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e each
An unsatisfied job can lead to increased stress.

The satisfaction you achieve on the job contributes to your general life
The quality of your relationships with people in work and personal life influence
each other.
All of the above.

All of the following are sources for information that contribute to self-
understanding except:

Feedback from coworkers.

Self evaluation traps.

Informal feedback from people.

Feedback from superiors.

The major focus on self-awareness has been to emphasize the positive

aspects that this can have. Self-awareness also has two negative
extremes or traps. One of these traps is:
Focusing on the self can highlight shortcomings.

Focusing on oneself can lead to increased self-esteem.

Focusing on the self can highlight ones strengths.

Focusing on oneself can lead to greater accuracy in evaluating oneself.

People who are confident in themselves are _______ _______ in

leadership and sales positions.
less effective

emotionally insecure

more dissatisfied

more effective

In general terms, self-esteem refers to a positive overall evaluation of

oneself. People with high self-esteem are likely to engage in all of the
following behaviors except:
Express a general positive attitude to life and others that they come in contact
Likely to get involved with social activities in the organization.

Frequently express doubt about their ability to perform on difficult tasks.

Volunteer to work on difficult projects.

Research has shown that companies who have an educated workforce

and workers who have high self-esteem are likely to exhibit increased
Turnover and absenteeism.

Behaviors that lead to a competitive advantage.

Stress levels.

Wages and salaries costs.

Companies gain the edge when, in addition to having an educated

workforce, employees have high self-esteem shown by all of the below
behavior except:
Being creative an innovative.

Taking personal responsibility for problems.

A feeling of dependency on the leadership for direction.

Trusting one's own capabilities.

All of the following are suggested ways of enhancing/developing one's

self-esteem except:

Talk and socialize frequently with people who boost your self-esteem.

Minimize settings and interactions that detract from your feelings of

Take action to become aware of your personal strengths.

All of the above are ways to enhance one's self-esteem.

Self-efficacy is one of the main components of self-esteem. If a person

has high self-efficacy he/she is likely to
Believe that he/she has the ability to do what necessary to accomplish the task.

Ask for a considerable amount of help in determining how to start a difficult

Feel that he/she lacks the skills necessary to carryout a specific task.

Believe that most assignments are difficult and confusing.

Another component of self-esteem is self-respect. This refers to how

you think and feel about yourself. A person with high self-esteem
would also have high self-respect and could be expected to exhibit the
following behaviors:
Stay in relationships where one is mentally or physically abused.

Highly self absorbed with personal interests.

Beg others for things that could be obtained from one's own efforts.

Focus on the needs of others .

Your body image, or your perception of your body, also contributes to

your self-concept. Having a __________body image is related to
feeling confident in jobs where customer contact is required.




It is reported that people who have high self-esteem themselves can

generally increase your self-esteem because these individuals usually

Give honest feedback.

Respect others.

Respect themselves.

All of the above are correct.

The major benefits of studying human relations involves all of the

following except:

Developing skills in dealing with people.

Coping with job problems.

Coping with personal problems.

Acquiring invalid information about human relation.

The first step in understanding others is to begin by getting an

understanding of
Basic human behavior.

Basic cognitive psychology.

Human relations principles.

One of the major consequences of high self-esteem is

Increased absenteeism.

Decreased complaints from unionized workers.

Good mental health.

Increased worker involvement on teams.

Your Results for: "Multiple Choice" Print this page

Book Title: Human Relations Summary of Results

40% Correct of 15 Scored items:
Location on Chapter 1 > Multiple Choice
6 Correct: 40%
Date/Time April 17, 2020 at 5:05 PM
Submitted: (UTC/GMT) 9 Incorrect: 60%

More information about scoring

1. Work and personal life influence each other by:

Your Answer: All of the above.

2. All of the following are sources for information that contribute to self-
understanding except:

Your Answer: Self evaluation traps.

3. The major focus on self-awareness has been to emphasize the positive
aspects that this can have. Self-awareness also has two negative extremes or
traps. One of these traps is:

Your Answer: Focusing on the self can highlight ones strengths.

Correct Answer: Focusing on the self can highlight shortcomings.

4. People who are confident in themselves are _______ _______ in leadership

and sales positions.

Your Answer: more dissatisfied

Correct Answer: less effective

5. In general terms, self-esteem refers to a positive overall evaluation of

oneself. People with high self-esteem are likely to engage in all of the
following behaviors except:

Your Answer: Volunteer to work on difficult projects.

