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TEACHER: Luz Jackeline Osorio López PERIOD: 1

GRADE: Seventh (7°) DATE:

1. Complete the dialogue: a. Here I am.

8. The expression: “HOW OFTEN DO YOU…”
b. She is absent. a. Que tanto usted…
How are you? c. Very well thank you b. Cuanto hace que…
d. I don´t know
c. Que tan a menudo usted…
d. Que hace usted en…
2. a. Pegante
b. Tijeras 9. A frequency adverb is…
How do you
c. sacapuntas
say “scissors
d. corrector a. sharpener
in Spanish?
b. often
a. shut up c. welcome
3. b. Be quiet
c. Don´t tease me
d. disturb.
d. Sit down
10. How do you say “Hardly ever” in Spanish?
a. Casi siempre
b. Casi nunca
4. According to the picture the expression is: c. Todos los dias
d. A menudo
a. Lend me your sharpener please
b. Don´t throw litter on the floor
11. How do you say “ rara vez” in English?
c. May I go to the bathroom please
a. once
d. I don´t have one
b. often
c. seldom
d. twice
5. a. Be quiet please
b. close your mouth
12. My happy birthday is ________________
c. I don´t remember
a. Once at year
d. Here I am.
b. every day
c. hardly ever
6. How do you say in Spanish “Don´t make noise”
d. twice at month
a. No haga ruido
b. No coma en clase
c. No bote basura
d. No se.
13. The students of 7B have
English classes…
7. “No tengo” in English is… a. Twice at week
a. I don´t know b. always
b. I don´t understand c. often
c. I don´t remember d. sometimes
d. I don´t have one
14. I take a bath _____________
a. usually Auto evaluación: ________________
b. hardly ever
c. once at week
d. every day

15. I ___________ travel by ship

a. Never
b. seldom
c. often
d. sometimes

16. The students from “Bojaba” _____________ go

to the school in bus

a. hardly ever
b. rarely
c. every day
d. never

17. A habit of personal (body) care is…

a. Pray to God
b. don´t throw litter on the floor
c. Don´t say rudeness
d. wash my hands

18. A habit of mental care is…

a. Use deodorant
b. practice any sport
c. Eat fruits and vegetables
d. Pray to God

19. This habit of physical care is…

a. brush my teeth
b. pray to God.
c. practice any sport
d. read a book

20. The correct routines is.

a I after take a bath every day then practice any sport

b. I every day practice any spot then I take a bath.
c. Every day take a bath after I practice any sport
d. Practice any sport after take a bath I every day.


TEACHER: Luz Jackeline Osorio López PERIOD: 1
GRADE: Eighth (8°) DATE:

1. Complete the prayer with the correct word

c. de nuestra muerte
____1____ Mary, d. llena eres de gracia.
Full ____2_____ grace,
The _____3_______ is with thee 13. “El señor es contigo”
a. El señor es contigo
Blessed_____4___ thou b. entre todas las mujeres
Among ____5_______ c. Llena eres de gracia
_________ blessed is the ____6_____ d. Ahora y en la hora.
Of thy ________ Jesus.
14. Are regular Verbs
____7____ Mary.
_____8_____ of God, 1 2 3 4
Pray for ____9_____ sinners
Now, and ____10_____ hour go Work dance have
Of our ___11___ .
Amen. a. 3 y 4
b. 1 y 4
1 2 3 c. 1 y 2
a. womb a. the a. lord d. 2 y 3
b. Hail b. of b. blessed
c. Holy c. is c. death
d. Sinners d. thy d. with 15. Are Irregular Verbs

1 2 3 4
4 5 6
a. our a. blessed a. fruit Buy play love be
b. art b. women b. lord
c. hour c. sinners c. and a. 1 y 4
d. thou d. grace d. mother b. 2 y 4
c. 1 y 3
d. 3 y 4

7 8 9 16. Simple past is used to describe…

a. Hail a. now a. is a. futuret actions
b. mother b. death b. us b. present actions
c. Womb c. mother c. our c. past actions
d. Holy d. hour d. with d. actions.

17. the order of the sentences in simple past is...

