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Step 5 - to make the final activity

Individual work

Luis Andrés Ramos

Group: 203058-46



Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2019 16-12

The following work is carried out as the final stage of the material, electromagnetic theory
and waves which collects all the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of the semester
in previous units to solve queries and exercises as part of the development and understanding
of the topics treated for its correct assimilation of the importance of the phenomenon and the
behavior of electromagnetic waves in different media taking into account their nature.

Application exercises:

For the development of the following exercises, keep in mind that GG corresponds to the
group number and CCC to the first 3 digits of the identification number.

An electromagnetic wave of f = 943 MHz is transmitted from the bottom of a ship to a

receiver located at p = 3 km deep. The wave is emitted with an advance angle of a =
(56) °. Determine the time it takes for the wave to reach the receiver.
For development, follow the steps below:
Calculate the tangent of losses Tan (δ).


First, the loss tangent is calculated according to the medium where the wave
is propagated as well. Inside the sea.
σ 4
tan ( δ )= = =0.95307
ωε 2 π∗943∗10 ∗80∗8.85∗10−12
tan ( δ )=0.95307
Which gives an angle of losing:
( δ )=tan−1 ( 0.95307 )=43.62°

Classify the behavior of the medium.

As we see it (Dissipative dielectrics.) With losses

Calculate the propagation parameters of the γ, α and β wave.

Taking into account the data acquired before and with the help of the table,
we can determine what.

γ = √ i∗ω∗μ∗μ0∗( σ +i∗ω∗ε )= √ i∗2∗π∗f∗μ r∗μ 0∗(σ +i∗2∗π∗f∗ε r∗ε 0 )

γ =48.6704+ 4.19692i

α =√ π∗f∗σ∗μ 0=48.6704 Np/m

β=i √ π∗f ∗σ∗μ0=4.19692i Rad /m

Calculate the propagation speed of the Vp wave.

ω 2 π∗f
vp= = =1. 4117∗10 9 m/ s
β 4 .19692 iRad /m

λ= =1 , 497 m
vp 1 . 4117∗1 09
fv= = =1061428
C0 1. 330

Refractive índex.

C0 1. 330 −8
η= = 7
=2 . 83∗10
vp 4 . 70∗1 0

Calculate the distance between the ship and the receiver d.

d=d 1+d 2

Applying Snell's law for non-magnetic means we express

Depending on the intrinsic impedance of the media..

The refractive index in water is n = 1.5

Knowing the angle of advance, you can calculate the angle
Of refraction ( senθr ).

senθr= senθi

Being the refractive index in water of 1.5

senθr= sen(56 ° )

θr=se n−1 ( 0.829 )=56 °

The angle of refraction is:56°

Replacing d=h2 tang θr + h1 tangθ i
d=3000 m∗tang ( 56 ° )=4447.6 m
Distance = 4447metros

Depending on Vp and d, the time t of the route is determined.

Be the initial point of the signal (s) and the point of reception of the signal
(p) we say that V1 is the travel speed of the wave to the receiver or
propagation speed (vp).
So =t
d 4447 m
t= = =3.15∗10−6 S
Vp 1.4117∗10 9 m/ s

t=3.15∗10−6 S

2- From an airplane, which is 1000 m high, a communication signal f =CCC MHz is

emitted to a submarine that is 1500 m deep, the angle of incidence of the signal
on the sea surface is a=(10+ ¿)° . Determine the time it takes for the signal to
reach the submarine.
For development, follow the following steps:

a. Calculate the distance between the plane and the point of incidence at sea d 1.
b. Calculate the velocity of propagation of the wave V p 1 in the air (V p 1=Co/n air).
c. Using Snell's Law, calculate the angle of refraction of the wave in the sea.
d. Calculate the distance between the point of incidence in the sea and the
e. Calculate the propagation speed of the wave V p 2at sea (it is V pfrom exercise
f. Based on V p 1 and d 1 determine the time t 1of the first path.
g. Based on V p 2 and d 2 determine the time t 2of the second path.
h. Calculate the total time of the route t=t 1+ t 2.

* From a plane, which is 1000 m high, a communication signal f = 943 MHz

is emitted to a submarine that is 1500 m deep, the angle of incidence of the
signal on the sea surface is a = (56) ° . Determine the time it takes for the
signal to reach the submarine.

