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Computer Engineering

By: Levi Timothy


There are many high school students who are interested in the engineering field but do not know
which line of engineering to pursue. The field of computer/software engineering is in high
demand for new engineers. With the ever-growing need for technology it is easy to find a job
with a computer engineering degree. A computer is a person who specializes in the software and
hardware of a computer. This paper contains research to assist those high school students
preparing for college and help them decide if computer engineering is what they wish to pursue.
The type of research conducted was online research from articles, reports, and an interview with
a computer programmer for Snow College.

Keywords: Computer engineering, software engineering, hardware, software, college


This report is for the intended purpose of enlightening high school students of the possible career
choice of a computer engineer. High school juniors and seniors are given the pressure of
deciding what career field they want to pursue. Many students have the prospect of going into
engineering but do not have enough knowledge to know which engineering field interests them
the most. To those students this is report is to help provide some knowledge into one of the
possible engineering field to decide if this is a career field that may interest high school students
interested in planning their future.

There are parts of computer engineering that needs to be defined and elaborated on to explain
what it is and what an individual may do in this field. This report will cover what computer
engineering is, different parts and pieces associated with computer engineering, what the habits
and routines of computer engineers, and finally why someone would consider this field. Students
usually do not have all the information of a career and this report will attempt to give as much
information needed.


In an article posted by Field Engineer defines computer engineering as:

There are a great many ways to describe the computer engineering definition, but one of
the ways is a professional who has network, systems, and software engineering
experience. Computer engineering is also a term that can be used to describe a person
who has a background in electrical engineering. People who pride themselves on being
computer engineers are proficient in computer science, and they can also be involved in
hardware or software development. There are a variety of available degrees for computer
engineers, with access to many different IT areas. [2]

As stated, computer engineering is the profession of working on network, systems, hardware,

and software. This definition may bring up new questions; What is hardware and software, or
networks and systems?


There are many different areas within the computer engineering that an individual may specialize
in. These include hardware, software, and networks.


The hardware of a computer is the physical components such as the motherboard, processing
chip, monitor, etc. These parts of the computer keep it running and allow it to do its job properly.
After prolong use components wear down and need replacing. That is where a computer engineer
who specializes in hardware building and repairing comes in to get computers to work correctly
again. Many issues with computers involve the hardware which in turn may affect the software.


Software is the programming that tells the hardware what to do and how to properly work.
Software can break down and not preform the necessary functions because of the failure of the
hardware and even after hardware is fixed the software must be fixed as well. Software can do
many things such as connect other computers together in a system or network.


The systems of a computer are how the hardware and software are arranged for the computer to
preform different functions, and the network is the connection of two or more computer systems.


Computer engineering can also be considered in other careers and majors. Other majors that are
similar and receive training related are software, hardware, and electrical engineering. As well as
related to computer science and computer programming. All these fields are related for the fact
that they all are building and maintaining computers and the systems.


Computer engineers are people who design, test, program, and build electrical equipment that
connect to a network. According to Indeed career guide a computer engineer is:

Computer engineers design, test, implement and maintain computer software and
hardware systems. They ensure that both the physical hardware components and software
programming components work together smoothly for their clients. Some computer
engineers specialize in fields such as robotics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence,
mobile apps and operating systems. [1]

Computer engineers because of the wide range of abilities and knowledge they may do
something different for employers, but daily procedures are similar.


The daily habits and routine of computer engineers vary. According to Kim Christensen, who is
a computer programmer for Snow College, most of his day is spent learning how a new system
and software works to know how to implement it into the network and how to teach others how
to work the system [6]. The as a computer programmer for Snow College, Christensen, also
spends a majority of his day discussing with his co-workers and supervisor on a problem that has
risen that needs to be addressed and what the proper procedure should be. Most of a computer
engineers’ job is to find the solution to a problem regarding computers and programming. To
know how to solve the different situations that come up it takes time and patience to go through
the schooling that it takes.


After knowing what a computer engineer does it is good to know what it takes to become a
computer engineer. Individuals wanting to pursue the career field of computer engineering needs
to have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college.

According to an article by Patricia Pickett, the growth of online education and in-person boot
camps makes it easier to become a computer engineer without a formal degree [4]. This changes
how many people view the pursuit of this career as now easier and faster to work in this field.

In an article on Learn How to Become, it discusses the additional education that may be pursued
for computer engineering such as a masters or doctorate degree [3]. There also are special
certificates that may be received that contain additional information for the advantage of the
computer engineer.


There are many reasons to consider the career option of is the demand for computer engineers,
the average salary pay, and the technological advancements.


The demand of a certain individuals who have knowledge of computer engineering have resulted
in the hiring of said individuals by employers. Learn How to Become article says, ”With the
growing need for technological advancement, it should not come as a surprise that approximately
38 percent of all technological professionals work in computer engineering—hardware (27
percent) and software (11 percent)—according to CompTIA.”[3] This shows data proving that
the rise for the need for computer engineers is growing. With the growth to increase the incentive
to invite individuals to choose this field is the increase in pay.


Certain people are more interested in the numbers, more specifically the salary and pay that is
involved in this field. In an interactive article on Career Explorer give the average pay of
software/computer engineers of the bottom 20% makes around $55,236 per year, the median is
$92,824 per year, and the top 20% makes $155,991 [5]. This data is for the United States as a
whole. The average changes per state with examples from a list of the states organized by top
average pay on Career Explorer California engineers make $123,040, New York is $113,802,
Utah is $97,230, and Wyoming is $66,060 [5]. This data will affect where an engineer chooses to
search for work as to receive the most possible salary that they can.


In the current day of technological advancement there is technology that constantly needs to be
designed, programmed, built, and maintained. Pickett addresses this idea by saying:

Computer engineering is full of countless opportunities in the future for those who are
willing to do the work.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, one of the areas of growth for hardware
engineers will be with companies that build appliances, cars, trucks, and medical
equipment. Every year, more such items come embedded with computer chips, and
somebody has to design them.

The real growth, however, is in computer software, where job growth is expected to
outpace that of hardware engineers four times over. Health care-related fields, including
the insurance industry, need software designers who can create innovative computer
programs to manage their data.

In addition to the private sector, government institutions—including the military—need

hardware and software engineers to help build and maintain equipment. [4]

This helps explain the point that there are advancements in many fields not just one. The
advancements go from insurance companies to the medical field to the military. There will
always be a need for computer engineers. As Pickett said there will be an advancement and need
for software engineering that will allow the growth of this field to rise more than it has in the


In conclusion, computer engineers are individuals who receive a bachelor’s degree and have
knowledge in how to build, design, program, and maintain the different software and hardware
of a computer or different technology that may connect to a network of systems. Computer
engineering takes time, patience and self-discipline to become one. The outcome of choosing this
field will provide many benefits for the fact that it will be easier in searching for a job for the fact
that there is a demand for computer engineers.

WORK CITED Learn about being a computer engineer. Career Guide 2020 [accessed 2020 Feb
10] What is Computer engineering. Field Engineer 2020 [accessed 2020 Feb

3. How to become a computer engineer: Computer engineering degrees &

careers 2020 [accessed 2020 Feb 10]

4. Patricia Pickett Find out What It Takes to Become a Computer Engineer. The balance careers
September 30, 2019 [accessed 2020 Feb 10]
what- ittakes-to-become-a-computer-engineer-2071270

5.Sokanu Software engineer salary in Utah. Career Explorer 2018 [accessed 2020 Feb 10]

6.Kim Christensen. Personal interview, 2020 Jan 30

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