10 11.
a. the a. sinners a. subject + complement + verb (ED) (2da fila) + time
b. at b. womb expression
c. for c. death b. subject + complement + time expression + verb
d. of d. pray (ED) (2da fila
c. subject + verb (ED) (2da fila + time expression +
12. the expression “Pray for us sinners” in complement
Spanish means… d. subject + verb (ED) (2da fila) + complement + time
a. Ruega por nosotros pecadores expression.
b. Ahora y en la hora
18. Cual es la terminación para conjugar el verb
“STOP” en pasado

a. E Auto evaluación: ______________

b. ED
c. IED
d. duplica la consonante y agrega ED.

19. si el verbo termina en “consonante” agrega:

a. D
b. Duplica consonante y agrega ED
c. ED
d. IED

20. “El año pasado” in English is…

a. last month
b. last year
c. last night
d. last week

21. “WERE” is used with

a. we / you / they
b. I – she - they
c. she / it / I
d. you- I – it

22 “WAS” is used with

a. I / we / you
b. I / she / he / it
c. They / she / it
d. We / he / I

23. The correct sentence is…

a. the school went the children yesterday

b. Yesterday went the children to the school
c. the children went to the school yesterday
d. To the school went yesterday the children
TEACHER: Luz Jackeline Osorio López PERIOD: 1
GRADE: Ninth (9°) DATE:

1. The order for sentences in future is c. para que

d. A causa de
a. subject + verb + will + complement + time
expression 8. What´s the meaning of “PARA” in English?
a. due to
b. subject + will + verb + time expression + b. therefore
complement c. In order to
d. before
c. subject + will + verb + complement + time THE CORONAVIRUS
There is currently a
global emergency
d. subject + verb + will + time expression + due to the
complement appearance of the
new coronavirus, a
2. The correct sentence is… deadly virus that
a. Mario´ll study tomorrow for the evaluation appeared in China.
b. They ´ll plan visit Medellín next vacations.
c. The mayor´ll work in the office today The risk is that the human body has no defenses to
attack the coronavirus. This virus has spread
d. my brother´ll play football in the night throughout the world and has claimed more than 3.400
3. The future with “WILL” is used to …
a. talk about plans It is transmitted from person to person and incubated in
b. talk about actions in present a period of 2 to 10 days.
c. Talk about experiences in past
It is spread by coughing or sneezing, by touching your
d. talk about personal actions.
nose, mouth or eyes after being in contact with
contaminated surfaces.
4. a time expression in future is…
a. yesterday
b. tomorrow
c. this morning 9. From the reading “THE CORONA VIRUS” the
d. last year correct translation is…

The risk is that the human body has no defenses

5. What are the “connector”? to attack the coronavirus. This virus has spread
a. Connectors are words that use phrases, sentences throughout the world and has claimed more than
etc. 3.400 lives.
b. Connectors are words that link phrases, sentences
a. El cuidado es que el cuerpo humano tenga
c. Connectors are words that write phrases,
defensas y así ayudar al coronavirus. Este virus
sentences etc.
no se ha extendido por todo el mundo y ha
d. Connectors are words that copy phrases,
cobrado más de 3.400 vidas.
sentences etc.

6. A connector is… b. El riesgo es que el cuerpo humano no tenga

a. meanwhile defensas para atacar el coronavirus. Este virus se
b. what ha extendido por todo el mundo y ha cobrado más
c. my de 3.400 vidas.
d. won´t
c. El problema es que los humanos no puedan
7. How do you say “BECAUSE OF” in Spanish? atacar el coronavirus. Este virus no se ha
a. Entonces extendido por todo el mundo y ha cobrado más
b. después de 3.400 vidas.
Complete the reading with the correct word.
d. El caso es que el cuerpo no tenga defensas para
ayudar el coronavirus. Este virus ha volado por todo THE BURGLARS´FRIEND
el planeta y ha ganado más de 3.400 vidas.
I t was 3:00 o´clock ______12______ the morning
When four-years old Russell Brown woke up to go
10. Use the correct “connector” to join the ideas. the bathroom: His parents were fast asleep in bed.
About “how to improve in mathematics” _____13___ When he heard a noise in the living
“I will pay attention to the explanationsof the room and saw a light was on he went downstairs.
teacher ____________ I won´t sleep in class.” There he found two men. They asked him his name
a. as not to and told him they were friends of the family.
b. in order to Unfortunately, Russell believed them. They asked
c. before him where the VCR and T.V. were. Russell showed
d. also. _____14_____ and say they had a stereo CD player
11. To prevent the corona virus or “Covid 19” I…
a. I will do exercise in my house 12 13 14
b. I will practice at home
c. I won´t have contact with sick people. a. in a. in spite a. her
d. I won´t disturb the class. b. at b. also b. his
c. on c. for c. him
d. if d. but d. them

