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RN : 1714050064

CLASS. : TBI. B. 17

SUBJECT : Translation


1. A. In cach of the following pairs of sentences, which is more idiomatic

English, a or b? How would the meaning be expressed idiomatically in a
second language which you speak?
1. - Answer: (A)
The storekeeper said that we will refund your money.
- The storekeeper told someone that he would return the money
2. – Answer : (B)
He is one boy. He told the one little story. This in a game he said.
- There was a boy telling me a short story, by telling his story in a game
3. – Answer : (B)
An International Alphabet would inevitably bring about a spelling reform, too.
And how many hot children's tears have not been shed on spelling!
- A statement that how many children do not shed tears spell an
international alphabet
4. – Answer : (B)
He then his mishap reported to the police, who are the thief intensively
- His misfortune was reported to the police in charge of searching
B. Look for literalisms in the following translations into English and
underline the words or phrases that do not sound natural in English. Suggest
a more idiomatic way of saying it. (All of these examples are from published
translated material. References are not given so as not to embarrass the
1.We offers as attractions horse trip or car by fields and forests. (Tourist
- We offer it as a horse or car travel attraction with fields and forests. (Tourist
2. To move the cabin push button of wishing floor. If cabin should enter more
persons, each one should press number of wishing floor. (Instructions in
- If you want to move the cabin press the button, if the cabin wants to enter many
people, each person must press the cabin number according to the desired floor.
(Elevator rregulation).
3. The archeological matters in Egypt indicated that princesses in those days
had used natural cosmetic to pole their beauty. (Newspaper)
- Archaeological News in Egypt said that Egyptian princesses had used natural
cosmetics to enhance beauty at that time. (Newspaper)
4. Since 1976, the women has joined the popular army, and has been
permitted to join the armed forces and to acquire an coua military rank.
Other laws have extended the mother's have before and after delivery, and
granted the mother an additional two-year leave to take care of her child
under four years of age. (Newspaper)
- Women have been permitted to join the military army with the post of coua, and
by increasing the right of the mother to care for her child under the age of 4 years
for 2 years.
5. A hold-up (robbery) took place of a motorcycle rider at Kampung early
yesterday morning. (Newspaper)
-There was a robbery at the dirty cyclist yesterday morning.
6. When you feel cold, because of the climate, or you feel something had in
your bones, please rub Param Kocok Super Kecil. Shake well the solution
before use. (Directions with medicine)
- Give a Super Little Beat Param if you feel cold and shiver to the bone as a
- Param Kocok Super Kecil
7. Guatemala City is always full of surprises. It has a delicious climate, for
reasons of its altitude-1500 meters-but not so high as to affect people from
low-lying areas. (Magazine of an airline)
- Guatemala city with a good climate with an altitude of 1500 meters always has a
surprise, with beautiful influence on people who come from the lowlands
- Altitude
8. Villagers spend most of their energies in producing corn and beans for
their families. Those are the principle products, including coffee, greens and
fruit. (Magazine of an airline)
- The production of villagers other than coffee, vegetables and fruit, is corn as the
main production. They are fully drained to produce it for their family.
C.Each of the following are sentences written by Sudanese who are not yet
fluent English speakers. The form used shows examples of how their mother-
tongue language structures have been carried over into English. The same
information is then given in parenthesis in idiomatic English. What changes
were made in correcting the English? These changes point out some of the
differences between Sudanese languages and English.
1. Sir, the problems of before don't forget. (Sir, please don't forget the problems
we discussed before.)
: The change is that the language used in brackets seems more formal and
2. If there is any means, send me a letter to Riwoto. (If there is any way to do so,
send a letter to me at Riwoto.)
: The change lies in the second sentence, even though it means the same thing,
but the second word is more polite and complete. What is most noticeable is
the "at" part of the second sentence.
3. I will think you time to time day and day. (I will be thinking about you often every
The first sentence, is too formal and is a bit standard to hear, while the
second sentence has changed the sentence better, so that we can already
capture its meaning according to everyday language style.
4. I am very grateful to inform you with this letter. (I am very happy to be able to
send/write you this letter.) 5. I am a man who has been to Juba for 15 years. (1
have now lived in Juba for 15 years.)
: The words in the first sentence are very standard, and also not neatly
arranged, until the second sentence is changed with words that are more
relaxed, but can be understood clearly.
5. I am a man who has been to Juba for 15 years. (1 have now lived in Juba for 15
: The words used in the first sentence are too convoluted in conveying their
meaning, but those contained in the second sentence, the words have changed
in the arrangement of the language, namely more simple, directed and easy
to understand, but the meaning remains the same.

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