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Extreme Programming Methodology (XP)

In recent decades the structure and management of projects within organizations or companies

has become more complex, new tools, technologies and new ways of organizing a team have

appeared, these characteristics have led to the development of new methodologies that are agile

for project management. What is an agile methodology? An agile methodology "is a process that

allows the team to give quick and unpredictable answers to the assessments they receive about

their project. It creates opportunities to evaluate the direction of a project during the development

cycle". (Gonçalves, L.).

According to Grifol (2013) Agile methodologies are not the great solution to all the problems of

application development, nor can they be applied in all cases, but they do provide us with

another point of view on how things can be done, faster, more adaptable and without having to

lose the rigour of classic methodologies.

Among the most used agile methodologies we can highlight the following: Scrum, extreme

programming ( XP ) and Kanban. In this case we will talk about the extreme programming

"eXtreme Programming" (XP).

The XP methodology or Extreme Programming as it was said before is an agile and flexible

methodology used for the development of software created by Kent Beck in 1996 as a result of

his experience in the project of C3 a payroll software developed in the company Chrysler, this

software became popular because in only a year and a half it achieved the success due to the

organization that Beck had given it.

Extreme Programming "Focuses on strengthening the interpersonal relationships of the

development team as the key to success through teamwork, continuous learning and a good

working environment". (Calvo, D.). This methodology is mainly based on communication,

feedback and reuse of the code, but why is this methodology interested in good interpersonal

relationships within the work team? As we know, good relationships between the members of a

team are essential because they help to raise several ideas in different perspectives and find more

solutions to a problem. XP is also considered a flexible methodology because it allows changes

to be made in each of the stages of project development, which makes it an ideal methodology

for those projects with imprecise and very changing requirements.

The XP methodology unlike other methods such as Scrum uses specific values and principles to

guide the behavior of the team by a predetermined route, this way of working provides a set of

values and practices that separately are simple to learn and implement but combined produce a

more complex behavior and more effective results.

According to Gonzalez, F. (2013)

The extreme programming seeks two objectives: to make a good software (with quality) and as

quickly as possible. In fact, these are the fundamental objectives of any methodology applied to

software development and any other area in general.

Kent Beck (creator of this methodology) stated that "XP takes principles and practices to

extreme levels. If the code reviews are good, we will review the code all the time. If the testing is
good, everyone will test all the time, even the clients. If the design is good, we will make it part

of everyone's daily activities.

Highlights of XP include actions such as:

 Write unit tests before scheduling and keep all tests running at all times.

 Start projects with simple designs and redesign as needed.

 Keep the customer involved at all times and get consistent feedback.

 Maintain open and fluid communication between all team members.

Why is this methodology called extreme programming?

Well, it's not because you have to program climbing mountains or throwing yourself into a

parachute but because in this way of working everything must be taken to the maximum with

radical measures, for example, in this methodology it's not enough to check that your code works

properly, you have to take it to the extreme and execute constant and execuate unit tests to

guarantee in an automated way that the code complies with all the requirements or in the case of

the design of a project, it's not enough to plan every detail from the first day but it must go

through countless adaptations until reaching the maximum efficiency.

Each part and each process of the project is taken to the maximum in its adaptation and

optimization but always leaving room for the future to improve even more.
Is it a good idea to implement this methodology for my project?

First you must take into account that this methodology cannot be applied everywhere as it is

recommended to be done in small and medium projects due to their extreme processes. If your

project is short or medium term and you want it to meet each of the requirements you set at the

beginning, this methodology is the right one because of its efficiency during the testing and

planning processes, besides that it presents a small error rate, that is to say there are very few

chances that your project will not meet your expectations. This methodology allows you to make

some changes during the development of the project and also as said before is a methodology

that focuses on good communication and teamwork which helps each of the processes that are

carried out are developed correctly because the group members are in a pleasant working

environment. Apart from that you will not have any limitation regarding the type of

programming language since in XP any language is allowed.

From the Extreme Programming methodology, we can conclude that it is the most used

methodology by software developers and is the most popular within the family of agile


This methodology shows that good communication of the work team increases productivity and

project development, it also adapts to uncertain and changing requirements, humanizes the

developers, offers a pleasant environment for work that facilitates adequate breaks and also

involves the customer because he always has to be available for the rest of the team, being part

of it and encouraging face-to-face communication, which is the most efficient of the possible

communications. In short, its main objective is to have the customer happy, and for this it is
based on principles such as continuous delivery of software, being flexible to changes, making a

teamwork that is effective and self-organized.

In this methodology recoding is the biggest strength of the methodology, allowing to further

optimize the code due to its short life cycles.

And finally as all methodology has its advantages and disadvantages but unlike other

methodologies, XP is the most efficient for short or medium software projects, so if you are clear

about what you want to develop and expect positive responses from the software or project,

applying XP methodology is a good option.


Gonçalves, L. (2020). QUÉ ES LA METODOLOGÍA ÁGIL.


Calvo, D. (2018). Metodología XP Programación Extrema (Metodología ágil).

(2018). ¿Qué ventajas aporta Extreme Programming?. Viewnex.

Maquen, G., Chayan, A., Carrión, G., Reyes, L. (2017). Técnicas para el uso de la metodología

eXtreme Programming en el desarrollo de Software. Universidad Señor de Sipá. Recuperado de:


Beck, K., Cynthia, A. (2004). Libro: Extreme Programming Explained : Embrace Change.

Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. New Jersey, United States.

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