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Creative Chinese Learning Themes


Unit 1 …………………………………………... Burgers or Chinese food?

Unit 2 …………………………………………... Coughing, Sneezing and a Fever

Unit 3 …………………………………………… Of course thereʼs food!

Unit 4 …………………………………………… The Taxi Mix-up

Unit 5 …………………………………………… Weekend Movies

Unit 6 …………………………………………… What? No Bathroom!

Unit 7 …………………………………………… Holiday Plans

Unit 8 ………………………………………….. The dog ate my schedule

Unit 9 …………………………………………… A strange shopping experience!

Unit 10 ………………………………………….. A Chinese Banquet

What is Creative Chinese?

Creative Chinese is a set of Chinese language learning materials designed

for students in Grades 6-9.

The program includes the following components:

1. Collaboration – Students work together with a ʻTalk Partnerʼ or in

small groups.

2. Authentic contexts – Whether it is talking to a friend on the phone,

or going shopping for a birthday gift, each situation is based on a
real-life context.

3. Interaction-based – All activities engage students in meaningful


4. Learning Contracts – Students are able to choose which activities

they want to complete. The Teacher is also able to designate
compulsory activities.

5. Learning Outcomes are defined at the beginning of each Unit of


Creative Chinese includes

• 10 Topics that are relevant to young adolescents


• Vocabulary Lists

• Role plays – Pinyin, tones, and characters

• Learning Contracts

• Manifesto (Rubric)

• Picture Talk Cards

How to use Creative Chinese

The Creative Chinese program is designed for teachers who want a highly-
motivational set of learning activities that will engage students in authentic
communication using Mandarin Chinese.


1. Print the materials for one Unit of work.

2. Choose the Learning Contract activities that

will be compulsory for all students. (mark
with a *) Decide how many activities you
want the students to complete.

3. Have a Paper Bag for each student.


1. Distribute a Paper Bag (label and materials) to each student.

2. In English introduce The SITUATION (e.g. Burgers or Chinese


Possible questions: What could this topic be about? Why would

someone have to choose between the two? Where do you think this
conversation will take place?

3. Students are asked to rehearse the Role-play in English. Encourage

students to use gestures and props.


4. Teacher models correct Chinese pronunciation of the Role-play –

either pre-recorded on iPods / live as a whole class.

5. Encourage students to guess at what each set of Chinese phrases

mean. It is not necessary for students to understand every single
word in Chinese at this stage.

6. Stop modeling of the Chinese conversation at the break (grey line)

7. Students form ʻTalk partnersʼ or ʻTalk Groupsʼ to rehearse the new

Role-play. Students are required to be animated and use appropriate
gestures while role-playing. The teacher will check for accurate
pronunciation by observing students role-playing.

1. The teacher may also assign an English Translator to each group to
translate the conversation into English, if required.

2. Continue with the same procedure for the next section of the Role-
play. Encourage students to use gestures and props to perform their

3. In subsequent lessons, students will rehearse the Role-play at the

beginning of each lesson, before working on the Learning Contract.


1. Students will use the PARTNER PRACTICE cards to rehearse new

vocabulary. The teacher will observe all students and assist with
correct and accurate pronunciation.

PARTNER PRACTICE cards – Suggested activities

- TRANS WHAT? One student says the Chinese word or phrase and
the other student translates into English.

- FINISH THIS! One student says the first word of a phrase and the
other student needs to finish the phrase.

- CLUELESS One student gives clues e.g. “I would say this if I was
certain of something”. The other student guesses the phrase from
the list.

- BEAT THE CLOCK – Give student groups a timer and time how long
it takes to read all the words on the list.

- SCRAMBLED – One student scrambles the words in a phrase and

the other student needs to say the phrase in the correct word-order.

- MEMORY – Students cut out the vocabulary and place the English
and Chinese in separate piles. Place face down in rows. Students
turn over two pieces at a time. If they match, and the student can say
the phrase in Chinese, he/she keeps the pieces.

