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Cost of Living Rubric

Criteria Points
4 3 2 1
All necessary
Missing 2-3 Missing more
background Missing 1
necessary than 3 necessary
Financial information to necessary piece
pieces of pieces of
and Life understand the of background
background background
Situation presentation information.
information. information.
was provided.
House was not
House not
House suitable House suitable suitable to their
suitable to their
to their needs to their income needs; house did
needs or
and income; but not their not fit into their
Housing income;
research needs; research price range; No
provided. provided. research

All necessary Missing 1 Missing 2-3 Missing more

living expenses necessary living necessary than 3 necessary
were included. expenses. living expenses. living expenses.
All but one 2-3 categories More than 3
All categories
category of of living categories of
of living
Realistic living expenses expenses were living expenses
expenses were
was realistic unrealistic were unrealistic
Living realistic and fit
and fit their and/or did not and/or did not fit
Expenses their needs and
needs and fit their needs their needs and
income. and income. income.

An excellent A decent A small amount

of money was No money was
amount of amount of
set aside into a set aside for an
Savings and money was put money was put
emergency fund
Emergency aside into a aside into a savings account
or savings
Fund savings account savings account or emergency account.
or emergency or emergency fund.
fund. fund.
Presentation is Little to no
Effort shown.
exceptional Presentation is effort shown.
No use of
with great use well done with No use of
visuals. Little
of flow. Great some visuals visuals or
Presentation communication
use of visuals and use of communication
Skills with the
and communication. with the
audience. Flow
communication Lacks some audience. No
of presentation
with the flow. flow to the
could improve.
audience. presentation.
Total / 20

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