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608 DOI: 10.1002/maco.200905276 Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No.

Depassivation of steel reinforcement in case of pitting

corrosion: detection techniques for laboratory studies
L. Bertolini* and E. Redaelli

Methods for service life prediction of reinforced concrete structures exposed to

chloride-bearing environments require, amongst other parameters, the
knowledge of the chloride threshold for pitting corrosion initiation (Clth).
Nowadays, although the main factors influencing the chloride threshold are well
known, it is often difficult to quantify a value of the chloride threshold, partly
because of its intrinsic high variability, and partly because of the different test
methods that have been used to measure it. All the experimental tests rely on
the detection of steel depassivation and simultaneous measurement of chloride
content or steel potential. This paper deals with the methods that can be used to
detect steel depassivation in relation with the determination of the chloride
threshold. Tests in concrete-pore-simulating solutions as well as tests in
concrete will be considered, and advantages and limitations will be discussed.

1 Introduction experimental details, such as the way chlorides are introduced in

the concrete (e.g. added to the mixing water or penetrated by
According to Tuutti’s model, methods for the design of durability diffusion or migration), the means of measuring the chloride
of reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environ- content (e.g. total acid soluble chlorides expressed by mass of
ments or the action of de-icing salts, divide the service life into an cement or free chlorides from pore solution expressed as
initiation period, during which chloride ions penetrate the concentration in solution) or the surface preparation of the rebar
concrete cover and initiate pitting corrosion, and a subsequent sample, may have a considerable influence on the resulting value
propagation period during which corrosion leads to a limit state of the chloride threshold. The technique used to detect the
affecting the serviceability or safety of the structure [1]. In order to depassivation of steel may also have a remarkable effect on the
calculate the initiation period, the chloride threshold (Clth), i.e. chloride threshold.
the minimum amount of chloride ions required to break the Since there are no standardised methods for the evaluation of
passive film and initiate pitting corrosion (i.e. to cause the chloride threshold as well as for the detection of depassiva-
depassivation), should be defined. If the penetration of chloride tion, a large variety of techniques has been used by different
as a function of depth (x) and time (t) is known (Cl(x,t)), the researchers. Indeed, even the definition of the initiation of pitting
chloride threshold may be measured as the chloride content corrosion is not simple. In fact, an initial phase, where breakdown
detected at the depth of the bars when corrosion initiates, i.e. of the passive film alternates to repassivation at incipient anodic
sites, is followed by a permanent active corrosion stage, where
Clth ¼ Clðx ¼ c; t ¼ ti Þ (1) sustained pit propagation takes place [2]. From a practical point of
view, it is often assumed that corrosion initiates when an anodic
where c is the thickness of the concrete cover and ti is the current density above a certain threshold (i.e. 1 mA/m2,
initiation time, as depicted in Fig. 1. corresponding to roughly 1 mm/year of average corrosion rate)
The definition of Clth is quite complex for several reasons. is reached, although this may be inappropriate in the case of
First of all, pitting corrosion initiation is a stochastic phenom- strong localisation of corrosion.
enon that is influenced by a great number of parameters. Clth, in This paper describes some of the main approaches used to
principle, should be defined through probability distributions detect corrosion initiation of steel in relation to the definition of
that take into account the effects of those parameters. However, Clth. Firstly, an overview of the main features of the electro-
such an approach would require a huge amount of experimental chemical behaviour of steel in chloride contaminated concrete
data which, in practice, is impossible to collect. Furthermore, will be given. Then, electrochemical tests in alkaline solutions
that simulate the concrete pore liquid will be described. Finally,
tests on steel bars embedded in concrete (or mortar) specimens
L. Bertolini, E. Redaelli
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria will be discussed. Examples of different methodologies utilised
Chimica ‘‘G. Natta’’, via Mancinelli 7, 20131 Milan (Italy) for the detection of depassivation, based on the above-mentioned
E-mail: techniques, will be presented and the advantages and limitations

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Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 8 Detection of steel reinforcement depassivation 609

