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Jules Bardos


Feb. 07, 2020

Mrs. Terry & Ms. Marsh

Blog #9:

So today I came into the closet and it was COMPLETELY trashed!!! I had found clothes

for girls in the young boys section, the words on my letter board were switched around, dresses

were on the floor, hangers and clothes just anywhere and everywhere and the pants section was

also trashed. The weird art is that the closet was locked when I went in today so I am just so

confused about what is happening. I have heard from my younger sister that she has seen and

heard of people going into the closet. So I'm going to have to figure something out to keep

everyone out when it’s not open.

All these kids coming in have been slowing me down because everything is just getting

destroyed and I am having to restart just about every time that I go in because it is just a

complete mess. When I went in and tried to fix the guys section, guess what happened, the

clothing rack broke into like 3 pieces. How???!? I really couldn't tell you but now I have no way

to display the boys clothes, so that's just great!

Now what I need to do is get out all the remaining donations I don’t want and need, get a

new mirror because I broke the replacement one I got for the one that broke over Winter break,

maybe put a chair in there, and then finally open the closet during lunch to everyone.

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