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Fly For Fun

Price: €70.00 (15 min. flight)

Quick Overview

Our shortest flight takes you over the city of Pokhara, Phewa lake, near Sarangkot hill, over the
Buddha monastery and the south side of the city.  This short flight at the speed of 50 km/hr to 90
km/hr will give you a panoramic view of the whole Annapurna Range with a view of another
8,000 miter peak – Dhaulagiri, in the distance.  The maximum altitude attained is 5,000 feet.

Appeals to flyers on a budget or for those who have a plane to catch for Kathmandu.

Trip Details

The flight takes you over the city of Pokhara, Fewa lake, near Sarangkot hill, over the Buddha
monastery and the south side of the city.  This flight gives you just a taste of freedom, leaving
you wanting more!  The speed of this flight ranges from 50 km/hr to 90 km/hr and gives you a
panoramic view of the whole Annapurna Range with views of another 8,000 meter peak –
Dhaulagiri, in the distance.  The maximum altitude attained is 5,000 feet.

This flight usually appeals to curious flyers that cannot turn down this unique opportunity, junior
flyers (at least 8 years of age) or travelers on a budget.

Airport Tax: ~200 Nrs (Nepali Rupees) – will be charged at the airport.

Glory of Mt. Fishtail

Price: €125.00  (30 min. flight)

Quick Overview

This flight of medium duration, takes you slightly higher and farther.  You’ll fly over the Tibetan
refugee camp and as far as Lamachour, on the northern part of the valley.  This flight takes you
as close to the Fish Tail mountain as its possible with the speed of 90 km/hr.  The view is simply

Many people that have flown on this trip have told us they felt the flight was too short and regret
they didn’t take the 1 hour flight.

Trip Details

This is by far our most popular flight. Imagine 30 minutes soaring through the sky over and
around the Pokhara Valley! You will fly over the Tibetan refugee camp and as far as Lamachour,
on the northern part of the valley as well as Fewa lake and other interesting sights.  Capture all of
your flight memories with your camera and without a window impairing your view or your
camera’s view.

This flight takes you close to the Mount Fishtail (Mt. Machhapuchhre) foothills with the speed of
approximately 90 km/hr.  The views are simply superb and the flight leaves you feeling

This flight appeals to the traveler who wants the best of both worlds; balancing cost with

Airport Tax: ~200 Nrs (Nepali Rupees) – will be charged at the airport.

Mountain Range Sky Trek

Price: €198.00  (60 min. flight)

Quick Overview

A memorable addition to any trip to Nepal.  This flight covers the whole Annapurna range with
the speed of 90 km/hr to 130 km/hr and the altitude of 12,000 ft.

This  absolutely astonishing flight is a must.

Trip Details

Pokhara is the perfect place to take this hour long flight.  You can fly around the city and through
the valley and eventually make your way to the edges of Mt. Fishtail (or Mt. Machhapuchhre). 
On this flight you are so close to the mountain it feels like you could practically wipe the snow
off the peak with your hand.  While flying through the air you can see 4 of Nepal’s 9 highest
peaks including Annapurna 1, Annapurna 2, Dhaulagiri, and Manasalu.  These are all over the
7900 meter mark.

The Mountain Range Sky Trek is a unique and unforgettable experience and adds that extra
special touch to your travel memories in Nepal.  This flight provides a great overview of the
Annapurna Range with speeds ranging from 90 km/hr to 130 km/hr and the highest altitude of
12,000 ft.  This relaxing and invigorating flight is a must.

This flight appeals to those seeking the ultimate adventure.  Photographers – aspiring and
professional – come year round to get closer to the mountains that not even trekking can provide.

Airport Tax: ~200 Nrs (Nepali Rupees) – will be charged at the airport.

Into The Heart of The Mountain

Price: €290.00  (90 min. flight)

Quick Overview

How about a flight on a fixed wing ultralight?  Our “Aeroprakt-22″ is capable of flying to places
comfortably where our microlights simply can’t.

Trip Details

Though our “Aeroprakt-22″ is available for our popular 30min and 60 min flights, it’s best
attraction is the 90 min “Into the heart of the mountain” flight which takes you deeper and closer
to the Himalayan giants than anything else while allowing ample time to enjoy the sights.

You’ll fly past remote mountain villages that even trekking will miss. The experience of being
surrounded by the Himalayas is a once in a lifetime experience.  Don’t mistake this for just a
mountain flight. This is you, the pilot and the mountains.  There are no tiny portals to impair
your view, no other passengers to distract you from what you see.  Passengers who’ve flown on
this flight described it simply as “Bliss”!

Airport Tax: ~200 Nrs (Nepali Rupees) – will be charged at the airport.

Paragliding Flights

Short Flight:
Price: $90.00 (25 min)

Long Flight:
Price: $130.00 (50 min)

The human kind always had a dream. Throughout history, constructing wings and balloons,
jumping of cliffs and building engines, humans always wanted to experience the same freedom
in the sky as the birds. Even today the dream of flying silently in the sky is realized by only a
select few. Paragliding, is a testament to human success in realizing this dream. Since it’s
inception, paragliding has spread all over the world as people searched for new places to explore
their new-found freedom and ability.

Paragliding in Nepal is a relatively new activity. The sport took root in Pokhara after companies
like Avia Club Nepal opened doors with the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal for airsport
activites. Realizing the benefit to local economy and tourism Microlighting, Hot Air Balooning,
Skydiving and Paragliding amongst other activities began to thrive in Pokhara.

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