Instructions For The Exam

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1. The exam will be taken in two groups. Half and

half. Two different exams.
2. All people will need to login on Ding Talk like
they do normally. I will communicate with you
from here.
3. I will post in Ding Talk the files you need to
watch and listen.
4. Then, the first group will take the exam. The
exam will last 30 minutes. You will see the time
on the screen. I will close the exam after 30’.
5. For the exam you will have to go into
6. You have to login as a STUDENT
7. You have to enter to the Room
8. After that, You have to enter your NAME
9. You can present the exam only once.
10. You will receive your final score only. You
won’t know what answer were right or wrong.
You will know in the next class.
11. I reccomend you use a computer.
13. I will add to your final score your work of this month.

Green = Worked in class, this person tried and you could see his
effort. +10 points.
Yellow = Just so so. Needs to do a better work. + 0 points.
Red = Was not paying attention to class. Didn’t work. - 10 points.
Missing class = The person was not in class for any reason, even
if him/her was online. – 10 points.

Mateo 04/03/2020

MATEO = + 0
PEREZ + 10

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