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Nombre(s) y apellidos aprendiz 1: Jennifer Lissette Rodríguez Viloria

Ficha número: 1792951

Guía Actividad de aprendizaje 5. Fase de Planeación.

Evidencia 7: Dialogue: “Coordinating trucking”

Karol: hello, rose. How are you?

Rose: Very well, Karol. How are you doing?

Karol: Fine, thanks. So, for what day have you booked flight of the boxes of the client MPG?.

Rose: What is the Bill of Lading number?

Karol: off course, 54632178

Rose: The flight leaves London on the 14th of march at 10:00 a.m. and arrive in Amsterdam at

Karol: the client prefer to send hers products through trucks. They are big, fast, safe and
accessible. we have a contact than moves the boxes of the airport to the warehouse.

Rose: Yes, that sounds great. So why don't you write me an email with the indication?

Karol: Yes, okay, I’ll do that.

Rose: Thank you.

Karol: Bye – bye.

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