoning policies by the high number of flood losses that have already
An important recommendation for improved co- occurred in that zone, and the arbitrary nature of
operation among the NFIP, the NYC Department of the decision of the NFIP to regulate only the 1/100
Buildings, and the NYC Department of City Plan- year flood zone.

2 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences.
Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Flood insurance rate maps NFIP. It seems unlikely, however, that the current
FIRMs are often inaccurate, which results in pre- grant programs will free up sufficient financial re-
miums that do not completely reflect actual risk. sources to finance the required climate adaptation
Moreover, the decision not to map certain risks, policies for the NYC waterfronts. Moreover, the
such as the failure of flood protection, results in an grants mainly focus on mitigating flood damage to
underestimation of flood risk and premiums that are existing buildings.
too low, which contributes to the operating losses
Increasing the market penetration of the NFIP
experienced by the NFIP and distorts incentives for
The market penetration of flood insurance is rather
damage mitigation measures. Moreover, the lack of
low, which is an impediment for using insurance
detail of the maps is problematic for local govern-
to stimulate flood-risk reduction measures, such as
ments if they wish to implement stricter building
premium discounts. The low market penetration
codes than the NFIP regulations and regulate land
has, moreover, the adverse effect of impairing the
use in floodplains.
spread of risk, which generally results in higher pre-
A continuous process of updating maps may be
miums for the remaining pool of insured. If climate
especially important not only if risk changes over
change increases flood risk, then this would im-
time because of socioeconomic developments in
ply that more uninsured households would suffer
floodplains, as has been the case in the past, but
flood damage, which would either increase the need
also if there are changes in the frequency and inten-
for federal disaster assistance or leave many house-
sity of the flood hazard due to changes in precipi-
holds uncompensated and in financial distress. This
tation, storms, and sea-level rise. The availability of
problem can be resolved in three main ways: (1)
accurate and up-to-date FEMA flood hazard maps
more strictly enforce the mandatory purchase re-
is important in steering appropriate waterfront de-
quirement for homeowners with federally backed
velopment in NYC.
mortgages who live in the 1/100 year flood zone; (2)
Premiums and base flood elevation make insurance compulsory in the expected future
The NFIP provides homeowners an incentive to in- 1/100 year zone or a current flood zone with a larger
vest in elevation of their property above the BFE level flood return interval, such as the 1/500 year zone,
because this can lower their premiums. It is recom- given that the 1/100 year flood zone is expected
mended, however, that the NFIP should reevaluate to increase in the future; (3) alternatively, cover-
flood insurance premium discounts for buildings in age against flooding could be made compulsory in
A zones, because A zone discounts effectively cease all existing building and home contents insurance
at 1 to 2 ft above the BFE, but a higher elevation policies that, for example, cover fire risks.
is desirable owing to climate change. Furthermore,
Setting risk-based insurance premiums
increasing flood risk coverage because of climate
In general, the premiums of the NFIP do not com-
change requires updates of FIRMs over time and
pletely reflect risk. Incentives for homeowners to
will imply a shift in the zone classification for many
implement risk reduction measures are distorted
properties. The current regulation for such prop-
if premiums do not accurately reflect risk, which
erties is that property owners who are remapped
can be especially troublesome if more investments
to a more costly zone classification are charged the
in mitigation are needed in the future because of
lower insurance premium of the former flood zone,
increased risk. The NFIP could set actuarially fair
which is also referred to as grandfathering. It may,
premiums that are high enough to not only cover
therefore, be considered necessary to abolish this
losses in an average loss year, but that are also, on
grandfathering mechanism, since it would result in
average, capable of covering losses of catastrophic
an increase in subsidized policies over time.
floods, and could better differentiate premiums
FEMA mitigation grants according to the actual flood risk faced by poli-
FEMA has been actively involved with funding flood cyholders. Moreover, the current subsidies given to
prevention through state and local governments in premiums of pre-FIRM buildings could be phased
their efforts to mitigate potential flood damage to out over time. Changing the premium structure
structures. The availability of the grant programs of the NFIP by charging homeowner’s premiums
is often a motivation for communities to join the that fully reflect risk raises important equity and

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c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 3
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

affordability issues. Some form of income support limits, which prohibits buildings from increasing
or compensation could be given to low-income their elevation above a maximum height. A logical
households that would face large rate increases. next step would be to eliminate this zoning penalty.
However, in order to provide adequate incentives To eliminate it requires a zoning text amendment,
for risk reduction, any treatment should come from which must go through a public review process. The
public funding, for example, in the form of tax in- public might be concerned about allowing high-rise
centives or insurance vouchers and not from subsi- buildings on the waterfront. It would ultimately be
dies on insurance premiums. up to the City Planning Commission and then the
City Council to approve the text amendment.
Long-term insurance
The short-term nature of the current flood insur- Existing buildings: restrictions and
ance policies of only one year may restrain active enforcement
collaboration between insurers and policyholders For existing buildings, set-back, relocation, or ele-
in reducing exposure to flooding. Several scientific vation in areas at danger of flooding is perceived as
experts have suggested introducing long-term flood infeasible. There are, however, a few policies relating
insurance contracts with a duration of, for example, to existing buildings that could enhance flood re-
5, 10, or 20 years that are tied to properties instead of silience. First, additional regulation could stimulate
individuals. Such a long-term contract would estab- homeowners to implement measures to floodproof
lish a long-term relationship between insurers and telephone and electricity switchboards, and heating
policyholders, which gives both parties incentives to and gas installations above the BFE level. Second, al-
implement cost-effective risk-reducing measures. A terations of buildings in certain high-risk areas can
challenge for long-term policies is how to price fu- be limited (e.g., V zones—high risk coastal areas),
ture risk if the risk landscape changes as a result although this is difficult to implement.
of climate change. Further research could examine
whether climate change projections are currently Lowering urban density
sufficiently reliable to price future flood risk. An option is to preserve—or encourage—open
space on lots in order to reduce flood risk by limiting
Restrictions for vital infrastructure the buildings’ footprints. For this, zoning controls
Infrastructure damage is not adequately addressed such as the open space ratio (OSR) and lot cover-
by the NFIP, although potential flood damage is, age exist, which are now only applied to residential
for the most part, determined by the infrastructure areas. The option of further stimulating a market-
at risk. The NFIP only recommends restrictions for based system of tradable floor area (TFA) in order to
the development of critical infrastructure through shift the potential new floor area to nearby landward
the Community Rating System (CRS), but these rec- lots is not seen as a feasible option. In NYC, density
ommendations are not strictly enforced. The reason can be traded between high-risk waterfront proper-
for the limited involvement of the NFIP in reducing ties and lower-risk properties further inland if the
the vulnerability of infrastructure to flooding is that properties are adjacent to one another. The prob-
infrastructure is not covered in its flood insurance lem with that approach is that it is uncertain which
policies. Additional zoning policies could describe properties will accept the increased density; hence
which type of infrastructure can be assigned as crit- this mechanism does not lend itself to controlled
ical, and clearly divide responsibilities between the flood risk–reducing measures.
NFIP and NYC concerning the enforcement of zon-
ing restrictions. Infrastructure
Large parts of the infrastructure system in NYC (e.g.,
Adjusting zoning controls
rail, subway, airports, naval bases) lie within the cur-
Eliminating the zoning building height penalty rent 1/100 and 1/500 flood zones and determine for
The zoning resolution could provide additional flex- a large part the potential flood damage of a coastal
ibility for buildings in flood-risk areas to allow for storm surge. Zoning policies and especially build-
freeboard, indicating the additional elevation of the ing codes should, therefore, better address flood risk
BFL above the FEMA BFE level in order to earn a for at least critical infrastructure projects. This is
discount on insurance premiums. However, these sometimes a difficult issue because infrastructure
elevated buildings are also subject to zoning height planning often does not involve a formal role for

4 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

government agencies. However, there is scope for the open water for waterfront development or protec-
improved fine-tuning and cooperation among agen- tion in exchange for creating (added) environmental
cies involved in developing zoning policies and NFIP values elsewhere through new wetlands or artificial
policies and transportation authorities; for example, reefs.
tunnel entrances and ventilation grates can be pro- Recent research supports the notion that modifi-
tected and/or elevated. Furthermore, NFIP restric- cations in the open water zone and intertidal wet-
tions for the development of critical infrastructure land area should be evaluated to determine whether
are only encouraged through the CRS but are not waterfront activities can enhance the resilience to
enforced. A common policy could aim at describing climate change. Many such modifications, however,
what infrastructure can be assigned as critical. require discretionary permits. Currently, the man-
ner in which NYS environmental regulations have
Waterfront development and environmental been administered has effectively prohibited any wa-
legislation terfront development into open water space.
Climate change and sea-level rise place an additional
burden on waterfront developments and policies, Building codes
and the challenge is to create a greener waterfront The NFIP determines minimum building code stan-
that is more resilient to climate change and attrac- dards, but, in addition, NYC has designed its own
tive for business and residents. One issue is that both building codes that can go beyond these mini-
urban development and flood protection measures mum standards. The building codes apply to new
(e.g., levees and flood walls) are often perceived as structures and substantial improvements to existing
activities that disturb environmental values. Hence, structures. Building regulations apply only to resi-
the challenge is to develop the waterfront in such dential properties, commercial properties, and sport
a way that it enhances flood protection levels by stadiums, for example, but not to public infrastruc-
applying measures that also improve environmen- ture, such as the subway. The additional flood build-
tal values. This study, therefore, recommends that ing code regulation for NYC consists of three main
those waterfront areas should be prioritized where components: (1) building above the BFE level (free-
coastal flood protection and nature preservation can board) required by the NFIP, (2) dry as well as wet
be co-developed, and, hence, where local govern- floodproofing, and (3) requirements per flood zone
ment and the state and federal environmental and for four different types of buildings. These specific
coastal zone policies have mutual interests. Such requirements apply to the 1/100 year flood zones,
an approach could be addressed through better in- but differ between A and the coastal V flood zone.
tegrating federal and state coastal zone protection Moreover, building codes are stricter for certain cat-
into local waterfront revitalization programs. The egories of buildings (up to four categories exist) that
support for environmentally based flood protection have a higher hazard of human life in case of failure,
to anticipate climate change receives support from such as hospitals.
communities, as has been communicated during the In A zones, elevation is needed in low-lying areas
borough workshops initiated for the City Council’s except for storage, parking, the building access, or a
Vision 2020. crawlspace. The design flood elevation (DFE) equals
The rationale for such an approach is that these the BFE level of the 1/100 year flood for building cat-
multifunctional land use developments need new egories I and II, while it is, respectively, 1 ft and 2
planning regulations and urban designs that allow ft higher for building categories III and IV. Below
for a less rigid boundary between land and water. this DFE level, wet floodproofing is required for all
This implies that, in some instances, to compen- building categories according to their specific DFE
sate for the loss of urban space, the land–water level. Instead of wet floodproofing, dry floodproof-
boundary should be moved landward and in some ing is possible in certain cases for all building cate-
instances seaward. Moreover, most environmental gories according to their specific DFE level, except
values are found in creating (shallow) gradients be- for residential buildings for which dry floodproof-
tween land and water. International examples show ing is not allowed. Building requirements are stricter
how the mechanism of “environmental compensa- in V flood zones because these are coastal areas that
tion” is applied in cases where it is permitted to use are subject to high-velocity wave action. The waves

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Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

have to be able to flow underneath the buildings, be further examined how ease of accessibility to
which can be done by building on adequately an- these elevated buildings can be guaranteed for dis-
chored pilings or columns. The DFE is the same as abled persons, for example, by making ramps or
the BFE of the 1/100 year flood for building cate- elevating streets. Moreover, design and public realm
gories I and II, while it is, respectively, 1 ft higher for considerations for adding freeboard need to be
building categories III and IV if the flood is located explored.
parallel to the direction of waves, and 2 ft higher
Cost of damage mitigation
if it is perpendicular. Only flood damage–resistant
Jones et al. (2006) conducted an extensive study
materials and finishes can be used below the DFE,
for estimating the costs of flood damage mitigation
and dry floodproofing is not allowed.
measures. They concluded that for new residential
Current regulations could be made stricter on
buildings, the additional costs of adding freeboard
the basis of the existing flood hazard maps. For ex-
to the at-BFE building cost are estimated to be be-
ample, it would be useful to explore more strict
tween 0.8% and 1.5% per foot of freeboard in a ma-
foundation standards, especially in the current A
sonry wall with an interior pier (crawlspace) foun-
flood zones. For example, some of the foundation
dation, between 0.8% and 3.0% per foot of free-
standards that currently exist in the stricter regu-
board in a fill foundation, and between 0.25% and
lated V zones could be made applicable to A zones.
0.5% per foot of freeboard in a pile or masonry pier
Moreover, all buildings in the 1/100 year A flood
zones can be elevated, with the bottom of the low-
est horizontal supporting structural member above Flood protection and architecture
the flood protection level, as currently applies to Several examples exist where waterfront develop-
the V flood zones. Furthermore, in NYC it would ment has been combined with flood protection
be useful to add additional freeboard to the current measures. For example, the city of Tokyo (Japan)
elevation requirements. For example, currently no has been experimenting with a fail-proof, low-
freeboard is required for category II buildings, while maintenance levee for the protection of urban areas.
this is advised by the American Society of Civil Engi- These “super-levees” improve on the typical levee by
neers’ (ASCE) 24 standard (+1 ft) and NYS building widening its footprint and reducing the backslope
codes (+2 ft). This would improve protection for to a low gradient. The stabilized and strengthened
many buildings against floods, since these category sides can be developed, extending the urban devel-
II building regulations cover most residential build- opment area to the top of the levee and allowing
ings. The city government could adopt the ASCE easier visual and physical access to the water. In
standard for category II buildings, which is more Japan, these developments are high rise and inter-
stringent than the federal regulations. For the eval- woven with parks, open spaces, and wetlands that
uation of the NFIP, Jones et al. (2006) conducted are scarce throughout much of the city. There are
cost–benefit analyses of adding freeboard up to 4 problems with finding space to develop such wide
feet. The analyses have been performed for various levees and with the demand for large amounts of
discount rates, flood conditions, elevation methods, fill material. Some of the fill can be offset by in-
and damage functions. The results show that most cluding parking and service structures in the body
of the time, the benefits of freeboard in terms of re- of the levee. For the NYC area, this would imply a
duced flood vulnerability exceed its costs, especially joint effort among local, state, and federal govern-
for coastal V flood zones. This analysis has been ments, especially the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
conducted for single-family homes, and further re- However, the Japanese example shows that protect-
search needs to determine whether similar results ing cities from floods with super-levees is feasible
apply to other building types. Therefore, it is ad- and affordable. Waterfront developments on super-
visable that NYC adopt the freeboard requirement levees are technically feasible and this does not nec-
of NYS of at least 2 ft above BFE and also consider essarily mean that they are shut off from the water,
adding freeboard up to 4 feet. Adding freeboard as is often perceived.
to the building regulations of waterfront develop- In the city of Hamburg (Germany), an old port
ment could be a fruitful measure to make water- facility has been rebuilt and an entire new waterfront
fronts more resilient to climate change. It should has been elevated to a height of about 20 feet. Above

6 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

this elevation, residential housing is permitted, and with government experts in NYC have revealed that
a service and emergency road system exist at 20 ft to the CRS is not attractive for a highly densely popu-
maintain accessibility in case of a flood. The ground lated area such as NYC.
floors are occupied by parking lots and businesses A coordinated effort is needed between insurers
that can be sealed off with steel doors in case of and governmental planners to develop a more com-
a flood. High-rise waterfront development can be prehensive flood management plan, which would
promising for NYC in some locations, as visualized outline the effects of climate change, alternative so-
in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) exhibition lutions, and costs and benefits of the different strate-
on flood risk-only architectural innovations, such gies. Internationally, examples can be found in the
as evacuation routes, public access to the shore, and city of Paris, where an integrated flood manage-
the combination of flood protection and housing, ment plan is being developed, showing how the
all of which can be illustrative for redeveloping old vulnerability of properties and infrastructure can
port facilities in NYC. be reduced; the implementation of these measures
is linked to the level of the deductibles for flood
Toward an integrated flood management plan insurance. The city of London has conducted an ex-
The complexity of the issue and the inherent un- tensive study (Thames 21) on climate change and
certainty associated with future projections, such as flood risk that discusses different adaptation strate-
climate change, requires an integrated approach to gies and their costs and benefits.
flood management in NYC. Currently, only the CRS The NYC Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning
coordinated by the NFIP encourages communities and Sustainability, with its established relationships
to develop a community-based flood management with multiple stakeholders, is well-positioned to co-
plan for implementing mitigation measures in re- ordinate, explore, and foster the implementation of
turn for premium discounts. However, discussions such a plan.

1. Introduction 6. Flood-resistant building codes for New York City
2. Climate change and flood risk in New York 6.1. Introduction
City 6.2. Existing flood-related building code policies
3. Flood damage estimations for New York City in New York City
3.1. Available data and data preparation 6.3. Strengths and weaknesses: challenges for the
3.2. Analysis of buildings in flood zones future
3.3. Analysis of the value at risk of properties and 6.4. Suggestions for improvements
population at risk 7. Urban waterfront architecture and planning: an
3.4. Potential damage to the NYC transport international perspective
system 7.1. Super-levees: Tokyo
3.5. Lessons for flood-risk management 7.2. Elevated residential areas: old port facility,
4. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Hamburg
and New York City 7.3. Environmental aspects: using open water and
4.1. Description of the current NFIP and federal nature compensation (the Netherlands)
mitigation policies 8. Recommendations: climate-resilient waterfronts
4.2. Strengths and weaknesses of the NFIP in New York City
4.3. Suggestions for improving the NFIP and Appendix A. Interviewed experts
international examples Appendix B. Zoning glossary
5. Flood zoning policies in New York City Appendix C . Databases
5.1. Introduction Appendix D. Vital facilities per flood zone
5.2. Zoning policies for waterfronts Appendix E. Value of tax lots without buildings
5.3. How are flood risks addressed in NYC Appendix F. Classification of “other land use”
zoning policies? Appendix G. Flood damage to subway systems
5.4. Suggestions for improvements Appendix H. Population at risk per borough

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 7
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Acknowledgments floods can cause considerable losses (Aerts et al.,

We gratefully acknowledge the support from
Human exposure to flood hazards is caused by
the NYC Department of City Planning: Amanda
settlement and other development in flood-prone
M. Burden, Michael Marrella, Samuel Hornick,
areas, such as floodplains and coastal areas. Since
Howard Slatkin, Wilbur Woods, Tom Wargo, Clau-
the beginning of human civilization, people have
dia Herasme, and Winston von Engel; the NYC De-
realized the benefits of these areas, and urbaniza-
partment of Buildings: James Colgate and Joseph
tion near the waterfront continues today because
Ackroyd; the NYC Mayor’s Office: Aaron Koch and
of the attractiveness of locating near the water for
Adam Freed; the NYC Department of Informa-
recreational and economic activities (Rosenzweig
tion Technology and Telecommunications: Colin
et al., 2010). The question that arises is how to de-
Reilly; the NYC Office of Emergency Management:
velop these areas so that vulnerability to flooding
James McConnell and Joshua Friedman; the Federal
is managed in a way that limits risks to human life
Emergency Management Agency: Mary Colvin, Scot
and physical structures? In this respect, flood zon-
Duel, and Patricia Griggs; Swiss RE: Fabrice Felden,
ing policies and building codes are powerful tools
Megan Linkin, and Aurel Schwerzmann; Columbia
for controlling changing future land use, and hence
University: David Major, Klaus Jacob, and George
the potential vulnerability of land use to flood risks
Deodatis; the Hudson River Foundation: Clay Hiles
(Sussman and Major, 2010). The NYC waterfront
and Dennis Suszkowski; the Metropolitian Trans-
plays a crucial role in this context as a first line
portion Authority: Ernest Tollerson; and City Uni-
of flood defense and in managing flood risk and
versity of New York: Juliana Maantay and Andrew
protecting NYC for future challenges like climate
change. Therefore, the way zoning policies are ap-
We thank the following organizations and per-
plied to waterfronts will directly determine future
sons for the use of their photos and figures:
vulnerability to flood risks; hence, new (re-) zon-
nArchitects, Julia Chapman; dlandstudio LLC
ing policies for waterfronts can be perceived as an
and Architecture Research Office, Carissa Azar;
option for climate adaptation in NYC.
the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Lester
The federally operated NFIP is an important pro-
Freundlich and Ernest Tollerson; UNESCO-IHE,
gram for zoning policies near the waterfront, as it
William Verbeek; RPS, Bianca Stalenberg; and Asso-
sets the basic requirements for zoning and build-
ciation Sauvegarde Petite Ceinture (ASPCRF), Paris,
ing codes in flood-prone areas. For example, the
Bruno Bretelle.
ground floor of new structures in flood zones has
All errors or opinions remain ours.
to comply with a certain flood elevation level, the
BFE. Although the NYC zoning policies and build-
1. Introduction
ing regulations incorporate information and regu-
The recently published report of the New York lations from the NFIP, there is scope for improved
City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC) indicates cooperation between the NFIP and zoning regula-
that climate change poses a challenge for water- tions in order to better anticipate the challenges of
front development in NYC, given the uncertain climate change (Burby, 2006; Sussman and Major,
risks of sea-level rise and more flooding (Rosen- 2010).
zweig and Solecki, 2010). The NPCC states that Currently, parts of the waterfront in NYC are be-
NYC is vulnerable to coastal storm surges, which ing assessed for rezoning procedures in order to in-
are associated with either late summer/autumn crease the attractiveness of these areas for residents,
hurricanes or extratropical cyclones in the win- to increase environmental values, and to stimulate
ter period (nor’easters). Climate change and sea- economic activities. NYC is planning new develop-
level rise is projected to increase the frequency ment on these sites, given the increasing demand
and intensity of flood events, and, although these for attractive and spacious housing and economic
events are relatively rare, it is relevant to address activities near the water. In order to address climate
flood risks in current and planned urban devel- change in waterfront development, NYC has em-
opment activities, such as waterfronts, because barked on a climate adaptation program (PlaNYC)

8 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

outlining the policies needed to anticipate the im- mental regulation of the use of waterfronts. Section 8
pacts of climate change. As part of this policy, the concludes.
Department of City Planning has recently prepared
2. Climate change and flood risk in New
Vision 2020: New York City Comprehensive Water-
York City
front Plan for the over 500 miles of NYC water-
front, defined as New York Harbor and its tribu- Climate change projections indicate that by the end
taries, creeks, and bays. Vision 2020 sets long-term of the century, NYC may face an increase in mean
goals to guide waterfront development. An integral annual temperature of 4–7.5◦ F, an increase in base-
part of the vision is to improve resilience to cli- line rainfall of 5–10%, and a rise in sea level of at least
mate change and sea-level rise. The plan articulates 12–23 inches (Horton et al., 2010). The rise in sea
a general strategy for creating a more flood-resilient level is very uncertain and sea-level rise may be con-
city, including studies of global best-management siderably higher if ice caps, such as the Greenland Ice
practices for coastal management, shoreline pro- Sheet, melt more rapidly than current model studies
tection, flood-resistant building design, and other project.
climate change adaptation strategies in dense urban The two types of storms that can strike NYC are
areas. hurricanes and nor’easters, and both of these storms
This study seeks to provide guidance for NYC’s can cause storm surges and flooding. It has been
Vision 2020 by assessing how flood insurance, flood recorded that since 1815, 15 hurricanes have struck
zoning, and building code policies can contribute NYC with a maximum strength of Category 3 on
to waterfront development that is more resilient the Saphir-Simpson scale. A direct hit of a Cate-
to climate change. Botzen and van den Bergh gory 3 hurricane in New York may cause huge eco-
(2009) propose that a resilient risk-management nomic losses, but nor’easters can also have high wind
strategy comprise risk prevention, damage miti- speed and cause considerable damage (LeBlanc and
gation, and efficient risk-spreading mechanisms, Linkin, 2010). The storm surges and related coastal
such as insurance. Along these lines, this study flooding are mainly caused by strong winds that
reviews the current NFIP, and flood zoning and pile up water along the shore and generate large
building code policies of NYC, by identifying fu- waves. For example, the current 1/100 year coastal
ture challenges and by giving recommendations to flood causes a surge of about 8.5 ft at the Battery
deal with a future change in the risk landscape. in Lower Manhattan (Horton et al., 2010). Sea-level
Several examples of international practice will be rise is expected to increase the intensity, frequency,
provided to give suggestions for resilient water- and duration of coastal flooding in NYC. Projec-
front development in NYC, including policies in tions of the NPCC indicate that the 1/100 year flood
the UK, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. event may occur approximately four times as often
Information for this study has been gathered us- in 2080, while the 1/500 year flood event may occur
ing interviews and discussions with experts in NYC on average once in 200 years (NPCC, 2009). The
and abroad (see Appendix A), which are comple- current flood height associated with the 1/100 and
mented with an in-depth literature review and data 1/500 flood zone is, respectively, 8.6 ft and 10.7 feet.
analyses. This may increase to 9.4 ft and 11.5 ft for the 1/100
The remainder of this study is structured as fol- and 1/500 flood zones, respectively, in 2080 (NPCC,
lows. Section 2 provides information on flood risk 2009; Horton et al., 2010).
and climate change in NYC. Section 3 provides flood In addition to climate change, socioeconomic
damage estimations for NYC. Section 4 presents an developments, such as population and economic
assessment of the NFIP with a special focus on growth in hazard-prone areas, are likely to have
flood-resilient urban development. Section 5 ex- a major impact on future flood risks. An upward
amines flood zoning policies in NYC and provides trend in worldwide natural disaster losses can be
suggestions for improving flood zoning to accom- observed. This has been mainly caused by socioe-
modate potential future increase in risks. Section 6 conomic developments, such as increased urban-
conducts a similar analysis for building code reg- ization in coastal zones, which are likely to con-
ulations. Section 7 discusses (other) international tinue in the future (Aerts et al., 2009). NYC has
examples of waterfront development and environ- been no exception to this global trend and has

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Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

experienced a considerable increase in concentra- Exposed assets

tions of population and economic activities over Several studies exist that provide rough estimates of
time that have heightened flood risk (Gornitz et al., potential flood losses due to hurricanes and win-
2001). According to the NYC Department of City ter storms in New York. Nicholls et al. (2008) use
Planning (NYC-DCP, 2006), NYC’s population is a relatively simple method to estimate the popula-
projected to continue to grow from over 8 million tion and assets at risk from floods in 135 port cities
in 2000 to 9.1 million in 2030, which is an increase around the globe, including the NYC–Newark re-
of 1.1 million or 13.9%.a These projections indi- gion. They estimate the current potential damage for
cate a need to create new housing and public in- the NYC–Newark region at US$320 billion. Using a
frastructure, including a further concentration of scenario for population growth, this may increase to
economic values and recreation opportunities near US$1,739 billion in the year 2070. They also com-
waterfronts. bined a sea-level rise scenario of 50 cm in 2070 with
For the consequences of flooding, most flood- the scenario for population growth, which yields
risk assessments are limited to the detrimental ef- potential damage of as much as US$2,147 billion in
fects (damage). The term flood damage refers to all the year 2070.
varieties of harm caused by flooding. Flood dam- LeBlanc and Linkin (2010) state that a direct hit
age can be divided into several categories: usually of a Category 3 hurricane in New York may cause
it is divided into direct and indirect flood damage, huge economic losses of more than US$200 bil-
both of which are often further divided into tangi- lion (Table 2.1). In addition, nor’easters can have
ble and intangible damage (Smith and Ward, 1998; high wind speed and cause considerable damage, as
Penning-Roswell et al., 2003). Direct damage can demonstrated by, for example, the nor’easter in De-
include damage to buildings and economic assets, cember 1992 with damage of over US$1 billion in
loss of crops and livestock, immediate health im- NYC and the flooding of Lower Manhattan (LeBlanc
pacts, loss of lives, and loss of ecological goods and and Linkin, 2010). Furthermore, a report on climate
objects (Smith and Ward, 1998; Merz et al., 2004; change and adaptation by NYS (NYS, 2010) pro-
Büchele et al., 2006). Indirect damage is damage vides some estimates on the potential damage of a
that is induced by the direct impact but that oc- 1/100 flood in the metropolitan area of NYC. They
curs outside of the space and/or time of the flood currently estimate the combined direct and indirect
event. Examples of indirect damage include disrup- losses to be US$58 billion, of which, US$48 bil-
tion of traffic, trade, and public services (Büchele lion would be attributed to indirect losses. Indirect
et al., 2006). Tangible damage refers to damage that losses were calculated as the cost for recovering from
can be relatively easily evaluated in monetary terms a flood. This is expressed as a percentage from the
(e.g., damage to assets or loss of production). In- daily gross metropolitan product, which currently
tangible damage, such as social and environmental is estimated at US$4 billion. Using two sea-level
impacts of floods (Smith and Ward, 1998), is more rise scenarios of 2 ft and 4 ft, respectively, these to-
difficult to evaluate in monetary terms (Lekuthai tal losses could increase to US$70–84 billion, from
and Vongvisessomjai, 2001), as is loss of human which US$57 billion and US$68 billion would be
lives. attributed to indirect losses.
To obtain some more insight into the role of wa-
terfronts in flood-risk management and the value People at risk
at risk, we focus here on two potential conse- The estimate by Nicholls et al. (2008) of the pop-
quences of a flood in NYC: exposed assets (di- ulation at risk in the 1/100 flood zone in the NYC
rect damage) and population at risk (number of metropolitan area is 1.54 million people. This could
people). increase to 2.37 million people in the year 2070 be-
cause of a population increase. When combining
the latter scenario with a sea-level rise scenario of 50
cm, the number of exposed people could increase to
In 2006, New York City’s population had already grown 2.93 million. A newly developed mapping method
to an estimated 8.2 million, according to the U.S. Census (Cadastral-based Expert Dasymetric System, CEDS)
Bureau. was applied by Maantay and Maroko (2009) to

