Lockdown of Law Orders: Nama: Rahmat Hidayat Nim: L031191008

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Nama : Rahmat Hidayat

Nim : L031191008

Lockdown of Law Orders

Let's look at the version of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Outrage. The Social
Distancing and Lockdown Policy is in this Act. Lockdown is a popular term, Quarantine is a
term that is in accordance with Law No. 6 of 2018. Italian lockdown, it means that Italy is
quarantined, isolated, kept away from general social traffic movements.

According to Law No. 6 of 2018, there are several Quarantine models. The main
requirement is the determination of the status of national health emergencies by the
Central Government, in this case the President, which is followed by the establishment of a
task force to take the necessary actions to deal with an epidemic.

Regarding this matter, the Government has announced the COVID-19 National Emergency
until the end of May 2020. This is explained in Chapter IV on Public Health Emergencies in
Articles 10 to 14. Furthermore, the government implements policies or measures called
social distancing. This explanation is in article 49 of No. 6 of 2018, there are several types of
lockdown or quarantine, namely Home Quarantine, Regional Quarantine and Hospital

In articles 50, 51 and article 52 the quarantine of the house is explained. That a lockdown or
quarantine of a house is carried out only if an emergency occurs in one house. This
quarantine includes people, houses and conveyances used. People who are quarantined
cannot go out, but their needs are guaranteed by the stain

In articles 53, 54 and 55 of Law number 6 of 2018 explained the area quarantine or local
lockdown. This is also generally called lockdown in general. The conditions for implementing
lockdown include when there is widespread spread of disease among the people. In such a
situation closure must be made to deal with this outbreak.
Locked areas are marked with quarantine, guarded by security forces, members of the
community may not go in and out of restricted areas, and their basic needs must be met by
the government.

In articles 56, 57 and article 58 the Quarantine or Hospital lockdown is explained. This is
done if an outbreak can be confined to only one or several hospitals. Hospitals will be
demarcated and guarded by the authorities, and those who are quarantined will be
guaranteed their basic needs by the government.

Currently what the government is doing is a policy of social restrictions, aka large-scale
social distancing. This is regulated in article 59 of Law Number 6 of 2018. Large-scale social
restrictions are part of efforts to break the plague, by preventing large-scale social
interactions from people in an area.

At least what is done in large-scale social distancing situations is that schools and offices are
closed, religious events are restricted or large-scale activities are restricted.

This is actually still minimal. The government may close shops and malls, close
entertainment venues visited by many people, or any action aimed at preventing crowds
from gathering.

But people can still travel, to the office, to the market, to the mall, to the doctor, to the
hospital, even to certain events. It only depends on how strict the social restrictions are
made by the government. So in general social distancing still allows the spread of the virus
to occur because of the movement and human social traffic is still allowed.

In a COVID-19 situation like what is happening in Indonesia today, with victims who
continue to grow until even medical officers become victims should follow the law's order to
choose the regional Lockdown road. Is not In articles 53, 54 and 55 of Law number 6 of 2018
explained about the area quarantine or local lockdown.

Lockdown Procedure
If we refer to local lockdown requirements in the law it is clear, it has fulfilled the
requirements. Among them is the widespread spread of disease among people in an area.
For example in DKI Jakarta, the expansion of Covid-19 has already taken place, and is now
moving to spread even to other regions.

The question is how can the local lockdown procedure be done? Starting from the official
request of the regional head to the National Task Force, then the National Task Force
conveyed it to the Minister of Health then the Minister of Health conveyed to the President,
only then the President decided on the local Lockdown. So the main key is in the regional
head and in the Preregions Economic Arguments and Biopower Narratives?

The question is why the President does not want to do a lockdown? Only God and the
President know. The opening narrative is more visible in its economic interests. Among
them the value of the Rupiah is weakening. At present it is Rp.16,608 per US $. The
government's economic argument also needs to be criticized because the weakening of the
rupiah could be due to many factors, it could also be due to social distancing policies,
because this policy does not provide certainty when the spread of Covid-19 will end. The
Lockdown policy is much clearer to provide certainty. Narratively, from the government's
argument, economic affairs are more important than human lives. While the people
continue to fall affected by COVID-19.
The initial narrative of the power response to the COVID-19 pandemic did make us sad.
Challenging Harvard University researchers, joked Covid-19 did not enter Indonesia because
he was fond of eating cat rice, and planned to invite world citizens to visit Indonesia by
giving influencer assignments at a cost of 72 billion. It is difficult to close the analysis
opportunity which says it looks like a biopower, biopolitical narrative. This certainly makes
us sad. Victims now continue COVID-19

If this sad situation continues to occur, I am afraid that the conclusions of his analysis will
lead to what Michel Foucault in The History of Sexuality (1976) called a part of biopower.
Human life, human life is determined by the authority of subjective power. Even more
terrible if it leads to what Foucalt narrated as "diverse techniques for achieving the subject
of bodies and the control of populations".

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