Join the concept with the word.

15. Something that is like a tablet of medicine in shape ( ) a. drawer

Or size.

16. It is like a box container in a piece of furniture ( ) b. ship

17. A piece of meat cut from the fleshy part of an animal. ( ) c. thirsty

18. A journey for some purpose ( ) d. steak

19 It is kind of transport commercially used. ( ) e. pill

20. A container used for carrying money and small f. owner

Personal accessories. ( )
g. handbag
21. Someone who owns a business. ( )
h. trip

Auto evaluación: ________________________

TEACHER: Luz Jackeline Osorio López PERIOD: 1
GRADE: Tenth (10°) DATE:
1. According to the picture…
a. I don´t have one Thank you
b. be quiet for your pen
c. Pick up litter
d. Shut up

2. “What´s the meaning of…” in Spanish is

a. Présteme su… 6. How do you write “Brusco” in English?
b. que significa…? a. surly
c. Puedo entrar? b. Dumb
d. no tengo c. Silly
d. Foolishness
3. According to the picture...
a. Lend me your… 7. “No me grite” in English is…
b. I don´t have one a. Don´t lie to me
c. Here you are b. Don´t scold me
d. take out a sheet. c. Don´t tease me
d. Don´t shout at me
a. Be quiet
8. Complete
b. shut up
c. keep all
get off your _________ from my chair
d. very well a. scold
b. put

c. feet
d. find

9. don´t __________ at me
a. scold
b. shout
c. lie
d. tease

10. keep _________

a. out
b. all
c. climb
d. sheet

11. An open question is when you give…

a. an answer with yes or not
b. simple answer
c. an answer with information
d. an answer with question

12. A closed question is when you have to give…

a. an answer with yes or not
b. simple answer
c. an answer with information
a. here I am d. a question with information
5. Complete the dialogue
b. You´re welcome
c. so, so
d. shut up
13. The correct question is… Penguins are birds ____22____ they cannot fly!.
Fuiste al colegio hoy? They spend most of _____23____ time swimming.
a. Did you go to the school today?
b. Did go to the school today?
c. Did you today to the school? 18 19 20
d. Did to the school you go today? a. them a. their a. because
b. It b. are b. and
14. The correct answer is… c. themselves c. there c. but
Were Ana and Liz in the beauty shop this
d. they d. were d. for
a. no, they were
b. yes, they weren´t 21 22 23
c. yes, they did were a. groups a. or a. your
d. no, they weren´t. b. teams b. but b. our
c. classes c. because c. its
15. The correct answer is…
d. equipment d. while d. his
How did you solve the exercises?
a. I solved the exercises with my calculator
b. I solve the exercises with my calculator
c. I did solve the exercises with my calculator
d. I did solved the exercises with my calculator

16. Complete the dialogues

You will be responsible for all the utilities

Auto evaluation: ________________

a. What is the mistake?
b. Is there something wrong?
c. No, problem!
d. I can´t sign this.

17 We will need a damage deposit of $250

a. No problem! I can´t do that now.

b. No problem! I like all type of food
c. No problem! I like the money.
d. no problem! I can do that now.


The penguins are a type of bird.