10 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Table 2.1. Existing estimates of the potential storm surge damage (direct and indirect damage) for the metropolitan
area of NYC in billion US$

1992 1/100 1938 Category 3 Maximum Maximum

Winter Flood Hurricane hurricane damage damage
storm (current) (2080)

Nicholls et al. (2008)a 320 2147

Pielke et al. (2008) 37–39
LeBlanc and Linkin (2010)b 0.72 >200
NYS (2010)c 58
NYC–Newark region.
Based on other sources, such as ISO/PCS, AIR Worldwide, RMS, Eqecat, Insurance Information Institute.
Based on calculations by K. Jacob and G. Deodatis, Columbia University.

estimate the population in NYC who are at risk census tract boundaries, ZIP codes, postal zones, or
from flooding (Fig. 2.1). Using the CEDS method, any other administrative boundaries. These data are
Maantay and Maroko (2009) estimated the number often much too aggregated to provide the necessary
of people affected by the 1/100 flood in NYC to be detail and assume the population to be “distributed
approximately 400,000 people. evenly throughout the zone, when, in fact, popula-
tion distribution is generally much more heteroge-
Uncertainties and need for improved risk neous” (Maantay and Maroko, 2009).
estimates Flood- and climate change–resilient development
The amount of potential damage and number of increased in importance on the research and policy-
population at risk should be interpreted with care. makers’ agenda after the destructive Hurricane Kat-
Nicholls et al. (2008) state that they have only used rina in 2005 that caused insured losses of more than
flood depth as an indicator for the hazard using US$71 billion, according to Swiss Re (2010). It has
a digital elevation model (DEM) with a relatively been argued that this unprecedented damage was
coarse resolution. The impact of a flood hazard is largely caused by unsafe socioeconomic develop-
obviously also dependent on many other factors, ment during the decades before the disaster, which
such as flood velocity and inundation propagation. provides important lessons for future development
Furthermore, the specific nature of NYC buildings in coastal zones. Burby (2006) has identified two
and infrastructure is not explicitly considered in main paradoxes that caused an increase in hurricane
their study, and people and assets in skyscrapers exposure: the “safe development paradox,” which
are valued the same as people and assets in single means that the federal government substantially in-
story buildings. creased the potential for catastrophic damage by
Maantay and Maroko (2009) show the influence encouraging urban development in the floodplain,
of uncertainties in data and geographical methods while it tried to make hazardous areas safer by fund-
to estimate a population at risk in the 1/100 flood ing the building of levees and providing flood insur-
zone. They applied the aforementioned new map- ance; and the “local government paradox,” which
ping method of the CEDS and compared this with means that local governments gave insufficient at-
existing methods, such as the conventional areal tention to the flood hazard in urban development.
weighting of census data and centroid-containment These are important lessons for future urban de-
selection. The kernel of this method is to disaggre- velopment in areas that can potentially be affected
gate spatial data to a finer unit of analysis, using by hurricanes, such as waterfront development in
additional (or ancillary) data to better locate pop- NYC. Therefore, a main part of this study will assess
ulation. The main advantage is that the analysis is how the federally run flood insurance program and
not restricted to using the locations of, for instance, the NYC building code and flood zoning policies

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Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Figure 2.1. Population at risk (in number of people per tax lot) in the 1/100 and 1/500 flood zones in Lower Manhattan (top) and
the Harlem River area (bottom) (after: Maantay and Maroko, 2009).

12 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

can be geared toward providing adequate protec- 3.1. Available data and data preparation
tion against flooding and its consequences. The MapPLUTO database has been made available
by the NYC DCP.b This database contains data by
3. Flood damage estimations for tax lot and information about the principal build-
New York City ing and the number of structures on it. For example,
Although some studies have made a global analy- MapPLUTO has information on the number of sto-
sis of flood risk in NYC, little information exists ries and the building class of the principal building
on the potential flood damage for individual build- on a lot, the estimated year of building, the year(s)
ings, tax lot levels, or infrastructure (e.g., LeBlanc in which the building was renovated, the build-
and Linkin, 2010). Therefore, we conducted several ing’s assessed value, and the square footage for all
analyses using spatial information on, for exam- structures on the lot. The data dictionary describes
ple, zoning lots, individual buildings, infrastructure, the variables and some of the limitations of the
and flood zoning. The purpose of these analyses is data.
to derive more insight into the number and types of The NYC Department of Information Technol-
buildings that are currently located in the different ogy and Telecommunications (DoITT) provides a
flood zones. In addition, the value at risk of build- database on building footprints.c These building
ings in the 1/100, 1/500, and the other four hurri- perimeter outlines usually have a building identi-
cane flood zones has been estimated using different fication number (BIN) that is associated with them.
catastrophe-modeling approaches (e.g., Grossi and This database can be used with the property address
Kunreuther, 2005; De Moel et al., 2009; De Moel directory (PAD) to link the building perimeter to the
and Aerts, 2010). The results of these analyses can MapPLUTO database and assign MapPLUTO char-
be used to underpin some of the recommendations acteristics to individual buildings. Other databases
made in this study, and to identify possible hotspots include a DEM, which was kindly provided by the
on the NYC waterfront where new flood-resilient Organization for Emergency Management (OEM)
regulations should be implemented with priority. (Fig. 3.1).
This detailed information on buildings and zoning Information on flood hazard zones is shown on
lots at risk could, moreover, be useful for a follow- FIRMs, which can be downloaded from the map
up study that estimates the costs and the benefits service part of the FEMA website.d A FIRM is a
of flood management measures or regulations (e.g., product of the flood insurance study conducted for
Ward et al., 2010). In addition, we also calculate the a community and is available in both paper and
potential damage to the subway and tunnel systems digital form. FIRMs delineate special flood hazard
in NYC in order to derive the total potential flood areas (SFHAs), which are land areas subject to in-
damage (buildings + infrastructure), and how flood undation by a flood that has a probability of 1/100
damage to buildings compares with the damage to or lower. SFHAs are divided into different flood-
transport facilities. hazard zones, depending on the nature and severity
The databases used in this study and their sources of the flood hazard (see Table 3.1). For this study, the
are listed in Appendix C. Section 3.1 describes the 1/100 flood zone is divided in A and V zones, and the
main features of the databases that were available for 1/500 flood zone is used as a rough approximation
this study. The subsequent sections proceed with the of the potential future flood zone.
analyses. The software programs ARCGIS 9.3, Grass The first step in the data preparation was to assign
6.4.0RC6, Quantum GIS 1.5, a PostGIS backend, tax lot information with details on zoning character-
and MATLAB have been used to perform spatial istics from the MapPLUTO database to individual
and statistical analyses. Please note that most data
on buildings in NYC, such as those used in this study,
have generally been developed for tax, planning, b
It can be accessed via
inspection, and zoning purposes. Therefore, some html/bytes/applbyte.shtml
approximations from the data are necessary for use c
This data can be downloaded from
in flood damage models, and these are identified datamine
throughout the section. See

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 13
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Figure 3.1. Elevation map for part of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens and a projection of subway lines.

buildings. The number of unique building foot- zoning classes, all buildings on a lot were assigned
prints in the building data is 1,049,871. Of those, to the class that most likely used the ground floor. In
only 950,921 have a proper BIN assigned to them. this respect, it is assumed that industrial use takes
Of those proper BIN numbers, 950,919 appeared to first priority for the ground floor, then commer-
be actually unique and only 945,669 matched with cial use, and finally residential use. In addition to
the PAD data. Conversely, 39,407 unique BIN num- the categories residential (R), commercial (C), and
bers that are in the PAD data have no match in the manufacturing (M), we introduced a category other
footprint data. Of those with a match, 90,852 build- (O) for built-up structures that could not qualify as
ings are not clearly identified, in the sense that they R, C, or M, such as public buildings, military sites,
have multiple entries in the PAD data, with the same utilities, and large infrastructure (see Appendix F).
BIN appearing in 2 up to 35 PAD records. Finally, A further distinction has been made within the
only 854,817 buildings could be unambiguously as- O category in order to differentiate between lots
signed to lots. This implies that 195,054 buildings— that consist mostly of buildings (e.g., museums,
roughly 19% of all buildings—cannot be assigned schools, and churches) and those where buildings
and need to be excluded from the analysis if the BIN are only a small part (e.g., parking lots, airfields, and
is used to combine buildings’ characteristics across marinas).
the data sets.
Because the approach using the BIN number 3.2. Analysis of buildings in flood zones
would result in a loss of 19% of our database, we Table 3.2 shows the number of buildings within
decided to follow an alternative approach. For this, the 1/100 and 1/500 flood zones in NYC. About
the DCP’s own efforts are used to assign lots to a 33,122 buildings are located in the 1/100 flood zone,
dominant land use. It is assumed that the buildings and 66,249 buildings are located in the 1/500 flood
on a given lot are homogeneous in type and num- zone. Note that those buildings listed in the 1/500
ber of floors. All buildings on a lot were assigned to zone also include buildings in the 1/100 flood zone.
this dominant zoning type. If a lot contained mixed Table 3.2, moreover, shows the number of vital

14 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Table 3.1. Information on flood zones based on FEMA 1950, which is 54% of the total number of reno-
Technical Fact Sheet 1.3 “Using a Flood Insurance Rate vated buildings in the period 1985–2009. Individual
Map (FIRM)” buildings can be renovated more than once, and we
have counted only the most recent renovation per
FEMA classification of flood-hazard zones
Table 3.2 shows the number of vacant lots in the
V zones those areas closest to the shoreline and
different flood zones. It appears that in the V and A
subject to wave action, high-velocity
zones, respectively, 11.8% and 16.3% of the lots are
flow, and erosion during the 100-year
still vacant. Especially on Staten Island, many lots
are vacant, which offers possibilities for applying ad-
A zones areas subject to flooding during the
justed zoning or building codes to floodproof new
100-year flood, but where flood
buildings. In addition, Table 3.2 shows the number
conditions are less severe than those in
of residential properties with a basement. This in-
V zones
formation is only available for two- or three-family
AO zones areas subject to shallow flooding or sheet
structures but can be relevant for estimating the
flow during the 100-year flood; if they
value at risk in flood zones, and to get an impres-
appear on a coastal FIRM, they will most
sion of whether more stringent building codes for
likely occur on the landward slopes of
basements can be effective in reducing risk. The table
coastal dunes. Flood depths, rather than
shows that the number of buildings with a basement
BFEs, are shown for AO zones.
is substantial, especially in the 1/500 flood zone.
X zones areas that are not expected to flood during
Therefore, flood risk may be decreased significantly
the 100-year flood
if additional building codes were to be applied to
VE zone V zone with a determined BFE level
floodproof these basements.
AE zone A zone with a determined BFE level
Figure 3.2 shows the number of buildings in the
Note: Old FIRMs label zones with a letter and number 1/100 flood zone (A and V zones) and the 1/500
(e.g., A1, A10, V10). The classification in the Table applies flood zone, differentiated according to the number
to the letter, and in this case the number can be ignored. of stories per building. Most buildings in either the
Moreover, old FIRMs label X zones as zone “B” or zone 1/100 or 1/500 flood zone have 2–3 stories, followed
“C.” Source: by the category of 3–9 stories. It is also clear that
within the V flood zone, only a few building have
multiple stories (>3). This information could be
facilities, which are defined here as both vital for used in additional analyses to estimate evacuation
public services (hospitals, fire stations, and military risk and the potential for vertical evacuation.
bases) and prone to suffer relatively large damage, Figure 3.3 shows a map with the building height
such as gas stations (see Appendix D for details). In (number of stories) of the dominant building on a
the current 1/100 V zone, 18 vital facilities are listed tax lot. The figure shows that several areas in Brook-
in the MapPLUTO database. In the 1/100 A zone, lyn and Queens have properties with only two- or
252 vital facilities are known. The 1/500 flood zone three-story buildings. The large yellow lot on the
includes 436 vital facilities. bottom map is LaGuardia Airport, which lies fully
The MapPLUTO database provides information within the 1/100 flood zone.
on the year buildings have been altered, which in-
dicates that renovation of the building has taken
place (Table 3.2). In total, 2,146 buildings have 3.3. Analysis of the value at risk of properties
been renovated over the period 1985–2009 in the and population at risk
1/100 flood zone, which is about 6.5% of all build- Different approaches have been used in order to
ings located in the 1/100 flood zone. This is a sub- estimate the value at risk in the different flood zones
stantial increase compared with the 191 renovated in NYC, namely, by using the total built-up value
buildings over the period 1970–1985. Further anal- at risk, the total value of the ground floor at risk,
ysis reveals that most of the renovated buildings and the value per ft2 . The results are summarized
(1,165) were originally built in the years 1920– in Table 3.3 and further below in Figure 3.4. As an

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 15
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Table 3.2. Number of buildings, tax lots, and areas of lots in the 1/100, 1/500 flood zones, and flood zones of hurricane
Categories 1, 2, 3, and 4 (for details on FEMA flood zones, see Table 3.1)

1/100 flood zone flood zone Hurricane 1 Hurricane 2 Hurricane 3 Hurricane 4

FEMA flood zone VE A, AE, AO X500 NA NA NA NA

No. of buildings 997 33,122 66,249 14,778 108,973 205,459 287,702

No. of residential 236 4,565 11,009 unknown unknown unknown unknown
buildings with a
No. of vital facilitiesc 18 252 436 unknown unknown unknown unknown
No. of renovated 100 2146 4,093 1,342 6,450 12,047 17,015
buildingse (1985–2009)
No. of (tax) lots 1,612 33,442 56,415 18,883 92,421 155,398 199,395
No. of vacant lotsb 355 5,694 7,034 2,974 2,974 10,371 12,512
Area of vacant lots 0.98 12.86 16.37 9.92 9.92 21.94 24.08
(million ft2 )
Total area (million ft2 ) 8.31 78.64 114.33 41.17 139.99 205.02 248.26
Percent vacant ft2 d 11.8 16.3 14.3 24.1 7.09 10.7 9.7
This information is only available for two- or three-family structures. However, MapPLUTO does not provide this
information for all two- or three-family structures.
As indicated by the land-use class in the MapPLUTO database.
Hospitals, fire stations, police stations, and military bases. See Appendix D for detailed information.
Percent of vacant lots in the flood zone relative to the total lots in the flood zone.
If a building has been renovated more than once, then only the most recent renovation was counted.
NA, not applicable

illustration, Table 3.3 also shows the population at Using the value of the ground floor. The afore-
risk for each flood zone. mentioned value at risk based on the total value of
the buildings on a tax lot may not, however, be very
Estimating the total built-up value at risk. The to- accurate. It is unlikely that the whole building will
tal value comprises all buildings in the flood zones,
including those on airfields, marine bases, and the
value of parking lots and parks. The information per
tax lot has been used for determining the total built-
up value at risk. From the MapPLUTO database,
the total value of both the land and buildings was
available, as well as the value of only the land. We,
therefore, subtracted the land value from the total
value to obtain the value for buildings only (total
value – land value = building value). The value at
risk in the 1/100 V flood zone amounts to US$5.9
billion, whereas the properties in the A flood zone
represent US$18.3 billion. The value at risk in the
1/500 is US$22.3 billion, which includes all prop-
erty values in the 1/100 zone. Hence, the additional
value at risk in the 1/500 flood zone compared with Figure 3.2. The number of buildings in the 1/100 flood zone
the value at risk in the 1/100 flood zone is US$4.0 (A and V zones) and the 1/500 flood zone, differentiated accord-
billion. ing to the number of stories per building.

16 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Figure 3.3. Number of stories of the dominant building in a tax lot in the 1/100 flood zone.

be damaged in the event of a flood, except perhaps for a limited number of residential buildings. This
in V flood zones where a high flood velocity may means that the flood damage estimates are probably
severely damage the structure of the building. The too low.
value of the ground floor is estimated by dividing
the value of a specific building by its number of sto- Using the value per ft2 . In order to concentrate on
ries in order to obtain a better estimate of the value the flood risk for buildings rather than on tax lots,
at risk of flooding. The total ground floor value in the value at risk per ft2 for each individual building
the flood zones is listed in Table 3.3, and is estimated footprint is estimated. For this, it is assumed that
at US$3.48, US$6.26, and US$7.44 billion for build- the value of the property in US$ per ft2 is equal for
ings in, respectively, the 1/100 V, 1/100 A, and 1/500 all uses, and a homogeneous distribution of value
flood zones. Obviously, for tax lots with different over stories and floor area within a tax lot is assumed.
building typese the result can be either an under- or With this method, the footprint areas of all buildings
overestimation of the value at risk, depending en- (in ft2 ) within a lot have been summed. Next, the
tirely on which building type is considered to be the ground floor value of the tax lot (in US$) has been
dominant structure. Unfortunately, such cases can- divided by the total ft2 of the buildings’ footprint to
not be identified in the data. Note that basements in arrive at a price per ft2 of that particular tax lot. In
the flood zones (see Table 3.2) are vulnerable to flood order to estimate the value at risk per building, the
damage. We did not, however, estimate the damage value per ft2 of a tax lot can be multiplied with the
to basements in this study since the MapPLUTO footprints of each individual building to arrive at an
database only provides information on basements estimate of the value at risk per building.
There are, however, some problems with applying
this approach, especially for large and valuable lots,
For example, it can be that one building on a tax lot has such as parks and airfields, with only a few build-
several floors (a five-story office building), while another ings. For example, in tax lot 34699 (Central Park),
is a single-story building (factory hall). the total assessed value is US$2.77 billion, while the

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Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Table 3.3. Property value at risk and the population at risk in the different flood zones in NYC

1/100 flood zone flood zone Hurricane 1 Hurricane 2 Hurricane 3 Hurricane 4

FEMA flood zone VE A, AE, AO X500 NA NA NA NA

Using the total value 5.99 18.32 22.31 15.58 27.14 34.42 45.91
of the buildinga
Using the total value 3.48 6.26 7.44 5.59 8.32 11.01 13.15
of the ground floorb
Population at riskc 2,932 214,978 462,971 119,208 701,674 1,352,683 1,973,577
Calculated as the difference of total assessed value and assessed value of land (US$ billion, in 2009 values).
Calculated by dividing building value by the number of stories (US$ billion, in 2009 values).
Number of people, calculated using the database from Maantay and Maroko (2009).
NA, not applicable.

land value is assessed at US$2.67 billion. This would cates that flood-risk management, such as that con-
mean that the built-up value is US$0.1 billion. This ducted by the NFIP, was not able to restrain develop-
value is distributed over only a few building foot- ment in the 1/100 floodplain, which has a higher risk
prints in Central Park, which may cause too high of than the 1/500 year floodplain. Third, the develop-
a price per ft2 for the building footprint. Another ment of the value at risk based only on ground floors
shortcoming is that quite a number of lots were shows that the value at risk in the 1/100, 1/500, and
left out in the analyses when calculating the values hurricane 3 flood zones was much closer in terms
at risk per ft2 on the basis of building footprints. of absolute numbers compared with the total built-
In some instances, these were valuable lots within up value at risk in the 1930s than other periods.
the flood zones, but they could not be included in This means that in the 1930s, relatively many low-
the analysis because they lacked a single building rise properties were developed in the flood zones as
footprint in the DoITT database. This means that, compared with high-rise buildings. Note, however,
while the lot has value, it is not included in the value that there is uncertainty related to these calcula-
at risk estimate, which results in an underestima- tions as newer buildings could have replaced older
tion of the value at risk per ft2 for some tax lots. buildings. Fourth, both figures indicate that devel-
Nevertheless, despite these errors, the values at risk opment in the flood zones continues steadily over
per ft2 of residential and commercial buildings are time. This trend, in combination with the fact that
reasonable, with values ranging between US$1 and a substantial number of lots are still vacant, indi-
over US$400 per ft2 for buildings in Manhattan (see cates the relevance of exploring how floodproofing
Fig. 3.4). through zoning, building codes, and protection can
reduce the flood risk of newly built structures, as
Value at risk over time. Figure 3.5 shows the cumu- will be the focus of Sections 4 to 7. In addition,
lative value at risk of all properties (both total value Figure 3.6 shows a map of the age of build-
and values of ground floors) over time between the ings within the 1/100 flood zone. Most buildings
years 1880 and 2009 (in US$ 2009 values). Four in- in the flood zone were built between 1930 and
teresting observations can be made. First, both in 1960.
the 1930s and the 1990s, there was a very large in-
crease in the value at risk, which is probably due Distribution of the value at risk. Figure 3.7 shows
to an accelerated increase in urban development, the distribution of the value at risk on the basis
in combination with the development of some ex- of the ground floor over the 1/100 and 1/500 flood
pensive properties, such as airfields and naval bases. zones. It appears that the value at risk in the ”Other”
Second, in the 1990s, the figure shows that the in- non-building class (see Appendix F) is substantial.
crease in the value at risk in the 1/100 flood zone was These values mainly reflect naval bases and main
similar to that in the 1/500 flood zone. This indi- airfields that are located in the flood zones near the

18 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Figure 3.4. Value at risk in US$ per ft2 based on the ground floor of buildings in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Note: The map shows
in light blue those areas that are expected to be flooded during a 1/100 storm surge, and in dark blue, those areas at risk of flood in
the 1/500 flood zone.

coastline. The share of the ”Other” non-building many buildings in Manhattan are high-rise build-
values is smaller in the 1/500 flood zone because that ings with multiple stories, which lowers the value of
zone includes more landward lots that mainly con- the ground floor at risk relative to the total value of
tain built-up residential and commercial uses. The a building.
figure shows, moreover, that residential use makes
Population at risk. Table 3.3 also shows the popu-
the smallest contribution to the ground floor value
lation at risk for each flood zone using the database
at risk.
that was provided by Maantay and Maroko (2009).
Figure 3.8 shows the distribution of both the
The numbers for the 1/100 flood zone are much
number of buildings and the value of the ground
lower than those provided by existing literature (see
floor over the five NYC boroughs in the 1/100
Section 2), which can be explained by the rather
and 1/500 flood zones and the hurricane Category
coarse GIS classification system we applied to the
3 zone. In terms of the number of buildings at
population data. Maantay and Maroko (2009) es-
risk, it appears that most buildings are located in
timated the population at risk at 400,000 people,
Queens compared with the other boroughs: 12,310
whereas our estimate is 214,978. Furthermore, Ap-
and 24,862 buildings in Queens are in, respectively,
pendix H shows the distribution of the population
the 1/100 and 1/500 flood zones. Brooklyn has most
at risk across the different boroughs. It appears
buildings in the hurricane Category 3 zone: specif-
that Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens form the
ically, 104,500. Queens has the largest share of the
top three, respectively, in terms of population at
ground flood value at risk in all three zones, which
is consistent with the large number of buildings at
risk in Queens. Manhattan has a larger share in 3.4. Potential damage to the NYC transport
the ground floor value at risk compared with the system
other boroughs (except Queens), because the aver- Most existing studies that provide estimates of flood
age value of the buildings is much higher in Man- damage in NYC include both damage to build-
hattan. Nevertheless, the share in the ground floor ings and damage to infrastructure (see Section 2).
value at risk of Manhattan may be lower than might We now focus on potential flood damage to the
be expected at first sight, which probably is because NYC transport system (subway and rail) in order to

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c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 19
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Figure 3.5. Cumulative values of the properties at risk in the 1/100, 1/500, and Hurricane 1 and 3 flood zones over time (period
1880–2010). Note: The top figure shows total built-up values, and the bottom figure the cumulative values for the ground floor (all
in net present 2009 values, in US$bn).

compare this with damage to buildings. Currently, Historic flood events showed that NYC rail sys-
the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) tems are indeed very vulnerable. For example, the
has about 44,000 ft (>8.3 miles) of underwater sub- PATH rail system between NYC and New Jersey
way tunnels that need to be protected (Fig. 3.9). flooded during a coastal flood in the winter of 1992
Several studies stress the high potential flood dam- causing considerable damage (USACE, 1995). In the
age to the NYC subway rail and subway systems in USACE (1995) study, several scenarios of flood-
case of an extreme flood event. Table 3.4, for ex- ing are discussed and how these could affect the
ample, in the middle column shows the number of road-tunnel and subway-tunnel systems. In case of
some individual infrastructure objects located just a Category 1 hurricane, which is approximately the
below the 1/100 flood levels. equivalent of a 1/100 year flood, water “. . .would fill

20 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences.
Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Figure 3.6. Age of the buildings in the 1/100 flood zone.

Figure 3.7. The distribution of the ground floor value at risk per building type in the 1/100 and 1/500 flood zones.

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c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 21
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Figure 3.8. The distribution of the number of buildings (left) and the ground floor value at risk (right) per borough in the 1/100
and 1/500 flood zones, and the hurricane Category 3 zone.

Amtrak tunnels and the lower levels of Penn Station can directly enter vent gratings or subway entrances
and Grand Central stations, the Manhattan subway (MTA, 2007). Flood management measures are al-
system from the Battery to 14th Street including the ready implemented and flood water is directed to
East River tunnels” (USACE, 1995). Of particular troughs between the tracks and to drains leading to
importance is the rate at which flood waters will rise sewers or a pumping station. However, high velocity
as these determine the time available to evacuate the and large volumes of flood waters beyond the drain-
tunnels (NYS, 2010). ing and pumping capacity of the subway system can
Extreme precipitation may also damage the sub- lead to a flood. This is sometimes exacerbated by
way system. For example, severe thunderstorms in floating debris in draining channels that hinders
August 2007 caused severe flooding conditions in draining to sewers and pumping stations. In such
the NYC subway systems and a disruption of ser- cases, the service will be suspended as water levels
vices during most of that day (MTA, 2007). Dur- rise above the running rail (MTA, 2007).
ing such a flood event, railroads can directly inun- Direct damage to subways systems involves costs
date when they are situated at lower elevations at for inspection, repairing tracks, and replacement
grade. Or as the streets get flooded and water lev- of equipment (e.g., track relays, transformers, elec-
els continue to rise above the sidewalks, flood water tric motors, signal equipment, etc) (MTA, 2007).

22 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Figure 3.9. Subway lines (colors) and railroad tracks (black) in Manhattan and Brooklyn overlaid with the 1/100 and 1/500
flood zones. Ventilation shafts, subway, and tunnel entrances are depicted in small black rectangles. Source: NYC-DoITT, see
Appendix C.

