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The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Metacognitive Reading Report # __

Name: Jhazmine Sarmiento Date: April 15, 2020

1. Three (3) Things that I significantly learned from the readings

The writer of the article is a professor in Cornell University who had an anthropological
field work in the Philippines and because of her strong admiration to Rizal, she was able
to encounter myths about the national hero. Through her paper, (1)I have learned a lot of
what’s beyond Rizal’s works and how it intensifies and furthers the Filipino’s love for the
country and appreciation to Rizal’s novels. In the article, it was stated that there is a
religious group who worships Dr. Jose Rizal which commemorates Rizal as the national
hero. I learned that Dr. Jose Rizal was viewed as the “Filipino Christ”. However, in a
congregation of Religious groups, they are two opposing sides; Brother Art reminding the
message of Rizal that in order for Filipinos to move forward, Filipinos should not
embrace foreign culture; Brother Art also claimed that foreign people and its culture must
be hated in order to lean forward; and Mama rose, a part of Rizalista had been possessed
by Amang doctor who is somewhat also viewed as an outlet to Rizal, tried to conveyed
that racism should not be tolerated. (2) I learned that beliefs are established in order to
create the future we wanted and is a reflection of who we are. Also, that in controversy,
there will always be a natural law displayed. And lastly, the significant learning I got
from the article is the people who greatly appreciates and honors the legacy left by Rizal
and those who still make a movement to improve the country.

2. Three (3) Things that are still unclear to me

First, Amang doctor as a myth of Rizal and how it was proven. Secondly, the
“monsignor” segment wasn’t emphasized that much. Lastly, Rizalista’s rationale of
worshipping Jose Rizal and the assertions that he is indeed the “Filipino Christ.

3. I used to think that….

Dr. Jose Rizal is just a hero who is admired by a lot of people but now I learned that the
way his works intensified Filipino’s national consciousness is way beyond more than
that. In addition, I used to think that possession or exorcism is an act of a devil worship
but then now, I’m having doubts and I need to research it more. Moreover, I thought that
Rizal being executed by the Spaniards is the ending for Rizal’s existence and notions
about him, in spite the fact that his legacy still continues to aspire people through his
ideologies but then, I learned that a group of Rizalistas believed that Rizal was still alive
in Mount Makiling, asserting he was the second Christ.

4. Three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings

1. In regarding to what is unclear to me, what is the basis of the Rizalistas worship Dr.
Jose Rizal? Did they go beyond deeper of what Rizal is? Did they consider Dr. Jose
Rizal’s proficiency as an Illustrado writer?
2. How did the Rizalistas formed and what is their main goal?
3. What if the body possessed eventually dies? Would they be replaced?

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