Correct Answer: Frequently express doubt about their ability to perform on

difficult tasks.

6. Research has shown that companies who have an educated workforce and
workers who have high self-esteem are likely to exhibit increased

Your Answer: Wages and salaries costs.

Correct Answer: Behaviors that lead to a competitive advantage.

7. Companies gain the edge when, in addition to having an educated workforce,

employees have high self-esteem shown by all of the below behavior except:

Your Answer: Being creative an innovative.

Correct Answer: A feeling of dependency on the leadership for direction.

8. All of the following are suggested ways of enhancing/developing one's self-

esteem except:

Your Answer: All of the above are ways to enhance one's self-esteem.

9. Self-efficacy is one of the main components of self-esteem. If a person has

high self-efficacy he/she is likely to

Your Answer: Feel that he/she lacks the skills necessary to carryout a
specific task.

Correct Answer: Believe that he/she has the ability to do what necessary
to accomplish the task.

10. Another component of self-esteem is self-respect. This refers to how you

think and feel about yourself. A person with high self-esteem would also have
high self-respect and could be expected to exhibit the following behaviors:

Your Answer: Focus on the needs of others .

11. Your body image, or your perception of your body, also contributes to your
self-concept. Having a __________body image is related to feeling confident
in jobs where customer contact is required.

Your Answer: Positive

12. It is reported that people who have high self-esteem themselves can
generally increase your self-esteem because these individuals usually

Your Answer: All of the above are correct.

13. The major benefits of studying human relations involves all of the
following except:

Your Answer: Coping with job problems.

Correct Answer: Acquiring invalid information about human relation.

14. The first step in understanding others is to begin by getting an understanding


Your Answer: Basic human behavior.

Correct Answer: Yourself.

15. One of the major consequences of high self-esteem is

Your Answer: Decreased complaints from unionized workers.

Correct Answer: Good mental health.

Self-Awareness and Communication
Multiple Choice Questions

This quiz reviews some of the topics in this chapter. The answer choices are randomized, so the quiz will
be different every time you take it. For each question, select the button next to the answer you believe is
correct. When you are done, click "Submit for Grade" in order to see how well you did.

1. A key component of Maslow's notion of conscious competence is: [Hint]

We don't know what we don't know
We know what we don't know
We know what we know
We don't know what we know

2. Most of your beliefs are based on: [Hint]

Previous Experience
Formal Education
Family Values
Hopes and Desires

3. Which of the following is NOT one of William James' concepts of self? [Hint]
Material Self
Social Self
Psychological Self
Spiritual Self

4. The ability to improve oneself through high expectations illustrates: [Hint]

Social Comparison
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

5. Placing negative experiences in a realistic context involves the process of: [Hint]

6. Perception is the arousal of our: [Hint]

Spiritual Selves

7. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the perception process? [Hint]


8. During the process of perception, we try to make sense out of various stimuli - to
discover patterns. This is: [Hint]

9. Assigning meaning to that which we observe involves a process of [Hint]


10 Stereotypes emerge primarily from: [Hint]

. Ignorance
Being a "communication clod"
Our need to categorize stimuli in our environment
Our need to treat some people more kindly than others

11 The Rebound Effect refers to the process through which stereotypical thought
. increases despite our attempts to: [Hint]
Suppress it
Ignore it
Avoid it
Adapt to it

12 To respond effectively to an impending relational problem, you intensify your

. perceptual powers, focusing on eye contact and tone of voice. This process
refers to: [Hint]
Direct Perception Checking
Indirect Perception Checking
Positive Perception Checking
Negative Perception Checking

13 Intrapersonal communication involves communication with: [Hint]

. one other person
several other persons
a large group of persons

14 Developing honest relationships helps ensure that we'll receive [Hint]

. supportive feedback
accurate feedback
logical feedback
disinterested feedback

15 Baggage refers to: [Hint]

. difficult experiences that lessen our self-concept
important experiences that enhance our self-concept
recent experiences that lessen our self-concept
difficult experiences that enhance our self-concept
Your Results for "Multiple Choice Questions" Print this page

Site Title: Communication: Principles for a Summary of Results

Lifetime, 1/e
20% Correct of 15 items:
Book's Title: Communication: Principles for a
3 correct: 20%
12 incorrect: 80%
Book's Beebe
Author: More information about scoring

Location on Home > Self-Awareness and

Site: Communication > Multiple Choice
Date/Time April 17, 2020 at 5:07 PM
Submitted: (UTC/GMT)

1. A key component of Maslow's notion of conscious competence is:

Your Answer: We know what we know

2. Most of your beliefs are based on:

Your Answer: Formal Education

Correct Answer: Previous Experience

3. Which of the following is NOT one of William James' concepts of self?

Your Answer: Spiritual Self

Correct Answer: Psychological Self

4. The ability to improve oneself through high expectations illustrates:

Your Answer: Self-Talk

Correct Answer: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

5. Placing negative experiences in a realistic context involves the process of:

Your Answer: Perception

Correct Answer: Reframing
6. Perception is the arousal of our:

Your Answer: Spiritual Selves

Correct Answer: Senses

7. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the perception process?