This is confirmed by Compton et al. (2009) who subways systems is listed in Appendix G. Comp-
write that most losses in subways during historical ton et al. (2009) assumed an empirical relation-
events were caused by damage to power supply sys- ship ”␣” between direct damage and the length of
tems, signaling equipment, and escalators that were the flooded track (see Appendix G). Following this
out of operation for weeks to months after a flood
event. Furthermore, cleaning costs are involved for
removing debris and mud from tracks and stations. Table 3.4. Summary of the extent of transportation
Flood damage was calculated for different rail infrastructure potentially affected by sea-level rise in the
systems in NYC: Metro-North Railroad (MNRR), New York region
Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), New Jersey Tran-
sit (NJT), and New York City Transit (NYCT). We, Facilities 10 Facilities
moreover, calculated direct damage to road tunnels ft. or fewer 10–12 ft.
(see Table 3.5) by applying the approach described Type of transportation above sea above sea
by Compton et al. (2009) who studied the effects of infrastructure level level
flooding in the subway system of Vienna (Austria)
Transit: Railroad stations 10 4
(See Appendix G). In their study, empirical data
Subways: PATH stations 17 3
were obtained from historical flood events in sub-
Surface transport: roads, 21 9
way systems, such as in Boston, Seoul, Taipei, and
bridges, tunnels
Prague. These empirical data were compared to a
flood loss modeling study of the subway system of Source: Adapted from Zimmerman and Faris (2010) and
Vienna. A table of available historical flood losses to originally compiled from Zimmerman and Cusker (2001).

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c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 23
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Table 3.5. Direct flood damage to tunnel facilities (subway, Amtrak, and road) in NYC using damage factors from Compton et al.
(2009) (see Appendix G)
MTA Critical Min Max
Name Length Length Lines elevation damage damage
East River tunnels (south to north) Year [m] [ft] # [ft] 1) [US$ mln]a [US$ mln]b Comments Maintenance

Brooklyn–Battery Tunnel 1950 2779 9117 8.6 8.9 55.6 I-478 NYC/TBTA
Joralemon Street Tunnel 1908 1641 5385 4,5 9.8 5.3 32.8 IRT Lexington Avenue NYCT / MTA
Line (4, 5 subway
Montague Street Tunnel 1920 1191 3908 M,R 7.5 3.8 23.8 BMT Broadway Line NYCT / MTA
(N, R subway services)
Clark Street Tunnel 1919 1800 5900 2,3 9.1 5.8 36.0 IRT Broadway – 7th NYCT / MTA
Avenue Line (2, 3
subway services)
Cranberry Street Tunnel 1933 933 3060 A,C 7 3.0 18.7 IND 8th Avenue Line NYCT / MTA
(A, C subway services)
Rutgers Street Tunnel 1936 838 2750 F 10.6 2.7 16.8 IND 6th Avenue Line NYCT / MTA
(F subway service)
14th Street Tunnel 1924 1018 3341 L 7.2 3.3 20.4 BMT Canarsie Line NYCT / MTA
(L subway service)
East River tunnels 1910 1204 3949 LIRR 9 3.9 24.1 Amtrak and Long Island Amtrak/LIRR
Rail Road
Queens–Midtown Tunnel 1940 1955 6414 10.6 6.3 39.1 I-495 NYC/TBTA
Steinway Tunnel 1915 1067 3500 7 11 3.4 21.3 IRT Flushing Line (7, NYCT / MTA
7 subway services)
53rd Street Tunnel 1933 1006 3300 E,V 10 3.2 20.1 IND Queens Boulevard NYCT / MTA
Line (E, M subway
60th Street Tunnel 1920 1673 5489 N,R,W 5.4 33.5 BMT Broadway Line (N, NYCT / MTA
Q, R subway services)
63rd Street Tunnel 1989 960 3140 F 12.7 3.1 19.2 upper level: IND 63rd NYCT / MTA
Street Line (F subway
(lower level: future LIRR
to Grand Central
Harlem River (south to north)
Lexington Avenue Tunnel 1918 335 1100 4,5,6 9.9 1.1 6.7 IRT Lexington Avenue NYCT / MTA
Line (4, 5, 6,
6 subway services)
149th Street Tunnel 1905 195 641 2 0.6 3.9 IRT White Plains Road NYCT / MTA
Line (2 subway service)
Concourse Tunnel (161 St) 1933 552 1810 B,D 1.8 11.0 IND Concourse Line (B, NYCT / MTA
D subway services)
Hudson River (South to North)
Downtown Hudson tubes 1909 1720 5976 PATH 7 5.5 34.4 Montgomery-Cortlandt PAUTHNYNJ
Tunnels / PATH
Holland Tunnel 1927 2600 8400 7.6 8.3 52.0 I-78 PAUTHNYNJ
Uptown Hudson tubes 1908 1700 5500 PATH 7.4 5.4 34.0 Hoboken-Morton PAUTHNYNJ
Tunnels / PATH
North River tunnels 1910 1900 6100 NJT 6.1 38.0 Amtrak / New Jersey Amtrak/NJT
Lincoln Tunnel 1937–1957 2300 7900 10.6 7.4 46.0 NJ 495/I-495 PAUTHNYNJ
Total damage 94.0 587.3
Critical elevations are determined using elevations from ventilation shafts, tunnel entrances or station entrances (see USACE, 1995).
Direct Damage calculation following Compton et al. (2009) using alpha 3.2 and 20 for minimum and maximum damage, respectively.
See also Appendix G.

24 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

calculation, direct damage of a flood to tunnel fa- Hallegate (2008) published a study on the rela-
cilities is estimated between US$94 and US$587 tionship between direct and indirect damage from
million. flooding using an input–output model. The model
Furthermore, indirect damage to transport au- is used to simulate the response of the economy of
thorities has been calculated using different scenar- Louisiana to the landfall of Hurricane Katrina. The
ios for rail disruption (1 and 30 days of disruption) simulation results showed that disturbed economic
and different valuation methods. We used estimates processes may exacerbate direct losses. For example,
by Compton et al. (2009), who used an average price whereas the direct losses of Hurricane Katrina are
per flooded mile of track of US$1.66 million per estimated at US$107 billion, indirect effects are es-
mile (2010 values). This number uses an average timated at an additional US$42 billion—hence 28%
ride cost of €2 per ride, which is comparable to the of the total costs. Furthermore, Hallegate (2008)
average ride in NYC (∼US$2.25). On the basis of found a nonlinear relationship between total losses
these assumptions, the indirect losses are estimated due to a flood disaster with respect to direct losses
at US$740–900 million, depending on the length of when the latter exceed US$50 billion: “When di-
the flooded tracks (see Appendix G). In another ap- rect losses exceed US$200 billion, for instance, total
proach, indirect losses due to the disruption of the losses are twice as large as direct losses.” These find-
subway system are based on estimating the num- ings could be used in new research into the total
ber of passengers that are either delayed or cancel potential flood damage for NYC.
their ride. Using different scenarios for the num-
ber of passengers and different ride price (see Ap- 3.5. Lessons for flood-risk management
pendix G) estimates of indirect losses vary between This section has analyzed the number and type of
US$140–312 million. buildings that are located in the different flood zones
In summary, the sum of direct and indirect losses in NYC, has provided estimates of the value at risk
to the subway and rail system caused by a 1/100 year of flooding and has provided some analyses of the
flood varies between US$0.23 billion (US$140 mil- value at risk of the NYC transportation system. More
lion + US$94 million) and US$1.49 billion (US$900 detailed estimates of the flood risk in NYC and the
million + US$587 million) on the basis of calcu- costs and benefits of flood management measures
lations in this section. This is considerably lower should be made in follow-up studies using flood
than the direct damage to buildings and other in- damage models. Nevertheless, the relatively simple
frastructure such as airports for the same flood analyses in this section deliver some relevant in-
event. sights for flood-risk management. The number of
buildings in the flood zones in NYC is substantial,
Indirect damage. Note that these numbers do not and is about twice as large in the 1/500 year flood
include losses due to business interruption in other zone as in the 1/100 year flood zone. If the 1/500 year
businesses and address a range of losses for only rail flood zone is a rough approximation of the future
infrastructure. The total of indirect flood damages 1/100 year flood zone in the face of climate change,
are damages caused by disruption of the economy, then climate change may considerably increase the
the extra costs of emergency, and other actions taken number of buildings exposed to flooding.
to prevent flood damage and other losses. “This in- The data show that many buildings have been
cludes, for example, the loss of production of com- renovated over time. This suggests that there may
panies affected by the flooding, induced production be scope to reduce flood risk by imposing on exist-
losses of their suppliers and customers, the costs ing buildings strict building codes that take effect
of traffic disruption or the costs of emergency ser- when they are renovated. Moreover, the number of
vices” (FHRC, 2008). So far, we have focused on buildings with a basement is substantial, especially
direct flood damage to buildings and infrastructure in the 1/500 flood zone. This suggests that flood
and briefly touched upon indirect damage due to a risk may be decreased significantly if additional
flood in the NYC subway system. Research, however, building codes were to be applied to floodproof
shows that a flood may have a considerable effect these basements. Relatively many low-rise proper-
on indirect economic damage (Bockarjova, 2007; ties were developed in the 1930s, which are vul-
Hallegate, 2008). nerable to flooding. It is important that flood-risk

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c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 25
Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

management takes into account how these existing for flood damage to inhabitants of flood-prone ar-
buildings can be protected against flooding. eas (Burby, 2001; Botzen and van den Bergh, 2008).
Our different estimates indicate that the value at The NFIP enables homeowners to purchase insur-
risk of flooding is substantial in NYC. Especially ance coverage against flood damage under certain
Queens appears to be very vulnerable to flood dam- conditions that most commercial insurance compa-
age, as was shown by the values at risk per bor- nies refuse to cover in standard insurance policies.
ough. In general, flood-risk management has been The standard flood insurance policy of the NFIP
ineffective in steering development away from the covers direct material damage caused by floods,
high-risk 1/100 flood zones. A steady increase in the flood-related erosion as a result of waves or cur-
value at risk in the different flood zones can be ob- rents of water, and mudslides. The general coverage
served over time, which is likely to continue in the limits are US$250,000 for residential buildingsf and
future. This trend, in combination with the fact that US$500,000 for nonresidential buildings, such as
a substantial number of lots are still vacant, indi- shops and businesses. Risks to infrastructure, life,
cates the relevance of exploring how floodproofing and agriculture are outside the scope of the NFIP.
through zoning, building codes, and protection can Also, wind damage, for example, caused by hurri-
reduce the flood risk of newly built structures. Es- canes is not covered through the NFIP, but this cov-
timates of the different components of the value at erage can be purchased from private insurance com-
risk indicate that flood-risk management should not panies, although flood losses caused by hurricanes
solely focus on protecting buildings from flooding, fall under the NFIP coverage. In 2007, the total value
since the largest value at risk is actually presented of this private insurance coverage (thus excluding
by “non-building values” such as infrastructure. Fi- NFIP, but including wind damage) in NYC and Long
nally, our calculations show that direct damages to Island was more than US$2.3 trillion, which illus-
both buildings and the NYC transport system can trates the large size of the value at risk (LeBlanc and
be very high. However, indirect damage can have a Linkin, 2010). This value is an estimate of the cost to
large share in the total damage from flood risk in replace structures and their contents for all insured
the City but this has not been assessed in detail in residential and commercial property, and includes
this study. business interruption coverage.
The NFIP operates like a public–private partner-
4. The National Flood Insurance Program
ship. Table 4.1 lists the main stakeholders of the
and New York City
NFIP and their responsibilities. FEMA adminis-
4.1. Description of the current NFIP and ters the program and sets flood insurance premi-
federal mitigation policies ums, identifies flood-hazard areas, makes flood-risk
The federal government provides flood insurance maps, and provides design standards for construc-
through the NFIP in the United States, which in- tions in floodplains. The state governments autho-
sures a value of about US$31.6 billion in NYS and rize and assist building regulations in flood-prone
US$8 billion in NYC. The program was initiated by areas of local governments. In principle, commu-
the U.S. Congress in 1968, and several amendments nities can decide on a voluntary basis whether they
took place in 1969, 1973, 1994, and 2004 in order to want to join the NFIP. Insurers are the agents that sell
improve its performance. The program was estab- the policies and underwrite the risk for which they
lished in the 1960s to ensure that local government are compensated, but the NFIP has the final financial
planning and land-use management decisions give responsibility and bears the risks. The NFIP operates
adequate recognition to flood hazards and meet in- like a national type of risk pool, and has never been
surance needs in flood-prone areas (U.S. Congress, reinsured by private insurance. The government op-
1966 a and b, cited in Burby, 2001). A well-designed erates like a reinsurer of last resort and Congress can
flood insurance program with risk-based premiums
can, in theory, be beneficial for societal welfare by
giving a price signal of risk that prevents the uneco- f
The standard residential policy covers, for example,
nomical use of floodplains, and by incentivizing the structural damage to furnaces, water heaters, and air con-
undertaking of cost-effective risk reducing or “mit- ditioners; the clean-up of flood debris; and floor surfaces,
igation” measures, while providing compensation such as carpeting and tiles.

26 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Table 4.1. The stakeholders of the NFIP and their main all the detailed flood studies and flood-risk map-
responsibilities ping in a reasonable time span. These studies were
required in order to allow communities to enter
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
the program. To solve this problem, it was decided
Set flood insurance premiums
that communities could enter the NFIP in what is
Identify flood-hazard areas
called ”an emergency phase,” in which preliminary
Make flood-risk maps
flood-risk studies are sufficient to enter the pro-
Design and review of construction criteria and
gram. In addition, the local government needs to
floodplain management by communities
agree to make best efforts to control building to re-
Fund mitigation projects
duce flood risk. In principle, this amendment took
Provide flood insurance
away a major regulatory burden in order to facili-
State governments
tate more widespread participation of communities
Authorize and assist building regulation of local
in the NFIP in the early stage of the program.
The second amendment occurred with the pass-
Local governments
ing of the Flood Disaster Protection Act in 1973
Regulate building in floodplains
(U.S. Congress, 1973). This amendment was en-
Private insurers
acted because few communities entered the NFIP,
Market insurance policies
and because the market penetration of flood insur-
Handle the process of paying out claims
ance was low until that time. Also, the incentives of
the insurance program to encourage the adoption
of required floodplain building regulations were in-
sufficient. The amendment aimed to increase com-
lend money to the NFIP if it experiences deficits,
munities’ participation by declining grants in aid
and, in principle, this borrowed money should be
for construction in flood-hazard areas to local gov-
repaid in the future. Reserves are built up by premi-
ernments which were not in the NFIP, and refus-
ums. Most of the time premiums match losses, but
ing them federal disaster assistance. Moreover, the
not during times of catastrophes, such as hurricane
amendment required homeowners in the 1/100 year
Katrina. Reinsurers, such as Swiss Re, have no stake
floodplain to have flood insurance if they had fed-
in the NFIP. In addition to the NFIP, private flood
erally backed mortgages in order to stimulate mar-
insurance is available that is especially attractive for
ket penetration. These amendments to the NFIP
industry and large commercial entities, for which
proved to be effective in stimulating the participa-
the coverage limit of US$500,000 of the NFIP is too
tion of communities in the program, and increased
low. For example, Swiss Re reinsures clients who sell
the market penetration rate in the 1/100 year flood
such insurance and also provides direct insurance
zones, although concerns about the monitoring and
to businesses for large risks. Apart from the NFIP,
enforcement of the purchase requirement remained
the federal government may provide federal disas-
(Burby, 2001).
ter assistance to areas that have experienced a severe
The National Flood Insurance Reform Act in
natural disaster, such as a hurricane or earthquake,
1994 aimed to further increase the market pene-
but this ad hoc relief is not directly tied to the flood
tration of flood insurance and limit the experience
insurance program.
of high losses by promoting risk reduction (U.S.
Amendments made to the NFIP over time. The Congress, 1994). Market penetration was stimulated
NFIP has been a dynamically adjusted program, and by strengthening the monitoring and enforcement
has been revised several times since it was established of the requirements to purchase flood insurance,
in 1968. Insights into the main amendments and limiting disaster assistance for households without
the problems they aimed to overcome are useful to flood insurance, and by requiring that households
comprehend the characteristics of the program that in the 1/100 year flood zones who received disas-
is currently in place. The main amendments made ter assistance to purchase and maintain flood insur-
to the program are listed later in Table 4.2. In 1969 ance. Indeed, it has been empirically verified that the
an amendment was needed because it became clear purchase requirements did increase flood insurance
that the NFIP did not have the capacity to conduct demand (Kriesel and Landry, 2004). Moreover, the

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Community Rating System (CRS) was established, eral major amendments over time that have aimed
which is a voluntary program that rewards commu- to solve and respond to practical problems that were
nities who invest in risk reduction with premium mainly related to community participation, market
discounts for the policyholders in their community. penetration, and flood-risk reduction. While some
The majority of NFIP policyholders participate in of these amendments have been quite successful, the
the CRS (Burby, 2001), and it has been found that program faces considerable challenges, and there
the CRS participation reduces flood claims of com- are a number of opportunities to improve its per-
munities (Michel-Kerjan and Kousky, 2010). formance as Sections 4.2 and 4.3 will show. The
The 1994 Act, moreover, established the Flood remainder of this section will examine the main
Mitigation Assistance Program (see Table 4.3 later components of the NFIP in more detail.
for more details) that provides mitigation grants
to states and local governments. In addition, the Requirements for purchasing NFIP insurance. In-
“increased costs of compliance” coverage was estab- dividuals and businesses in the 1/100 year floodplain
lished that aims to help homeowners to pay the costs in NFIP communities are required to have NFIP
of making their property comply with the NFIP flood insurance as a prerequisite for receiving any
floodplain standards and regulations. This grant, type of federal financial assistance including fed-
given in the form of additional coverage, will pay the eral disaster assistance, and federally backed mort-
homeowner who has NFIP flood insurance a max- gages (including those provided by Fannie Mae and
imum of US$30,000 to comply with state or local Freddie Mac). The objective of this requirement is
floodplain management laws and ordinances (that to stimulate the market penetration of flood insur-
include NFIP regulations) that affect the repair or ance. The amount of insurance coverage that needs
reconstruction of a structure that has been damaged to be purchased equals the amount of the outstand-
by flooding. Mitigation activities that are financed ing mortgage loan, but obviously cannot exceed the
by this fund include elevation, floodproofing, re- maximum NFIP coverage. There are no obligations
location, or demolition of the building. The fund for contents coverage, unless contents serve as collat-
has only been applied to a limited extent, with total eral for a loan. The regulation is enforced by eight
expenditures of US$59 million for 3,209 “increased agencies that regulate the banking and mortgage
costs of compliance” claims until 2006 (Wetmore lending industry. These include the Comptroller of
et al., 2006). This is mainly caused by strict eligi- the Currency, the Federal Reserve Board, the Fed-
bility requirements so that only specific expensive eral Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of
mitigation measures can be funded. Thrift Supervision, the Farm Credit Administra-
A recurrent problem for the NFIP is that certain tion, and the National Credit Union Administra-
existing buildings in a floodplain suffer flood dam- tion. Property owners are obliged to retain flood
age repeatedly over time, because they were built insurance for the entire duration of their mortgage
in very high risk areas. About 1% of the properties loans. The federal lending regulators can impose
insured by the NFIP are defined as repetitive loss monetary penalties on lenders that have a “pattern
properties and these have suffered about 38% of all of practice” of violating the regulations. Lenders
flood claims since 1978 (Bingham et al., 2006). The should assess whether a loan is secured by real estate
2004 reform started a pilot program to mitigate the subject to the mandatory insurance purchase re-
flood damage of properties that have suffered repet- quirement and, if so, notify the borrower that NFIP
itive losses. For this purpose, the Repetitive Flood flood insurance is required, and ensure that flood
Claims Grant Program and the Severe Repetitive insurance is maintained throughout the loan dura-
Loss Program were established (see Table 4.3 for tion. If people “forget” to renew their policy, then
more details). Nevertheless, the number of insured the bank notices this and obtains private flood in-
severe repetitive loss properties continues to grow surance for the property (“force-placed flood insur-
despite NFIP mitigation efforts (U.S. Department ance”) for a much higher rate than the NFIP flood
of Homeland Security, 2009). insurance (Tobin and Calfee, 2006). The premium
In summary, the discussion in this subsection of the force-placed flood insurance is charged to the
shows that the current NFIP consists of a collection homeowner again. In this way the homeowner gets
of various acts. The program has been subject to sev- an incentive to apply for flood insurance through

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Table 4.2. Amendments to the NFIP

Amendment Problems to be solved Main changes Result

Insurance legislation Limited capacity for Establish an “emergency phase” in Communities could enter the
1969 detailed flood risk which the NFIP makes preliminary NFIP without detailed flood
studies and maps flood studies and maps of the risk studies
Flood insurance is available if the local
government agrees to make its best
efforts to control building to reduce
flood risk
Flood Disaster Low participation of Governments not in the NFIP are Participating communities
Protection Act 1973 communities in the ineligible for grants to aid increased from <3,000 to
NFIP construction in flood-hazard areas >18,000 in 5 years
Low market penetration Homeowners of communities not in the
NFIP cannot obtain federal disaster
Insurance incentive for Homeowners in floodplains of
building regulation was communities not in the NFIP cannot
inadequate obtain federally backed mortgages
Homeowners in the 1/100 year
floodplain with federally backed
mortgages are required to purchase
flood insurance
National Flood Low market penetration Strengthen oversight of mandatory Flood insurance demand is
Insurance Reform flood insurance purchases for homes observed to be higher for
Act 1994 in the 1/100 zone with federal individuals who are subject to
mortgages the mandatory purchase
High losses due to Limit disaster assistance for households More than 60% of the NFIP
inadequate incentives that have suffered flood losses but do policyholders participated in
for mitigation not have flood insurance the CRS in 2000
Require that households in the 1/100 Empirical evidence shows that
zone who have received disaster relief the CRS has lowered claims in
should purchase and maintain flood a sample of communities in
insurance Florida
Set up of the Community Rating System About $20 million a year is
(CRS) that rewards communities who authorized for mitigation
invest in risk reduction with grants
premium discounts
Provision of grants to states and local
governments for actions to reduce
flood hazards
Extend coverage up to $20,000 to cover
costs of building substantially
damaged buildings in compliance
with NFIP rules
Flood Insurance Repetitive losses Program for mitigation of flood damage Severe repetitive losses continue
Reform Act 2004 to properties affected by severe outpacing FEMA mitigation
repetitive loss efforts

Sources: Burby and French (1985); Pasterick (1998); Burby (2001); Kriesel and Landry (2004); U.S. Department of Homeland Security
(2009); Michel-Kerjan and Kousky (2010).

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NFIP. This is an attractive market for private insur- the maximum coverage, which are US$250,000 for
ers, such as Lloyds, because they can charge high residential buildings and US$100,000 for contents.h
premiums. Two types of policies are available in moderate to
low risk zones: the preferred risk policy and the
Flood hazard maps and insurance premiums. An
standard policy. The premiums of a preferred risk
important task of FEMA is to produce flood hazard
policy are considerably lower and are only applicable
studies and maps. This task consists of delineating
to households that meet specific eligibility criteria
flood hazard areas, mapping floodways, flood eleva-
that depend on the buildings’ entire flood loss his-
tions, and flood velocity. FEMA defines the floodway
tory.i Only standard policies are available in the A
as “the channel of a river or other watercourse and
and coastal V zones that are at higher risk, and have
the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in or-
consecutively higher premiums of up to US$5,700
der to discharge the base flood without cumulatively
in the latter zone. Average flood insurance premi-
increasing the water surface elevation to more than
ums in NYC are US$776 per year for an average
a designated height.” Floodplains or flood zones are
coverage per policy of US$218,563, which is rela-
defined as areas that can be inundated by a spe-
tively high compared with average coverage in other
cific flood event, and are often expressed as having
states mainly because of the higher average values
a certain flood probability, such as the 1/100 year
of the properties in the former (Michel-Kerjan and
floodplain. These flood hazard studies form the ba-
Kousky, 2010).
sis of the creation of FIRMs. FEMA determines the
Existing buildings in floodplains that were erected
insurance premiums on the basis of historical losses
before the creation of the NFIP flood-risk maps pay
averaged for the entire United States. The insur-
lower premiums. Premiums paid for insurance cov-
ance rates are divided into a few groups and depend
erage for such buildings are in between 35% and
on a flood-zone classification system. It should be
40% of the true risk premium (Bingham et al., 2006).
noted that similar standard premiums are charged
This subsidy is granted because it was considered
per flood zone across the United States, regardless of
unfair for these homeowners to pay high rates, since
whether a community has suffered repeatedly from
they may have lacked the knowledge that their build-
very high flood losses, or at the other extreme, has
ing was in a floodplain. Moreover, these subsidies
never experienced major flooding. The NFIP clas-
were meant to encourage homeowners to purchase
sifies flood zones according to their flood return
flood insurance, and stimulate communities to join
period. An important flood zone is the area that
the NFIP (Burby, 2001). The premiums in Table 4.3
is flooded 1 in 100 years on average, which is de-
are standard premiums, and individual policyhold-
fined as the special flood hazard area (SFHA). The
ers may obtain reductions in their premium if the
following differentiation has been made to reflect
lowest floor of their house is located above the BFE
different levels of flood risk: namely, moderate to
level of the 1/100 year flood. These reductions in
low risk (zones B, C, and X), which is outside the
premiums can be obtained for both new and exist-
1/100 year floodplain; high risk (zone A) which is in
ing buildings. New buildings have to be elevated at
the 1/100 year floodplain; and the high-risk 1/100
least to the BFE level according to the NFIP regu-
year floodplain in coastal areas (zone V) (Table 4.3).
lations, and only buildings that are further elevated
Table 4.3 shows the standard premium levels in
can obtain a premium discount. In order to be eli-
the different zones for residential insurance poli-
gible for the premium reduction, the policyholders
cies that cover damage to buildings and contents,
only buildings, or only contents. This table gives
an indication of the degree of premium differentia-
tion across the distinctive flood zones. Actual rates US$5,000. The lower the deductible, the higher the insur-
depend on, among other factors, the type of build- ance premium charged by the NFIP.
ing, number of floors, the level of coverage, and h
The coverage limit for the contents of nonresidential
the deductible.g The table only gives the rates for buildings is US$500,000.
Homeowners are ineligible for a preferred risk policy if
they have had two previous claims or have received flood
g disaster relief payments of US$1,000 or more, or three
Policyholders can choose among six deductible levels:
US$500, US$1,000, US$2,000, US$3,000, US$4,000, and losses of any amount.

