Slso Lst-Teacher Online Learning

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SLSO/Teacher Online Learning

Please find below some professional learning ideas for SLSO’s and teachers working from home.

Partnerships (Autism Training)

Anyone can register/join the Positive Partnerships website.

Once registered you can complete online learning modules. Topics include:

 Introduction to Autism (Accredited Module)

 Introduction to Visual Supports
 Understanding Sensory Processing
 Teacher and Teacher’s Assistants

Positive Partnerships (Autism Training)

Without registration you can read information sheets on a number of topics, eg:

 Transition and Planning

 Executive Functioning
 Friendships
 Supporting Siblings
 Transition Plans

Resources link here:

Disability Standards for Education training on the NCCD site

This course has 6 modules each 30 minutes. (If SLSOs have already completed they can redo as the courses have
been updated.) Below is the link to the SLSO course:

Recommended for teachers to complete or re-visit this as well. Below is the page with all the different staff DSE

This site offers multiple online videos that could be delivered via MS Teams or the like to SLSOs by staff or they could
complete independently and write down their responses to the questions posed at the bottom of each topic area.
The below modules would be suitable for teachers and SLSOs. There are also further modules available that teachers
may wish to complete via:

SLSO/Teacher Topic Specific Links over page.

NCCD Site continued
Topic Specific Links:

 Classroom adjustments – autism

 Supporting students with Language disorders

 Classroom adjustments Fragile X syndrome

 Classroom adjustments Hearing Loss

 Classroom adjustments Down Syndrome

 Classroom adjustments – sport

 Classroom adjustments – mental health

 Classroom adjustments – ADHD

 Disability Standards for early years

 Disability standards for Primary Schools

 Disability standards for school assistants

Teaming Up
A comprehensive resource document outlining the role of Teachers and School Learning Support Officers.

Online Learning Available through MyPL

 Excellence in school administration

There are a number of modules available in the areas of oral communication, written communication, building
relationships, teamwork and promoting the school and its vision.

Online Learning Available through E-safety

 Administration of medication in schools
 Refresher training in the following areas:

BRAVE Program
BRAVE is an online, psychological program for the treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety.
The program was developed by a team of researchers at the University of Queensland. As a result, the program is
based on actual research evidence, and parents can rest assured their child is receiving a high quality treatment
BRAVE is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), the most effective method for overcoming anxiety in children
and teenagers. Around 80% of children are free of anxiety after completing the therapist-assisted, BRAVE Online
BRAVE can be completed in your own home, at your own pace, and at a time that suits you. You can also have a
BRAVE Trainer help you through the program, someone who works with you to overcome your anxiety. They will
email you each week, and even talk to you over the phone during the program.
SLSOs or teachers can complete the parent component with a student in mind.

Benchmarking PL
A practical 90 minute session unpacking the PM benchmarking resource.

 A how to guide for teaching with cloud based technologies

 Proloquo2go app – supporting communication for non-verbal students
AFIRM (Autism)
This an American evidence-based research site.

It offers modules and training about Autism focused interventions and resource modules.

Both teachers and SLSOs could complete modules.

For SLSOs, select the appropriate ones like:

 Introduction to Autism
 Modelling
 Parent Implemented Interventions
 Prompting
 Reinforcement
 Social Narratives
 Task Analysis
 Visual Supports

OLT Australia
These courses are available to teachers and SLSOs but it is recommended that an SLSO completes the course with a
teacher from the school as support. Participants complete forums and write SMART goals and interventions to
support identified students and the SLSO would need the teacher to help with this planning.

Courses are available as open/regional cohorts or schools can select for up to 12 participants to complete a course as
a school cohort. For further advice/information please contact your APLaS. I will send out information about regional
cohorts as they are scheduled.

20 Registered hour Courses:

 Autism Spectrum Disorder

 Dyslexia and Significant Difficulties in Reading
 Dyspraxia and Motor Coordination Difficulties
 Speech language and Communication Needs
 Understanding and Supporting Behaviour
 Understanding Hearing Loss

OLT Australia continued

These courses have 3 x 3 hr face to face sessions which we are delivering via teams, Skype or Zoom at this time. The
sessions are held every 3-4 weeks. (Across a Term)


40 Registered Hour Courses:

 Personalised Learning
 Supporting Student Wellbeing and Mental Health

These 2 courses have 4 x 3hr face to face sessions being delivered online at this time as above across 1.5-2 terms.
Teacher Only Training

SMART Online (Trauma)

Strategies for Managing Abuse Related Trauma (SMART) in the Classroom

This site is more teacher focussed. Unfortunately the online course is undergoing redevelopment however there are
a number of downloadable discussion papers at the bottom of the link page below. These papers may be useful
professional readings and discussions for your staff.

eg - Disability and trauma in the classroom setting

- Ideas to integrating SMART into school policies and processes

The Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) was created in 2012. We are the central point of education
evidence within the NSW Department of Education, and Australia's first dedicated hub of education data and

The CESE site has up to date research papers and Professional learning modules.

All PL are registered courses on MyPL. (Either 1.5-2hr)

This link is to the Professional learning and includes :

 Cognitive Load Theory Part 1 and 2

 Supporting Students’ Learning
 Effective Reading Instructions
 Student Wellbeing
 Anti-bullying interventions in schools

This link is to the publications.

Personalising Learning with Technology

This course will further your skills in choosing appropriate assistive technology to personalise learning and support
for students with diverse needs.

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