Bushfire Resource Book

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Figure 1.

1: A bushfire can
have major impacts on natural
and human environments

c1 What is a
Fire is a natural part of our environment. It has shaped the landscape through natural
ignition (lightning) and indigenous burning practices for thousands of years. Fire has
shaped Australia’s natural vegetation and has had an impact on human societies,
What is fire?
Fire is a high temperature, chemical
reaction which releases energy as heat
and light. Another word often used to
describe this process is combustion. For
combustion to occur, fuel, heat and
beginning with Indigenous Australians and continuing through European settlement to oxygen must be present and interact. This
the present. Victoria is one of the most bushfire-prone areas in the world. Having is often referred to as the ‘fire triangle’
knowledge of fire, its causes, behavior and impact on the natural and human and can be seen in figure 1.2. If one of
environment, will help individuals and communities to be prepared in the event of a these components is removed the
bushfires. This knowledge will help people to plan and adopt ways of living with fire in combustion process cannot continue.
the Australian environment.
Figure 1.2: The fire triangle
The materials that burn in a fire are called
fuel. Most materials will burn, although
Wildfire is a term adopted internationally to describe a fire which is burning out materials high in carbon and hydrogen,
of control in the open. The term bushfire has a long history in Australia and is such as paper and wood, combust more the flame will cease—however, glowing
commonly used by people to describe any fire—grass, scrub or forest—burning easily. A solid fuel will become drier as combustion or smouldering may continue.
out of control. heat causes moisture to evaporate. Heat
is required to start the chemical reaction In bushfires, solid fuel such as leaves,
of combustion. If there is enough heat, twigs, bark and trees—shown in
the fuel will begin to break down and give figure 1.3—break down under the
off a cloud of gas. It is this gas cloud influence of heat and produce combustible
which burns in the chemical reaction of gases which then burn. The hot,
combustion. For a fire to produce flames it combustible gases rise by convection,
requires oxygen. Without sufficient drawing in surrounding air and mixing it
oxygen the chemical reaction producing with the fuel gases.

8 What is a bushfire 9
Types of bushfires Figure 1.14: A grassfire

A bushfire is an unplanned vegetation fire

in grass, scrub and forest areas. The three
main types of bushfire are:

n ground fire
n surface fire
n crown fire.

Fires are often described in terms

of the environment in which they

Grassfires occur mainly on grazing,

farming or remote scrub country.
They can destroy fences, livestock Parts of a bushfire
and buildings and result in loss of
human life. Grassfires can travel at wind direction
speeds of up to 10 km/h but speeds
above 30 km/h have been recorded. heel, left flank
fire front
rear or
Forest fires Forest fires occur in
woodlands and forests, often in
head fire
isolated mountain environments.
Under certain weather conditions,
fires in Australian eucalypt forests right
cannot be stopped and often point
of origin
destroy homes and settlements
unburnt spot fires
which border such areas. Rapid pocket or island Figure 1.15: The parts of a
heating of forest fuels can create bushfire explained
tall flames which can flare up to
three times the height of the forest. Figure 1.16: The back of the
Clouds of dense smoke can hide bushfire can be seen in this
aerial photograph.
the fire front from both ground and
aerial observation. Severe forest
fires can produce large amounts of
embers and spread at speeds of up
to 16 km/h.

Figure 1.13: Characteristics of crown, surface

and ground fires

16 Bushfires What is a bushfire 17

Figure 1.17: Causes of Figure 1.18: Bushfires can be
26% lightning
bushfires in Victoria: 20 year caused by lightning
average 25% deliberate

16% agricultural escapes

10% campfires

7% cigarettes

6% unknown

3% machinery

2% prescribed burn escapes

1% public utilities

5% miscellaneous

How do bushfires start? extinguished. On average, around

1500 hectares of public land are burnt
Bushfires can be caused either naturally each year as a result of careless
or by the actions of people, either camping practices.
accidentally or deliberately. Although
n Burning off or agricultural burns: Figure 1.19: A damaged
lightning is a common cause of bushfires,
farmers may burn vegetation on their power pole with transformer
most are started by people. During
properties for a number of reasons
extreme bushfire weather any fire has the
including weed control, burning of crop
potential to be devastating. The causes of
debris and rubbish removal. Unattended
bushfires are shown in figure 1.17.
burns are most likely to ‘escape’ and
become bushfires. These fires cause
Natural causes
over 15 per cent of bushfires each year.
Lightning strikes are the cause of almost
n Equipment or machinery: any
all bushfires of natural origin. There are,
equipment or machinery that generates
on average, more fires started by
heat or sparks is a potential cause of
lightning than any other cause. On 7
bushfires. Examples include: chainsaws,
January 2003, lightning associated with
slashers, welders and exhausts from
thunderstorms across eastern Victoria
vehicles. Power lines, rubbing against
and southern NSW was responsible for
tree branches in high winds, can also
starting over 80 fires in Victoria and more
cause bushfires. On 7 February 2009,
than 40 fires in NSW and the ACT. The
five major bushfires were believed to
resulting Alpine Fires in Victoria burnt
have been started from failed electrical
over one million hectares.
assets such as conductors clashing or
contacting trees.
Human causes
n Deliberate: this category includes all Bushfires started by unusual events include:
All other bushfires on public land are
fires which are deliberately lit and
started as a result of human activity. Some
develop into bushfires. Examples n smouldering poultry feathers, blowing into the bush, burn 100 houses
examples of fires caused by people
include children playing with fire,
include the following: n a bulldozer blade striking a rock
farmers deliberately lighting fires
n Campfires: most of these fires start without necessary permits or fires lit n a man suffering a heart attack while smoking, drops his cigarette
when people leave campfires with intent to damage or destroy n an electrocuted bird smouldering on dry grass.
unattended or not properly property.

18 Bushfires What is a bushfire 19

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