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Reading Lesson Plan #2

Name: Hanna Fisher

Date: 04/29/2020
Discipline: Reading
Grade Level: 3rd

TOPIC: Comprehension

LESSON FOCUS: Visualization

RL.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories,
dramas, and poetry, on grade level independently and proficiently.

 The student will demonstrate use of the visualization strategy for

 Visualization drawing
o Resource taken from:

 Visualization worksheet
 Prezi Presentation
 Scratch paper
 Pencil
 Independent reading book

PROCEDURE: (all procedures included in Prezi)

 Anticipatory set: “Think of your favorite movie. What were some important
parts that happened in that movie? Were you picturing scenes from the
movie in your head? When we watch movies, we can comprehend what’s
happening pretty easily because we can see what is happening. When we are
reading, we don’t always get pictures or animations. We have to picture what
we are reading ourselves! When we do that, it is called visualization. To help
us visualize, we can draw pictures of what we are reading.”
 I will put up a simple, short story that I made myself. The students will draw
what they pictured when they read that story on a scratch sheet of paper. I
will show them my example drawing, so they can compare their drawing to
 I will then provide them with a sheet they can draw on that they can use to
visualize while they are reading themselves. (Attached on website)

 Screen casting and closed captioning

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