Your Answer: Imagination

8. During the process of perception, we try to make sense out of various stimuli
- to discover patterns. This is:

Your Answer: Imagination

Correct Answer: Organization

9. Assigning meaning to that which we observe involves a process of

Your Answer: imagination

Correct Answer: interpretation

10. Stereotypes emerge primarily from:

Your Answer: Our need to treat some people more kindly than others
Correct Answer: Our need to categorize stimuli in our environment

11. The Rebound Effect refers to the process through which stereotypical thought
increases despite our attempts to:

Your Answer: Adapt to it

Correct Answer: Suppress it

12. To respond effectively to an impending relational problem, you intensify your

perceptual powers, focusing on eye contact and tone of voice. This process
refers to:

Your Answer: Positive Perception Checking

Correct Answer: Indirect Perception Checking
13. Intrapersonal communication involves communication with:

Your Answer: a large group of persons

Correct Answer: self

14. Developing honest relationships helps ensure that we'll receive

Your Answer: accurate feedback

15. Baggage refers to:

Your Answer: important experiences that enhance our self-concept

Correct Answer: difficult experiences that lessen our self-concept
Multiple Choice Questions

This activity contains 12 questions.

According to Chapter 2, in order to be successful in a career search it is

imperative that you

hire a professional to create your resum�.

read the entire text.

have an online portfolio.

know yourself.

Self-awareness is an important self-assessment tool to determine

the way you perceive yourself.

how much you need to live on.

what skills you have.

All of the above

Ability assessment is used to focus on

your interviewing skills.

your unique qualities.

your numerical skills.

All of the above

Transferable skills are

skills developed from previous jobs.

skills that need to be developed.

developed very early in life.

not important to employers.

Work environment and life preferences

help to discover a position that is satisfying.

help to set a salary range.

are useful to mention in interviews.

don't really matter once you get the job.


is essential to secure the desired job.

asks job seekers to promote their uniqueness.

is important to later career advancement.

All of the above

According to the skills chart in Chapter 2, employers want employees


have multiple languages.

are flexible and able to multi-task.

are willing to start at the bottom.

may or may not wish to work on teams.

Three Essential Skills are

communication, mathematics, and teamwork.

teamwork, reading text, and writing reports.

numeracy, writing, and document use.

writing, numeracy, and teamwork.

Essential Skills were developed by

the United States Department of Defense.

the Canadian government and other national and international agencies.

the United Nations.


According to Chapter 2, Essential Skills are needed for

resum� and cover letter creation.

work, learning, and life.


Skills most sought by employers include

the ability to drive a vehicle.

knowledge of Microsoft Office.

arriving to work on time.

being sensitive to multicultural issues.

Essential Skills are used in


nearly every occupation.


volunteer work.
Your Results for: "Multiple Choice Questions" Print this page

Site Title: Welcome to the Companion Summary of Results

Website for Career Focus Canada,
SixthEdition. 25% Correct of 12 Scored items:

3 Correct: 25%
Book Title: Career Focus Canada, Sixth Edition
9 Incorrect: 75%
Book Martucci Lamarre
More information about scoring
Location on Chapter 2 > Multiple Choice
Site: Questions

Date/Time April 17, 2020 at 5:08 PM

Submitted: (UTC/GMT)

1. According to Chapter 2, in order to be successful in a career search it is

imperative that you

Your Answer: hire a professional to create your resum�.

Correct Answer: know yourself.

2. Self-awareness is an important self-assessment tool to determine

Your Answer: the way you perceive yourself.

3. Ability assessment is used to focus on

Your Answer: your interviewing skills.

Correct Answer: your unique qualities.

4. Transferable skills are

Your Answer: skills developed from previous jobs.

5. Work environment and life preferences

Your Answer: help to discover a position that is satisfying.