Figure 1. (a) Tuutti’s diagram defining the service life as the sum of the
initiation time (ti) and the propagation time (tp) [1] and (b) schematic
representation of chloride profile in concrete at the time of pitting
corrosion initiation Figure 3. Pitting potential (Ep) and repassivation potential (Er) as a
function of the chloride content in the concrete [6]

of tests will be addressed. The authors do not intend to be surface finishing of the steel bar, etc.). In particular, the pitting
exhaustive and thus, only those techniques used to detect potential decreases as the chloride content increases [5]. If Ecor is
depassivation that have found a general diffusion for the the corrosion potential of the passive steel in chloride
determination of the chloride threshold would be considered. contaminated concrete, corrosion will initiate if the amount of
Moreover, a comparison of chloride threshold values obtained chlorides is high enough to decrease Ep below Ecor. Therefore, the
from different techniques and available in the literature is outside chloride threshold Clth can be defined as the amount of chloride
the scope of this paper, and will be addressed in another that brings about a value of Ep equal to Ecor. This condition is
contribution in this special issue of Materials and Corrosion [3]. shown in Fig. 2b.
The anodic polarisation curve of steel can also be used to
2 Electrochemical behaviour of steel in define the regions of stability of the passive film, as shown in
concrete Fig. 2c that plots the curve obtained from a cyclical polarisation
test in which the potential of the steel, after exceeding Ep, is
The electrochemical behaviour of steel in chloride contaminated decreased until conditions of passivity are established again [4].
concrete can be described through the anodic polarisation curve To stop the pitting attack, it is necessary to reach a potential value
depicted in Fig. 2a (proposed by Pourbaix [4]), that plots the anodic Er (named repassivation potential or protection potential) which is
current density (that measures the rate of steel dissolution) as a more negative than Ep. Therefore, in the range of potential
function of the steel potential in concrete with a given content of between Ep and Er, the attack cannot initiate but if it has already
chloride ions. This figure shows, at low potential values, the initiated, it can propagate. Er varies with the same parameters that
passive range where the corrosion rate is negligible. Pitting affect Er and is usually about 200–300 mV below Er.
corrosion may take place when the potential of the steel is above Depending on the potential of steel and the chloride content
the pitting potential Ep (or breakdown potential), which is a in the concrete, it is possible to define different domains where
function of the chloride content, but also of several other pitting corrosion can initiate and propagate. Figure 3 depicts the
parameters (pH of the pore solution, temperature, microstructure trends of pitting potential and repassivation potential of carbon
and composition of the steel-concrete interface, composition and steel as a function of the chloride content in concrete [6]: though

Figure 2. (a) Polarisation curve of steel in chloride contaminated concrete and definition of the pitting potential Ep (or breakdown potential). (b)
Definition of the chloride threshold. (c) Definition of the protection potential Er (or repassivation potential) and of the regions of stability of the
passive layer [4] ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

610 Bertolini and Redaelli Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 8

in a qualitative way, the line Ep shows the dependence of the is immersed in the test solution and connected to a potentiostat
pitting potential on the chloride content. In the mean time, the that can impose a polarisation potential (Epol) by means of a
same curve can also be considered as the line that describes the suitable polarisation current (Ipol).
dependence of the chloride threshold on the potential of the steel. Tests in solution are often used to evaluate the resistance of
In fact, the line describes the highest content of chlorides steel to pitting corrosion, e.g. to compare different types of steel or
compatible with the condition of passivity (i.e. the chloride the effect of preventative techniques (such as corrosion
threshold) for a given potential of the steel. For instance, for a inhibitors). In order to obtain results that are representative of
corrosion potential value of around 100/þ100 mV/SCE, typical the behaviour of steel in concrete, the testing solution has to
of steel in concrete exposed to atmosphere, the chloride threshold simulate the concrete pore solution; with this regard, the method
is around 0.4% with respect to cement mass, while for a steel of pore solution extraction allowed a step forward in the
potential below 250/300 mV/SCE, as in a situation of reduced understanding of factors that determine pore solution composi-
oxygen availability or small external cathodic polarisation, the tion [11]. Usually, alkaline solutions of saturated calcium
chloride threshold may be higher than 1%. hydroxide are used, possibly with the addition of sodium
Amongst factors that have an influence on the chloride hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. Saturated calcium hydroxide
threshold, there are the pH values of the concrete pore solution allows to reach a pH of about 12.6, and in the mean time, provides
(i.e. the concentration of hydroxyl ions [7]) and the presence of a buffer effect owing to the presence of portlandite (i.e.
voids at the steel/concrete interface [8]. The concentration of precipitated crystals of calcium hydroxide). Addition of appro-
hydroxyl ions in the pore solution depends on the type of cement priate concentrations of sodium hydroxide and potassium
and additions: most blended cement concretes obtained with hydroxide may increase the pH above 12.6 and thus
pozzolanic additions have a lower alkalinity compared to portland achieve pH values more similar to those measured in the
cement concretes. The presence of voids near the steel surface is extracted pore solution. Chloride ions are added to simulate
determined by the workability of the fresh concrete and also by chloride contamination, usually as sodium chloride or calcium
the effectiveness of the compaction methods that contribute to chloride.
determine the volume of entrapped air. To this regard, it should Even when a test solution has the same chemical
be noted that chloride thresholds found in real structures are composition of the concrete pore solution, other effects
usually lower than those found in well-compacted laboratory connected to the role of the steel/concrete interface are neglected,
specimens with similar materials [9]. Another contribution in this such as the porosity of the cement paste, the binding effect and
special issue will address the role of the interfacial zone on the the buffering effect of the hydration products of cement [9]. In
initiation of chloride-induced corrosion in concrete [10]. particular, the pore solution can only simulate free chlorides and
Several other factors, such as the temperature, the does not take into account the equilibrium between bound and
composition of the cement, the composition or surface roughness free chlorides, while bound chlorides have also been shown to
of the steel reinforcement and the polarisation with anodic or have an effect on pitting corrosion initiation [8]. Moreover, the
cathodic current may affect both the pitting potential and the chloride concentration in the solution, usually expressed as mass
chloride threshold. Some of these factors, that can be used to percentage, cannot be converted to chloride content in concrete,
detect steel depassivation in relation with the determination of and this does not allow a direct comparison between results from
chloride threshold, will be mentioned in the following sections solution tests and results from concrete tests.
while discussing the main techniques. Tests are usually carried out without stirring the solution,
since mixing would force a redistribution of chlorides and
alkalinity which is far from occurring in the real concrete pore
3 Electrochemical tests in solution solution.

