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Jules Bardos


January 17, 2020

Mrs. Terry & Ms. Marsh

Blog 6:

This past week I have been going into the closet to do some touch ups on anything that

needs it. For instance, I put up a few more decorations, I went through new donations, got some

ideas from Mrs. Federoff, completed and hung up the “Need to Know” poster, and I found

another source for a clothing rack!

Some ideas Mrs. federoff had given me were about how to showcase the pants because

that’s my biggest trouble right now and she gave me two really great ideas! The first one was to

stack up milk crates to create a cubby like system, which I'm trying to do but I'm having trouble

sourcing milk crates at the moment. The second idea was to use slabs and chunks of wood and

just create a shelf like structure. Both great and cool ideas that i’m trying to source things for.

I put it a few more little baskets to put some of the smaller items in for each section. And

as I said before I was able to complete the “Need to Know” poster which just says how many

items you can take per visit, days its open and when, explaining the donation workings, and who

the closet is meant for.

It is really all coming together. All I really have to do is send an email to Mrs. federoff

explaining the closet and everything, then she’ll send it out in a mass email to the school. I also

hope to get it on KCNN again! I also need another mirror, the clothing rack, and a way to display

the pants and we are good to go!!! So excited (:

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