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Table 4.3. Standard annual flood insurance premiums for residential properties in 2010

Building and Only Only

Risk level of the area Zone Policy contents building contents

Moderate to low risk B, C, X Preferred risk $395a NA $228b

Moderate to low risk B, C, X Standard $1,489 $911 $618
High risk A Standard $2,633 $1,620 $1,053
Coastal high risk V Standard $5,700 $3,487 $2,253
This premium is for buildings with a basement or enclosure and is higher than for buildings without a basement or
This premium is lower if only the contents above the ground floor are insured.
Source: FEMA (2010).

have to submit an elevation certificate to an insur- • The ground floor of new constructions in the
ance agent that is made by licensed engineers and 1/100 year flood zone needs to be elevated to
surveyors. This elevation certificate shows the BFE the estimated BFE;
level, the elevation of the structure, and the location • Existing structures should meet this elevation
of the building in the floodplain. criterion if improvements are made to the
Policyholders can, moreover, obtain premium structure that exceed 50% or more of its market
discounts through the CRS that reward commu- value;
nities who invest in risk reduction with premium • Mobile homes need to be anchored and are no
discounts of up to 45% of the full rates defined by longer allowed to be built in the floodway; and
FEMA. These credits benefit all of the NFIP poli- • Subdivisional proposals, which are areas of real
cyholders in a community because they get a per- estate that are composed of subdivided lots, are
centage reduction in premiums. The CRS assigns to be reviewed to limit flood risk. For example,
a ranking of 10 classes, where a “1” indicates that the works should be consistent with minimiz-
the community has taken the most significant col- ing flood damage in the flood-prone area; pub-
lective flood mitigation measures, while a “10” is lic utilities and facilities should be located and
given to communities who have done nothing in constructed while simultaneously minimizing
this respect. Table 4.4 shows the premium discount or eliminating flood damage; and an adequate
that can be obtained per class. Communities can drainage system should be provided.
improve their ranking by implementing a range of
mitigation strategies, improve flood awareness, or The elevation requirements in the 1/100 year
facilitate accurate insurance ratings. The CRS dis- floodplain and prohibitions to build in floodways
count is not applicable to preferred risk policies. remain in force after the community has entered
the program. The NFIP enforces local compliance
NFIP requirements and mitigation of flood with the flood insurance legislation and can conduct
damage. In principle, communities decide them- site visits to local governments, and state govern-
selves whether they want to join the NFIP, although ments can report violations to the NFIP. Moreover,
a few state governments require that their commu- enforcement is checked through the “rate applica-
nities participate in the program (Burby, 2001). The tions” that are made in a specific community. If a
NFIP has established the eligibility requirements re- homeowner applies for flood insurance then a spe-
lated to flood-risk reduction that communities have cial assessment of the building is required for es-
to meet in order to be covered by the flood insur- timating premiums if the building does not meet
ance. For example: the general standards. For example, such a special
• Local governments have to restrict develop- assessment is needed if the elevation is further be-
ment in floodways, but they are not required low the BFE than can be indicated on the standard
to apply zoning regulations in the remainder of application forms for flood insurance. These rate
the floodplain; applications are submitted to FEMA, and together

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Table 4.4. Community Rating System (CRS) premium ing, floodproofing, and purchasing the property (see
discounts per class Table 4.5). These state and local governments have
to match 25% of the funding provided, which may
Class Discount Class Discount
be reduced to 10% if the state has an approved miti-
gation plan, and if FEMA has determined that it has
1 45% 6 20%
taken action to reduce the number of severe repeti-
2 40% 7 15%
tive loss properties. The FEMA grant is paid out of
3 35% 8 10%
NFIP premium revenues. If a homeowner with a se-
4 30% 9 5%
vere repetitive loss refuses to agree with a reasonable
5 25% 10 0%
mitigation offer, then the flood insurance premium
Source: FEMA (2006). will be increased to 150% of the chargeable rate of
the property at the time of the flood loss. At the
form a database that FEMA can use to evaluate
maximum, this chargeable rate is the estimated risk
the level of compliance of structures with the NFIP
premium of the area. The mitigation fund consisted
of US$40 million in 2006 and 2007, US$80 million in
Mitigation grant programs. Table 4.5 provides the 2008 and 2009, and US$70 million in 2010. In NYS
main characteristics of the five most important cur- and the state of New Jersey, respectively, 206 and 509
rently available mitigation grant programs of the buildings have been validated as a severe repetitive
NFIP. The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program can loss property, and about US$4 million and US$11
provide mitigation funds to state and local gov- million of grants have been provided out of the mit-
ernments and to some private non-governmental igation funds to “flood-proof” these buildings in
organizations after a disaster has occurred, as indi- NYS and the state of New Jersey, respectively (U.S.
cated by a presidential disaster declaration (FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, 2009).
2009). The main aim of this fund is to promote more
4.2. Strengths and weaknesses of the NFIP
hazard-resilient rebuilding after a disaster. The fund
Several studies have critically reviewed the perfor-
is not limited just to financing only flood mitigation,
mance of the NFIP, and recommended major re-
but also provides funds to mitigate other hazards,
visions to improve the program, which mostly fo-
such as earthquakes and wildfires. The Flood Miti-
cused on more effective incentives and policies for
gation Assistance Program is specifically geared to-
flood-risk mitigation (Burby, 2001, 2006; Wetmore
wards mitigating flood damage and provides grants
et al., 2006; Kunreuther et al., 2009). These studies
to state and local governments for developing FEMA
do not provide an explicit or in-depth assessment
applications, assessing risk and developing mitiga-
of how the NFIP needs to be geared towards dealing
tion plans, and implementing projects that ”flood-
with a potential increase in future flood risk as a
proof” buildings. The Pre-Disaster Mitigation Pro-
result of climate change, as is the focal point of this
gram was authorized in 2000. The main objective
study. Nevertheless, the recommendations of exist-
was to allow the funding of mitigation measures
ing studies about how the NFIP can be geared to-
under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program before
ward achieving risk reduction are especially relevant
disasters occur, which was regarded as being more
in the context of the future increase in flood risk due
effective than only providing mitigation funds to
to climate change that is projected for some regions
areas that have actually suffered from a disaster.
in the United States. Our study provides a novel con-
The Repetitive Flood Claims Grant Program
tribution by especially focusing on how the NFIP
funds 100% of those mitigation measures for struc-
can accommodate, and contribute to, flood resilient
tures that have one or more NFIP loss claims (see
waterfront development in NYC, although many of
Table 4.5), and is paid out of NFIP premium rev-
the issues addressed are more broadly applicable.
enues. Funding will be prioritized for those appli-
cations that can result in the largest cost-savings Requirements for purchasing insurance through
for the NFIP. In addition, the Severe Repetitive the NFIP. Although the NFIP has been success-
Loss Program provides financial resources to state ful in providing many homeowners with flood
and local governments for mitigation activities, insurance that would otherwise not be available, the
such as elevation, relocation, demolition, rebuild- market penetration of flood insurance is rather low.

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Table 4.5. Mitigation grant programs from FEMA

Main measures Yearly financial
Mitigation grant Requirements Eligible recipients funded capacity

Hazard Mitigation Presidential disaster State and local Elevation of homes and businesses Sliding scale funding of 3
Grant Program declaration governments Demolition or relocation of homes portions:
Some private Retrofitting buildings (1) 15% of first US$2 billion
non-governmental Flood control projects for critical of disaster assistance
organizations facilities (2) 10% of disaster
Construction of safe rooms for assistance between US$2
tornado protection and US$10 billion
(3) 7.5% of disaster
assistance between US$10
and US$35.333 billion
Flood Mitigation Flood mitigation plan for States and Planning grants for assessing risk US$32.3 million in 2010
Assistance project grants communities and developing flood mitigation
Program plans
Project grants for elevating,
acquiring, demolishing, or
relocating NFIP insured
Technical assistance grants for
developing FEMA applications
and implement projects
Pre-Disaster Flood mitigation plan States and Elevation and relocation of existing US$90 million in 2009
Mitigation communities public or private structures
Program Flood control projects for critical
Protective measures for utilities
Stormwater management projects
Vegetation management for natural
dune restoration, wildfire, or
snow avalanche
Structural and nonstructural
Construction of safe rooms for
public and private structures
Voluntary acquisition of real
Repetitive Flood One or more claim payments States and Acquisition, structure demolition, US$10 million per year
Claims Grant from NFIP communities or structure relocation, with the
Program Ineligible for flood mitigation property deed restricted for open
assistance program space uses in perpetuity
State hazard mitigation
Severe Repetitive Only for residential properties States and Elevation, relocation, or demolition US$70 million in 2010
Loss Program Flood losses that resulted in communities of existing residential properties
either within a 10-year Flood-proofing measures for
period (1) four or more historic properties
flood insurance Minor physical localized flood
claims payments each control projects
> $5,000 with at least two of Demolition and rebuilding of
the payments made, or (2) properties to at least the base
two or more flood insurance flood elevation (BFE) or greater
claims payments that if required by any local ordinance
cumulatively exceeded the
property value
Sources: Burby (2001); FEMA (2008); FEMA (2009);

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The exact market penetration of the NFIP is diffi- untary purchase of flood insurance, such as low risk
cult to assess, but a study has been made by Dixon perceptions and awareness by individuals (Browne
et al. (2006). According to these authors, only about and Hoyt, 2000).
49% of single family homes in the 1/100 year flood The low market penetration is an impediment
zone carry NFIP flood insurance, which is simi- for stimulating flood-risk reduction through insur-
lar to estimates by Kriesel and Landry (2004) for ance. The aforementioned empirical studies of NFIP
coastal areas in the United States. Market penetra- market penetration indicate that many households
tion is very low (about 1%) in the flood zones with- are not insured, which implies that insurance does
out the mandatory insurance purchase requirement. not impose market discipline by promoting risk re-
Large regional differences exist in market penetra- duction or prevent uneconomic use of the flood-
tion rates. As an illustration, market penetration plain. The low market penetration has, moreover,
is estimated to be only 28% in the northeast of the adverse effect that the ability to spread risk is
the United States, while it is the highest at 60% impaired, which generally results in higher premi-
in the south. This sample excludes NYC and to our ums for the remaining pool of insured. The NFIP
knowledge, there is no specific study about mar- insurance may suffer from adverse selection that
ket penetration of flood insurance in NYC. Total causes the observed shortfall of premium revenue
NFIP policies in force in NYC were about 37,000 in compared with claims, because flood insurance does
2010, which suggests that market penetration is also not generate enough revenue if homeowners with
low in NYC. The market penetration of commercial lower risk do not purchase it. Adverse selection in
flood insurance is even more uncertain than that of insurance markets occurs if mostly individuals with
the NFIP, because it is not monitored and reported. a high-risk choose to purchase insurance, while in-
Kriesel and Landry (2004) estimate that the market surers are insufficiently capable of distinguishing
penetration of commercial flood insurance is only low- from high-risk policyholders and charging the
about 4% in coastal areas (across all flood zones). latter a higher premium. Especially in the face of a
Large industrial risks are likely to carry flood insur- projected rise in flood risk due to climate change, it
ance coverage. is desirable to stimulate the take-out of flood insur-
There are several explanations for the low mar- ance and increase the market penetration in order
ket penetration of flood insurance. The mandatory to improve risk sharing and make better use of the
purchase requirement of flood insurance only ap- tools that insurance offers to encourage households
plies to federally backed mortgages of homeown- to invest in risk reduction. If climate change in-
ers in the 1/100 year flood zone, while there are creases flood risks, then this would imply that more
no obligations for tenants to purchase flood insur- uninsured households would suffer flood damage,
ance. This severely limits the scope of the obliga- which would either increase the need for federal dis-
tion, and only an estimated 50% to 60% of the aster assistance or leave many households uncom-
single-family homes in the 1/100 year zones are pensated and in financial distress. A higher market
subject to the mandatory insurance purchase re- penetration of flood insurance could, therefore, be
quirement (Dixon et al., 2006). There are no obliga- a way to alleviate the impacts of, and promote adap-
tions to purchase flood insurance outside the 1/100 tation to, climate change.
year flood zone. Many homeowners drop the cov-
erage once their loans have been paid off, because FIRMs and insurance premiums. An important
they are only required to purchase insurance cov- strength of the NFIP program is that it provides a
erage for the portion of the mortgage that is out- platform for studying flood risk and creating flood
standing (Tobin and Calfee, 2006). Compliance with hazard maps for the communities in the United
the requirement is estimated at approximately 75% States, which is a tremendous task given the large
to 80% (Dixon et al., 2006). Enforcement may be geographical area of the country. Indeed, the NFIP
complicated because FEMA has no authority over delineates flood-hazard areas for most of the United
the eight financial institutions that are responsi- States, and updates their FIRMs, which are publicly
ble for checking compliance with the requirements available on the Internet. An accurate and detailed
(Wetmore et al., 2006). Several behavioral explana- assessment of the regional flood risk is essential for
tions have been put forward to explain the low vol- a well-functioning insurance program, because it

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is the input needed to set actuarially based premi- experienced considerable shortfalls of premium rev-
ums that reflect risks. Moreover, such maps provide enues compared with payouts of claims: in particu-
important information for local floodplain manage- lar operating losses occurred in the 18 years between
ment policies. 1972 and 2005 (Pasterick, 1998; Burby, 2006). Third,
According to Burby (2001), the quality of the Burby (2001) recognizes that, in general, the spatial
flood-risk studies falls short of achieving an accu- (in)accuracy of flood-risk maps, the lack of detailed
rate risk assessment for four reasons, which have geo-references, and the lack of property lines in-
nationwide implications and do not only apply to dicating the location of structures are problematic
NYC. First, there is a lack of funding to keep flood for local governments if they desire to implement
insurance maps up to date by revising them fre- stricter building codes than the NFIP requires and
quently enough so that they reflect changes in lo- regulate land use in floodplains.
cal conditions. Second, no maps are created for ar- The inaccuracy of the current flood hazard maps
eas subject to localized stormwater drainage flood- is especially problematic in the face of the projected
ing and areas that are vulnerable to the failure of rise in flood risk as a result of climate change. If cur-
dams and flood control infrastructure. If areas are rent hazard information is insufficient to steer effec-
protected by levees that are high enough to with- tive risk reduction by individuals and governments,
stand the 1/100 year flood level, then these areas are then the resulting suboptimal flood protection and
mapped out of the 1/100 year zone. However, it has preparedness may turn out to be very costly when
been asserted that maintenance of levees is often in- flood risk increases in the future. Moreover, a con-
adequate, and a variety of failure mechanisms exist tinuous process of updating maps may be especially
that cause the flood probability to exceed the 1/100 important if risk changes over time not only because
level, which would provide a rationale for taking a of socioeconomic developments in the floodplains,
more prudent approach and mapping these areas as has been the case in the past, but also because of
more carefully (Bingham et al., 2006). Third, nei- changes in the frequency and intensity of the flood
ther maps have been created nor are regulations in hazard due to changes in precipitation, storms, and
place for probable future hazards and changes in sea-level rise. Accurate and up-to-date FEMA flood
risk that could, for example, arise because of wa- hazard maps are important in steering appropri-
tershed development, land subsidence, erosion, and ate waterfront development in NYC. For example,
sea-level rise caused by climate change. Fourth, the the delineation of the 1/100 year flood zone deter-
maps are often not detailed enough for incorporat- mines the minimum standards to which new con-
ing flood hazards in land-use planning and man- structions are subject, and whether it is mandatory
agement. For example, our discussions with local for new construction financed with federally backed
planners in NYC revealed that, in practice, a sin- mortgages to carry flood insurance. Moreover, the
gle property can lie partly within, and partly out- flood hazard maps are an input for the insurance
side, the 1/100 year flood zone demarcation line. In rates, which can provide an important price sig-
that case, inspectors need to determine whether the nal that may steer new development and provide
property needs to comply with the flood building homeowners and contractors with incentives to im-
codes. plement mitigation measures.
The consequences of the resulting inaccuracy of In general, the premiums of the NFIP do not
FIRMs are three-fold. First, although premiums completely reflect risks (LeBlanc and Linkin, 2010).
partly depend on the flood-zone classifications, pre- There are four main reasons for this. First, the pre-
miums do not completely reflect actual risk if the miums of buildings in the 1/100 year floodplain
maps are inaccurate. This impairs incentives for that were constructed before the NFIP was enforced
homeowners to limit risk (Kunreuther, 2008). Sec- are subsidized. Although, the percentage of subsi-
ond, the decision not to map certain risks, such dized policies declined from 83% of total policies in
as the failure of flood protection, results in an un- 1985 to approximately 25% in 2004, the number of
derestimation of flood risk and premiums that are such policies remains high (Bingham et al., 2006).
too low, which contributes to the operating losses In principle, premiums are actuarially based for new
incurred by the NFIP, and distorts incentives for constructions. Second, the existing premium levels
mitigation (Burby, 2001). In the past, the NFIP has are high enough to ensure that the NFIP can pay its

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claims in an “average historical loss year,” but not subsidized rates would increase considerably in the
a catastrophic year. This implies that, in general, future.
premiums are too low. The average premium short- The CRS gives communities incentives to imple-
fall before Katrina was about US$800 million per ment mitigation measures in return for premium
year, which needs to be borrowed from the federal discounts. Although, in principle, this may be a good
government (Bingham et al., 2006). In some years, incentive for communities to increase mitigation in-
shortfalls of premium revenue of the NFIP were vestments, concerns have been raised that the CRS
considerable. For instance, FEMA paid US$19.28 contributes to the too low levels of premiums in
billion of claims in the destructive hurricane sea- some communities (Burby, 2001). Our discussion
son in 2005 compared with an annual US$2.2 bil- with government experts in the New York area re-
lion in premium revenues, which required a large vealed that the CRS is not attractive for NYC. It is
expansion of the borrowing capacity of the NFIP unclear for policymakers how the credits relate to
(Michel-Kerjan and Kousky, 2010). Third, the pre- specific measures and policies, and what the result-
miums and deductibles remain the same, even after ing premium reductions are. This has been exam-
repetitive losses have been suffered (unlike the case ined for NYC but turned out to be administratively
with car insurance after many accidents). It is noted very complex and not worthwhile. It could be useful
here that most repetitive losses occur in the Gulf for FEMA to change this credit system so that its el-
States. Fourth, the current premium differentiation igibility requirements are better suited to the needs
is based on relatively few risk zones that are the same of a densely populated city like NYC.
for the whole nation with no distinctions made for
different states or counties (GAO, 2008). For exam- NFIP requirements and mitigation of flood
ple, the areas of 1/100 and 1/500 years are very large damage. The NFIP aims to link flood insurance to
in certain cases, and there is no differentiation of improved risk prevention and damage mitigation at
premiums within the zones. both the community and individual level. At least
Incentives for homeowners to implement risk the NFIP forced the local governments to pay atten-
reduction measures are distorted if premiums do tion to managing urban development in a way that
not accurately reflect risk, which can be especially reduced flood risk in order to be eligible for flood
troublesome if more investments in mitigation are insurance. It has been estimated that the NFIP stan-
needed in the future due to risk increases. A useful dards and mitigation programs have saved in total
characteristic of the program is that homeowners get over US$1 billion of flood losses per year (Sarmiento
an incentive to invest in an elevation above the BFE and Miller, 2006). However, it has been recognized
level because this can lower their premiums. Nev- that more can be done in this respect (Burby, 2001).
ertheless, it has been argued that the NFIP should The program has been rather effective in limiting the
re-evaluate flood insurance premium discounts for vulnerability of new constructions to flood hazards.
buildings in A zones, because A zone discounts ef- Pasterick (1998) showed that buildings that were
fectively cease at 1 to 2 ft above the BFE, even though constructed before the enforcement of the NFIP
a higher elevation would be desirable (Jones et al., standards suffered approximately six times more
2006). A future challenge is that the BFE is projected flood damage than buildings that were constructed
to increase in many places, as the estimates made in compliance with the NFIP standards.
for future flood zones for NYC show (Rosenzweig Even though the NFIP requirements are quite suc-
and Solecki, 2010). Another problem with increas- cessful in floodproofing new buildings, the program
ing flood risk due to climate change is that updates of is generally evaluated as being ineffective in limiting
FIRMs over time will imply a shift in the zone classi- new developments in high-risk areas. As an illus-
fication for many properties. The current regulation tration, during the first 30 years of the NFIP the
for such properties is that property owners who are number of buildings in such areas has increased by
remapped to a more costly zone classification are 53% (Burby, 2001). These trends are likely to con-
charged the lower insurance premium of the former tinue in the future, as is apparent from Figure 4.1
flood zone through grandfathering (Bingham et al., which shows the past and projected increase in the
2006). If this policy continues then it may be ex- number of buildings in SFHAs, which is the 1/100
pected that the number of properties that pay such flood zone. Although the number of old buildings

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Figure 4.1. Total historical and projected future number of buildings in SFHAs in the United States, and Pre-FIRM buildings.
Source: Wetmore et al. (2006).

constructed before the NFIP (Pre-FIRM) is expected properties and suffered in total 100.4 million of in-
to decrease, the total number of buildings in SFHA is sured repetitive losses between 1978 and 2002 (King,
increasing due to rapid urbanization in flood-prone 2005). A factor that contributes to the problem of
areas. It should be recognized that large regional severe repetitive losses is that the premiums charged
differences exist in the success of steering develop- for these properties are not actuarially-fair and of-
ment away from high flood-risk zones. Fast-growing ten too low, which impairs incentives to floodproof
coastal communities appear to have been least suc- these buildings (U.S. Department of Homeland Se-
cessful in shifting development to non-vulnerable curity, 2009).
areas (Burby and French, 1985; Burby 2001), which Another problem is that violations of the NFIP
is probably because of the high opportunity costs of mitigation standards by local governments and
building further inland. homeowners are not uncommon and have resulted
In contrast to the success of floodproofing new in considerably more losses in the past than would
constructions, the program did very little to reduce have occurred if regulations were adhered to (Burby,
the vulnerability of existing buildings to flood haz- 2001). Moreover, many buildings that are exposed
ards. Very few homeowners in the United States have to flooding are currently unregulated by the NFIP
taken measures to limit flood risk in existing build- because they are located outside the 1/100 year
ings (Kunreuther and Roth, 1998). The NFIP can flood zone. The decision to regulate only the 1/100
purchase insured properties that have flood damage year flood zone has been criticized, and seems to
representing more than 50% of their value, or have have been based on political criteria instead of ef-
been repeatedly damaged. These houses can then ficiency grounds guided by cost-benefit analyses.
be relocated or demolished. Approximately 1,400 This has been acknowledged by FEMA (2006) in
properties were purchased at a total cost of US$51.9 its evaluation of the NFIP. Most flood losses in
million between 1968 and 1994 (Pasterick, 1998). the United States are caused by less-frequent flood
Although this seems like a good strategy to deal events (Burby, 2001). The program could increase
with old buildings located in very high risk areas, its effectiveness by regulating flood zones affected
the program continues to suffer from the problem by lower probability floods, such as the 1/500 year
of repetitive flood losses affecting existing build- floodplain (Association of State Floodplain Man-
ings. For instance, properties suffering from repet- agers, 2000).
itive loss were estimated in 2004 to cost the NFIP
about US$200 million annually. NYS ranks in the Mitigation grant programs. FEMA has been ac-
sixth place of states with the most insured repetitive tively involved with funding flood prevention by
losses in the United States. It has 7,141 repetitive loss state and local governments and their efforts to

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mitigate potential flood damage to structures. The rise in flood frequency are beach nourishment,
availability of the grant programs can be a moti- building dikes, sea walls, and storm surge barriers.
vation for communities to join the NFIP, while it Moreover, sea-level rise may increase the areas that
reduces the costs of flood hazards to the NFIP and will be inundated during floods, such as the 1/100
society in general. However, there could be scope year flood-zone, which requires additional mitiga-
to expand the grant programs for mitigation. The tion measures for buildings, such as elevating new
budgets of, respectively, the Flood Mitigation As- constructions. There is much uncertainty about the
sistance Program and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation costs of adaptation, which is obviously dependent
Program are, in total, US$32 and US$90 million, on the uncertain impacts of climate change on
which is not very large when it is considered that this flood risk. As an illustration of the possible size of
applies to the entire United States, while the latter these costs, Nicholls (2003) states in a study for the
program also funds non-flood-related mitigation OECD that costs to adapt to a one meter sea-level
measures. Indeed, more investments in mitigation rise could be in the order of US$257 billion (2010
seem to have a high benefit compared with costs. values)j for the United States, considering only
The National Institute of Building Sciences (2005) direct protection, and assuming no changes in
has estimated that effective flood hazard mitigation storm conditions. This estimate may be considered
has an overall benefit–cost ratio of 5 to 1. an underestimation, because many cost categories
The Repetitive Flood Claims Grant Program and are excluded, such as the costs for floodproofing
the Severe Repetitive Loss Program seem promis- buildings. Adaptation costs would be considerably
ing initiatives to tackle the problems that the NFIP more expensive in some places than in others, partly
has experienced with repetitive losses. However, the because current protection levels are already sub-
budgets of these programs are, respectively, US$10 optimal, which has been defined as an “adaptation
million and US$70 million per year, which appears deficit.” For example, Nicholls (2009) mentions
to be too small for solving the problem with repet- NYC as an example of a city with a large “adaptation
itive losses in a short time span. The costs to ac- deficit” because parts of NYC are currently insuffi-
quire the current properties defined as severe repet- ciently protected against storm surge and flooding
itive losses are estimated to be US$1.8 billion (U.S. with hard infrastructure, such as coastal protection
Department of Homeland Security, 2009). This is by dikes, high sea walls, or barriers. The current
considerably higher than the current funding avail- grant programs are, moreover, too limited in scope
able for the mitigation program for severe repetitive to provide a meaningful financial contribution
losses, which had, in total, US$160 million available towards building new waterfront development in
in 2009. Although this may be enough to gradu- NYC in a floodproof and climate-change resilient
ally reduce severe repetitive loss claims, it should be manner, because the grants mainly focus on
noted that the number of severe repetitive loss prop- protecting existing buildings from flood damage.
erties tends to increase over time, which may be ac-
4.3. Suggestions for improving the NFIP and
celerated by the projected increase in flood risk due
international examples
to climate change. Another limitation is that many
The Section 4.2 identified several weaknesses of the
of the grant programs, such as the Severe Repet-
NFIP with respect to dealing with the impacts from
itive Loss Program, have a cost-sharing condition
climate change and ongoing socioeconomic devel-
for local governments of about 25% before FEMA
opments in flood-prone areas. This section provides
provides the flood damage mitigation grant. Local
several suggestions for improvements, in particular
governments often lack these financial resources,
which results in a limited applicability of the grants
(U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2009). • enhancing the NFIP’s market penetration;
It seems unlikely, therefore, that the current grant • improving flood hazards maps;
programs will free up sufficient financial resources
to finance the required adaptation policies and
measures that will be needed to accommodate rising j
Nicholls (2003) reports that these costs are US$156 billion
flood risk due to climate change. Examples of adap- in 1990 values, which has been transformed to the 2010
tation measures that could prevent the projected price level using the consumer price index.

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• charging insurance premiums that reflect risk; have experienced about whether hurricane dam-
• extending the duration of insurance contracts; age should be covered by the NFIP flood insurance
• addressing climate change in the NFIP require- or private windstorm damage insurance, which re-
ments; and sulted in long and expensive lawsuits after Hurricane
• broadening mitigation grant programs. Katrina (Kunreuther and Michel-Kerjan, 2009).