-Calculate the distance between the plane and the point of incidence
at sea d_1.
Using trigonometry

d=d 1+d 2
Where: d 2=h 2 Tang θ r d 1=h1 Tangθi

Knowing the angle of incidence we can calculate the angle of refraction..

senθr= senθi

The index of refraction of air is 1 as well.

senθr= sen ( 56 ° )=0.552

θr=se n ( 0.552 ) =33.5°

Evaluating: d=1000m∗33.5° +1500 m∗56 ° =¿2885.7m


d 2 2885.7
Then we say that d 1= = =1.9238 m
d 1500
d 1=1.9238 m

Calculating the speed of propagation (vp1) in the air we have to..

C 0 3∗10 8 m/s
vp 1= = =795774.7
n 120 π Ω
Vp1=795774.7 m/s
2 π∗f
Vp2= =1 . 4117∗1 09 m/s
4 . 19692iRad /m

According to d1 and Vp1, we determine the time of the first route as well..

d1 1.9238
t 1= = =2.4175∗10−6 m/s
vp 1 795774.7

t 1=2.4175∗10−6 s

vp 2 1.4117∗109 m/ s
t 2= = =941133.3 s
d2 1500 m
t 2=941133.3 s
t T =t 1+ t 2

t T =2.4175∗10−6+ 941133.3=941133.3 s

The total time of the route is: 941133.3S

3-A lossless transmission line has a characteristic impedance of Z 0=50 Ω, a length of

L=1 m and is excited by a signal of f =200 MHz. The line is connected to an antenna
with load impedance Z L =(30+ j 45) Ω. Taking into account thatV p=3 x 10 m/s, calculate:

a. Wavelength λ ; (λ=V p /f ).
b. Electrical lengthl .
c. Input impedance Z¿ .
d. Reflection coefficient Γ (magnitude and phase).
f. Check the results c, d and e with the Smith 4.1 software.
g. Using the Smith 4.1 software, get an input impedance that is only real.


Vp 3∗108
λ= = =1.5 m(wavelength)
f 200∗106

b)l=¿ λ
now we find the reflection coefficient Γ
Z L−¿Z
Γ= 0
Z L −Z 0

30+ j 45−50 Ω
30+ j 45+ j50 Ω
−20+ j 45
80+ j 45
Γ =0.0504+ 0.5341i=¿ 0,53 < 27>

The transmission coefficient:

τ =1+ Γ=1.0504+0.5341 i=¿ 1,178< 84>

Γ =−0.25

Now we determine the input impedance Z¿

Since the relationship between the physical length (x) and the wavelength (λ) is equivalent to the
electrical length (l)
Z 2 cos (2 π l )+ j Z 1 sen(2 π l )
The equation is: Zi =Z 1
Z 1 cos ⁡(2 π l)+ j Z 2 sen(2 π l)

In terms of the tangent::

Z 2 + j Z1 Tang (2 π l)
Zi =Z 1
Z 1+ j Z 2 Tang (2 π l)

For the input impedance equation it remains..

30+ j(45)+ j ( 50 ) Tang (2 π l)
Zi =50 Ω
50+¿ ¿
(30+ j ( 45 ) )+ j ( 50 ) Tang (2 π∗1 .5)
Zi =50 Ω =163 , 1−22 , 9 i=164 . 6←8 , 0>¿
50+ j(30+ j ( 45 ) )Tang (2 π∗1 .5)

Zi =164,6←8,0>¿

e) VSWR-Standing Wave Ratio.

Standing wave
V max
V min

VSWR=1+ ¿−0,25∨ ¿ ¿
1−¿−0,25∨¿=0.6 ¿
We write (VSWR) based on ρ.
VSW R−1❑ 0,6−1
ρ= =¿ = -0,25
VSWR+1 0,6+1

The reflection coefficient between the line and the antenna is

Z antena −Z Linea 30+ j 45−50 −20− j 45
Γ linea− Antena= = = =−0.43−0.32i=0,53←143>¿
Z antena +Z Linea 30+ j 45+50 80+ j 45

Conclusion 1: -We determine how to address the exercises described in the
guide as an application of the topics discussed during the semester,
describing the behavior of magnetic waves depending on their variables and
how they propagate in various media.

Conclusion 2: -We analyze how the reflection distances in the propagation of

the propagated waves in two media such as air and water are determined
taking into account the angle of incidence and the loss coefficient.


Bibliography 1:

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