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° CE 4022 HYDRAULIC Destsql SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH (Assienment-c2) : NAME 7 RAMANAN-G INDEXNO: — OgowloL DATE OF EXP? 26-05-2012, DATE OF SUB: Dh -o8- 2012 ALINTRODUCTLON, Synthetic hydregrabh ts a hydrograbh which 1s Generated thom bhe synthesis of data Fern a lage number of Uuter sheds . The Base of a synthebic hydrograbh 1g developrnent af 9 + ‘relationchtp beteseen the physical geometry aj the water shed and resulting hydrographs. Te develep amit hydrograkh to @ catchment ,delailed enjorrma tion alosut the vratfatl and khe resulting dlowd hydrographs ave needed, However Lhase enformations would be atallable only ak bev locattans,espectally ay vemote Locations, thedaki would be Mermaty Very Seaniby, mn oder bo constrict unit Wdrograbhns abinese locations emphericd comebtien caut\ be used. The Smydev's methe) 2s the embherica) Methel used en Enis asstgnment- PRowLem sraremenr Estimation of Out dew hydregrapn and Peak Atscharge at bne. bridge Sthe Ambalanbrttya Oya ak medagarnmana. | Morier bo design:bne ertdge Prgat and widkh ef Oberg, te TS Nece Scary bo esttrnate Lhe arik pleco ig ctiachage lat the loridge site ( 1S EON, ty@2see). 2 O@rTECTIVE Vestimation of cut flew hydrograph at the bridge site 2. Estimation of Peak discharge a the Site, errectoe RAIN FALL EN TEN SeTy THE CATEHMENT Ysme A CplitgseareD Ginny Sw BL MemMoporocy FLOW CHART TOPOSHEET WOOT excememy BArDae LecavroN Merino) THE MAE STREAM, FAIDENTEAVING SARIS Mino STREANE,| Which FEED MAIN STREAM. JF MARKING: THE RIDGE LENE OF THE SATCHMENT ABBA, Ohi TOPO SHEET SEPARATED CATCHMEN AREA ToeesnGer lusener A prece ah Eneread Measuring Mu [cateutanson oF 201 UNET HYDRO GRAPH, vty 2 3. u 5 P by Ee ter Spe [cAreutarNG, Te ust © ul heed Study 2-Trration Def B. let prch Methods, 3 TOPOSHEET VTTH lal 1Gy_ON TT. = — MAM RIVER ~~ Mmagesvens| sry ys DERIVATION OF REQUIRED PARAMETERS Requived Parameters ave, 1. Catchment Avea -(A) 2 Main channel length —(L) 3 Length of matnchanna trom outhows pomnk of usatershad to a point opposite the centrsid at the euabenShed(te) CALCULATION OF CATCHMENT ADEA. catchment area |s caleulabed an the dollewing siebs! (#) Catchment avea 1s gdentifrad gn the tobe Sheek @® The tdentifted (drawn mn boposheet) catchment area (s then braced én @ tracing paper. & Tracing aber is then Plated an top of a graph Sheet contaming \mximmn as minergrid and lemx lem as major Crid . @® No- of Squres were then Counted and herce tobtel Catchment. Area 3 Sesemel Lew? vebresent 0:25 ler? (rtageoe Toho sheet) 1S Used @ tht Tracing aber votkh tsorkings and Grafh Sheet is attached. #2 CAL CUCATTON OF MAIN CHANNEL LenoTH CL) (Me main channel ig Identisied (® A prece of Lhevead ts (aid along the Main channel as the way ft cuvves ana