Electrochemical tests in solutions that simulate the concrete pore 3.1 Potentiodynamic polarisation tests
solution are usually performed according to the experimental
arrangement shown in Fig. 4. A steel specimen (a portion of a bar) Potentiodynamic polarisation tests are aimed at plotting the
polarisation curve of steel so as to detect the pitting potential Ep.
The steel potential is forced to vary towards anodic values, starting
either from the free corrosion potential or from lower values up to
a potential value, where the measured current undergoes a
considerable increase after pitting corrosion initiates. The steel
potential is varied with a certain scan rate, usually around 0.6 V/h
(i.e. 10 mV/min), and the current Ipol is recorded continuously
(Fig. 5a) [12–14]. Tests can also be carried out in de-aerated
solutions (e.g. by means of nitrogen flow) in order to lower the
steel potential and prevent corrosion initiation before the
beginning of the test. Examples of polarisation curves obtained
on carbon steel in solutions with different chloride concentra-
Figure 4. Experimental arrangement for electrochemical tests in tions are shown in Fig. 6. The recorded current Ipol is the total
solution current exchanged at the surface of the specimen, i.e. the

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Figure 5. Interpretation of potentiodynamic polarisation curve Figure 7. Relationship between pitting potential of different metals
and chloride concentration determined from potentiodynamic
polarisation tests in saturated calcium hydroxide solutions with
different chloride concentrations [15]
algebraic sum of the anodic (Ia) and cathodic (Ic) current

