Soil Mechanics Lab Report 5 and 6

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Lab 1: Particle-Size Analysis

Preformed On: 9/6/2018

Group 8

Michael Metzner, Eddie Glace, Leo Barth, &

Jack Armstrong

Due: 9/13/2018
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In Lab 1, Particle-Size Analysis- Hydrometer Method, we were given the results for the

tests performed in this lab, and given a demonstration during the lab period. To start we got a

sample of 50 g of dry soil that we would be testing. This sample of soil was them mixed with

125 mL of 4% calgon. Once mixed, the soil is then transferred to the sedimentation cylinder,

using a plastic squeeze bottle to ensure all soil is transferred. Add temperature-stabilized water

to the cylinder to fill the cylinder to 1000 mL. The cylinder is then capped and agitated side to

side 60 times in a period of 1 minute. After allowing the cylinder to rest for 2 minutes, then

insert the hydrometer for the first reading, along with a temperature reading. Repeat this cycle

for intervals of 4 or 5 minutes. While the hydrometer and thermometer are out of the

sedimentation cylinder, insert them into the control cylinder and take meniscus readings, and

ensure that the temperature is within 1 degree C. After the data has been gathered for the first set

of readings, reagitate the cylinder for another 60 agitations in 1 minute. Then repeat the readings

at 2- and 4- or 5- min. This step is to be completed as long as necessary to ensure readings

within 1 unit.

Important concepts or definitions from class and lab manual:

❏ Mechanical Analysis: determination of size and range of particles present in a soil,

expressed as a percentage of the total dry weight

❏ Sieve analysis: consist of shaking the soil sample through set of sieves that have

progressively smaller openings

❏ for particle sizes larger than 0.075mm in diameter

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❏ Sample must be oven dried before and large lumps broken up into small


❏ In the U.S for sandy, fine grained soils, typically sieve No. 4, 10, 20, 30,

40, 60, 140, and 200 are used.

❏ Hydrometer analysis: Based on the sedimentation of soil grains in water.

❏ for particle sizes smaller than 0.075mm in diameter

❏ Particles settles at various rates depending on shape, size, weight, and viscosity of

the water

❏ Velocity of soil particles can be expressed using Stokes’ Law

❏ The percent finer than a given particle size can be determined by the hydrometer

reading (L) at a time (t)

❏ Sodium hexametaphosphate (or the like) is used as a dispersing agent so

particulates do not stick together and present false readings.

❏ Hydrometer analysis is effective for soil fractions down to 0.5 micrometers

❏ Particle size distribution curve: Presents the range of particle sizes and the type of

distribution of various-size particles by plotting percent finer vs. sieve opening size.

❏ percentages of gravel, sand, silt, and clay sized particles in a soil sample can be

obtained from this graph

❏ Effective size, uniformity coefficient, and coefficient of gradation, can be

determined from this graph

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Possible sources of error:

❏ Using tap water which has impurities causing errors

❏ Accidently removed some of the sample when removing water from test beacon or
transportation to oven when drying sample
❏ Fine particulates (less than 0.075) sticking to sieves
❏ Human Error
❏ Poor readings on hydrometer (L)
❏ Equipment Calibration
❏ Uniformity of sieve opening

List of Procedures and Materials:

Procedures Followed:

ASTM D 422



In this lab, we were given a demonstration of the procedures in the lab instead of

completing the lab itself. We were given the necessary data to complete the


Equation Changes:

Equation 6-1: v=(2/9)*((Gs-Gw)/n)*(D/2)

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Equation 6-2: D=√((18nv)/(Gs-Gw)Pw)

Analysis and Discussion of Results:

Part 1:
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Discuss any apparent anomalies in the data reduction that you see and discuss what you

would do to correct the data or situation: When computing the sieve analysis calculations

there should be a suitable amount of material left in the pan for the hydrometer test,

(particles smaller than 0.075 mm), but Graph 1.1 showing our combined particle size

distribution for both data sets (Sieve analysis in field and lab) makes it appear as if there

is zero percent of material passing sieve number 200. Separate graphs, one representing

particle diameters from 18in-2in and the other showing diameters from 38mm-0.075mm,

would reflect a more accurate display of our data.

Part 2:
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One thing that we saw from the data is that the percent finer in the sieve analysis had a lot

of variation to it. It had spikes in the percent finer because of the amount of sieves used. One

way to correct this would be to use more sieves. We would add a sieve between sieve No. 20 &

sieve No. 40. We would also add a sieve between sieve No. 60 & sieve No. 140. The soil sample

for data set #2 was 81.38% fines, 16.68% sand, & 0% gravel.


What did you get out of this lab?

❏ We learned how to properly use a hydrometer

❏ We learned when to use Sieve Analysis vs. Hydrometer Analysis

❏ We learned how to take the hydrometer readings and find the hydrometer correction,

percent finer, and particle diameter

❏ We learned how to determine what percentage of soils are boulders, cobbles, gravel,

sand, & fines

❏ We learned how to create a semi-log chart in Excel

What do the results tell us about the soil?

❏ The results tell us what size soil our sample is (boulder, cobble, gravel, sand, fine)

❏ The results of our calculations gives us the diameter of the particles

❏ The results of our calculations gives us the percent finer for each sieve size used
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Part 1:

Sample calculations and equations:

1. Conversion from lbs to grams using conversion factor

35.2 lbs * 453.59237 lbs/gram= 15966.5 grams

2. Calculating dry weight from unit weight

dry weight = wet weight x (total dry weight given / total wet weight given)

15966.5 * (4280.2 / 4880.8) = 14001.7

3. Calculating Percent Finer

percent finer = ((sum of weight–(weight 1+weight 2+… weight 3)) /sum of


((7561311.257-(0+14001.7))/ 7561311.257)*100 = 99.8%

4. Calculating Percent Dry Weight Retained

percent dry weight retained = 100 – percent finer

100 – 89.27% = 10.73%

5. Calculating Dry Weight Compared to Total Weight

dry weight compared to total weight = percent dry weight retained * total weight
of fine

10.73% * 5612298.6 grams = 602216 grams

Part 2:

Sample calculations and equations:

1. Hydrometer Correction (Rc): Rc = Ra - Zc +Ct

Rc = 48.7 - 4.0 + 0.2 = 44.9

Ra = Actual hydrometer reading

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Zc = Zero correction

Ct = Temperature Correction

2. Percent Finer

% Finer = ((a*Rc)/Ws)*100

% Finer = ((.99*44.9)/50)*100 = 88.9%

Rc = Corrected hydrometer reading

Ws = Original dry mass (g)

a= correction factor for particle density

3. Distance the particle falls (L): L = 16.3 - 0.1641*R

L = 16.3 - 0.1641*48.7 = 8.3 mm

R = Hydrometer reading with meniscus correction

4. Particle Diameter (D) = K* Sqrt(L/t)

D = 0.01328 * Sqrt(8.3/1) = 0.038 mm

K = Value from table with Gs = 2.70

L = Distance the particle falls (mm)

T = Elapsed time (min)

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