Enhancing the NFIP’s market penetration. The Improving flood hazard maps. The discussion in
currently low market penetration of the NFIP flood Section 4.2 highlighted that there is scope to im-
insurance could be increased so that more house- prove the accuracy of existing flood hazard maps
holds would have their flood losses covered by insur- produced by FEMA. More detailed maps would be
ance after a flood event, and more buildings would useful to guide local land-use planning. Moreover,
be subject to the NFIP mitigation requirements. it could be useful to map residual risk more exten-
There seems to be some scope to improve the en- sively, such as areas protected by levees, in order
forcement of the mandatory purchase requirement to improve the information about potential flood
for homeowners with federally backed mortgages zones, and ensure that adequate building code reg-
who live in the 1/100 year flood zone. Nevertheless, ulations are in place in such areas. Also, a mecha-
there would still remain a very low market pen- nism could be put in place that allows for regular
etration outside the 1/100 year zone. Raising risk updates of flood hazard maps, so that changing lo-
awareness in areas with lower probability floods cal conditions such as developments in flood-prone
could bring about a higher demand for flood in- areas are adequately accounted for in estimating the
surance. Given that the 1/100 year flood zone is flood zones. At this moment, FEMA is updating its
expected to increase in the future, consideration flood maps in its “Flood Hazard Map Moderniza-
should be given to making insurance compulsory tion Initiative,” which has been work in progress
in the expected future 1/100 year zone or in a cur- since 1997 (Morrissey, 2006). The plan is to update
rent flood zone with a larger flood return interval, all flood hazard maps and create digital maps that
such as the 1/500 year zone. Expanding the manda- can be used by computer applications. Even though
tory purchase requirements brings the benefit that the creation of digital flood maps could lower the
more constructions that are expected to be at future costs of updates, concerns have been raised about
risk of flooding would be subject to the NFIP miti- whether FEMA has the capacity to regularly update
gation requirements. Alternatively, coverage against maps that reflect the continuously changing condi-
flooding could be made compulsory on all exist- tions in risk in the future (Morrissey, 2006).
ing building and home contents insurance policies To implement measures to limit the expected fu-
that, for example, cover fire risks, which could re- ture increase in flood risk due to climate change, it
sult in a very large risk pool and high market pen- would be useful to make maps that indicate the ex-
etration. This is the practice in France where flood pected future change in the floodplain or change in
insurance is covered via a natural disaster insurance risk. For example, it could be useful to know where
coverage called CatNat, which is compulsorily in- the future 1/100 year flood zone will be (e.g., in the
cluded with property insurance. This requirement year 2050). Knowing the future 1/100 flood zone of-
has resulted in an almost universal market penetra- fers the possibility to impose the same requirements
tion among both tenants and homeowners (Poussin that apply to the current 1/100 year zone, such as ele-
et al., 2010). If such a requirement were to be intro- vating new buildings, to the future 1/100 year zone.
duced in the United States, then it would be im- Such a policy could ensure that adequate mitiga-
portant to set premiums according to risk in order tion measures are undertaken in what is expected to
to provide adequate incentives for mitigation. Fur- be the future floodplain. Given the long lifetime of
thermore, the French property insurance provides new constructions, such regulation would anticipate
coverage against a variety of natural hazards via the the current problems with floodproofing existing
CatNat system, and it could be useful to explore properties.
the application of this system in the United States. It can be questioned whether FEMA currently
Broad natural hazards coverage could prevent the has the financial and human resource capacity to
problems that homeowners in the United States produce future-looking flood hazard maps. A more

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Figure 4.2. Current 1/100 year flood zone for NYC and potential future 1/100 year flood zones under various scenarios of climate
change. Source: Rosenzweig and Solecki (2010).

active role for the insurance industry may be needed in order to indicate those locations that are espe-
to create flood hazard maps, as is, for example, the cially vulnerable to flood damage. Current and fu-
case in the UK and Germany (De Moel et al., 2009). ture flood risk in NYC can be estimated more pre-
Alternatively, local governments with a large expo- cisely with catastrophe models and the expertise of
sure to flood risk and a strong adaptation policy insurance companies and academics (LeBlanc and
agenda, such as NYC, may take the lead in this Linkin, 2010). The knowledge to create such maps
and produce their own future flood hazard and risk has already been developed in other countries: for
maps. Rosenzweig and Solecki (2010) made an ini- example, the modeling of current and future flood
tial estimate of the future 1/100 year flood zone for risk is already common practice in the Netherlands
NYC, which is shown in Figure 4.2. This map does (e.g., Bouwer et al., 2010).
not show the exact boundaries of the 1/100 year
flood, but is a rough indication of how the current Charging insurance premiums that reflect risk.
1/100 year zone may change in the future. There Section 4.2 indicated that the NFIP insurance pre-
is a high degree of uncertainty about the extent of miums do not accurately reflect the actual risk faced
future flood zones, and more research is needed if by policyholders. It has been well recognized that
future flood maps are to be used as an input in in- risk-based premiums can facilitate risk reduction
surance, flood zoning, or building regulations. To by providing a price signal of risk of settlement
effectively guide adaptation, a more accurate and in risk-prone areas, and by providing incentives
detailed analysis is in order, while an estimation of to policyholders for risk reduction (Kunreuther,
the geographical distribution of flood risk is needed 1996; Botzen et al., 2009). Kunreuther et al. (2009)

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propose that premiums that reflect risks are a funda- very high flood risk. This rate of increase for house-
mental guiding principle to develop efficient insur- holds currently residing in hazard-prone areas may
ance protection against natural disaster risks. The be regarded as inequitable, and low-income house-
application of this principle would provide a signal holds may not be able to afford higher risk based
of relative flood damage to those currently residing premiums. Therefore, some form of income sup-
in flood-prone areas and those who are considering port or compensation could be given to these indi-
moving to those locations, such as constructions viduals to overcome this issue of equity. However,
near the waterfront. Indeed, such homeowners are any treatment should come from public funding
charged higher rates if they move into, for example, and not from subsidies on insurance premiums in
a coastal flood zone (see zone V in Table 4.3), but order to provide incentives for risk reduction. For
the current crude relationship between premiums instance, tax reductions could be provided to partly
and actual risk provides an inaccurate or “noisy” compensate for the drop in households’ disposable
signal of risk, at best. Adequate incentives to poli- income due to higher insurance premiums. Along
cyholders, such as premium discounts, to invest in the lines of the current food stamp program in the
cost-effective flood-risk reduction cannot be pro- United States, Kunreuther et al. (2009) propose the
vided through insurance, unless premiums reflect introduction of “insurance vouchers” provided by
the risk of exposure to floods. the state or federal government that would enable
The NFIP could set actuarially fair premiums that low-income residents to purchase insurance. Nev-
better reflect risk in order to make more effective ertheless, it should be noted that such special treat-
use of the insurance mechanism to steer risk reduc- ments are only needed in the short term, since they
tion by individuals. This could be implemented in should not apply to new residents that locate in
the current program by charging premiums that are flood-prone areas, as otherwise there would be an
high enough to not only cover losses in an average incentive to settle in hazard-prone areas in order to
loss year but are also on average capable of covering be eligible for these benefits.
losses of catastrophic floods, and by better differ-
entiating premiums according to the actual flood Extending the duration of insurance contracts.
risk faced by policyholders. Moreover, the current The short-term nature of the current flood insur-
subsidies given to premiums of pre-FIRM build- ance policies of only one year may restrain active
ings could be phased out over time (Bingham et al., collaboration between insurers and policyholders
2006), and the grandfathering of lower premiums in reducing exposure to flooding. Several scientific
for structures that are rezoned to a higher risk area experts have suggested introducing long-term flood
after a map update could be abolished. insurance contracts that are tied to properties in-
Alternatively, a greater role may be given to pri- stead of to individuals with a duration of, for exam-
vate insurance companies in the pricing and un- ple, 5, 10, or 20 years (Kunreuther, 2008; Kunreuther
derwriting of risk, which could result in more ac- et al., 2009). Such long-term contracts would estab-
tuarially sound rates. This is, for example, current lish a long-term relationship between insurers and
practice in the UK where flood insurance is provided policyholders, which gives both incentives to im-
by the private sector without government support plement cost-effective risk-reducing measures. For
(Crichton, 2008). In the UK, premiums are differen- example, insurers have an interest in rewarding the
tiated according to risks and insurers obviously have undertaking of such measures with premium dis-
an incentive to set premium levels high enough to counts that the policyholders can receive for a long
recoup flood losses. With a higher spatial accuracy time horizon; namely, for the duration of the insur-
of mapping risk, the NFIP could improve pricing ance policy. Problems with short-term contracts are
the risk into actuarially fair premiums. that policyholders are not sure that premium reduc-
Changing the premium structure of the NFIP by tions that would be provided as a reward for mit-
charging homeowners premiums that fully reflect igation would continue long into the future, while
risk brings about important equity and affordabil- insurers may be reluctant to stimulate risk reduc-
ity issues. While the premiums of policyholders with tion of policyholders who are able to cancel their
a very low risk would decrease, premiums would in- contract each year after it expires. A long-term pol-
crease for policyholders in flood-prone areas with a icy would prevent homeowners from canceling their

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flood insurance after a few years if they had not ex- optimal level of investments in prevention, while
perienced any flood damage, which often occurs in ad hoc funding through Congress may be difficult
practice (Michel-Kerjan and Kousky, 2010). A long- to obtain. An expansion of the current NFIP grant
term insurance contract could overcome such prob- programs, for example, by establishing a specific
lems and increase the effectiveness of the insurance “Flood Risk Adaptation Grant Program,” could be
instrument in encouraging risk reduction. However, effective in ensuring a continuous funding source
a challenge with long-term policies is how to price for investments in flood-risk adaptation. This fund
the future risk if the risk landscape changes due could finance adaptation measures aimed at flood
to climate change. The question is whether climate prevention, as well as damage mitigation. In ad-
change projections are currently sufficiently reliable dition, mitigation grant programs should be bet-
to price future flood risk and further research in this ter integrated with ongoing and new coastal zone
area is required. management programs that are funded by both the
federal government and the state.
Addressing climate change in the NFIP require-
Detailed cost–benefit studies of such adaptation
ments. It could be useful to adjust mitigation re-
measures are in order to prioritize the most effective
quirements in the current 1/100 year zone so that
measures and projects that need funding. Moreover,
they reflect the future change in water levels that
new and existing grant programs could be better
are expected due to sea-level rise. For example, el-
geared towards financing low- and high-cost miti-
evation requirements could be based on the likely
gation measures that can be implemented by home-
future BFE level instead of the current level. More-
owners or contractors of new waterfront develop-
over, the geographical extent of the 1/100 year zone
ment projects. Further research could examine how
is likely to increase. The NFIP regulations could
much money is needed for investments in flood-
be made applicable to the future 1/100 year flood
risk adaptation in the United States, and assess the
area to promote adaptation in that area. Failing to
financial capacity required for grant programs that
do this now, means that many existing buildings
stimulate these investments.
without mitigation measures would exist in the fu-
ture 1/100 flood zones. Delineating the future flood 5. Flood zoning policies in New York City
zones and the potential water level is a complicated
5.1. Introduction
and probably expensive task. If this task is consid-
New York City has a long history of developing and
ered to be infeasible, then an alternative policy is to
implementing zoning regulations since it enacted
regulate not only the current 1/100 flood zone, but
the first comprehensive zoning resolution in 1916
also other flood zones, like the current 1/500 year
(Marcus, 1992). Zoning can be defined as legislation
flood zone. This would be an effective adaptation
that determines the size and use of buildings, where
policy if it is expected that the current 1/500 flood
they are located, and in large measure, the den-
zone is approximately the future 1/100 zone. More-
sities of NYC’s diverse neighborhoods (NYC-DCP,
over, regulating the current 1/500 year flood zone
2010b). Zoning is a dynamic policy instrument, and
may be justified by the high amount of flood losses
in the past ten years the NY Department of City
that already occur in that zone, and the arbitrary
Planning has taken a more flexible approach to the
nature of the decision of the NFIP to regulate only
historically stricter segregation of uses. It increas-
the 1/100 year flood zone.
ingly encourages a mix of uses, and has expanded
Broadening mitigation grant programs. The cur- and refined what are called “contextual” zoning tools
rent grant programs are unlikely to provide suf- to better preserve the character of the City’s estab-
ficient financial resources to keep mitigation ef- lished neighborhoods (NYC-DCP, 2010a). For ex-
forts in line with the expected change in risk in ample, new lower density growth management tech-
the future. Sea-level rise requires additional beach niques have been developed for outlying areas that
nourishment and, in some places with considerable are faced with rapid growth and are distant from
capital at risk, additional protection against storm (public) transportation systems.
surge may be cost-effective, such as sea walls and Zoning policies in NYC pertain to three basic
storm surge barriers. The limited financial capacity zoning districts. A zoning district is a mapped resi-
of state and local governments may result in a sub- dential (R), commercial (C), or manufacturing (M)

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district with structures of similar use, bulk, and that the structure meets all relevant provisions of the
building density. The three basic districts are fur- zoning resolution and the building code, a building
ther divided into a variety of lower-, medium-, and permit is issued and construction may start. Hence,
higher-density residential, commercial, and manu- the NYC Department of Buildings has primary re-
facturing districts. Furthermore, just for residential sponsibility for enforcing the zoning resolution, and
uses, each district regulates the number of dwelling for interpreting its provisions.
units permitted, the amount of open space required
on the zoning lot, and the maximum amount of the 5.2. Zoning policies for waterfronts
lot that can be covered by a building (lot coverage). Special zoning regulations to guide waterfront de-
Each zoning district has dedicated regulations for velopment in New York started in 1992 through the
each of the 18 use groups. Use Groups include uses comprehensive waterfront plan (CWP) (NYC-DCP,
that have similar functional characteristics and/or 1992). Before 1992, waterfront lots were not treated
nuisance impacts and are ranked from residential differently from inland lots for zoning purposes.
uses (Use Groups 1–2), community facility uses (Use The 1992 CWP proposed by the Department of City
Groups 3–4), retail and service uses (Use Groups Planning was developed on the basis of the federal
5–9), regional commercial centers and amusement Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Act of 1972 and
uses (Use Groups 10–12), waterfront and recreation the creation of the NYC Waterfront Revitalization
uses (Use Groups 13–15), heavy automotive uses Program (WRP). It was the first framework to guide
(Use Group 16) to manufacturing uses (Use Groups land use along the City’s entire 578-mile shoreline in
17–18). a way that recognized its value as a natural resource.
Contextual zoning policies regulate the height The plan presented a long-range vision that bal-
and bulk of new buildings, their setback from the anced the needs of environmentally sensitive areas
street line, and their width along the street frontage, and the working port with opportunities for water-
to produce buildings that are consistent with the side public access, open space, housing, and com-
existing character of the neighborhood. Bulk reg- mercial activity (NYC-DCP, 1992; Salkin, 2005).
ulations are the combination of controls (e.g., lot In 1993, the waterfront zoning regulations were
size, floor area ratio, lot coverage, open space, yards, adopted, and what was new about these regulations
height, and setback) that determine the maximum was the public’s right to have access to the water-
size and placement of a building on a zoning lot. An front. In retrospect, however, while the requirement
important regulatory control function is the floor for public access was welcomed in high-density ur-
area ratio or FAR that determines the size of the ban areas in New York, it was less welcomed in low-
building in relationship to the size of the zoning lot. density suburban areas. For example, it was popular
The floor area ratio can be defined as the total cov- in Manhattan and the more urban areas of Brook-
ered area on all floors of all buildings on a certain lyn, Queens, and the Bronx, but was less popular in
plot divided by the area of the plot (see Appendix B Staten Island and the more suburban areas of Brook-
for an extended zoning glossary). lyn, Queens, and the Bronx. The principal reason for
The boundaries of the zoning districts are fixed opposition to waterfront public access in low density
in 126 NYC zoning maps and are an official part of areas of NYC was unease with allowing the public
the city’s zoning resolution. Any amendment of a onto private property. Some of these public access
zoning map is subject to what is called a “Uniform areas became hangout areas for teenagers who made
Land Use Review Procedure” (ULURP). ULURP is the nearby residents uncomfortable. Hence, the re-
the public review process, mandated by the City quirement to have public access throughout NYC
Charter, for all proposed zoning map amendments, was dropped in these low-density areas because of
special permits and other actions, such as site selec- opposition in suburban areas.
tions and acquisitions for city capital projects, and Currently, the special waterfront zoning regula-
disposition of city property. Zoning regulations and tions apply only for residential and commercial use
plans are developed by the DCP and enforced by and not for industrial and manufacturing use. Af-
the Department of Buildings (DOB). Moreover, the ter the first CWP in 1992, the waterfront zoning
DOB has inspectors in the field who check whether regulations were changed in 2009. In particular, the
the regulations are adhered to. If the DOB is satisfied design components of the public areas were refined

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during that time. These new designs, for example, illustrates that the interlinkage between state and
finally dropped the requirement for guardrails near federal legislation and NYC zoning policies is often
the water and allowed for a more natural shoreline a complex issue, especially when it comes to climate
with the railing no longer necessary. change and flood protection issues that need to be
addressed at all three levels. In 1992, it was estimated
5.3. How are flood risks addressed in NYC that—at the federal and state levels alone—about
zoning policies? 50 separate laws guide development in the coastal
Waterfronts play an important role in flood man- zone: for example, the federal Flood Disaster Protec-
agement. However, it appears that flood protection tion Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the state’s
was only briefly mentioned in the 1992 CWP. The Environmental Conservation Law and Navigation
plan addresses the significant natural values of the Law. As of today, all NYC zoning amendments and
waterfront and the need to restore or maintain wet- actions must be assessed for potential environmen-
lands and other natural buffer areas (NYC-DCP, tal impacts in accordance with the State Environ-
1992). Hence, the CWP perceived flood protection mental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and the City
predominantly as a series of policies aiming at main- Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) procedures
taining or revitalizing natural shorelines, such as (NYC-DCP, 2010b). However, resilience to climate
wetlands and beaches (Salkin, 2005). For example, change is not specifically mentioned as an issue in
the CWP specifically addressed coastal erosion as a the current zoning policies for waterfronts.
problem for sandy coasts such as the Rockaways, and
Relationship between the NFIP and NYC zoning
the plan recommended a variety of nonstructural
policies. The idea in the 1992 CWP that flood pro-
erosion control measures including beach nourish-
tection and climate change are perhaps more of a
ment and dune field creation. The plan also rec-
federal responsibility, and hence, not really an issue
ommended new development inland of the NYS
in current waterfront policies, is further supported
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
by the fact that there is no explicit linkage between
Coastal Erosion Hazard Line.
the NFIP managed by FEMA and NYC’s zoning reg-
Furthermore, in terms of management respon-
ulation. As explained in the previous section, the
sibilities, flood protection starts at the federal level
NFIP requires minimum demands for providing
with the federal CZM Act (1990). This Act calls
flood insurance, whereas NYC’s zoning policies are
for state implementation of coastal zone manage-
superimposed on these minimum requirements.
ment plans and provides the backbone for state and
The current zoning policies, however, are not
local planning and regulatory action in coastal ar-
fine-tuned to the NFIP regulations and nor are they
eas. The Act addresses potential sea-level rise as a
developed in collaboration with FEMA. An impor-
factor that should be “anticipated and addressed”
tant gap in the fine-tuning between the NFIP and
in the preparation of state plans. In NYS, the De-
zoning policies is that the NFIP is designed for cov-
partment of State oversees the plan and implements
ering losses mainly to residential properties, while
it by means of the Local Waterfront Revitalization
only limited coverage is available to non-residential
Program, whereby NYC has authority to prepare its
properties (see Section 4), and the NFIP does not
own plan. In NYC, the DCP is responsible for this
require that the development of critical infrastruc-
effort. DCP, along with other agencies, is addressing
ture is limited or prevented in floodplains. Zoning
climate change, for example, through Vision 2020.
policies, however, apply to all uses, including infras-
The levels of responsibility are an important fac-
tructure. The NFIP only encourages local authori-
tor and influence the different responsibilities for
ties and zoning policies to prohibit the construction
land use. While the City is in control of land use
of critical infrastructure in the floodplain through
issues within its borders, the State has authority to
the CRS, but this is not mandatory (Galloway et al.,
regulate land use within the tidal wetlands and their
adjacent areas. The NYS Department of Environ-
mental Conservation has authority over modifica- Zoning control: “height penalty.” It appears that,
tions to land or structures in this area, which can in some instances, NYC zoning controls are coun-
extend as much as 150 ft inward from the mean terproductive with regard to existing NFIP regula-
high water levels (Sussman and Major, 2010). This tions in terms of reducing flood risk. An illustrative

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

example is the issue related to the “zoning building the floodplain is designated as a SFHA, development
height penalty.” The NFIP requires the ground floor is subject to FEMA floodplain development regula-
of new buildings to be elevated to at least the height tions. Floodways are the channels of a river and
of the BFE level, which is related to the water level of adjacent land areas, which must be reserved to dis-
the 1/100 flood event. The elevation of an individual charge the 100-year flood without causing a rise in
building relative to the 1/100 year flood level partly flood elevations (DEC, 2010). For floodways, more
determines the credits that serve as a discount on the stringent development controls exist than elsewhere
level of the insurance premiums that households or in the SFHA, and no development is allowed unless
businesses have to pay, in the sense that buildings the developer has first proved that the development
that are raised even higher than the flood level are will not increase flood elevations at any location
eligible for reduced insurance rates. during the 100-year flood. Research shows, how-
NYC zoning regulations measure building height ever, that in the United States these restrictions have
from either the ground level or the elevation of not stopped development in floodways, for the fol-
the 1/100 year flood level determined by FEMA, lowing reasons: (a) many floodplain maps in rural
whichever is the highest. However, new buildings areas do not show floodways; (b) the floodway can
that are voluntarily raised higher than the flood level be rearranged (e.g., through channelizing) to free up
are penalized in their total height. For instance, if flood-prone land for development (Wetmore et al.,
zoning allows a 60 ft high building on a waterfront 2006).
lot, and the 100-year flood level is 10 ft above grade,
Preserve open space. The percentage of open space
zoning allows the building to be 70 ft above grade.
in floodplains, such as the 1/100 SFHA, is an impor-
But the building might be eligible for reduced in-
tant factor in determining the potential damage of
surance rates if it raises itself another 10 ft above the
a flood: the greater the area of building footprints,
100-year flood level. If it does so, it is still limited
the more flood damage can be expected. NYC zon-
to a height of 70 ft above grade, i.e., zoning penal-
ing regulations define open space as “the part of
izes it by 10 ft of height or one story (e.g., Sussman
a residential zoning lot (which may include courts
and Major, 2010). In addition, the penalty does not
or yards) that is open and unobstructed from its
only affect building height, but affects FAR as well,
lowest level to the sky, except for specific permit-
since floor area is measured from the BFE (at least
ted obstructions, and accessible to and usable by
in the waterfront zoning, lower-density, and contex-
all persons occupying dwelling units on the zon-
tual zoning districts).
ing lot. Depending upon the district, the amount
of required open space is determined by the OSR,
Zoning control: restrictions. Another issue is the
minimum yard regulations, or by maximum lot cov-
restriction control in zoning policies, which could be
erage” (Appendix A).
used to prohibit the development of (certain) land
It is widely recognized that the total num-
uses in (vulnerable) flood zones. Such flood haz-
ber of buildings in the 1/100 year floodplain has
ard restrictions do not exist in current NYC zoning
policies. The NFIP has various policies to minimize
or restrict the development of new properties in
vulnerable flood-risk areas: (1) no new construc-
tion is allowed seaward of mean high tide, and (2)
local authorities must prohibit any encroachment
within the floodways that results in any increase in
flood heights. In this respect, the difference between
floodways and floodplains should be noted: “Flood-
plains are low-lying lands next to rivers and streams.
When left in a natural state, floodplain systems store
and dissipate floods without adverse impacts on hu-
mans, buildings, roads, and other infrastructure”
(DEC, 2010). The SFHA are part of the floodplain Figure 5.1. Number of urban dwellings per hectare in the UK
and can be used for urban development, but when over the period 1990–2008. Source: DEFRA (2010).

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Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

increased over time in the United States, although The higher the factor, the lower the number of units
exact growth rates cannot easily be determined permitted on a lot.
(Wetmore et al., 2006). This is not an issue particu-
lar to the United States or New York City. In other Wetlands and open water. When analyzing in-
global cities such as London (UK) similar trends can ternational waterfront developments, it is clearly
also be observed (Fig. 5.1). In London, the density shown that environmental values are increasingly
of new dwellings rose from 45 per hectare in 1990 to addressed in new waterfronts (e.g., Hill, 2009).
59 per hectare in 2002. Density then rose to 105 new Not only wetlands, but, in general, environmen-
dwellings per hectare in 2005, and increased sharply tal values such as green zones or open spaces are
to 121 in 2008 (DEFRA, 2010). Similar trends can considered to (1) have an added natural value for
be observed in Tokyo, where there has been strong waterfronts; and (2) provide buffer capacity for
demand for allowing higher density than the official protecting waterfronts and the City against (fu-
FAR allowed in the building code and zoning regu- ture) flood risk. These environmental zones are un-
lations (Hori, 2004). In the Netherlands, potential der increased pressure through urban development,
flood damage has also increased by a factor of 6 or and Gornitz et al. (2001) show that about 50% of
7 within the last 50 years as a result of new develop- the land surface of salt marsh islands have already
ments in areas vulnerable to flooding (Klijn et al., disappeared in Jamaica Bay since 1900, and that
2007). there is an urgent need to maintain these natural
There are a number of zoning regulations that buffer areas as flood protection. While losses that
control the percentage of open space on a lot, and occurred prior to stricter environmental protection
hence the potential damage during a flood. The most starting in 1972 can largely be attributed to anthro-
important bulk regulation is the OSR. The OSR is pogenic activities, such as landfilling, dredging, and
the amount of open space (in ft2 ) required on a urbanization, sea-level rise and increased coastal
residential zoning lot in non-contextual districts, erosion could create serious problems with flood
expressed as a percentage of the total floor area of management.
the zoning lot. For example, if a building with 20,000 Waterfront development, which addresses envi-
ft2 of floor area has an OSR of 20, 4,000 ft2 of open ronmental values through enhanced regulations can
space would be required on the zoning lot (0.20 × restore the environmental functions of the water-
20,000). In some zoning districts, open space front. Hence, the greening of waterfronts and other
is preserved by the maximum lot coverage, uses is now commonly applied in NYC through dif-
which is that portion of a zoning lot which, ferent zoning regulations. For example, policies are
when viewed directly from above, is or would in place to promote the greening of parking lots in
be covered by a building or any part of a order to reduce the water runoff and limit the risks
building. posed by local extreme precipitation. Other policies
Density controls are regulations to control the in- promote the greening of front yards, especially in
tensity of development and allow the City to plan in lower density districts, and, in some areas, about
an orderly way for new schools, utilities and tran- 50% needs to be planted. In addition, subsidies are
sit expansion. Population density is controlled by available for green roofs.
the requirement (which varies by district) that a However, some coastal management plans in-
specified number of ft2 of lot area be provided per clude the restoration of wetlands or greens zones
dwelling unit or room. Another important control that also claim parts of the current open wa-
in this context is the FAR, which is currently applied ter area. The idea of building into open wa-
to the 18 different uses in NYC (see Section 5.1) ter to create additional natural values is, how-
to determine the building coverage per acre of lot ever, a complicated issue in NYC. Currently, the
area. For residential districts, a dwelling unit factor manner in which NY State environmental reg-
is applied to determine the maximum number of ulations have been administered has effectively
dwelling units permitted on a lot. The maximum prohibited any waterfront development into open
number of units is calculated by dividing the max- water space. This complicates and restrains wa-
imum residential floor area permitted on a zoning terfront development and environmental com-
lot by the applicable factor for each zoning district. pensation. This regulation may impede both the

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Figure 5.2. MTA commissioned these elevated ventilation units to stay above flooding, Jamaica, Queens. Source: Photo courtesy

development of attractive waterfronts and the cre- will be raised up above the flood level, and all new
ation of new environmental areas that can accom- buildings on these blocks will, therefore, be above
pany this development. the flood level. Problems exist when connecting new
(elevated) streets to lower-lying streets in the adja-
Creating waterfronts that act as a super-levee. cent blocks, and the new street area will gradually
The idea of building a waterfront that serves as a ramp down to connect with existing streets and
levee system, as in Tokyo, has never been applied buildings in neighborhoods on either side of the
to NYC. Our discussions with different specialists new development. This creates problems since prop-
revealed that it is generally perceived that such a erties on the inclined connecting streets are partly
system would imply large scale interventions that behind the street level—hindering the entrances of
are hugely expensive and impractical. Furthermore, the houses. A solution would be to elevate existing
an elevated waterfront in combination with a levee adjacent blocks but this would be very expensive and
could possibly hinder access to the waterfront for very disruptive because it would displace thousands
the general public or may form an obstacle to other of people.
uses and needs of the waterfront. The impracticality
of designing waterfronts as a super-levee, for exam- 5.4. Suggestions for improvements
ple, by elevating whole waterfront blocks, can be Relationship between the NFIP and NYC zoning
illustrated by a redevelopment project in Coney Is- policies. Waterfronts are already subject to many
land. Recently, many blocks are currently vacant and more codes than inland areas, and waterfronts with
planned for large-scale redevelopment. This area is a mixed use are more complex to design (see Section
vulnerable to flooding today because large areas lie 6). Hence, it is important to first seek policies that
below the 1/100 year flood level. The area subject to better link or integrate existing legislation rather
redevelopment is situated right by the beach and is than developing additional zoning regulations for
currently lower than the boardwalk and vulnerable the waterfront. A promising step is to assess how to
to flooding. These areas have recently been rezoned improve the cooperation between FEMA, the NYC
in order to create more shops, commercial activ- Department of Buildings, and the NYC Department
ities, and housing. As part of the redevelopment, of City Planning in order to ensure that all regula-
the existing streets and underground utilities will tions are complied with. As such it could be interest-
be completely rebuilt. When they are rebuilt they ing for NYC to explore applying the French zoning