6. Self-promotion

Your Answer: is essential to secure the desired job.

Correct Answer: All of the above

7. According to the skills chart in Chapter 2, employers want employees who

Your Answer: have multiple languages.

Correct Answer: are flexible and able to multi-task.

8. Three Essential Skills are

Your Answer: communication, mathematics, and teamwork.

Correct Answer: numeracy, writing, and document use.

9. Essential Skills were developed by

Your Answer: the United States Department of Defense.

Correct Answer: the Canadian government and other national and

international agencies.
10. According to Chapter 2, Essential Skills are needed for

Your Answer: resum� and cover letter creation.

Correct Answer: work, learning, and life.

11. Skills most sought by employers include

Your Answer: the ability to drive a vehicle.

Correct Answer: being sensitive to multicultural issues.

12. Essential Skills are used in

Your Answer: manufacturing.

Correct Answer: nearly every occupation.

Self-awareness is the knowledge of:

Your feelings

Your thoughts

Your characteristics

All are correct.

Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following does NOT define self-esteem?

a. positive or negative evaluation of your self-concept

b. an understanding of what others think of you

c. sometimes dependent on the ideas, morals, and values of the family, group,
and culture that the individual belongs

d. evaluation of our personal worthiness

2. Which of the following statements is true of self-concept?

a. We base it on the ways others react and respond to us.

b. Our experiences are critical to our self-concept.

c. First experiences have great emphasis on our self-concept.

d. All of the above.

3. Seeking out information about someone new to make us feel better about their “unknowns”
assists us with ________________:

a. interpretation

b. dual processing

c. uncertainty reduction

d. pattern recognition

4. The process of perception involves three stages. Which of the following is NOT one of the

a. Attend to and select stimuli.

b. Perception-checking

c. Simplify your conception about the expected behaviors.

d. Interpret stimuli.

5. A restaurant server gives you poor service. You surmise that he is lazy and rude when, in
actuality, he just found out that his aunt went to the hospital. Your reaction is known as:

a. forced consistency

b. fundamental attribution error

c. projection

d. selective perception

6. The idea of “seeing what someone wants to see” could also be known as:

a. forced consistency

b. fundamental attribution error

c. projection

d. selective perception

7. A professor believes that since Anna gets all A’s on her papers that she is an excellent
student. What the professor doesn’t know is that Anna cheats frequently and takes every
short-cut she can. The professor associates Anna with being an “excellent student.” This is an
example of:

a. forced consistency

b. fundamental attribution error

c. halo effect

d. selective perception

8. Your jealous friend is never happy for your accomplishments, but your friends who have more
positive self-esteem happily support you. Instead of getting mad at your jealous friend for
being so negative, you are able to let her comments roll off your back. This is an example of:

a. filtering messages

b. fundamental attribution error

c. halo effect

d. selective perception

Multiple Choice - Results

You answered 0 out of 8 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of the following does NOT define self-esteem?

The correct answer was: b. an understanding of what others think of you.

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of the following statements is true of self-concept?

The correct answer was: d. All of the above..

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Seeking out information about someone new to make us feel better about their “unknowns”
assists us with ________________:

The correct answer was: c. uncertainty reduction.

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The process of perception involves three stages. Which of the following is NOT one of the

The correct answer was: b. Perception-checking.

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

A restaurant server gives you poor service. You surmise that he is lazy and rude when, in
actuality, he just found out that his aunt went to the hospital. Your reaction is known as:

The correct answer was: b. fundamental attribution error.

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The idea of “seeing what someone wants to see” could also be known as:

The correct answer was: d. selective perception.

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

A professor believes that since Anna gets all A’s on her papers that she is an excellent
student. What the professor doesn’t know is that Anna cheats frequently and takes every
short-cut she can. The professor associates Anna with being an “excellent student.” This is an
example of:

The correct answer was: c. halo effect.

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Your jealous friend is never happy for your accomplishments, but your friends who have more
positive self-esteem happily support you. Instead of getting mad at your jealous friend for
being so negative, you are able to let her comments roll off your back. This is an example of:

The correct answer was: a. filtering messages.

Self-Awareness and Communication
Multiple Choice Questions

This quiz reviews some of the topics in this chapter. The answer choices are randomized, so
the quiz will be different every time you take it. For each question, select the button next to the
answer you believe is correct. When you are done, click "Submit for Grade" in order to see how
well you did.