Ipol ¼ Ia þ Ic (2)
solutions and temperatures. Relationships between pitting
potential and chloride content might also be used to extrapolate
due to anodic and cathodic reactions occurring simultaneously at the chloride threshold on the potential, so that the comparison of
the surface of the electrode. The anodic contribution, Ia, is different materials can be done on the basis of the critical chloride
isolated in order to obtain the anodic polarisation curve shown in content instead of the pitting potential. However, the extrapolated
Fig. 5b. chloride threshold values should only be used for comparison
By repeating the test in solutions with varying concentrations purpose. The use of results of potentiodynamic curves to
of chloride ions [Cl], the relationship between Ep and [Cl] can extrapolate chloride threshold values in real conditions should be
be plotted. For instance, Fig. 7 shows that such a relationship was discouraged, not only because of the above mentioned
obtained from potentiodynamic polarisation tests in solutions of inadequacy of solutions in simulating concrete and impossibility
saturated calcium hydroxide with different chloride concentra- in converting concentration values in chloride contents in
tions, for a carbon steel and for two types of stainless steel [15]. concrete, but also because such relationships are affected by
These results clearly show that for carbon steel, the pitting experimental parameters, such as the potential scan rate [12–14].
potential starts from a very high value (>600 mV/SCE) in
solutions with 0.2% chlorides and decreases rather rapidly with 3.2 Potentiostatic polarisation tests
chloride concentration; for stainless steels, pitting potential was
around 400 mV/SCE, regardless of the chloride concentration that Potentiostatic polarisation tests consist in the application of a
varied in the range 1–8% by mass in solution. constant value of potential and monitoring of the corresponding
These types of graphs are mainly used to compare the polarisation current. Usually after the potential is applied, the
resistance to pitting corrosion of different materials. Potentio- chloride content is increased until corrosion initiation is detected
dynamic polarisation tests have the advantage of being rather easy by a sharp increase in Ipol, as shown in Fig. 8. These tests have
to be performed in a wide range of composition of the test been used to compare the resistance to pitting corrosion of
different types of metals compared to carbon steel [15, 16].
Compared to potentiodynamic polarisation tests, they return a
chloride content (although expressed as chloride concentration in
solution) that can be directly used to compare the behaviour of
different materials in different conditions. For instance Fig. 9
shows the concentration of chloride at which depassivation had
occurred on samples polarised at þ200 mV/SCE in solutions with
different values of pH. The potential value of þ200 mV/SCE was
chosen as a conservative value as it was above the maximum
potential value that can be assumed by steel in aerated concrete.
On carbon steel, the chloride threshold was around 0.5% of
chlorides by mass in the solution with a pH of 12.6 (i.e. saturated
calcium hydroxide), while it increased to 7% with a pH of 13.9
Figure 6. Example of potentiodynamic polarisation curves obtained in (0.8 M sodium hydroxide saturated with calcium hydroxide); at
saturated calcium hydroxide solutions with a scan rate of 20 mV/min the same pH values, AISI 304 stainless steel showed chloride
[15] contents of 4.5% and 10%, while on AISI 316 stainless steel ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

612 Bertolini and Redaelli Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 8

Figure 8. Interpretation of potentiostatic polarisation tests: (a) before corrosion initiation, (b) after corrosion initiation, (c) monitoring of the
polarisation current as a function of the chloride concentration and definition of Clth

corrosion did not initiate even with 10% of chlorides. Although interfered by the current applied to induce the migration of
these values of chloride concentration cannot be converted to chlorides) and the chloride content is measured at the depth of
values of chloride threshold in concrete, these tests allow a rapid the steel bar at the time when corrosion initiation is detected.
evaluation of parameters such as pH value and temperature, that Alternatively, chlorides can be added to the concrete mix;
can be easily controlled in a solution. although this approach is generally considered less appropriate
since steel is not allowed to form a passive film in chloride-free
concrete, it can drastically reduce the time of testing, especially
4 Tests in concrete when impervious concretes are considered. In this case, the
chloride threshold can be detected by comparison of specimens
Tests in concrete are expected to be intrinsically more realistic with higher chloride contents where corrosion initiates and those
compared to tests in solution. However, problems may arise from with lower chloride contents where corrosion does not initiate.
possible alterations of the steel/concrete interface due to the In concrete specimens, corrosion initiation can be assessed
execution of the test itself, in particular, in the case of by visual inspection, i.e. when macroscopic consequences of
electrochemical tests. Tests in concrete are more demanding corrosion take place (e.g. cracking of concrete, loss of steel mass
and time consuming than tests in solution, since they require not or cross section). However, corrosion can be detected only at a
only the preparation of metal samples, but also casting and curing later stage and if chlorides penetrate from the surface, Clth may be
of concrete or mortar in suitable conditions. overestimated. Monitoring of electrochemical parameters could
Concrete specimens may be exposed to chloride penetration allow detecting corrosion initiation much earlier than macro-
by ponding, wet-dry cycles or exposure to natural marine scopic consequences take place.
environments (sometimes the chloride penetration is forced by The exposure conditions of the specimens influence the
migration, but in this case the test set-up should be carefully moisture content of the concrete and its temperature (as well as
designed to prevent that the steel bar could be polarised or their variations in time) and, thus, may have a remarkable effect
on the chloride threshold. This should be taken into considera-
tion in the interpretation of the results. Sometimes, tests are
made in climatic chambers in order to reproduce constant values
of humidity and temperature. However, often a long time is
required before the concrete reaches an equilibrium condition
with the testing environment.
As a matter of fact, for several reasons, the duration of tests in
concrete is much longer than that of tests in solution, and it is
typically of the order of months or even years.