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Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City Aerts & Botzen

Figure 5.3. Flood zones in Paris. Paris uses the flood of the year 1910 as a basis for the 1/100 year flood map. Source: Ville de
Paris, EDF-GDF Services (2010).

system, which is closely tied to the flood insurance maps, such as suggested in Section 4.3, could be a
system (Poussin et al., 2010). In France, the credit challenging task for FEMA.
system for lowering flood insurance deductibles
is directly coupled to zoning policies and mitiga- Infrastructure. The relationship of infrastructure
tion measures. Such integration could be beneficial and flood risk in NYC is a complex issue, and much
for NYC. Furthermore, an improved integrated ex- of the city’s vital infrastructure such as tunnels, rail
change of information between the NFIP and the roads, ventilation shafts, and subways are within the
NYC zoning and building database could enhance flood hazard area mapped by FEMA (see Section 3).
the effectiveness of flood risk–reducing measures. However, infrastructure damage is not addressed
through the NFIP, whereas potential flood damage
FIRMs in zoning policies. An important step for is for a large part determined by the infrastructure
improved cooperation between FEMA and the NYC at risk (Jacob et al., 2000; Jacob et al., 2001; Zim-
zoning departments is to address future flood-risk merman and Faris, 2010).
maps (e.g., the change in the 1/100 year floodplain) Zoning policies and especially the building code
in flood zoning policies. FEMA could produce such should, therefore, better address flood risk for (at
maps and so could the DCP and embed those fu- least critical) infrastructure projects. Zimmerman
ture 1/100 flood maps in their current databases. and Faris (2010) argue this is a difficult issue be-
Each new development or revitalization program cause infrastructure planning often does not involve
could then be overlaid on the future 1/100 flood a formal role of any governmental agency. How-
zone maps, and current NFIP regulation with BFE ever, there is scope for the improved fine-tuning and
requirements could be applied to these future flood cooperation between agencies involved in develop-
zones. Including the data in current zoning pro- ing zoning policies, NFIP policies, and transporta-
cesses and policies is not expected to result in major tion authorities in order to ensure tunnel entrances
practical complications for the DCP. However, en- and ventilation grates can be, for example, protected
forcing new regulations in future flood zones needs and or elevated (e.g., NYS, 2010) (Fig. 5.2). Fur-
a political process and a change in zoning regula- thermore, NFIP restrictions for the development of
tions. Moreover, the creation of future flood-risk critical infrastructure are only encouraged through

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

Figure 5.4. Example of a lot where a building of 10,000 sq ft covers 100, 50, or 25% of the lot, while the floor-to-area ratio remains
the same. Source: NYC-DCP (2010a).

the CRS, but are not strictly enforced. A common Eliminating the zoning building height penalty.
policy could aim at describing what infrastructure The zoning resolution could provide additional flex-
can be assigned as “critical.” ibility for buildings in flood-risk areas to allow for
The MTA has identified some key climate adapta- freeboard, which means additional elevation of the
tion challenges that address flood risk, and that more BFL above the FEMA BFE in order to earn a discount
specifically address the vulnerability of subway sys- on insurance premiums. However, these elevated
tem stations and tunnels below expected flood levels buildings are also subject to zoning height limits
(MTA, 2009). In a study, they suggest an improved just like buildings that do not increase their eleva-
integration of MTA’s emergency evacuation plans tion (Sussman and Major, 2010). A logical next step
with those of NYC. Other adaptation steps “include would be to eliminate this zoning penalty. To elim-
inspection of existing or planned facilities within the inate it requires a zoning text amendment, which
expanded flood areas and reevaluation of the MTA’s must go through a public review process. The pub-
internal ‘captive’ insurance programs” (MTA, 2009). lic might be concerned about allowing taller build-
Furthermore, a study evaluating the impacts of an ings on the waterfront. It would ultimately be up
extreme precipitation event in 2007 on MTA’s fa- to the City Planning Commission and then the City
cilities outlined some adaptation options for some Council to approve the text amendment.
specific locations (Mott Yard, Corona/Shea Yards,
Hillside Avenue). Options include elevation of facil- Existing buildings. Set back, relocation, or eleva-
ities, additional pumping systems, and levee systems tion of existing properties in very dangerous areas
(MTA, 2007). is an option, but would, in practice, be infeasible
An example of cooperation between insurers and (Sussman, and Major, 2010). However, historical
governmental planners is France, where the city of analysis shows that radical rezoning policies can
Paris is working on an integral flood management be implemented. For example, in 1961 NYC was
plan (PPRI, Flood Prevention Plan) (Direction de rezoned drastically, and, during that time, many
L’Urbanisme, 2003). Apart from flood damage mit- low-lying areas along the waterfront were desig-
igation measures that are required for flood insur- nated as manufacturing areas, even though people
ance, this plan also addresses transport networks may have lived in these areas. According to the 1961
(air, water, electricity, gas, telecommunication) and zoning policies, residential buildings in manufac-
vulnerable objects, such as hospitals and museums. turing zones were not allowed to be expanded or
The plan describes how the vulnerability of those improved further, but the residents were allowed to
objects can be reduced. For these vital facilities, stay there. However, as a result of the 1961 zoning
more stringent elevation measures are required, or policy, many people eventually left these areas.
the plan prescribes floodproofing measures to seal Therefore, one solution to limit development in
the objects from potential flood damage when they certain high-risk areas would be to no longer allow
are below the BFE of the 1/100 flood level. the enlargement of homes or start new businesses

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and invest in businesses in these areas. Obviously, responsibility for flood damage during and after a
such policies would be controversial,k and regula- flood lies with the homeowner.
tions that prohibit the enlargement of new homes Wet-proofing policies for existing buildings such
or the establishment of new businesses could as provided in the example from Paris could be a
raise both legal and planning issues. Moreover, worthwhile adaptation strategy for NYC. Although
regulations that impose an outright prohibition it is difficult to require elevation measures for exist-
on development would likely be illegal, as the U.S. ing buildings, it is possible to require floodproofing
Supreme Court has held that regulators cannot measures that can reduce damage to electricity, heat-
deprive owners of all economically-beneficial use ing and gas installations. These requirements could
of their property without compensation (Supreme apply if an existing building is subject to renovation
Court of the United States, 1992, No. 91–453). Reg- activities (see also Section 6).
ulations that did not prohibit investment outright Lowering building footprints through controlling
but discouraged investment could have blighting open space. New or revitalized waterfronts are in-
effects on communities, and would contradict goals creasingly seen as a source for developing environ-
to increase the resilience of existing buildings. mental “green” values, and for providing the City’s
In Paris, rather strict regulations are applied for façade with a greener character. Such a perspective
existing buildings and these regulations are summa- also provides an incentive for exploring whether the
rized in a Flood Prevention Plan (PPRI, Direction required percentage of open space on a waterfront
de L’Urbanisme, 2003). Such a plan uses flood zone lot could be increased. Sussman and Major (2010)
maps in a similar way to the FEMA flood maps. Paris note that such spaces are often used for stimulating
uses the 1/100 year flood map, which for Paris refers more parks in NYC, but, in addition, new regulation
to the devastating flood of 1910 (Fig. 5.3). A green could provide incentives to lower flood risks in the
zone has been assigned for areas in the flood zone area. The OSR, for example, expresses the percent-
that should be maintained as open spaces for recre- age of the total floor area of a building that must
ational activities, such as parks and sporting facili- be provided as open space on a development parcel.
ties. These areas are potentially important for tem- For example, in a district with an OSR of 19, the
porarily storing flood water. Red zones are the areas amount of open space required on the lot would
in or near the flood channel, and only uses related to be 19% of the total floor area of the building. In
water, e.g., navigation facilities, are allowed under other residential districts, open space is determined
strict regulations. A further differentiation has been by yard regulations or by limiting development to a
made between light blue flood zones where the max- maximum lot coverage.
imum inundation is smaller than 3 ft, and dark blue Density controls and open space regulations are
flood zones where the maximum inundation ex- powerful controls to regulate both the number of
ceeds 3 feet. In both zones, new properties have to be people on a lot and the buildings’ footprint per lot.
built above the 1/100 flood level. Hatched zones are When reviewing the potential of zoning controls for
areas within the blue zones where the ground level managing flood risk, altering FAR has an effect on
is supposedly already above the PHEC (Plus Hautes the population density, and hence on the popula-
Eaux Connues—the highest known water levels, the tion at risk in the flood zone, whereas OSR and lot
1/100 flood level from 1910). For existing buildings, coverage have a direct effect on the potential direct
it is required that homeowners implement measures damage to a building. Figure 5.4 shows how a com-
that floodproof telephone, electricity switchboards, bination of OSR and FAR control works to preserve
and heating and gas installations above the PHEC. open space on a lot.
Additional regulation for the storage of hazardous Lowering FAR, however, is difficult, since much
materials exists. If these damage mitigation mea- of the 1/100 flood area is composed of one- and
sures are not implemented five years after the PPRI two-family homes. Difficulties may arise when ex-
has been approved by the regional government, all isting buildings that currently comply with a FAR
are damaged by a flood, and are subject to new
FAR regulations when rebuilding the property. The
k city would also have to address new provisions in
For a review on the 1961 zoning regulations, see, for ex-
ample, Marcus (1992) and Angotti and Hanhardt (2001). the zoning regulations that allow homeowners to

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

rebuild these buildings in the event of damage or plex to administer. Communities may not support
destruction; amending that would have significant TDR programs, and local authorities may have to in-
implications for property values, mortgages, and vest in community education programs to explain
insurance. Furthermore, reducing densities would them to the public. Finally, although the perma-
indeed reduce the number of people who are sub- nency of TDR programs could be an advantage, it
ject to flood risks in the future, but only if such areas may also be a liability, since a community’s land use
are largely undeveloped today, which is not the case needs change over time.
in NYC. Reducing permitted densities in such as ar- In NYC, density can be traded between high-risk
eas could tend to discourage, rather than encourage, waterfront properties and lower risk properties fur-
the type of investment needed for adaptation, such ther inland if the properties are adjacent to one
elevation or dry or wet floodproofing. Replacing a another. There are no mechanisms in place to al-
two-story flood-vulnerable building with a flood- low density to be traded on lots that are not adja-
proofed six-story apartment building, for instance, cent to one another. The problem with such an ap-
may also serve adaptation goals. proach is that no one can be certain which properties
will accept the increased density, and, as a rule, no
Lowering urban density through TFA and a FAR neighborhood wants increased density. The courts
bonus. Zoning is not the only solution for pre- in New York have already determined that the devel-
serving natural areas and open space, and a grow- opment rights cannot just float freely (Fred F. French
ing number of communities in Japan, for exam- case, NY Court of Appeals; Fred F. French Investing
ple, in Tokyo, are using market-based preservation Co. v. City of New York, 39 N.Y.2d 587, 350 N.E.2d
techniques called transfer of development rights, 381, 385 N.Y.S.2d 5 (1976), appeal dismissed, 429
or TDRs (e.g., Masahiko and Nohiriro, 2003). Lo- U.S. 990 (1976)).
cal authorities undertake TDR programs to use the A nice example of how TDRs were applied is the
market to implement and pay for development den- development of a high building above the Grand
sity and location decisions. In Tokyo, the owners of Central Station in NYC (Fig. 5.5) (Hanly-Forde
land that communities want to preserve with lower et al., 2010). Grand Central Terminal, constructed
densities, referred to as “sending areas,” are com- in 1913, is one of the City’s architectural landmarks.
pensated for voluntarily restricting their develop- In the late 1960s, the Penn Central Transportation
ment potential by allowing additional development Company wanted to construct a 53-story “addition”
in other—neighboring—areas (referred as “receiv- over the protected landmark. The city decided the
ing areas”), but only when they participate in the tower would destroy the character of the terminal,
preservation of the sending areas. Tokyo legislation so NYC allowed Penn Central to transfer the devel-
allows potential floor area to be transferred from opment rights of the high-rise building to adjacent
sending sites to receiving sites, thus allowing more properties to preserve the railway station. A num-
intensive land use in these receiving sites. Floor area ber of buildings have received approval to develop
can be easily transferred between property own- above landmarks (e.g., the Palace Hotel). It does,
ers. Originally, this transfer mechanism was only however, require a Certificate of Appropriateness,
available to developments consisting entirely of new which is not very easy to get.
buildings. However, an amendment of the building
codes in 1999 made it possible to include existing Waterfront development and open water restric-
buildings in these merged lot developments. tions. As stated in Section 5.3, the manner in which
TDR programs are not always successful. If TDRs NY State environmental regulations have been ad-
are not affordable, developers will not buy them ministered has effectively prohibited any waterfront
because TDR costs will make the TDR option less development into open water space. Clearly, such
profitable than the baseline option. Although TDR policies have been developed in the past because the
programs appear to be a potentially powerful land environmental values of, for example, wetlands and
use tool, few communities have had success in us- fish habitat were threatened, and many acres of envi-
ing these programs because of the associated chal- ronmental values have been lost in the past through
lenges. Furthermore, TDR programs do not reduce both urban development and natural processes
the need for zoning and can actually be more com- such as coastal erosion. On the other hand, local

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Figure 5.5. An example of how TDRs were applied on the development of a high building above the Grand Central Station in
New York City. Source: Hanly-Forde et al. (2010).

authorities have an interest in maintaining and en- sea-level rise puts an additional burden on water-
hancing economic activities of waterfronts, and, front developments and policies, and the challenge
therefore, increase the attractiveness of waterfronts is to create a greener waterfront that is more resilient
as residential and manufacturing areas. In the past, to climate change. Here, it is possible to think of cre-
these two objectives of protecting environmental ating wetland areas that can act as buffer zones or
values and increasing economic activities were often more open space areas on waterfronts.
in conflict. Such multifunctional land use developments,
There is, however, an opportunity for waterfront however, need new planning regulations and ur-
development that enhances both environmental val- ban designs that allow for a less rigid boundary
ues, increases flood protection levels, and preserves between land and water. For example, most envi-
the economically-sound development of the area. ronmental values are found by creating (shallow)
Induced by the 1992 CWP, both the state govern- gradients between land and water. This implies that
ment and the local authority are currently aiming in some instances, the land–water boundary should
to enhance the environmental values of the water- be moved inland and in some instances seaward to
front, for example through softer edges and develop- compensate for the loss of urban space. One option
ing gradients (e.g., Nordenson et al., 2010). In this for dealing with this issue is to compensate the loss
respect, there is a mutual interest in greening the of open water in other areas by creating new nature
waterfront such as outlined in the Hudson Raritan protection areas, such as has been done in the sea-
Estuary Study (USACE, 2009), and some of these ward extension of the Rotterdam harbor (see Section
policies are already in place in current zoning reg- 7). By creating environmental buffer zones (wet-
ulations. However, the issue of climate change and lands, beaches) the city’s waterfront can be better

52 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Figure 5.6. Artist’s impression of southwest Brooklyn with Amsterdam style residential areas (top). Source: NArchitects (2010).
Amsterdam, Java Island: a revitalized old port facility now converted into a residential area (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) (bottom).

used as a protection against climate change and sea- cal decision whether environmental compensation
level rise, while preserving (or even increasing) the measures are sufficient, and whether the use of open
environmental values. Hence, this implies using water is of “national importance with major social
open water for environmental buffer zones and and economic benefits.”
hence trading one environmental value (open wa- A less rigid boundary between land and open
ter) against another value (wetlands). Obviously, it water to stimulate both environmental values (e.g.,
is a difficult process to determine how much com- Bain et al., 2007) and to enhance flood protection
pensation is needed when open water is claimed, and levels makes demands on current jurisdictions in
such a process needs multi-stakeholder involvement the management of land and open water. An ex-
from the local to the federal levels (Pahl-Wostl et al., ample is provided in Figure 5.6 where an artist
2007). In the Netherlands, it is ultimately a politi- impression is provided for Brooklyn’s waterfront

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Figure 5.7. (Top) Futuristic view of Manhattan, where ecological buffer zones protect Manhattan from flooding. Source: dland-
studio, LLC and Architecture Research Office; MOMA (2010). (Bottom) Reflections of the Tin Shui Wai residential skyscrapers,
seen from Hong Kong Wetland Park. Source:

and a similar real world waterfront in Amsterdam dress the vulnerability of infrastructure, which will
where an old port facility was converted in a resi- likely affect the volume and type of such permit ap-
dential area. Sussman and Major (2010) write that plications. An alternative futuristic view of environ-
modifications in the open water zone and inter- mentally based flood protection was developed in
tidal wetland area should be evaluated to determine the program “Rising Currents” coordinated by the
whether such activities enhance the resilience to cli- MOMA (Fig. 5.7; for more information see http://
mate change. Many such modifications require dis-; MOMA, 2010).
cretionary permits, and the anticipated effects of cli- In summary, the idea of using open water for
mate change, including adaptation measures to ad- waterfront development should first focus on areas

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where coastal flood protection and nature preser- that exist in certain states can result in consider-
vation can be co-developed and, hence, where local able reductions in damage. The results of this study
government and the state and federal policies have a are presented in Table 6.1, which indicates that the
mutual interest. This is supported by Salkin (2005) state governments have addressed these issues very
who argues that coastal zone protection programs differently across the country. Six states do not re-
should be better integrated into local waterfront re- quire either building codes or comprehensive plans
vitalization programs. The support from commu- of urban development that consider natural disas-
nities for the preservation of natural waterfronts to ter risks, while three states, including New York,
anticipate climate change is further supported by the require their local governments to enforce build-
Borough workshops initiated through Vision 2020. ing codes but not comprehensive plans. The major-
During these workshops, stakeholders have identi- ity of the states examined by Burby (2006) require
fied primary issues and key priorities for different comprehensive plans, but no building codes (five
reaches of the waterfront. In Queens, suggestions states), or both comprehensive plans and building
were made to increase resilience to climate change codes (ten states). The last column in the table shows
and evaluate evacuation strategies (for example, for that total NFIP claim payments between 1978 and
the Jamaica Bay area). On Staten Island, preventing 2002 averaged per capita were considerably higher
coastal erosion and the negative effects from cli- (US$299) in the states without local government
mate change have been raised, and solutions could building code enforcement and without compre-
include improved bulkheads and the creation or im- hensive plan requirements than in states where one
provement of wetlands (e.g., the Kill van Kull area). or both of such policies were in place.
Similar issues were raised for the South Shore of Another example of the effectiveness of building
Staten Island, and it was advised to better inform codes is shown by Kunreuther et al. (2009) who ex-
homeowners about the permission process and its amined how much damage may be reduced by miti-
effects on coastal erosion, and provide financial in- gation through building codes in NYS for hurricanes
centives to limit coastal erosion (South Shore). Fur- with different return periods. This study estimates
ther recommendations for waterfront development with a catastrophe model how much money would
are to preserve open space, such as soccer fields and be saved if all houses and buildings conformed to
baseball fields, and to keep the natural shoreline in- the most recent building code standards. Evidently,
tact so that it can serve as a buffer against flooding. this is not a practical or realistic scenario, because it
These developments mean that zoning policies need would be very costly, or maybe even impossible, to
to be modified to encourage new technologies, like subject all older buildings to these standards. Never-
green roofs. theless, this exercise gives an indication of the poten-
tial maximum gains of mitigation through current
6. Flood-resistant building codes for
building code standards. The analysis of Kunreuther
New York City
et al. (2009) shows that in NYS, 39% of damage
6.1. Introduction could be saved by mitigation for a 100-year hurri-
In order to manage natural disaster risks, state gov- cane, while this is, respectively, 37% and 35% for
ernments in the United States have formulated state a 250-year and a 500-year hurricane. This analysis
building codes and planning policies. The states shows that the potential gains of hurricane-proofing
mandated their local governments to enforce these existing buildings can be substantial.
codes and design comprehensive plans of urban de- While Table 6.1 suggests that building code re-
velopment that are consistent with natural hazard quirements in NYS have been relatively successful
management policies. Burby (2006) examined state in limiting damage in the past compared with other
requirements regarding local enforcement of build- states, the analysis of Kunreuther et al. (2009) shows
ing codes and local planning for urban development that considerable savings in hurricane damage could
in the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific states in the United be reached if the current building code standards
States, and related this to claims paid by the NFIP were more widely adopted. More stringent building
in these states between 1978 and 2002. The results code policies may be needed to accommodate future
of this study are shown here because they indicate risks in the face of new development near the NYC
that the more stringent building code regulations waterfront and the projected increase in future flood

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Table 6.1. Differences in state requirements for local government building code enforcement and comprehensive
plans of urban development that consider natural disaster risks in the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific states and mean per
capita NFIP claim payments between 1978 and 2002

Mean per
capita claim
State requirements States payments

No state local government building code Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, New US$299
enforcement or comprehensive plan Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas
State local government building code enforcement Connecticut, New Jersey, New York US$79
requirement but not comprehensive plan
State local government comprehensive plan Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, South US$137
requirements but not building code Carolina
Both state and local government building code Alaska, California, Florida, Maryland, US$99
and comprehensive plan requirements Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oregon,
Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington

Source: Adapted from Burby (2006).

risks as a result of climate change. This is analyzed building codes include by reference “Flood Resis-
by first assessing the current flood-related building tant Design and Construction ASCE 24 Standard”
code policies in NYC (Section 6.2), subsequently ad- (ASCE, 2005). ASCE 24 was largely adopted by
dressing future challenges (Section 6.3), and making NYC-DOB (2008), with certain amendments (see
policy recommendations (Section 6.4). NYC Building Code’s Appendix G: “Flood-Resistant
Construction”). These amendments have been re-
6.2. Existing flood-related building code
viewed by FEMA to check whether they comply with
policies in New York City
the FEMA flood regulations,m and these amend-
The NYC Department of Buildings advises and
ments have been designed to (NYC-DOB, 2008):
proposes building codes that need to be officially
adopted by the City Council. The Department of • Prevent the unnecessary disruption of com-
Buildings receives applications for compliance with merce, access, and public service during times
building and zoning regulations, which they check of flooding;
and approve with an official certificate. Moreover, • Manage the alteration of natural floodplains,
it checks on the enforcement of zoning and build- streams and shorelines;
ing regulations, for which purpose inspectors can be • Manage filling, grading, dredging, and other
sent in the field. The minimum building code stan- development which may increase flood damage
dards in NYC are determined by FEMA (see Section or erosion potential;
4) because NYC has participated in the NFIP since • Prevent or regulate the construction of flood
1983. barriers, which will divert floodwaters or which
The NFIP rules are rather static, because they have can increase flood hazards;
hardly been updated during the recent decades. In-
ternational Building Codes in the United States (al-
though it has been adopted almost exclusively in
the United States) are updated every three years, m
In constructing a building you need to comply with
which is the result of a review by experts.l These ASCE 24 and ASCE 7. In addition, the FEMA flood in-
surance rate maps and a guidebook by FEMA “How to
Construct Manufactured Homes” (e.g., trailers) can be
For more information, see consulted.

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• Contribute to improved construction tech- fects of buoyancy. In A zones, elevation is needed in

niques in the floodplain; and low-lying areas except for storage, parking, building
• Comply with and exceed the minimum stan- access, or crawlspace. Table 6.3 shows the minimum
dards of the NFIP as administered by FEMA. elevation requirements of the top of the lowest floor
relative to the design elevation per building category.
The building codes apply to new structures and
The DFE equals the BFE of the 1/100 year flood for
substantial improvements of the structure. Sub-
building categories I and II, while it is respectively
stantial improvements are construction works on
1 ft and 2 ft higher for building categories III and
a building, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50%
IV. Below this DFE level, wet floodproofing is re-
of the market value of the building before the work
quired for all building categories up to their specific
started. This also applies to buildings that suffer
DFE level shown in Table 6.3. This entails that it is
flood damage and need to be repaired at this level
only allowable to build with flood damage-resistant
of cost. These building regulations apply only to, for
materials and construction techniques, such as con-
example, residential properties, commercial prop-
crete and tile walls, having no electrical components
erties, and sport stadiums but not to public infras-
that are not waterproof, and no wooden materials.
tructure, such as the New York City Subway.
Utilities and attendant equipment need to be lo-
The FEMA FIRMs are an important input for
cated at or above the DFE, or designed, constructed,
building code policy. The main 1/100 year flood
and installed to prevent flood waters from entering
zones are the A and V zones depicted on the FIRMs.
and accumulating within the components. Water
V zones are coastal areas where flood velocity and
should be allowed to flow inside the building (in the
waves need to be considered in building regula-
lower level) to equalize hydrostatic pressures, and
tions, which is not the case in A zones. Buildings
hence prevent the collapse of the structure. This al-
in both of these zones need to be elevated accord-
lows the water to withdraw easily from the building
ing to the DFE, as is required by FEMA. The addi-
after the surge via the open access.
tional flood building code regulation for NYC con-
Instead of wet floodproofing, dry floodproofing
sist of three main components: (1) building above
is possible in certain cases for all building categories
BFE level (freeboard); (2) dry as well as wet flood-
according to their specific DFE level shown in Ta-
proofing; and (3) requirements per flood zone for
ble 6.3, except for residential buildings for which
four different types of buildings. Wet floodproofing
dry floodproofing is not allowed.n Dry floodproof-
entails the use of construction methods that mini-
ing encompasses a combination of design modifi-
mize damage when floodwater enters the building,
cations that results in the buildings or structures
while dry floodproofing aims to prevent floodwa-
being watertight up to the DFE level. Walls should
ter from entering the building. These specific re-
be impermeable to the passage of water. Utilities and
quirements differ per A and V flood zone. Table 6.2
attendant equipment must be located within the dry
describes the classification of structures on the ba-
floodproofed structure, or outside it, provided that
sis of which different building code regulations are
they are located at least as high as the BFE, or are
applied. Category I buildings present a low haz-
constructed so as to prevent water from entering
ard to human life in the event of failure; category
or accumulating within their components during a
II buildings include primarily residential buildings;
flood. Flood shields can be used for dry floodproof-
category III buildings represent a substantial haz-
ing during flood events, which can be advantageous
ard to human life in the event of failure; and cat-
for keeping the building accessible, for example, for
egory IV buildings are designed as essential facili-
handicapped persons. Dry floodproofing also serves
ties. Next, the main building code regulations for
to keep lower floors usable for commercial use. If a
these categories are discussed for the A and V flood
Requirements for building in the A flood zone. n
If dwelling units are located in the building, then these
Structures in A zones must be designed and an- units are required to lie at or above the DFE level. More-
chored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral over, no more than one toilet and one sink shall be located
movement of the structure resulting from hydro- below the design flood elevation and no kitchen or kitch-
dynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the ef- enettes can be located below the DFE.