_____18______ are found in the
Antarctica, South America and South
Africa____19______ are 17 different types of
penguins _____20______ each kind lives in large
______21______. The largest penguin is the
Emperor penguin.
TEACHER: Luz Jackeline Osorio López PERIOD: 1
GRADE: Eleventh (11°) DATE:

1. The expression “I quite really like…” in spanish Complete with the correct form of TO BE verb
a. soy aficionado a… 5. my parents and me_____ in the river in this
b. me gusta… moment.
c. realmente me gusta a. be
d. realmente soy… b. are
c. were
2. “Le temo a…” in English is… d. was
a. I expect to
b. I fear to
c. I loathe… 6. are the lemon and oranges acid fruits?
d. I enjoy… yes, ______ are.
a. they
3. How do you write “deseo” in English? b. it
a. I wish c. them
b. I expect d. you
c. I hope
d. I wait 7. ______ Nacional and Junior Colombian
soccer teams?
4. the correct profile is… a. were
b. was
a. a. he is Javier; he is seven years c. is
old. he is tall and fat, his hair is d. Are
long and curly, his eyes are big,
his skin is white, Javier is a sport 8. _____ “The Beatles” a pop - rock band?
man, he dislikes basketball. a. be
b. was
b. e is Javier; he is eleven years c. were
old. he is small and fat, his hair d. is
is short and curly, his skin is
brown his eyes are big, Javier is 9. _____ the “1 world war” the 28 of jul 1914?
a sport man, he is rather fond of basketball. a. were
b. was
c. he is Javier; he is eleven years old. he is small and c. is
thin, his hair is short and straight, his eyes are small, d. are
his skin is middle size, Javier is a sport man,
he hates basketball. 10. Were Jessica and Raul candidates for the
mayor of Cubará last year?
d. he is Javier; he is eleven years old. he is small and a. No, they were
fat, his hair is blonde, his skin is clear, his eyes are b. Yes, they were
big, Javier is a sport man, he is rather fond of c. Yes they are not
basketball. d. No. they are
GOOD NEWS FOR CHOCOLATE LOVERS! c. It is less refined than chocolate syrups or cocoa
Recent research shows that d. The process that creates it lowers its flavones
eating moderate of chocolate may content.
be good for you. Several studies
published in the last few months’ 15. What can flavones help prevent?
point to the health benefits in a. Prevent facts in the bloodstream from oxidizing.
cocoa and the other chocolates. b. Heart problems
These include keeping hearts c. Fatigue
healthy by lowering high blood d. The chocolate from spoiling
pressure and maintaining healthy blood flow.
16. Why does dark chocolate retains more
Cocoa contains a substance that seems to help the flavones?
body regulate nitric oxide levels, which are crucial to a. Because it is processed more than other types
controlling blood flow and blood pressure. Cocoa of chocolate.
beans also contain large amount of compound called b. Because of its color
flavones. c. Because it is less-refined product
d. Because it is more delicious.

These plant compounds offer strong antioxidants

properties and can prevent fats in the bloodstream
from oxidizing. This help reduces the potential for 17. a. at the bus station
clogged arteries a major contribution to hearth b. at the stadium
disease. c. at a parking lot
d. At the power
Dark chocolate contains more flavones than milk station
Chocolates or other kind of processed chocolate, such
as chocolate syrups or cocoa powder. This is
because flavones are destroyed or removing in
processing. 18. a. At the beach
b. On a juice box
Dark chocolate is a less-refined product, therefore c. At the garden
retaining more flavones than other kind of chocolates. d. In a wall

11. What is the main purpose of the article?

a. To advertise a new chocolate- flavored. 19.
b. To compare dark chocolate to milk chocolate. a. At the shopping center
c. To explain possible health benefits of chocolate. b. In a factory
d. To explain how much chocolate people should eat. c. At the reception of a hotel
d. At the bathroom
12. In the first sentence of paragraph 2 which word
can replace “regulate”
a. Adjust 20.
b. Digest a. In the park
c. Produce b. In a building
d. Remove. c. Near the mountain
d. At the beach
13. According to the article, what is one health
benefit of flavones?
a. they reduce the nitric oxide levels in the blood
b. They help the body adsorb vitamins and Auto evaluation: __________________
c. They help reduce the risk of heart disease.
d. They aid in eliminating harmful substances
from the body.

14. What is implied about milk chocolate?

a. It contains less nitric oxide than dark chocolate.
b. The milk helps boost its health benefits

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