4.1 Visual inspection and mass loss measurements

The detection of depassivation through direct observation of

the steel surface requires to extract the reinforcement from the
specimen and to determine the chloride content in a concrete
sample collected close to the reinforcement itself. Ideally, if
Figure 9. Example of results from potentiostatic polarisation tests in
the aim is the determination of the chloride threshold, this should
solutions with different values of pH, for different types of steel. Black be done at the moment of corrosion initiation; however, since the
symbols show tests were corrosion initiation was detected and thus consequences of pitting initiation are not immediately evident on
can be considered as an estimation of Clth [15] the outer concrete surface, in the laboratory this method is usually

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Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 8 Detection of steel reinforcement depassivation 613

Table 1. Number of cases showing corrosion for different values of chloride content (expressed as % by cement mass) [17]

Chloride range 0.2% 0.20–0.35% 0.35–0.50% 0.50–1.0% 1.0–1.5% 1.5%

Number of cases investigated 99 86 43 105 59 54

Number showing corrosion 2 19 10 34 38 41
Percentage showing corrosion 2.0 22.1 23.3 32.4 64.4 75.9

combined with other measurements that allow to detect the onset of chlorides (with respect to cement mass) as an estimation of the
of corrosion by means of non-destructive methods (mainly chloride threshold [17].
electrochemical methods, see section 4.2). Visual inspection Figure 10 reports the results of measurements of mass loss
allows to investigate the actual corrosion state of steel, e.g. by as a function of chloride content in a concrete made with 30% fly
measuring the mass loss, the localisation of the attack and its ash cement and shows a value of chloride threshold around 0.5%,
maximum penetration; however, it is usually time consuming, whilst similar specimens made with portland cement had a value
especially because of the time necessary for chloride to penetrate of 0.7% (increasing the fly ash content to 50% caused a further
the concrete cover and also the time required for corrosion to decrease in the chloride threshold, that was 0.2%) [18]. This result
propagate to a stage where its effects can be observed. This may be is an example of the role of pozzolanic additions in determining
a strong limiting factor in the case of concretes with a high chloride threshold. It should be noted that although concretes
resistance to chloride penetration. containing fly ash cement usually have initiation times higher
Direct observation has been used to estimate the chloride than those containing portland cement (due to their higher
threshold on real structures exposed to marine environments or resistance to chloride penetration), the reduction of the chloride
de-icing salts: for instance, the correlation between the chloride threshold can partially mitigate this effect and should be carefully
content measured close to steel reinforcement and the probability evaluated.
of corrosion (evaluated as the percentage of corroded surface) that Direct observation of reinforcement has been used to
is shown in Table 1 firstly allowed to consider a value around 0.3% evaluate the corroded percentage of steel surface in order to
investigate the effectiveness of cathodic prevention in increasing
the chloride threshold: Table 2 shows the results of long-term
experimental tests on slabs made with ordinary concrete and
subject to ponding cycles and to the application of different
cathodic current density since the beginning of tests (i.e. when
steel was passive). Applying a current density of 0.4 mA/m2, the
chloride threshold was 1.52% (while it was 0.73% in the reference
slab), and when the slab was demolished (after 5 years of tests)
the maximum attack was 1 mm (1.5 mm in the reference) and the
corroded area 0.7% (2.5% in the reference). The results of these
tests also allowed to better quantify the correlation reported in
Fig. 3 [19].

4.2 Monitoring corrosion potential and corrosion rate

The initiation of pitting corrosion is accompanied by a sudden

Figure 10. Mass loss of rebar as a function of chloride content close to
rebar in concrete made with a 30% fly ash cement and evaluation of variation in electrochemical parameters, in particular, a decrease
the chloride threshold (defined in this case as the chloride content that of the free corrosion potential and an increase of the corrosion
led to a rebar mass loss higher than 0.1% after 4 years of exposure in rate of steel [20, 21]. Monitoring these parameters, therefore,
the tidal zone) [18] allows to detect the onset of corrosion and, once corrosion has

Table 2. Experimental results from cathodic prevention tests [19]. Current density is referred to steel surface. Corroded area and maximum attack
penetration were evaluated after 5 years of tests

Cathodic current Steel potential Corroded Max attack Chloride content

density (mA/m2) (mV/SCE) area (%) penetration (mm) (% cement mass)