1. A key component of Maslow's notion of conscious competence

is: [Hint]
We don't know what we don't know
We know what we don't know
We know what we know
We don't know what we know

2. Most of your beliefs are based on: [Hint]

Previous Experience
Formal Education
Family Values
Hopes and Desires

3. Which of the following is NOT one of William James' concepts of

self? [Hint]
Material Self
Social Self
Psychological Self
Spiritual Self

4. The ability to improve oneself through high expectations

illustrates: [Hint]
Social Comparison
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

5. Placing negative experiences in a realistic context involves the

process of: [Hint]

6. Perception is the arousal of our: [Hint]

Spiritual Selves

7. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the perception

process? [Hint]

8. During the process of perception, we try to make sense out of various

stimuli - to discover patterns. This is: [Hint]

9. Assigning meaning to that which we observe involves a process

of [Hint]

10 Stereotypes emerge primarily from: [Hint]

. Ignorance
Being a "communication clod"
Our need to categorize stimuli in our environment
Our need to treat some people more kindly than others

11 The Rebound Effect refers to the process through which stereotypical

. thought increases despite our attempts to: [Hint]
Suppress it
Ignore it
Avoid it
Adapt to it

12 To respond effectively to an impending relational problem, you

. intensify your perceptual powers, focusing on eye contact and tone of
voice. This process refers to: [Hint]
Direct Perception Checking
Indirect Perception Checking
Positive Perception Checking
Negative Perception Checking

13 Intrapersonal communication involves communication with: [Hint]

. one other person
several other persons
a large group of persons

14 Developing honest relationships helps ensure that we'll receive [Hint]

. supportive feedback
accurate feedback
logical feedback
disinterested feedback

15 Baggage refers to: [Hint]

. difficult experiences that lessen our self-concept
important experiences that enhance our self-concept
recent experiences that lessen our self-concept
difficult experiences that enhance our self-concept

Your Results for "Multiple Choice Questions" Print this page

Site Title: Communication: Principles for a Summary of Results
Lifetime, 1/e
27% Correct of 15 items:
Book's Title: Communication: Principles for a
4 correct: 27%
11 incorrect: 73%
Book's Beebe
Author: More information about scoring

Location on Home > Self-Awareness and

Site: Communication > Multiple Choice
Date/Time April 17, 2020 at 5:21 PM
Submitted: (UTC/GMT)

1. A key component of Maslow's notion of conscious competence is:

Your Answer: We don't know what we don't know

Correct Answer: We know what we know

2. Most of your beliefs are based on:

Your Answer: Formal Education

Correct Answer: Previous Experience

3. Which of the following is NOT one of William James' concepts of self?

Your Answer: Psychological Self

4. The ability to improve oneself through high expectations illustrates:

Your Answer: (blank)

5. Placing negative experiences in a realistic context involves the process of:

Your Answer: Perception

Correct Answer: Reframing

6. Perception is the arousal of our:

Your Answer: Self-esteem

Correct Answer: Senses

7. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the perception process?

Your Answer: Organization

Correct Answer: Imagination

8. During the process of perception, we try to make sense out of various stimuli
- to discover patterns. This is:

Your Answer: Organization

9. Assigning meaning to that which we observe involves a process of

Your Answer: organization

Correct Answer: interpretation

10. Stereotypes emerge primarily from:

Your Answer: Being a "communication clod"

Correct Answer: Our need to categorize stimuli in our environment

11. The Rebound Effect refers to the process through which stereotypical thought
increases despite our attempts to:

Your Answer: Suppress it

12. To respond effectively to an impending relational problem, you intensify your

perceptual powers, focusing on eye contact and tone of voice. This process
refers to:

Your Answer: Indirect Perception Checking

13. Intrapersonal communication involves communication with:

Your Answer: several other persons

Correct Answer: self

14. Developing honest relationships helps ensure that we'll receive

Your Answer: supportive feedback

Correct Answer: accurate feedback

15. Baggage refers to:

Your Answer: important experiences that enhance our self-concept

Correct Answer: difficult experiences that lessen our self-concept

Multiple choice questions

Try the following multiple choice questions to test your knowledge of this chapter. Once you have
answered the questions, click on 'Submit Answers for Grading' to get your results.

If your lecturer has requested that you send your results, please complete the routing information
found at the bottom of your graded page and then click on the 'E-Mail Results' button. Please do
not forward your results unless your lecturer has specifically requested that you do so.

This activity contains 10 questions.

Which of the following is true of a belief?

It is an assumption that something exists and that it has definable


It reflects what we want to be true about an object.

It reflects our degree of like or dislike of an object.