tune. : @ The length af the Lheread #8 hen measured using a mcber tape. @ Henge total Sength OF the vNeris telenti ied. \em Nes oskm.Ln achat) 23 DETERMINATEON OF LENGTH Le Determination of Le debends ef Censid of Lhe catchment oven. So dnst Cenheld ob the cakcinert Grea was teemed Yat. DETERMINATTON OF _CENTROSD OF THE QxcHMENT ABER @ Catchment area Tdentified 2n Lhe bopeshect ts then cut. @ Center Pf gravity af Line cuk/prece (catchment area) ts found by allewing 2b Sreely hang under ets cxsin weightaas Shown M the fiqures bbeleu. (® Stree Lhe cdengity of the bobo sheet fs Uniform the Centreid Comcides with Center of gravity, © The shortes berpendicular distonte bo Lne main Shreamn (re) Js then Sound Jrom Centoid. PARAM ¢ OBTAINED, CATCHMEN AREA (A)= 169 X095= 2-26 Kr?=163 ri Main Channel} leng y= BFA WOS = 13-bkm=B-4Smi Length (Le) = 196X065 = G-8term Bw BCALCULATTONS TO DETERMING THE STANDARD UNIT HYPROGRAPH, “Measured Ingormation dram bobegraphy rap of uumbey shed A= p23 mie Le gusmi Lez &)mi 3 @ Time to peak Cée) = CCE (LL) o3 7 an =IR2 Ws Duration Cty) = beh = = 222}Wws + Pea echage Cp) = -C2¢PA , CHENOSE IB = uy1y chslin kp \2R + ¢ Width of the Unit hycrogaph at o-B@pa = Wao <0 FRO Woo = oo 29 2 206,22 es \so (@en)r Upy sog o = 1o3. e Width of the unlk hydregabh ak 0-76 Opp = bles aR Ws = CHA. ae Ee me = 1-56hrs (48) ies * Base f. Such that untk hydrograbin represent din of dtreck ran off \rolume - A te = 2861-G— ~ M5lgo~ Wes = 2561 — 15 2022- BE = Wb Shy = 1224 22% gay los uA * Tbs kpa bs ‘i [rcaLcuLATEON OF CO-ORDINATES FOR STANDARD UNIT HYDRO GRADY ° a: [tp Suko 5 OS Ape] = (s-a1- , o-64y 74) a: (6-57, 237) + be Lek Wes, o-F5Qpe] 2 (188 Lxtrse, o-Fsxum) b= (Guo, 265-8) + C2 (TP. Gn) C= (13-31, uFH) + che (T+ the, 0-750) = (13814 Znin6 , 0-75 L9H) ad = (21-02, 365-6) “SLy 320.22 , O.5x HFM) 2%) 2 2: (pt Be Ws 50-542) = ete Cbb.0) $= (uee.o) Name Subject 6 Se Se ea a Weerod ——> Time (hours) School 6 Grade 6: DETERMINATEON OF SOMTNUTE DURATION KYDROGIRAPH Paramerer ¢ Measured andormation dem tehograbhy map of the eucbershel. A= 16-mi™ L= Shem Les b-leni + Time to peak Chy) = Ce (tLJ°3 as = hoe 376x (Susxoi) = Iazhes ¢ Duration Cty) = bp, = ae = 2.22hs + Required tyme bas oShy + Tre bo Peak for 20 mtn bps) = kp+ (ke-te) ba=os C va2 (osx 228 = WES 2 Peas Atscharg (App) = ColpA _ _GYOXOESAIDS _ sey eSs\in fpr. U9 + width ef the unit tydrograbh at O54pp = bso Way « ot, = FP a tainetne Ben r8 yes) 08 a) « didn of the unit hydvegabh at O75 4p = Ws Cus 44 i ee Wys= av = (is jos = WASh ( “) 16: + Base by such Ehat unit Fychograbh represent 4in of dtrect temolf volume. A = 26a) S— —)BWe,- be Oe lso~ Vulpes 258 163 _ hs Igce- rlg = G5-5ehr Ysey ° Testpe+ be F405 Roan PICALCULATION OF Co-oroInATESs FoR ZoMINITUES _UNTT RYDROGRAD (12 0R~-L igre s o-5x ues) Je= [Tp LwWsos 0-5 @r2] Q_= (sna, 22) je be [Tek Yas, 0754p] = (t20a-kaira , orsgess) ° Cz [Tp, ee] ¢ = (12-02, yee-4) eds [Ter dinys 045%] 2 [iee2t 52019, 046 Gen) A= Cig, 36618) - e= [tpt awe, 0-50] = (2 9-Sé, 05x46) + $= (h.e) fe (usse.e 40 Name Subject 1B ig 2) 24 23 Bo 23 36 39 HO ne. jaa inech) ww School 5 (teh Weerodara eer Grade Z.CALCULATION OF TZME OP CONCENTRATION Fl CALCULATION OF SLOPE 2 Ds: SECTION | Syevenensen] me Roreateny’| Pe Mer) Bee 166) | Ca xB00n163)} a = 140 or 20 Teor Cex SOT © -@ epee oa 2RQR 6-@ ogee) eae oe [iz6-168) [CB ex Seaniss} @-® 20 ae | O4-eS Tleo= 8) Ca: 6-6 ee (Pee ee ~ (60-66) (anyxesoxiss) = ee 20. 1-20 16 6p ao ee Se 4o-30 | bx scone) gor cy er Section ®@-@ 1s am outlier. this is the place whee yiver Stavts ond the areais Very Steep. So this avad’ slobe 2s neglected. bo Obbtexsn a yebresentatve Slope dor the viver. S069, dope Crem) = — 28:22 4 0 82 HOH-EET HEB Nee sor of main Shean 6 m i226 8 & Avg. Slobe(m/m @d dp) = o-ora ('Frem) of matn Stream. Noke2e Average SloPe of water Shad need tobe cateulaked for kirpiclh equation. But doing L= buyeig.y sk V= Avemge Velocity an S| sec. Average Velocity depends on the Average gradient of the Stream cin ber cent) AVR, Gradient af the stream Cin Poreent 0.0123 x 160 = 1:23 Pom ‘Table 4.26 of ‘Designed entgation head works Jor sma eatenment” 1£GG123) <2 => Vag = Vs 2-0dtls & Tes —H889N ois o Te = 886-8 6in= 20x60 PResuReD NuMBER OF SoMIN UNTT HYDRO GRAPH = 20 FS+ CALCULATION OF T2ME OF ConcenTRarzon bby RESCH EQuatron Te eminy = O'00%@ LOY 5-088 & 13430 minutes Lz beergih of chamel drain head aster to Outlet(iJe> 1+ hu6lary te. S2 vege water Shed slope ($t/ $2) ‘sumptions Avg: Wabershed Slcbe = Avg. chamel Slobe.. & S= 0:01:23 Ore +0365 & Te cronnu'tes) = 00078 x (auelgy) x(0-0123) = 161-3 minutes s = Roshcurs & 5x30 minutes RequRED Nummer OF ZOMEN UNTT KyDROGRAPH eny = ® @.DiREcT RUN OFF KYDROGRAPAS. The Avissawella Area Jails én Hyrolegical zone [IL as Per Ene rnap Hychotegical zone 8% Zone ft Return period = 160 Years The vaingall en tensity ~ Duration ~ Frequerey Velation ship ts given en" DESsteN oF TRRIGAT FON HEAD Works FoR SMALL carenmenre” as T= x.d” where I - Mmtenstty of vain én aNches/hr D ~ Duration of Shaan en minutue *4Y ave constents olo tame from Table 4.12, Table yo => X = IF Bo Ys ogsu -ASON. 2 SELECTIN OBTATNED FROM krRPrCH ERuATCON The Duration Dis taken as Te (time o§$ concenbation) obtained, rom kivpicn equation, the Te obtained vem this methad ts happend be be the fewest value aswell, which ts beniftetal for caleuilating Consewattve I value. Te (errpich equation) = lols enin, [te = \Borninutues (5x gominubes)| - 6-834 o& T= \tusg x (i613) I= 2-89 inches| tr but, varndal fess 18 given as green] hy = B: 2 enches [he & Effective Yainsat) = 2 2 = 2-32 énches| hy éNches) 2emins ee ee Cr a oe ay Time