– 100/200 2.5 1.5 0.73a

0.4 200/300 0.7 1 1.52a
0.8 300/450 0.7 0.8 1.49a
1.7 300/700 0 – 2.38b
4.2 500/900 0 – 3.46b
at the moment of corrosion initiation;
maximum value in time. ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

614 Bertolini and Redaelli Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 8

initiated, prompt analysis of chloride content in the concrete close self-compacting concretes with 10% silica fume cement, with
to steel surface provides a measure of the chloride threshold. The amounts of added chlorides up to 2%, in different conditions of
measurement of corrosion rate of steel in concrete is usually exposure. The dashed lines defined the upper limit of the
based on the linear polarisation method [22] that was applied to corrosion current density considering results of tests on different
steel in concrete since the eighties [23] and then became one of types of bars and surface treatments. In this case, a chloride
the routine laboratory methods to detect steel depassivation. It threshold was conventionally defined as the range in the chloride
should be noted that the linear polarisation method gives an content where the corrosion rate measured on the dashed
average value of the corrosion rate, therefore the corrosion rate line passed from values lower than 1 mA/m2 to values higher than
can be underestimated if the attack is strongly localised, as in the 2 mA/m2, by considering the corrosion rates measured on
case of pitting corrosion. specimens exposed to temperature values ranging from 20 to
Measurements of corrosion potential and corrosion rate can 508C. Estimated values of chloride threshold were around 0.6–
also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of preventative or repair 1.2% by mass of binder for concrete with portland cement and
techniques, such as corrosion inhibitors [24, 25] or corrosion 1.1–2% for concrete with 10% silica fume [28]. However, the
resistant reinforcement [26], in delaying the onset of corrosion. threshold values were affected by the experimental details, since
However, they cannot be used in the case of steel subjected to the considered specimens were kept under moist conditions (so
electrochemical repair or preventative techniques, such as that the corrosion potential had relatively low values), and the
cathodic protection or cathodic prevention, and care should also amount of air voids at the steel concrete interface was minimised
be taken in the interpretation of results following the application owing to the use of self-compacting concrete and to the care taken
of temporary electrochemical techniques, such as electrochemical in the preparation of the specimens. In real structures under real
chloride removal and realkalisation [27]. exposure conditions, the actual values of the chloride threshold
When corrosion rate or corrosion potential are monitored, to may be lower. This example shows that even results of tests in
detect depassivation due to pitting, threshold values should be concrete should be carefully interpreted before extrapolating
defined. The choice of these threshold values is often based on values to be used in the design of real structures.
experience, and introduces an element of subjectivity in the
determination of the chloride threshold. For corrosion rate
measurements, the threshold is usually fixed between 1 and 2 4.3 Potentiostatic polarisation tests
mA/m2 of corrosion current density (i.e. about 1–2 mm/year of
average corrosion penetration). As far as potential monitoring is Potentiostatic polarisation tests in concrete rely on the same
concerned, depassivation is usually detected when the corrosion procedures as in solution (see section 3.2), with the difference
potential sharply decreases to values well below 200 mV/SCE. that in this case, the reference electrode has to be embedded
Figure 11 shows, as an example, the results of a research inside the specimen as close as possible to the steel bar in order to
aimed at investigating corrosion potential and corrosion rate in reduce the ohmic contributions due to the applied current. This
type of test allows the evaluation of the influence of steel potential
on the chloride threshold, which is believed to be a critical factor,
as shown in Fig. 3.
Potentiostatic polarisation tests have been used to detect
corrosion initiation in specimens with given chloride contents
increasing progressively, but step-wise and slowly (e.g. 100 mV
every day [26]), the value of the applied potential.
Potentiostatic polarisation tests have also been proposed to
evaluate the chloride threshold in the initial chloride-free mortar
specimens, in which chloride penetration was promoted up to the
rebar depth by a relatively high value of water/cement ratio and
low concrete cover [29, 30]. This allowed to investigate the
dependence of chloride thresholds with steel potential in a similar
way as in solution tests, with a relatively short duration (10–
30 days) during which the polarisation effects on the steel/mortar
interface can be neglected. For instance, results shown in Fig. 12
were obtained by polarising the steel bar from þ250 to 650 mV/
SCE (with steps of 100 mV) and measuring the free chloride
content in the mortar at corrosion initiation: for potential values
higher than 200 mV/SCE the chloride threshold was constant,
around 0.5% by cement mass, while for lower potential values the
Figure 11. Relationship between corrosion current density and chloride chloride content increased linearly. These results confirmed the
content in specimens of concretes with 10% silica fume and evaluation
trend shown in Fig. 3. These data could be useful to find a
of Clth (defined in this case as the chloride content that led to a
corrosion current density in the range 1–2 mA/m2 during polarisation
correlation between Clth and the moisture content of concrete,
resistance tests on well compacted and wet specimens, conditioned at which determines the corrosion potential of passive steel (in the
temperatures of 20–50 8C) [28] absence of external polarisation).