None of the above.

Which of the following is NOT true of values?

Everybody has them.

They have little or no impact on behaviour.

They always have a behavioural impact.

None of the above.

The centrality of an attitude reflects:

a person’s degree of negative or positive feelings about an object.

the extent to which an attitude is related to a person’s other attitudes.

the extent to which an attitude is part of a person’s concept of self.

the attitude’s resistance to change .

The ego-defensive function of an attitude:

helps a person adjust to his/her world.

helps an person defend his/her self-image.

allows satisfaction to be derived from expressing central values.

helps a person mentally structure and organise his/her world, to make it more

Cognitive dissonance occurs when:

the attitude to an object and the behaviour towards it are consistent.

the attitude to an object and the behaviour towards it are inconsistent.

when a person has no attitude towards an object.

when a person is unsure of his/her attitude to an object.

When using the consistency principle to bring about a degree of

cognitive dissonance in order to bring about attitude change, a factor
that can influence the effectiveness of the persuasive process is:
the credibility of the source of the message.

the nature of the message.

how receptive the attitude holders are to the message.

all of the above

Which of the following is NOT true about the link between attitudes
and behaviour?

Attitudes do not predict behaviour as well as they predict behavioural intentions.

Attitudes are infallible predictors of behaviour.

Nobody knows whether there is a link between attitudes and behaviour.

None of the above.

A common method of measuring attitudes is by using:

in-depth interviews.

observing people’s behaviour.

semantic differential scales.

a lie detector.

Job satisfaction has been found to correlate poorly with:

labour turnover.

employee absenteeism.

employee productivity.

employee gender.

Which of the following is a dimension of employee commitment as

conceptualised by Mowday et al. (1979)?

An acceptance of organisational goals and values.

Willingness to exert effort on the organisation’s behalf.

An intention to stay with the organisation.

All of the above.

Your Results for: "Multiple choice questions" Print this page

Site Title: Organisational Behaviour and Summary of Results

Analysis: An Integrated Approach
40% Correct of 10 Scored items:

Book Title: Organisational Behaviour and 4 Correct: 40%

Analysis: An Integrated Approach
6 Incorrect: 60%
Location on Student Resources > Section 2:
Site: Individual Characteristics >
More information about scoring
Chapter 5: Attitudes and emotions
> Multiple choice questions

Date/Time April 17, 2020 at 5:32 PM

Submitted: (UTC/GMT)

1. Which of the following is true of a belief?

Your Answer: It is an assumption that something exists and that it has

definable characteristics.

2. Which of the following is NOT true of values?

Your Answer: They always have a behavioural impact.

Correct Answer: They have little or no impact on behaviour.

3. The centrality of an attitude reflects:

Your Answer: the extent to which an attitude is related to a person’s

other attitudes.

Correct Answer: the extent to which an attitude is part of a person’s

concept of self.
4. The ego-defensive function of an attitude:

Your Answer: helps an person defend his/her self-image.

5. Cognitive dissonance occurs when:

Your Answer: when a person has no attitude towards an object.

Correct Answer: the attitude to an object and the behaviour towards it are

6. When using the consistency principle to bring about a degree of cognitive

dissonance in order to bring about attitude change, a factor that can influence
the effectiveness of the persuasive process is:

Your Answer: all of the above

7. Which of the following is NOT true about the link between attitudes and

Your Answer: Attitudes do not predict behaviour as well as they predict

behavioural intentions.

Correct Answer: Attitudes are infallible predictors of behaviour.

8. A common method of measuring attitudes is by using:

Your Answer: semantic differential scales.

9. Job satisfaction has been found to correlate poorly with:

Your Answer: employee gender.

Correct Answer: employee productivity.

10. Which of the following is a dimension of employee commitment as

conceptualised by Mowday et al. (1979)?

Your Answer: An intention to stay with the organisation.

Correct Answer: All of the above.

1. A subliminal presentation is a presentation that:

A. X means something other than what the participant thinks

B. X can lead to a response that cannot be predicted by the experimenter

C. :-) is below the threshold of conscious awareness of its content

D. ? is common in deception experiments

2. 2-The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader’s trust in the abilities of
his subordinates.
3. (A) Participative

4. (B) Delegative

5. (C) Authoritarian

6. (D) All of the above

7. Mismatch between personality and organization may lead to

8. (A) Confusion and chaos

9. (B) Loss of interest by members in organization

10. (C) Low morale and job satisfaction

11. (D) All of the above

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