Subject-Verb Agreement: Y If The N If They Do Not Agree. Correct The Errors

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Subject-Verb Agreement

Part A. Underline the subject once and the verb twice. Write Y if the
subject and verb agrees, and N if they do not agree. Correct the errors.

_________ 1. The team play soccer every Wednesday evening.

_________ 2. The picture of those mountains is beautiful.
_________ 3. A group of teenagers are making a presentation.
_________ 4. Cats sleep more than any other animals.
_________ 5. A friend of those people is no friend of mine.

Part B. Choose the correct verb form.

1. Everyone (was were) invited to the celebration.
2. One of the tapes (belongs belong) to Sabrena.
3. Neither the director nor the players (was were) on time for rehearsal.
4. I’m afraid twenty dollars (is are) not enough to buy this poster.
5. Someone high up in the bleachers (has have) been waving at us.
6. Few of the guests (knows know) about the surprise.
7. Neither Montreal nor Hull (is are) the capital of Quebec.
8. The family (has have) moved to Pas, Manitoba.
9. The family (has have) been unable to agree on where to vacation.

10. Many of the students (walks walk) to school.

11. (Does, Do) either of those poems use personification?
12. Five hours (was were) the amount of time we allowed ourselves.
13. The price of these jeans (is are) too high.
14. The science class (is are) taking a field trip to the planetarium.
15. The science class (is are) working on their astronomy project.
16. Outside, the chorus of crickets (chirps chirp) loudly to wake me.
17. Either Sylvia or her brothers (washes, wash) the kitchen floor.
18. The heavy rain clouds and the powerful winds (indicates indicate) that
a hurricane is approaching.

19. Ninety grams of cooked lean meat (equals equal) one serving.
20. Why (is are) the jury taking so long to reach its decision.

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