Che) Name. School ss a Subject Weerodara aie EMEC lars) scorn tien STN 82 | Base cow ‘DRO 0-0 0-0 Oo V6: 4 Vole 30 5oD-0 Bea:0 1464 F5Gy 6-0 1010-0 WAG Vey I3ya.0 9:0 1660-0 19256 teu 2102-0 12-0 2830-0 26564 leu 2822-6 IBO B3210.0 2674-6 toy 2656 18-0 2080.0 2U12-8 Voy * | 2bsg2 210 1805.0 2e938 Fey RROD 24.0 14US5.0 l6ate 1Foy ABO42 27-0 MN FOO (357-2 Voy 1533-6 30-0 1020-0 11832 1#64 1859-6 33-0 “BU50 960-2 lfoy N56-6 360 bus: 74g.2 Foy 924-6 89-0 5050 Bess rey 7622 420 8650 353-8 Tey 830+2. 480 1us-0 166-2 ia Sub heo o-0 oo V7 '¥6+4 26 2 2p 6 8 ot 3H 5% 30 3 ab ag le 4s wy —> Time (yrs), Name =| School Subject Weerodara Gate 09. CALcuLATEON OF i DEScHaRere, PEAK DISCHARGE = SunpAce RUN OFF MAEMUM + BASE FLOW FROM Dheect RUN OFF HYDRO GRAPH Peak Discharge = 2Quocs Ann? _= ascah iS & Pea otschage _ 2940. gs,aon%/s Cm Srunits) 35/286 & Von, = B3-32m3]s jo- DIScussron 1O-|_Compartson OF TEME OF ConcenTeATEON FROM “THREE METIOD No| MeTHoD Tecmins) ©)-| Uk FLoop stupres 329-0 02 | CRRIGATON DEPT. 336:s 03 | KrRPLcH Eeuatton | 1613 When consider the bree methed's answer Te Cue pied) > Elerepren memos), The Te of Uk Sload Stucly metic 1 Tore lHnan teotce of Te Calculated fram kt Pich eque Hon. Triga kien cdebartment, Methiad's Te fs alsmast One Four Bigher bnan UK floed Shedtes We Une, tn khis assigament fhe Slope 2s same for an knee Metheds Couk value ee different dueto Mum, "Ym, Fy) Ux Feed Studtes Methedl ynay sutk be UK Conditions but moy Note for SriJonkan Condé Hon. > However, Goth Trrigation clepaviment meted (Stlanka’) ard Ue flsad Steddes Methat Ae Te of Same oiler Bub Lhe vesulk tem lerpich metnad és deviating adob. The resem Jer cleviation May be We used main strearn Sicbe ag AMlerage cunber she Slope. To Vowily this a DEM Mustibe evaluated using @ camputer seffumve and hence brat slope talue must be enserted en Kkiyjtcn equation be get the “te and hence Comparision must be dene. loo E TLON ol. Smyder Cigag) Metinact 2s abBiicalle bo be e@akchment Area ~ Smydey, based on stdtes of large rumtoey of catchments en Abpalachian highland én eastern U3A developed A Sct es emberial equations for dese aves, le Used these qquaticn bo Amkalanpittya Oya catchment «lf 2n Srilankawith Sutbane Ce, cp Values. 02. DN cajaila ting cintt hydragrabh Caynthete) Deis Assumed Enate thts uy ts lime envartent, Lnat fs DRo resbmse fs same fora gWen edfective vain fan (stem |gemin) “veesbective of tohan-Ck occurs, (2) eg. IETS Assume when calculation Direct rx tyarogatn oat catchment vesbense Limearty Clinear Yespense) Eoakts 1f DRe ts sccfs Jor tinch Deo cot be Mon ess ‘tohen effective Yanjol: ts Hbeneles. Oy. For Caleutating “We of Concentra ttn uamg kirPrch methed, Breage umber Shel Slope és ascamad bo oe Same AS Evercge main Stream slope.

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