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Table 6.2. Classification of structures for flood building codes, NYC

Nature of occupancy Categories (SOC)

Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of I
failure, including, but not limited to:
- Agricultural facilities
- Certain temporary facilities
- Minor storage facilities
Buildings and other structures except those listed in SOC I, III, and IV II
Buildings and other structures that represent a substantial hazard to human life in the event of III
failure, including but not limited to:
- Buildings and other structures where more than 300 people congregate in one area
- Buildings and other structures with elementary school, secondary school or day-care
facilities with an occupant load >250
- Buildings and other structures with an occupant load of >500 for colleges or adult
education facilities
- Health care facilities with an occupant load of >50 resident patients, but not having surgery
or emergency treatment facilities
- Jails and detention facilities
- Power-generating stations, water treatment for potable water, waste water treatment
facilities, and other public utility facilities not included in SOC IV
- Buildings and other structures not included in SOC IV that contain sufficient quantities of
toxic or explosive substances deemed to be dangerous to the public if released
Buildings and other structures designed as essential facilities including, but not limited to: IV
- Hospitals and other health care facilities having surgery or emergency treatment facilities
- Fire, rescue and police stations and emergency vehicle garages
- Designated earthquake, hurricane or other emergency shelters
- Designated emergency preparedness, communication, and operation centers and other
facilities required for emergency response
- Power-generating stations and other public utility facilities required as emergency backup
facilities for SOC IV structures
- Structures containing highly toxic materials, as defined by Section 307 where the quantity of
the material exceeds the maximum allowable quantities shown in Table 307.7(2) of the New
York City Building Code
- Aviation control towers, air traffic control centers, and emergency aircraft hangars
- Buildings and other structures that have critical national defense functions
- Water treatment facilities required to maintain water pressure for fire suppression

Source: Adapted from NYC-DOB (2008).

building is dry floodproofed then it is allowed to use Requirements for building in the V flood zone.
building space below the BFE. Our discussions with Building requirements are stricter in V flood zones,
the NYC Department of Buildings revealed that in because these are coastal areas that are subject to
NYC these manual shields are in use, especially in high velocity wave action. Buildings and their foun-
high-rise and highly valuable commercial buildings. dation must resist flotation, collapse, and lateral
These measures can be expensive and are only taken displacement due to the simultaneous actions of
if it is economically viable. wind and water loads. The waves have to be able

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Table 6.3. Minimum elevation of the top of the lowest level, while the NYC code requires that these build-
floor relative to DFE in A flood zones ings should be elevated only to the BFE level, and
higher elevation is optional but not required. With
regards to one- and two-family houses the NYS reg-
Structural Minimum elevation
ulation for category II buildings is even more strin-
occupancy category of the lowest floor
gent than the ASCE standard and advises building at
least 2 ft above the BFE level. However, NYS building
codes are not applicable to NYC, because the City
has its own regulations.
III DFE = BFE + 1ft
IV DFE = BFE + 2ft 6.3. Strengths and weaknesses: challenges
for the future
Source: NYC-DOB (2008).
Accuracy of FIRMS. The effectiveness of the build-
ing code regulations is heavily dependent on the
accuracy of the FEMA flood maps. There are several
to flow underneath the buildings, which can be
problems with these maps, as was explained in Sec-
achieved by building on adequately anchored pil-
tion 4 and the inaccuracy of the maps can have the
ings or columns. The lowest portion of the lowest
result that a suboptimal type of building codes are
horizontal structural member of the lowest floor
applied to a structure. For example, whether eleva-
(excluding the pilings or columns) is required to be
tion requirements apply to a new structure depends
elevated at or above the DFE specified in Table 6.4
on if it is located in the 1/100 year floodplain on
below. The DFE equals the BFE of the 1/100 year
the FEMA maps, but the delineation of floodplains
flood for building categories I and II, while it is re-
on these maps is often based on outdated informa-
spectively 1 ft higher for building categories III and
tion (Burby, 2001). Moreover, the maps’ lack of de-
IV in case the floor is located parallel to the direction
tails complicates building code policy. In practice,
of the waves, and this is 2 ft higher if this location
a single property can lie partly within, and partly
is perpendicular. Spaces below this elevation that
outside, the 1/100 year flood zone demarcation line.
can be used for parking, storage, building access or
In that case, inspectors need to determine whether
crawl space should be free of obstruction or enclosed
the property needs to comply with the flood build-
with a breakaway wall. Such a breakaway wall is de-
ing codes, which is obviously an expensive task for
signed to collapse under certain flood conditions,
the city. FEMA uses historical data to determine the
and is intended to reduce damage from waves to
1/100 year flood zone, and the FIRMs do not ac-
the building. Only flood-damage resistant materials
count for increasing flood hazards in the future. If
and finishes can be used below the DFE indicated in
flood risks were to increase owing to climate change,
Table 6.4. The DFE, below which wet floodproofing
and the BFE level and geographical area of the 1/100
is required, is 1 ft higher than the BFE for building
year zone increase, then the effect will be that ele-
categories III and IV than the elevation require-
vation requirements imposed on existing buildings
ments. Utilities and attendant equipment should
will turn out to be insufficient. Moreover, existing
be located at or above the design DFE shown in
buildings that then come into the 1/100 year flood
Table 6.5, or should be constructed to resist the wave
zone would have been built according to building
action and prevent water from entering the equip-
codes that did not account for the flood hazard.
ment. Dry floodproofing is not allowed in V flood
This is likely to augment flood losses in NYC in the
future, given the projected widening of flood zones
The ASCE standard (ASCE, 2005) for flood resis-
and increase in flood levels.
tant design and construction has not been adopted
for category II buildings in NYC. During the pro- Current New York City building regulations and
cess of making the amendments, it was decided that floodproofing of new structures. NYC’s building
the regulation for category II buildings should re- regulations have been successful in achieving that
main the same, although there has been some debate flood risks are now considered in new buildings
about this issue. The ASCE standard advises elevat- constructed in the 1/100 year floodplain. In general,
ing category II buildings with 1 ft above the BFE elevation requirements have been shown to protect

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Table 6.4. Minimum elevation of bottom of lowest sup- NYC already lags behind building code policy in
porting horizontal structural member of the lowest floor other regions, since it does not require any free-
relative to the DFE in V flood zones board for category II properties that include resi-
dential buildings, while this is advised in the ASCE
Member orientation relative to the
standard (BFE+1 ft) and current policy of NYS
direction of wave approach
Structural (BFE+2 ft).
occupancy Orientation Orientation
category parallel perpendicular Floodproofing of existing buildings and critical
infrastructure. A major challenge is how to make
I DFE = BFE DFE = BFE existing buildings more resilient to flooding and
II DFE = BFE DFE = BFE how to encourage homeowners of existing buildings
III DFE = BFE+1ft DFE = BFE+2ft to adopt cost-effective mitigation measures. This is
IV DFE = BFE+1ft DFE = BFE+2ft especially important, given the projected increase
in flood risk, which would imply that many exist-
Source: NYC-DOB (2008).
ing structures that were built without flood building
codes will be subject to flooding in the future. Ac-
cording to the current regulations, existing build-
buildings against the 1/100 year flood event, which ings are only subject to the flood-related building
has ameliorated flood losses (Jones et al., 2006). codes if they are severely damaged after a flood (see
Apart from having adequate building codes, it is ev- the rules of the NFIP in Section 4), or if they are
ident that building code compliance is important substantially renovated. This regulation is relevant,
to implement effective flood-risk reduction. Over- for example, for the Red Hook Port Facility in NYC,
all, building code compliance in the United States which has certain old buildings that need to be ren-
seems to be reasonably high, although there is scope ovated. A general rule is that if the costs of new con-
for improvement. Mathis and Nicholson (2006) es- struction are at least 50% of the market value of the
timated that 63% of the buildings that are subject to property then the existing structure must be in full
the NFIP regulations comply with all of the NFIP’s compliance with building code requirements, as if
building standards. Of the 1,253 buildings surveyed, it were a new building. In practice these regulations
89% have their lowest floor at or above the BFE, are side-stepped by doing small cost renovations
or within 6 inches of that elevation. These authors several times, so that each single renovation costs
examined both community record keeping of con- less than 50% of the value of the building, and the
structions in the 1/100 year flood zone and field strict building codes are not applicable. As a result,
inspections of buildings. We are not aware of an ex- many existing buildings remain very vulnerable to
tensive study that has estimated building code com- the flood hazard. A practical problem with existing
pliance in NYC. Nevertheless, given that Mathis and buildings is that elevation is considerably more ex-
Nicholson (2006) find little variation in compliance pensive (but not impossible) compared with new
across communities, we expect that compliance in structures, even though other floodproofing is pos-
NYC does not diverge much from their findings. sible, such as placing utilities on higher floors and
There seems to be scope to further improve the adapting interior fittings to flooding.
effectiveness of building codes to cope with wave A specific challenge for NYC is how to protect its
impacts, especially by strengthening or elevating critical infrastructure against climate change. NYC
foundations (Wetmore et al., 2006). This is espe- has one of the densest infrastructures of the world.
cially relevant given the future expected increase in Old infrastructure in particular is likely to be in-
flood risk as a result of climate change. The current sufficiently capable of withstanding climate change
NYC building regulations do not, however, account impacts, such as more coastal and river flooding.
for future increases in flood hazards. The building Zimmerman and Faris (2010) provide a general as-
code standards are based on the current and the sessment of infrastructure in NYC that is vulnerable
anticipated BFE, which may be problematic given to climate change impacts, which discusses, among
the long lifetime of certain structures, and the diffi- other things, impacts on the energy and transporta-
culty of elevating existing structures. In this respect, tion sector and water supply, wastewater, waste, and

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Table 6.5. Minimum elevation relative to DFE below hazard maps can indicate how the current flood
which flood damage–resistant materials must be used zones, such as the 1/100 year flood zone, are ex-
and minimum elevation of utilities and attendant equip- pected to increase because of sea-level rise (e.g., in
ment in V flood zones 2050). The existing elevation requirements and the
current requirements can be applied to the future
Member orientation relative to the
1/100 year flood zone, instead of only the current
direction of wave approach
Structural 1/100 year zone. Given the long lifetime of struc-
occupancy Orientation Orientation tures, it would be useful to anticipate these trends
category parallel perpendicular and design building code regulations for the future
flood zones. It is challenging for the City to fore-
I DFE = BFE DFE = BFE cast how the future flood zone would be expected to
II DFE = BFE DFE = BFE change in the future. Our discussions showed that
III DFE = BFE+2ft DFE = BFE+3ft it is unlikely that FEMA will make future flood-risk
IV DFE = BFE+2ft DFE = BFE+3ft maps. NYC could, therefore, explore how such maps
can be created in collaboration with experts in the
Source: NYC-DOB (2008). insurance sector and academics.

Update New York City building regulations and

communications. As shown in Table 6.2, some of
floodproofing of new structures. Two main strate-
these critical infrastructures fall under category IV
gies can be adopted to accommodate the projected
buildings that have stricter building code require-
rise in flood risk in building code regulations. First,
ments, in particular higher elevation requirements.
the projected increase in flood hazards could be
However, these requirements do not apply to exist-
included in current policies by using future flood
ing infrastructure, which may be problematic given
hazard maps, as described above. Second, current
their long life time. The building code requirements
regulations could be made stricter, on the basis of
of NYC do not apply to the NY subway. Many sub-
the existing flood hazard maps. For example, ac-
way stations are built in areas that are vulnerable
cording to Wetmore et al. (2006) it would be useful
to flooding and are located in low-lying areas (Ja-
to explore more strict foundation standards, espe-
cob et al., 2001). The public is very dependent on
cially in the current A flood zones. For example,
the subway system for transportation, and its possi-
some of the foundation standards that currently ex-
ble shutdown during a flood event has considerably
ist in the more strictly regulated V zones could be
broader social and economic consequences. There-
made applicable to A zones. Moreover, all buildings
fore, there appears to be an interest for NYC to
in the 1/100-year A flood zones can be elevated in
floodproof the subway system and ensure that it is
line with the bottom of the lowest horizontal sup-
more resilient to climate change.
porting structural member above the flood protec-
6.4. Suggestions for improvements tion level, as currently applies to the V flood zones
Apply building codes using future FIRMs. A first (Wetmore et al., 2006). In this way, the floor would
way forward is to update the current flood-risk not come into contact with water levels during the
maps, and examine whether flood regulations are base flood, which may occur under the current
needed in other currently unregulated areas. More requirements.
detailed and accurate maps can be an important in- Furthermore, in NYC it would be useful to
put for building code policy. In addition, it could add more freeboard to the current elevation re-
be useful to explore the creation of forward-looking quirements. For example, currently no freeboard is
flood hazards maps (see also Sections 4.3 and 5.3). required for category II buildings, while this is ad-
Future flood maps can indicate how the current base vised by the ASCE standard (+1 ft) and NYS build-
flood level is expected to change in, for example, ing codes (+2 ft). This could improve the protection
the year 2050, because of sea-level rise. This can be of many buildings against floods, since these cate-
useful information for designing forward-looking gory II buildings comprise most residential build-
building regulations that account for the expected ings. The City Council can adopt the federal regu-
rise in flood levels. Moreover, forward-looking flood lations for category II buildings, which are more

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stringent than those of the ASCE. The political imately the same as the current 1/500 year flood
dynamics of imposing upon the city development zone. Alternatively, it could be explored how to de-
industry a standard that would make development sign buildings at the edges of the 1/100 year flood
much more expensive in the short term would create zone differently without imposing full compliance
difficulties, but in the long term could save money. with the current strict regulation in the 1/100 year
Nevertheless, the additional cost of adding free- zone. For example, some floodproofing measures
board when a new building is constructed is small. could be applied to the buildings near the bound-
For the residential buildings, the additional costs aries of the zone that are currently not regulated at
of adding freeboard to the at-BFE building cost are all. However, this could be complicated to imple-
estimated to be between 0.8% and 1.5% per ft of ment, because it is necessary to examine what kind
freeboard in a masonry wall with an interior pier of measures need to be taken where.
(crawlspace) foundation; between 0.8% and 3.0% If the above suggestions of stricter building codes
per ft of freeboard in a fill foundation; and between are to be effective in accommodating future risks,
0.25% and 0.5% per ft of freeboard in a pile or then it is important to design policies that en-
masonry pier foundation (Jones et al., 2006). For sure that these building regulations are complied
the evaluation of the NFIP, Jones et al. (2006) con- with. Kunreuther and Michel-Kerjan (2009) pro-
ducted cost–benefit analyses of adding freeboard up pose that banks and other lenders play a greater role
to 4 ft for single family homes. The analyses were in checking compliance with building code stan-
performed for various discount rates, flood con- dards. A higher level of compliance could be attained
ditions, elevation methods, and damage functions. if homeowners have to provide seals of approval
The results show that, most of the time, the benefits from certified inspectors to financial institutions as
of freeboard in terms of reduced flood vulnerabil- a condition for mortgages. Such seals of approval
ity exceed its costs, especially for coastal V flood could be provided by contractors to buyers of a new
zones. Therefore, it is advisable that NYC adopts the property, while for existing buildings the owners
freeboard requirement of NYS of at least 2 ft above could be made responsible for obtaining this seal of
BFE and perhaps 4 ft for single family homes. It approval.
should be further examined how the ease of acces-
sibility to these elevated buildings can be guaran- Floodproofing of existing buildings and critical
teed for disabled persons, for example, by making infrastructure. A particular challenge is how to
ramps. Moreover, design and policy considerations make existing buildings more resilient to flood-
for adding freeboard need to be explored. Adding ing and climate change. The current regulation of
freeboard to the building regulations of waterfront flood building code applications to existing build-
development could be a fruitful measure to make ings that are substantially repaired or renovated is
waterfronts more resilient to climate change. Mak- often side-stepped by performing smaller construc-
ing new waterfront development as a levee could tion works consecutively. Therefore, it seem sensible
be useful, as long as current requirements for public to improve the floodproofing of existing buildings
accessibility are complied with, e.g., make ramps for by requiring that the building code regulations ap-
wheelchairs and no steps. ply to buildings with cumulative losses or repair
Although adding freeboard to the current 1/100 costs of 50% or more of their value over a desig-
year flood zone could be a good strategy to re- nated time period. This change implies that older
duce vulnerability to flooding and climate of build- buildings will more often be subject to the current
ings within that zone, it does not floodproof build- building codes that apply to new structures. In addi-
ings currently outside this zone, that are expected tion, it could be useful to explore how less expensive
to be within the 1/100 year flood zone in the fu- and simpler floodproofing measures than elevation
ture. Hence, an alternative to implementing build- can be applied to existing buildings. For example,
ing codes in the future 1/100 year zone would be to the experience in Germany with the 2002 floods
implement flood building codes also in the existing of the Elbe shows that considerable flood damage
1/500 year zone. This could be a useful policy to can be avoided by applying relatively simple mea-
accommodate future flood hazards, if it is expected sures, such as placing utility installations on higher
that the future 1/100 year flood zone will be approx- floors, installing temporary water barriers, and the

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dedication of lower floors to low-value uses 7. Urban waterfront architecture and

(Kreibich et al., 2005; Thieken et al., 2006). It could planning: an international perspective
be required that some of these measures are un-
7.1. Super-levees: Tokyo
dertaken, for example, when a building is reno-
Japan has been experimenting with a fail-proof, low-
vated. Moreover, NYC could explore how to better
maintenance levee for the protection of urban areas
regulate the flood vulnerability of critical infras-
in flood-prone cities like Tokyo and Osaka. These
tructure. A thorough assessment of the costs and
super-levees improve on the typical levee by widen-
benefits of additional regulations for critical in-
ing its footprint and reducing the backslope to a low
frastructure would be in order. For example, con-
gradient. The result is a flood-protection zone in-
sideration could be given to imposing strict ele-
stead of a mere barrier. These super-levees minimize
vation requirements for the entrances of the NYC
the risk of breach and underseepage that threaten
thinner levees. Water that does overtop a super-levee
The question arises how homeowners should pay
is slowed as it flows down the long backslope; water
for floodproofing measures. Although these mea-
overtopping a normal levee cascades down the back,
sures could save homeowners money in the future
quickly eroding and compromising the integrity of
in terms of lower flood damage, budget constraints
the structure. With their broad bases, the super-
may preclude them from making these investments.
levees are also less likely to fail during earthquakes.
To help homeowners, the scope of FEMA grants
The super-levee offers advantages besides the struc-
could be increased by funding less expensive miti-
tural and flood protection aspects. The stabilized
gation measures undertaken by homeowners as op-
and strengthened sides can be developed, extend-
posed to focusing only on expensive measures, such
ing the urban development area to the top of the
as elevation (U.S. Department of Homeland Secu-
levee and allowing easier visual and physical access
rity, 2009). Moreover, homeowners might be more
to the water. In Japan, these developments are high-
inclined to invest in expensive mitigation measures,
rise and interwoven with parks and open spaces and
such as elevation of their homes, if long-term miti-
wetlands that are scarce throughout much of NYC
gation loans were available (Kunreuther and Michel-
(Fig. 7.1).
Kerjan, 2009). Long-term mitigation loans could
The super-levees are, however, not free of prob-
enable homeowners to spread the often high up-
lems. Their extreme width means that land of ap-
front costs of mitigation over a long period of time,
proximately one block wide along the river or coastal
such as 10 or 15 years. Investments in mitigation
front needs to be free and available. Since most of
may be more attractive for households if they could
this land is occupied, the majority of new super-
spread the mitigation costs in smaller monthly pay-
levees have been built on vacant or postindustrial
ments that could be matched by (larger) monthly
land. The super bulk of a super-levee also demands
reductions in insurance premiums that reflect lower
problematically large amounts of fill material. Some
risk. This would be especially useful for homeowners
of the fill can be offset by including parking and ser-
with budget constraints, who are unable to afford a
vice structures in the body of the levee. The lesson
large upfront payment for mitigation. Furthermore,
from Japan is to consider flood protection not as the
communities can encourage their citizens to invest
isolated endeavor of a single agency, but as part of a
in mitigation measures by giving them tax incen-
larger body of work that is intertwined with urban
tives. A reduction in state or property taxes could be
redevelopment, open space planning, land rehabil-
granted to those homeowners who invest in mea-
itation, and habitat generation.
sures that reduce their exposure to flooding. The
During the Brooklyn–Rotterdam Waterfront ex-
rationale for providing tax cuts for mitigation is the
change workshop organized by the the Port Author-
broader communal benefits derived from a reduced
ity of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), several
exposure to natural hazards, such as a reduced re-
options to both revitalize the waterfront and en-
liance on federal relief funds after disasters, and a
hance flood protection were explored. For example,
lower probability that families need to be housed
there is a potential opportunity for the replacement
and fed elsewhere by their local government because
of the existing elevated Gowanus Expressway. On-
their homes are destroyed by disasters (Kunreuther
going reconstruction is expected to extend the life
and Michel-Kerjan, 2009).

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Figure 7.1. Super-levee on the Edogawa in Tokyo (top). Source: William Verbeek. Cross-section through a super-levee in Osaka
(bottom). Source: Stalenberg (2010).

of the structure for only another 20–25 years. The ily mean shutting them off from the water as often
concept moves the highway one avenue closer to perceived.
the water, and constructing it above-grade within a
berm (on a super-levee). The replacement highway 7.2. Elevated residential areas: old port
could provide improved regional mobility and local facility, Hamburg
flood protection. HafenCity in Hamburg (Germany) is a city-
For the NYC area, this would imply a joint effort planning project where the old harbor quarter of
between local, state, and federal governments, espe- Hamburg has been built on with offices, hotels,
cially the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. However, shops, official buildings, and residential areas. The
the Japanese example shows that protecting cities project is one of the largest rebuilding projects in Eu-
from floods with super-levees is feasible and afford- rope in the 21st century. The area of the HafenCity
able. Waterfront developments on super-levees are used to be part of the port, but with the decreased
technically feasible, and this would not necessar- economic importance of ports in an era of European

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Figure 7.2. HafenCity (City of Hamburg, Germany) with the boardwalk at about 9 ft and the residential apartments at a level of
22 ft (top). Emergency serviceway above the design water level at HafenCity (bottom). Source: Jeroen Aerts.

Union free trade, large container ships and increased historic level of 16.4–18 ft (4–5.5 m) above sea level,
border security, the Hamburg free port was reduced the area would also be prone to flooding. There-
in size, freeing the current HafenCity area from its fore, almost every public road, bridge, and all build-
restrictions. When completely developed it will be ings will be elevated to a minimum height of 22 ft
home to about 12,000 people and the workplace of (7 m) above sea level (Fig. 7.2). The buildings’ foun-
40,000 people, mostly in office complexes. dations will serve as ground floor garages, which
The site of HafenCity is located on the waterside can be flooded in severe cases. Roads and paths are
of the main dike line, and is thus within the flooding constructed above the flood line to ensure access for
area of the Elbe estuary. HafenCity is located out- emergency services in the event of an extreme storm
side Hamburg’s main dike line; in other words, at its tide (HafenCity Hamburg, 2011) (Fig. 7.2, bottom).

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Figure 7.3. Artist impression of the new new outer harbor of Rotterdam (Maasvlakte 2). Source: Port of Rotterdam (2011).

Figure 7.4. Series of aerial photographs of the new Maasvlakte 2 harbor near Rotterdam that is currently being nourished with
sand from the North Sea. Upper left: May 2009; Upper right: October 2009; Lower left: July 2010; Lower right: January 2011. Source:
Port of Rotterdam (2011).

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

It was this solution that made possible the gradual change in ocean currents and hence beach erosion,
development of the entire HafenCity: it eliminates the loss of biodiversity, and loss of fishing grounds.
the need for an enormous technical and economic On the basis of these studies, it was decided that,
operation to make the whole project area impreg- with the development of the new harbor, a nature
nable to high water—for example, by reclamation— conservation and compensation program should be
before building construction could even begin. Total developed and implemented. The Dutch Environ-
costs are estimated to reach about €600 million. mental conservation legislation, enacted in 1998,
Twenty percent of its total area is devoted to public is very much tied to EU legislation: for example,
open space. Although another 20% of the area is to the EU Natura 2000 law, which has designated
privately owned, it is subject to right-of-way and areas that come under special protection. Urban
other public obligations. Even the 34 hectares of development in those areas (which include areas
water surface (excluding the River Elbe) is partially of water) is only possible in compliance with Article
restructured and in public use, for the plinths are not 19 of the Dutch Environmental Conservation Law
directly adjacent to the quay edges. A broad strip up (Natuurbeschermingswet, 1998) which says “the de-
to 50 ft (15 m) wide remains at a lower level, that is, velopment in Natura 2000 areas is only possible in
down near the water. On the whole it takes the form the absence of alternative solutions for a project and
of promenades, but in some places, it becomes a in case the project has overriding public interest in-
square. In addition—and often even parallel to river cluding those of a social or economic nature.” In
walkways—other urban spaces are laid out on the addition, a permit to develop in Natura 2000 areas
plinths themselves. The resulting topography thus is only granted if sufficient compensating measures
creates a townscape on two levels, both of which are implemented to sustain the same biodiversity
relate to the water, while an intervening dike would and environmental values that existed before the
have destroyed that relationship (Hafencity). development. The decision to grant a permit is po-
The design of promenades and parts of squares litical, and no clear rules exist as to exactly how many
has already taken into consideration the risk that compensating measures are needed.
extreme high water will flood them once or twice The compensation program in Rotterdam has
a year for a few hours. They can withstand such two tracks: (1) the development of a nature protec-
flooding without damage. As water levels in the Elbe tion area of about 20,000 ha (49,420 acres) south
fluctuate by more than 11 ft (3.5 m) with the tide, of the new harbor, in which only limited recre-
perceptions of the district are constantly shifting. ation is allowed and natural processes are further
The relationship between water levels, quay walls stimulated; and (2) the seaward development of a
and edges, pontoons, ships, and buildings also shifts new dune area of 35 ha (86 acres) at a location north
continuously. of the new harbor, which is known as a weak spot
in the dune flood defense system of the Rotterdam
7.3. Environmental aspects: using open water region.
and nature compensation (the Netherlands)
8. Recommendations: climate-resilient
There are international examples of how to deal with
waterfronts in New York City
seaward waterfront development while preserving
environmental values. For example, the new outer The main outcome of this study is that flood zon-
harbor of Rotterdam (Maasvlakte 2) will be devel- ing policies, flood insurance, and building codes are
oped by creating new elevated land at a height of powerful tools for controlling changing future land
+/− 15 ft above amsl (+5 m above mean sea level) use, and hence the potential vulnerability of land
in open water at the coast near Rotterdam (Figs. 7.3 use to flood risks. The study has focused on recom-
and 7.4). The new area measures 2,000 ha (about mendations that are rooted in existing legislation
4,900 acres). This open water area falls under sev- on flood insurance, zoning policies, and building
eral pieces of national and European legislation for codes. It also illustrates the need for improved co-
the protection of environmental values and legisla- operation between the NFIP coordinated by FEMA,
tion preserving natural flood protection values by the NYC Department of Buildings, and the NYC De-
means of beaches and dunes. Environmental impact partment of City Planning to ensure that all existing
statements were executed to estimate the potential regulations are applied with maximum efficiency.

