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The documentary film tackles how Jose Rizal live his whole life, and through this documentary

film we
have come to know more who Jose Rizal is. The documentary film’s host is Joone Gamboa, a Filipino
actor and voice actor who has appeared in more than 145 movies and television shows.

After watching the documentary film which lasted for an hour, I have learned so much how Jose Rizal
has gone through so much hardship in his life, just to attain education, and use it as a key to have
freedom from the Spaniards. I personally think, he wouldn’t be able to do this without his great mother
– who had been his first teacher, who had supported him along the fight against the Spanish colonies.
He inherited his intelligence mostly from his mother, with the help of his other family members,
especially his father and uncles who believed in his capabilities, his bravery. But you know, in those
journey of his life the fact that he chose to use another name to protect his families from being in
danger shows how much he cares and love them. He is a great example for the Filipinos, for the youth.
Addition to that, Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y Alonso Realonda was born on June 19, 1861 and died at
the age of 35 in December 30, 1896. He had nine sisters, and one brother. At his early age of three, he
learned the English alphabet and at the age of five he learned how to read and write. He is known as the
man with multiple professions and as a man who has always shown an outstanding performance in
school. He was even the one who operated on his mother’s cataract in Dapitan during the days when he
was exiled in Dapitan. Imagine in those years he has been living, he spent most of his time fighting for
our country but through the use of pen instead of using a sword – which undoubtedly why most
Filipinos considered him as the national hero even though there was really no formal declaration that he
is the Philippines national hero. Even at such a young age, he already discovered his talents and made a
good use of it. He devoted most of his life through education and writing that he had come to use to
fight for the freedom of Filipinos. He have contributed a lot of remarkably change in the Dapitan, to
help the other Filipinos in Dapitan in need. He took responsibility of every novels, deeds he has done
even when it means his life needs to be sacrificed. His greatest novel was Noli Me Tangere, and El fili
busterismo. Those greatest novel of Rizal in which Spaniards say it is the root of revolutionary that had
happened in 1896 which talks about the injustices Filipinos had to go through while being under the
colonies of Spaniards. In my perspective, Spaniards just couldn’t take anyone opposing them – thinking
Filipinos are weak and will just stay on being their slave. But he proved them wrong. Through his
writings, he exhibited how words can be so powerful enough to make a change. But since the Spaniards
thinks through those two outstanding novel, it has been the cause of the revolution which makes Rizal
as a traitor in their eyes – Rizal’s life lead to danger. He was exiled in Dapitan, he was even arrested with
rebellion charges, and sentenced to death. Although he clarified he wasn’t a revolutionary but a
reformist and that like them Spaniards he was also against the revolution created by his companions. He
didn’t even had the chance to have a fair fight, because even before the Spaniards could filed charges
against him, the Spaniards had already set their mind of giving Jose Rizal a death penalty. On December
30, 1896 Jose Rizal was executed by a firing squad, before his execution he requested to the court of the
Spain to face the rising sun. He also requested to not be shot in the back to show he wasn’t a traitor, but
it wasn’t the same case for Spaniards. Even after Rizal’s death they still think back then that he is a
traitor. But the day of his execution, he turned around.
For Spain, it is a victory for them that Jose Rizal is dead but for us, Filipinos it is a big loss. We
lost someone who had a deep sense of bravery just for Filipinos to be freed from the grasps of the
Spanish colonies. He knew writing those novels would put his life in danger but still, it didn’t stop him
from doing so. No matter what anyone says, or what danger would it bring him. He chose his country
above anything else. Jose Rizal have shown so much love for the country in hope that the youth will get
inspiration from it, in hope that the youth’s mind will be enlightened. In hope for the Filipinos to not let
anyone make them feel inferior of their own land. What he did, will live on generations by generations,
hopefully that more Filipinos can acknowledge his bravery, intelligence, and kind heart. His legacy will
live. You know, upon knowing more of Jose Rizal and his contributions in our country I have created a
question in mind: Does the people in Spain still talks about Jose Rizal or did they just buried the memory
of Rizal from their country? Does most of the Spaniards still think of Jose Rizal as a traitor? But no
matter what the answer might there be formulated in my questions, I stand firmly on what I believe that
Jose Rizal is a remarkable hero, and deserves to be called as the national hero. Filipinos might not have
agreed on some of his doings, still it can’t change the fact how his works, his deep sense of bravery
made a change and showed great nationalism. It can never change the fact that Jose Rizal proved that
pen is mightier than sword.

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