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time for depassivation of steel reinforcement in a non-destructive

way. It can be used on real structures within an effective
maintenance management of concrete structures, subject to
chloride bearing environments.
Figure 13 shows that the measured macrocell current also
contains a cathodic contribution due to the cathodic reactions
occurring on both electrodes (active and passive), and, therefore,
cannot be interpreted as an anodic current on the active electrode.
So the value of Imacro cannot be used directly to quantify the
corrosion rate of the electrode where corrosion was initiated.

5 Final remarks

Nowadays, although the main factors affecting the chloride

threshold have been widely investigated and some of them are
Figure 12. Relationship between potential and chloride threshold
(measured as % by mass of free chlorides) found with potentiostatic
well recognised, a quantification of chloride threshold values is
polarisation tests [29] still often rather difficult, and this can be partly due to the
different experimental methods that have been used to determine
4.4 Macrocell tests this parameter, both in the laboratory and on real structures.
Indeed, even though the recently developed design methods
Macrocell tests are based on the measurement of a galvanic for service life prediction of structures in chloride-bearing
current (Imacro) circulating between two electrodes, one of which environments require the knowledge of the chloride threshold for
behaves as anode and the other as cathode. This measurement pitting corrosion initiation, neither any standardised method nor
can be used to detect steel depassivation: when pitting corrosion any generally accepted laboratory procedure is available for the
initiates on an electrode, the current exchanged with an electrode evaluation of the chloride threshold. In particular, in the context
in passive conditions increases due to the potential decrease of a probabilistic design method, such as the FIB Model code for
associated with pitting corrosion that generates a driving voltage service life design [32], it would be useful to define a reliable
between the two (i.e. a difference in the corrosion potentials Ecor,1 technique that allows a rapid evaluation of the chloride threshold,
and Ecor,2), as it has been sketched in Fig. 13. The two electrodes as well as of its variability, in order to estimate a probability
should be close to each other in order to reduce the ohmic drop distribution of Clth depending on the composition of concrete and
and to maximise the macrocell current. Devices based on the the exposure conditions.
measurement of macrocell currents have been proposed to detect All tests for the determination of chloride threshold rely on
the penetration of chlorides in concrete: different electrodes are the detection of steel depassivation, which can itself be
placed in the concrete cover at increasing depths and when, as a approached in different ways, the most frequently used of which
consequence of chloride penetration, corrosion initiates on the have been discussed in this paper.
most external electrode, a macrocell current is detected between In electrochemical tests in solutions simulating the concrete
the electrode and a passive electrode (anode-ladder system [31]). pore liquid, such as potentiodynamic and potentiostatic polarisa-
Figure 14 shows an example of the macrocell current measured tion tests, the current exchanged at the sample surface is
between a steel anode and a stainless steel cathode following monitored and, when it increases sharply, steel depassivation is
chloride penetration in the 5 mm cover of specimens made with detected, allowing the determination of either a pitting potential
two different concretes, one with water/cement ratio of 0.7 and value or a threshold chloride concentration. Tests in solutions
another with w/c of 0.6. In the more porous concrete, where have been essential for a rapid evaluation of the resistance to
chloride penetration occurred easily, the steel anode underwent pitting corrosion, allowing a preliminary evaluation of the role of
corrosion initiation as indicated by the increase of the macrocell the type of material, of environmental parameters and of the
current, from negligible values to values of about 20 mA [31]. effectiveness of preventative techniques (such as cathodic
Although this device does not allow an independent quantifica- prevention or corrosion inhibitors). However, they do not allow
tion of the chloride threshold, it allows to detect or estimate the an evaluation of the chloride threshold in concrete, since chloride

Figure 13. Schematic representation of a macrocell between an actively corroding rebar and a passive rebar ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

616 Bertolini and Redaelli Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 8

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(Received: February 12, 2009) W5276

(Accepted: February 25, 2009)

ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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