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International examples of such cooperation are pre- floor level above the BFE determined by FEMA.
sented and how these could apply to the situation in Allowing for freeboard in the future 1/100 zones
NYC is discussed. anticipates future climate risk. An alternative policy
to mapping the future 1/100 flood zone is to regu-
The NFIP and climate change late not only the current 1/100 flood zone, but also
The NFIP is an important program for achieving other flood zones, such as the current 1/500 year
risk reduction, because it imposes the minimum re- flood zone.
quirements for local authorities flood zoning and Other issues that could be addressed by the NFIP
flood building codes, and it provides incentives include the need to:
to homeowners to invest in risk reduction beyond • Improve the accuracy of FIRMs.
these minimum standards. The NFIP sets the mini- It appears that FIRMs are often inaccurate,
mum building requirements in the 1/100 flood zone, which results in premiums that do not com-
and local authorities are allowed to impose zoning pletely reflect actual risk. This is a recommen-
regulations and building codes in addition to these dation with national implications. The lack
minimum standards. Climate change or other fu- of detail of the maps is problematic for local
ture developments, such as urban development, are authorities if they wish to implement stricter
not addressed in the NFIP. The general recommen- building codes than the NFIP regulations and
dation for the NFIP is the need for a thorough as- regulate land use in floodplains.
sessment of how the NFIP can be geared toward • Reassess premiums and the relationship to the
accommodating, and ameliorating the impacts of, BFE for A zones.
increased flood risk. Nevertheless, there seems to be It is recommended that the NFIP should reeval-
considerable scope to improve the current program uate flood insurance premium discounts for
even if flood risk does not increase as a result of buildings in A zones, because A zone dis-
climate change. counts effectively cease at 1 to 2 ft above the
BFE, but higher elevation could be desirable
Cooperation between the NFIP and New
owing to climate change. The current regula-
York City zoning policies
tion for such properties is that property own-
An important recommendation for improved coop- ers who are remapped to a more costly zone
eration between the NFIP, the NYC Department of classification are charged the lower insurance
Buildings, and the NYC Department of City Plan- premium of the former flood zone, which is
ning is to take into account future flood-risk maps also referred to as grandfathering. It may be
(e.g., the future 1/100 year floodplain) in flood in- considered that this grandfathering mecha-
surance, zoning, and building code policies. nism should be abolished since it would re-
In view of climate change, the geographical ex- sult in an increase in subsidized policies over
tent of the 1/100 year flood zone is likely to in- time.
crease, and insurance and zoning regulations could • FEMA mitigation grants are not suitable as a
be made applicable to what is expected to be the climate adaptation tool.
future 1/100 year floodplain. Knowing the future The availability of the grant programs can of-
1/100 flood zone offers the possibility to impose the ten be a motivation for communities to join
same requirements that apply to the current 1/100 the NFIP. It seems unlikely, however, that the
year flood zone, such as elevation of new buildings current grant programs will free up sufficient
and floodproofing measures, to the future 1/100 year financial resources to finance the required cli-
flood zone. Each new development or revitaliza- mate adaptation policies for the NYC water-
tion program could then be overlaid with the future fronts. Moreover, the grants mainly focus on
1/100 floodplain maps, and the current NFIP reg- flood damage to mitigating existing buildings.
ulation with BFE requirements could be applied to • Increasing the NFIP’s market penetration.
these future flood zones. The market penetration of the NFIP is rather
Currently freeboard is added for certain new con- low, which is an impediment for stimulating
structions in the current 1/100 year flood zone, flood-risk reduction measures through insur-
which means additional elevation of the base line ance, such as premium discounts. This is a

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nationwide problem and not only specific to • Additional restrictions for existing buildings in
NYC. This could be resolved through manda- flood zones.
tory purchase requirements for homeowners For existing buildings, set back, relocation, or
with federally backed mortgages who live in the elevation in areas susceptible to flooding is
current 1/500 year flood zone or future 1/100 perceived as infeasible. Additional regulation
flood zones. could stimulate homeowners to implement
• Setting risk-based insurance premiums. measures to floodproof telephone, electric-
It is recommended that premiums should be ity switchboards, heating and gas installations
set that reflect risk. Otherwise, incentives for above the BFE for residential buildings (struc-
homeowners to implement risk reduction mea- tural occupancy category II). Furthermore, ex-
sures are distorted, which can be especially perience with the 1961 zoning policies shows
troublesome if more investments in flood dam- that a limit on development or enlargement of
age mitigation are needed in the future because existing properties could lower densities and
of risk increases. hence vulnerability.
• Long-term insurance. • Preserving open space.
The short-term nature of the current flood in- The required percentage of open space on wa-
surance policies of only one year may restrain terfront lots should be increased or at least
an active collaboration between insurers and maintained to limit building footprints and
policyholders in reducing exposure to flood- hence reduce potential flood damage.
ing. It has been suggested by several scientific • Lowering density.
experts to introduce long-term flood insurance Adjusting the FAR is not seen as a feasible op-
contracts that are tied to properties instead of tion to reduce flood risk, although lower urban
the individuals for durations of, for example, densities may reduce the population at risk. Ur-
5, 10, or 20 years. ban development is also seen as a way to finance
• More attention for vital infrastructure. adaptation measures.
Infrastructure damage is not adequately ad- • Tradable Floor Area (TFA).
dressed through the NFIP, whereas potential The option of further stimulating a market
flood damage is, for a large part, determined based system of TFA in order to shift poten-
by the infrastructure at risk. The NFIP only tial new floor area to nearby inland lots is not
recommends restrictions for the development seen as a feasible option.
of critical infrastructure through the CRS,
but these recommendations are not strictly
enforced. Waterfront development and
environmental legislation
The issue of climate change and sea-level rise puts
Adjusting zoning controls an additional burden on waterfront developments
The following recommendations are made with re- and policies, and the challenge is to create a greener
spect to zoning policies: waterfront that is more resilient to climate change
and attractive for business and residents. An issue
• Eliminating the zoning building height penalty. is that both urban development and flood protec-
The zoning resolution could provide additional tion measures (e.g., levees and flood walls) are often
flexibility for buildings in flood-risk areas to perceived as activities that disturb environmental
allow for “freeboard,” which means additional values. Thus, the challenge is to develop the water-
elevation of the BFL above the FEMA BFE in front such that it enhances flood protection levels
order to earn a discount on insurance premi- by applying measures that also improve environ-
ums. However, these elevated buildings are also mental values. This study, therefore, recommends
subject to zoning height limits in the same way to prioritize waterfront development in areas where
as buildings that do not increase their eleva- coastal flood protection and nature preservation
tion. A logical next step would be to eliminate can be co-developed and, hence, where local gov-
this zoning penalty. ernment and the state and federal environmental

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and coastal zone policies have a mutual interest. ASCE 24. For example, currently no freeboard
Such an approach could be addressed by better in- is required for category II buildings, but this
tegrating federal and state coastal zone protection is advised by the ASCE standard (+1 ft) and
into local waterfront revitalization programs. En- NYS building codes (+2 ft) for one- and two-
vironmentally based flood protection to anticipate family houses. This would improve protec-
climate change is receiving support from communi- tion of many buildings against floods, since
ties, as has been communicated during the Borough these category II buildings comprise most res-
workshops initiated for Vision 2020. This implies idential buildings. The City Council should
that, in some instances, the land–water boundary adopt NYS standards for category II buildings,
should be moved inland and, in some instances sea- which are more stringent than those of the
ward, to compensate for the loss of urban space. Re- ASCE.
cent research supports the notion that modifications • Cost–benefit analyses of adding freeboard up
in the open water zone and intertidal wetland area to 4 ft for single-family homes showed that,
should be evaluated to determine whether water- most of the time, the benefits of freeboard, in
front activities can enhance the resilience to climate terms of reduced flood vulnerability, exceed
change. Many of such modifications, however, re- its costs, especially for coastal V flood zones.
quire discretionary permits. Currently, the manner Therefore, it is advisable that NYC should adopt
in which NYS environmental regulations have been the freeboard requirement of NYS of at least 2
administered has effectively prohibited any water- ft above BFE and perhaps 4 feet. It should be
front development into open water space. This may further examined how the ease of accessibility
hamper the development of attractive waterfronts in to these elevated buildings can be guaranteed
conjunction with improvements in environmental for disabled persons, for example, by making
quality. ramps or elevating streets. Moreover, design
and public realm considerations for adding
Building codes freeboard need to be explored. Adding free-
board to the building regulations of water-
While the NFIP determines minimum building code
front development could be a fruitful measure
standards, NYC has designed its own building codes
to make waterfronts more resilient to climate
that can go beyond these minimum standards. The
building codes apply to new structures and substan- • Flood-resistant construction standards in the
tial improvements of the existing structure. “Sub-
1/500 flood zone should be applied.
stantial” means improvement with a value of more
than 50% of the market value of the property. The
additional flood building code regulation for NYC Flood protection and architecture
consists of three main components: (1) building
There are several examples where waterfront devel-
above the BFE level (freeboard); (2) dry, as well as
opments have been combined with flood-protection
wet floodproofing; and (3) requirements per flood
measures. Examples from the city of Tokyo in
zone for different types of buildings (categories I–
Japan could be explored for developing parts of
the waterfront in NYC, especially the old manu-
Current regulations should be made stricter, on
facturing areas such as old port facilities. For ex-
the basis of the existing flood hazard maps:
ample, the city of Tokyo has been experimenting
• Foundation standards other than those that with a fail-proof, low-maintenance levee for the
currently exist in the more strictly regulated protection of urban areas. These super-levees im-
V zone to the coastal A zone should be applied. prove on the typical levee by widening its foot-
• Elevation standards that currently exist in the print and reducing the backslope to a low gra-
more stringently regulated V zone to the coastal dient. In Japan, these developments are high-rise
A zone should be applied. and interwoven with parks, open spaces, and wet-
• Additional freeboard should be added to lands that are scarce throughout much of the
the current elevation requirements to achieve city. In the city of Hamburg (Germany), an old
safety standards at least as strict as NYS and port facility has been rebuilt and the entire new

70 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Thieken, A.H., Petrow, T., Kreibich, H. and Merz, B. (2006). Jeroen Aerts is a professor in the area of risk manage-
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search and consultancy activities include a large
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US Congress (1966a). A Unified Program for Managing Flood Asia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Southern Africa, India,
Losses. House Document 465, 89th Congress, 2nd session, Vietnam, and the United States. These projects
US Government Printing Office, Washington DC
mainly focus on water management related to such
US Congress (1966b). Insurance and Other Programs for Fi-
nancial Assistance to Flood Victims. Senate Committee on issues as disaster management, insurance arrange-
Banking and Currency, Committee Print. US Government ments, poverty and vulnerability reduction, and
Printing Office, Washington DC. risk-management strategies. The kernel of most
US Congress (1973). Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. projects is a science-policy approach where both
93th Congress, 1th session. US Government Printing Office,
scientists and policymakers jointly assess risk indi-
Washington DC.
US Congress (1994). National Flood Insurance Reform Act of cators and evaluate management strategies. Jeroen
1994. 103th Congress, 2nd session. US Government Printing Aerts has contributed to the IPCC FAR WGII. He
Office, Washington DC. is, furthermore, theme coordinator of the Dutch

74 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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Aerts & Botzen Flood-resilient waterfront development in New York City

adaptation research program BSIk KvR (24 Mil- made of the meeting and these summaries were pro-
lion Euro). Jeroen Aerts has published over 70 peer- vided to those interviewed with a request that they
reviewed papers. review the accuracy of the summary.
W.J. Wouter Botzen Appendix B. Zoning glossary
Wouter Botzen is assistant professor at the Depart-
ment of Environmental Economics, Institute for These definitions are taken from NYC-DCP
Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University Ams- (2010c).
terdam. He obtained his PhD degree in 2010 with a Base flood elevation (BFE): The estimated level of
cum laude distinction for his dissertation titled “The water associated with the 100-year flood, which is a
Economics of Insurance against Climate Change.” severe flood reaching or surpassing a certain water
Such a distinction is rarely awarded at the Eco- level that has a 1% chance of occurrence in any given
nomics Faculty of the VU University. He won the year.
prestigious Junior Societal Impact Award of the VU Bulk regulations: The combination of controls (lot
University in 2010. Wouter has a shared responsibil- size, floor area ratio, lot coverage, open space, yards,
ity for teaching provided by the department and is height, and setback) that determine the maximum
mainly involved in the master’s course environmen- size and placement of a building on a zoning lot.
tal economics provided by the institute. Currently,
he is working on a variety of projects dealing with Density: The intensity of development within a
natural disaster insurance, climate change adapta- zoning district. In residence districts, density is
tion, and decision making under uncertainty. He generally measured by the maximum number of
has published many articles in international peer- dwelling units permitted on a zoning lot. The max-
reviewed journals on these topics. imum number of units is calculated by dividing the
maximum residential floor area permitted on a zon-
ing lot by the applicable factor for each zoning dis-
Appendix A. Interviewed experts
trict. (Fractions equal to at least 34 are considered
Table A1 lists the persons with whom the authors one unit.) The factors for each district are approxi-
had interviews and discussions to obtain informa- mations of average unit size plus allowances for any
tion for this study. In most cases, detailed notes were common areas. Special density regulations apply to

Table A1. Interviews and discussions with experts in the public and private sectors

Name Affiliation Relevant expertise

Fabrice Felden Swiss Re Flood insurance, catastrophe modeling

Megan Linkin Swiss Re Flood insurance, climate change
Tom Wargo NYC Department of City Planning Zoning specialist
Claudia Herasme NYC Department of City Planning Zoning specialist
Patricia Griggs FEMA NFIP
Mary Colvin FEMA NFIP
Joshua Friedman OEM Risk Management & GIS
James McConnell OEM Risk Management
Dennis Suszkowski Hudson River Foundation Hudson River Foundation
Clay Hiles Hudson River Foundation Hudson River Foundation
James Colgate NYC Department of Buildings Standards and requirements
Sandy Hornick NYC Department of City Planning Flood zoning
Bill Woods NYC Department of City Planning Director, Waterfront Division
Michael Marrella NYC Department of City Planning Project Director, Waterfront Plan
Howard Slatkin NYC Department of City Planning Deputy Director of Strategic Planning
Aaron Koch NYC Mayor’s office Long-term planning and sustainability

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units, each occupying its own tax lot. Similarly, a

building containing a row of townhouses may oc-
cupy several separate tax lots within a single zoning
lot, or two or more detached homes on one zoning
lot may each have its own tax lot.
Mixed Building: A building in a commercial dis-
trict used partly for residential use and partly for
community facility or commercial use. A building
that contains any combination of uses is often re-
ferred to as a mixed-use building. When a building
contains more than one use, the maximum FAR per-
mitted on the zoning lot is the highest FAR allowed
for any of the uses, provided that the FAR for each
use does not exceed the maximum FAR permitted
for that use. In a C1–8A district, for example, where
the maximum commercial FAR is 2.0 and the max-
imum residential FAR is 7.52, the total permitted
FAR for a mixed residential/commercial building
would be 7.52, of which no more than 2.0 FAR may
be applied to the commercial space.
Figure B1. Source: NYC-DCP (2010c). Mixed Use District: A special zoning district in
which new residential and non-residential (com-
mixed buildings that contain both residential and mercial, community facility and light industrial)
community facility uses (Fig. B1). uses are permitted as-of-right. In these districts,
Dwelling Unit: A dwelling unit (d.u.) consists of designated on zoning maps as MX with a numerical
one or more rooms that contain lawful cooking and suffix, an M1 district is paired with an R3 through
sanitary facilities, inhabited by one or more persons R9 district.
living together and maintaining a common house- Open space: The part of a residential zoning lot
hold, in a residential building or residential portion (which may include courts or yards) that is open and
of a building. unobstructed from its lowest level to the sky, except
Enlargement: A built addition to an existing build- for specific permitted obstructions, and accessible to
ing that increases the floor area of the building. and usable by all persons occupying dwelling units
on the zoning lot. Depending upon the district, the
Floor area ratio (FAR): The principal bulk regula-
tion controlling the size of buildings. The FAR can be
used in zoning to limit the amount of construction
in a certain area. FAR is the ratio of total building
floor area to the area of its zoning lot. Each zoning
district has a FAR control that when multiplied by
the lot area of the zoning lot produces the maximum
amount of floor area allowable in a building on the
zoning lot. For example, on a 10,000 ft2 zoning lot in
a district with a maximum FAR of 1.0, the floor area
of a building cannot exceed 10,000 ft2 (Fig. B2).
Lot or zoning lot: A tract of land comprising a sin-
gle tax lot or two or more adjacent tax lots within a
block. An apartment building on a single zoning lot,
for example, may contain separate condominium Figure B2. Source: NYC-DCP (2010c).

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amount of required open space is determined by the

open space ratio (OSR), minimum yard regulations,
or by maximum lot coverage.
Open spaceratio (OSR): The amount of open space
(in ft2 ) required on a residential zoning lot in non-
contextual districts, expressed as a percentage of the
total floor area on the zoning lot. For example, if a
building with 20,000 ft2 of floor area has an OSR of
20, 4,000 square ft of open space would be required
on the zoning lot (0.20 × 20,000).
Uniform land use review procedure (ULURP):
The public review process, mandated by the City
Charter, for all proposed zoning map amendments,
special permits, and other actions such as site se-
lections and acquisitions for city capital projects
and disposition of city property. The procedure sets Figure B3. Source: NYC-DCP (2010c).
forth time frames and other requirements for pub-
lic participation at the community board, borough The waterfront access plan (WAP): The specific
board and borough president levels, and for the pub- plan, set forth in the NYC Zoning Resolution that
lic hearings and determinations of the community tailors waterfront bulk regulations and public access
boards and City Planning Commission (CPC). Zon- requirements to the specific conditions of a partic-
ing text amendments follow a similar review process, ular waterfront. Development of individual water-
but without a time limit for CPC review. (For a full front parcels governed by the plan triggers a require-
explanation of ULURP, including a diagram of the ment to build and maintain public access areas in
ULURP time clock, see Land use review procedure) accordance with the WAP.
Use: Any activity, occupation, business or opera- Waterfront area: The geographical area compris-
tion, listed in Use Groups 1 through 18, which is ing all blocks between the pierhead line and a line
conducted in a building or on a tract of land. Cer- 800 ft landward from the shoreline. Where the line
tain uses are allowed only by special permit of the intersects a block, the entire block is included in the
CPC or BSA. waterfront area.
Use group: Uses that have similar functional char- The bulkhead line is a line shown on the zoning
acteristics and/or nuisance impacts and are gener- maps that divides the upland and seaward
ally compatible with each other are listed in one or portions of waterfront zoning lots.
more of 18 groups that are ranked from residential The pierhead line is a line shown on the zoning
uses (Use Groups 1–2), community facility uses (Use maps that defines the outermost seaward
Groups 3–4), retail and service uses (Use Groups boundary of the area regulated by the zoning
5–9), regional commercial centers/amusement resolution.
uses (Use Groups 10–12), waterfront/recreation The shoreline is the mean high water line.
uses (Use Groups 13–15), and heavy automotive A waterfront block is a waterfront public park
uses (Use Group 16) to manufacturing uses (Use or waterfront zoning lot in a block, public park,
Groups 17–18). Use group charts can be found in or zoning lot in the waterfront area that is
Chapter 2 of Articles II, III, and IV of the zoning adjacent to or intersected by the shoreline
resolution. (Fig. B3). Source: NYC-DCP (2010c).

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Appendix C. Databases

Name/ Database Year Description Source Website

MapPLUTO 2009 Tax lot information Department of City

Planning (DCP) html/bytes/applbyte.shtml
Building footprints 2009 Building location and The New York City
perimeter Department of
Technology and
Transportation 2009 Location of stations, DoITT
database ventilation grates, tunnel
PAD (Property Address 2009 Addresses, tax lots, and DCP
Directory) BIN (building html/bytes/applbyte.shtml
identification number)
FIRM (flood insurance 2010 FEMA flood zones / special FEMA
rate maps) flood hazard areas map/firm.shtm
Digital Q3 flood zone 2009 The Q3 flood data are FEMA http://www.nysgis.
data derived from the FIRMs
published by FEMA
Multi-Coloured 2008 Flood damage curves Flood Hazard Research
Manual Centre (FHRC), UK areas/geography/flood-
MTA / Rail data 2009 Shapefiles on MTA tracks

Appendix D. Vital facilities per flood zone

Table D1. Vital structures in the 1/100 V zone

# class Description

1 G4 Gas station with workshop

2 W1 Public elementary, junior high, and
senior high schools
1 W2 Parochial schools, yeshivas
1 W3 Schools or academies
1 W4 Training schools
1 W9 Miscellaneous education
1 Y1 Fire department
2 Y3 Prisons, jails, houses of detention
8 Y4 Military and naval

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Table D2. Vital structures in the 1/100 A zone Table D3. (Continued)

Building Building
# class Description # class Description

1 G3 Garage and gas station combined 29 W2 Parochial schools, yeshivas

22 G4 Gas station with workshop 9 W3 Schools or academies
15 G5 Gas station without workshop 4 W4 Training schools
13 I1 Hospitals, sanitariums, mental 5 W5 City university
institutions 5 W6 Other colleges and universities
3 I4 (Health) Staff facilities 3 W7 Theological seminaries
10 I5 Health centers, Child centers, clinics 21 W8 Other private schools
13 I6 Nursing homes 23 W9 Miscellaneous education
10 I7 Adult care facilities 22 Y1 Fire department
63 W1 Public elementary, junior high, and 12 Y2 Police department
senior high schools 5 Y3 Prisons, jails, houses of detention
14 W2 Parochial schools, yeshivas 14 Y4 Military and naval
7 W3 Schools or academies 436
2 W4 Training schools
4 W5 City university
4 W6 Other colleges and universities
2 W7 Theological seminaries
13 W8 Other private schools
Appendix E. Value of tax lots without
16 W9 Miscellaneous education
11 Y1 Fire department
11 Y2 Police department The PLUTO datasets contain value assessments for
5 Y3 Prisons, jails, houses of detention 859,328 distinct lots, but not every lot has build-
13 Y4 Military and naval ing footprints associated with it—so when we map
252 lot value to building footprints to calculate the
value/ft2 , the value of these lots without buildings
is omitted (gets multiplied in with 0). To give an
impression of the loss of value at risk data, Table E1
Table D3. Vital structures in the 1/500 zone
shows “disappearing value” by borough.
# class Description

2 G3 Garage and gas station combined Table E1. Disappearing value by borough
52 G4 Gas station with workshop
32 G5 Gas station without workshop # lots with Value lots without
19 I1 Hospitals, sanitariums, mental Borough # lots buildings building
3 I4 (Health) Staff facilities Brooklyn 278,418 263,697 $670,371,994.00
23 I5 Health centers, child centers, clinics Bronx 89,838 82,360 $308,827,009.00
21 I6 Nursing homes Manhattan 43,435 40,612 $2,317,541,683.00
25 I7 Adult care facilities Queens 324,324 309,863 $550,773,632.00
107 W1 Public elementary, junior high, and Staten Island 123,313 111,603 $139,119,570.00
senior high schools Total 859,328 808,135 $3,986,633,888.00

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Appendix F. Classification of “other land Table G1. Summary of reported damage in subway flood-
use” ing incidents (Compton et al., 2009)

Q0: Open space Boston Seoul Taipei Prague

Q1: Parks 1996 1998 2001 2002

Q2: Playgrounds Total construction n/a 790∗ 15000∗∗ n/a

Q3: Outdoor pools cost (mln €)
Q4: Beaches Total construction n/a 18 ∼ 180 n/a
Q5: Golf courses cost per km
Q6: Stadiums, race tracks, baseball fields (mln €/km)
Km track flooded 2–3 11 9–12 15–20
Q7: Tennis court
Volume of water 53 800 n/a >1,000
Q8: Marinas/yacht clubs (thousand m3 )
Q9: Miscellaneous outdoor recreation facilities Reported flood ∼10 40 60–140 66–240
G6: Licensed parking lots damage (mln €)
G7: Unlicensed parking lots Computed damage 1.3–4 3.6 0.9–12 4.4–16
T1: Airports, air fields, terminals per km
T2: Piers, docks, bulkheads ∗
Line 7 only.
T9: Miscellaneous ∗∗
entire system (86 km).
V0: Vacant land zones, residential, except not
Manhattan below 110 St. 2. Direct flood damage to subway systems
V1: Vacant land not zoned residential, or Man- (after Compton et al., 2009)
hattan below 110 St. The basic approach to estimating the flood damage
V2: Vacant land not zoned residential, but adja- during flooding of the subway is to presume that
cent to Tax Class 1 dwelling there is a relationship between the length of track
V3: Vacant land zoned, primarily residential, ex- flooded and the resulting direct damages, as carried
cept not Manhattan below 110 St. out by Neukirchen (1993). This relationship can be
V4: Vacant land, police or fire department expressed as follows:
V5: Vacant land, school site or yard
V6: Vacant land, libraries, hospitals, or museums DD = ␣ L
V7: Vacant land, Port Authority of NY and NJ where:
V8: Vacant land, state and federal DD is the direct damage, L is the length of track
V9: Vacant land, miscellaneous (Department of flooded, and ␣ is the relationship between the two
Real Estate and other public places) variables. A regression was performed on the em-
Y5: Department of Real Estate land pirical data to evaluate ␣ for the overall data set.
Z2: Public parking areas ␣ was estimated between 3.2 and 20 with a mean
Z6: Land under water of 9.4. In the study by Compton et al. (2009), they
Z7: Easements also included a function describing the relationship
Z8: Cemetaries between flood velocity and direct damage. We did
Z9: Miscellaneous other not address flood velocity in this study.
3. Indirect flood damage to subway systems
(after Compton et al., 2009)
Appendix G. Flood damage to subway
Method 1. Compton et al. (2009) have computed
the loss in revenues to flooding in M€ per flooded
1. Empirical data on flood damage to subway km track. For the subway system in Vienna (Aus-
systems tria), they roughly estimated the revenue loss at
Compton et al. (2009) have summarized empirical 2M€/km. This is equal to 2.68M US$/km = 1.66M
data from historical flood events in subways. These US$/mile (2010 values). Note that they used an aver-
are listed below in Table G1. Note: the “computed age ride cost of 2€/ride, which is comparable to the
damage per km” is in millions of 2009 Euros. average ride in NYC (∼US$2.25). Obviously other

80 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1227 (2011) 1–82 

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indirect effects (“production loss”) are important Table G3. Different methods for estimating indirect
for determining overall losses due a subway flood, costs
but we did not address these in this study. Therefore, Minimum Maximum
our estimates are probably at the lower end of the [US$] [US$]
loss distribution.
Method 1: indirect damage using loss/flooded km track
Method 2. In the EU FLOODsite study, a hand- km flooded tunnels 22–30 kma 440,000,000 600,000,000
book was developed to estimate flood damage to km tracks at grade 30–50 kma 300,000,000 300,000,000
different objects, including direct damage to rail in- Total 740,000,000 900,000,000
frastructure and losses from rail disruption (FHRC, Method 2: indirect losses using average fare and
2008). This study, however, mainly focuses on above number of passengers
ground commuter rail. The suggested algorithm for Ridesc 2,283,601 5,086,833
rail disruption suggests calculating the number of 1 day loss at US$2.25/ridea 5,138,102 11,445,374
people traveling through the floodplain, and then 1 day loss at US$2.05/rideb 4,681,382 10,428,008
divides losses per passenger into costs for either 30 day loss at US$2.25/ride 154,143,068 343,361,228
delays (40–45% of total disruption costs) and cost 30 day loss at US$2.05/ride 140,441,462 312,840,230
for cancelations (55–60% of total disruption costs). a
Based on Compton et al. (2009).
The calculation, based on estimates for compensa- b
Based on FHRC (2008).
tion for either delay or cancelations, is an average of c
Based on MTA (2009) (
£0.037 per hour, per passenger for commuter train ridership/index.htm).
services. This is £1.3/day per passenger, which equals
US$2.05/day per passenger.
et al. (2009). Method 2 uses an average fare per
4. Estimate of total flood damage to subway disrupted passenger the basis of FHRC (2008).
systems The latter method assumes all passengers will be
Table G2 list different scenarios and different meth- disrupted. We only used an estimation of the num-
ods for estimating indirect costs. Method 1 uses ber of MTA passengers (see Table G3) that are dis-
a price per flooded km the basis of Compton rupted for a period of 1 or 30 days, respectively.

Table G2. 2009 MTA Subway Ridership. Source:

Appendix H. Population at risk per borough
MTA (2009) ( Data in Table H1 is based on Maantay and Maroko
htm) (2009). Note: these data are not cumulative, and in
order to calculate the population at risk in the 1/100
Annual Average Average Average
flood zone, one has to add the numbers from the
Ridership Weekday Saturday Sunday
VE, AE, AO, and A zones. Similarly, the population
1,579,866,600 5,086,833 2,928,247 2,283,601
at risk for the X500 zone can be derived by adding
the numbers for the 1/100 and the X500 zones.

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Table H1. BK, Brooklyn; BX, Bronx; MN, Manhattan; Table H1. (Continued)
QN, Queens; SI, Staten Island
Clipped population
Clipped population Zone Borough at risk
Zone Borough at risk
HUR2 BK 281564
VE BK 24 HUR3 BK 297425
AE BK 58166 HUR4 BK 281060
X500 BK 85785 HUR1 BX 3083
VE BX 1502 HUR2 BX 6089
AE BX 13163 HUR3 BX 39915
X500 BX 22139 HUR4 BX 93207
VE MN 99 HUR1 MN 25510
AE MN 80681 HUR2 MN 135783
X500 MN 57290 HUR3 MN 148176
VE QN 1035 HUR4 MN 143317
AE QN 38917 HUR1 QN 11520
X500 QN 65790 HUR2 QN 128960
VE SI 273 HUR3 QN 148043
A SI 5919 HUR4 QN 80890
AE SI 15193 HUR1 SI 3314
AO SI 8 HUR2 SI 30070
X500 SI 11063 HUR3 SI 17450
HUR1 BK 75780 HUR4 SI 22420

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