Jules Bardos - Blog and Documentation

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Jules Bardos


October 24, 2019

Senior Seminar

Blog #2:

What I've done towards my project isn’t too much but I feel like I'm finally heading in the

right direction. A few weeks back I separated the closet area between the schools stuff and the

closet itself. I then went through all of the clothes that were in the closet, then I sorted which

items I was going to keep and which I was going to donate. I then put all the clothes I was

donated into a pile and in trash bags to make it easier to transport.

(before pictures)

I’ve also been working on my flyers to promote the clothing drive i’ll be having soon. I

created two different styles and then showed them to Mrs. Federoff to get an “ok” on it but then

she had a few suggestions, so I'm going to be redoing them. I have already started cutting out

more letters and thinking of a different style I could do to catch the eyes of the students.
(original ideas)

My next steps are to first complete the flyers, hopefully by the weekend or at least within

the next week to get it going. I’ll then get started on getting all the donations from the previous

year out of the closet space and donate them to goodwill or another organization. I’ll then start to

set up the closet in a store/boutique like setting and sort through the new donations that we get.

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