- MUTED – One student “mouths” a vocabulary word or phrase (no

sound). The other student must guess the words from the
Vocabulary List, and say it in Chinese.

- CHARADES – One student mimes one of the Vocabulary words or

phrases. The other student must guess in Chinese the mimed word.


1. In the preparation stage, teachers need to designate the activities

that are compulsory on the Learning Contract handout, before

2. Distribute the Learning Contracts to each student.

3. Read each activity and be clear as to what is expected. Each activity

is a way students can demonstrate their learning.

4. Ask students to write the Due Date for the Learning activities to be
completed, on the handout.

5. Teachers may also offer extra credit to students completing more

than the required number of activities.

6. The Role-play performance is generally the culmination activity for

the Unit of Work. ALL students will perform the role-play in itsʼ
original form or students may change some details if required. This
activity is not included on the Learning Contract, but students need
to know that it will be their final assessment.

7. On the Learning Contract handout, students will check off the

activities they will complete.


1. All Learning Contract activities are passed up on a CD at the end of a


2. All students will be required to perform the Role-play as a final

speaking assessment.

3. The Rubric Manifesto will be an ongoing assessment of group skills

and participation during the Unit of Work.

4. Teachers may also like to include a written Vocabulary Test and/or a

Character writing Test to assess studentʼs ability to write the new


Burgers or Chinese food?

hàn bǎo hái shì zhōng guó cài
汉 堡 还 是 中 国 菜?

THE SITUATION: You meet a friend on the street, and decide to grab something
to eat together. Will it be burgers or Chinese food? How will you decide?

English Pinyin and Tones

A: Hi! Nǐ hǎo!
B: Hello! Long time no see! Nǐ hǎo! Hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn!
A: Hey, Are you hungry? Hēi! Nǐ è ma?
B: Yes. Letʼs go eat. Shì de, wǒ men qù chī diǎn dōng xī
A: Over there is a Burger place. Nà lǐ yǒu jiā hàn bǎo diàn.
B: Hey, Are they good burgers? E… tā men jiā de hàn bǎo hǎo chī
A: Of course. Dāng rán!
A and B walk over to the Burger Joint. They look inside. It is crowded and
there are no free tables.
B: Wow! Itʼs crowded! Wā, hǎo duō rén ā!
A: Ok. Letʼs go to that Chinese Hǎo ba, wǒ men qù nà biān de zhōng
restaurant over there. cān guǎn ba.
B. Wonderful! I love Chinese food. Tài hǎo le! Wǒ xǐ huan zhōng guó cài.
A: I think I will have a big bowl of Wǒ xiǎng yào yí dà wǎn miàn tiáo, nǐ
noodles. What do you want to eat? xiǎng chī shén me?
B: My favorite Chinese food is roast Wǒ zuì xǐ huān de zhōng guó shí wù
duck. Yum! shì kǎo yā. Hǎo chī!
A: Can you eat with chopsticks? Nà nǐ huì yòng kuài zi ma?
B: Of course. Letʼs go! Dāng rán, wǒ men zǒu ba!
A and B enter the restaurant

English Chinese Characters
A: Hi! 你好!
B: Hello! Long time no see! 你好,好久不见!
A: Hey, Are you hungry? 嗨!你饿吗?
B: Yes. Letʼs go eat. 是的,我们去吃点东西吧!
A: Over there is a Burger place. 那里有家汉堡店。
B: Hey, Are they good burgers? 呃.. 他们家的汉堡好吃吗?
A: Of course. 当然。
A and B walk over to the Burger Joint. They look inside. It is crowded and
there are no free tables.
B: Wow! Itʼs crowded! 哇,好多人啊!
A: Ok. Letʼs go to that Chinese 好吧,那我们去那边的中餐馆吧!
restaurant over there.
B. Wonderful! I love Chinese food. 太好了!我喜欢中国菜。
A: I think I will have a big bowl of 我想要一大碗面条,你想吃什么?
noodles. What do you want to eat?
B: My favorite Chinese food is roast 我最喜欢的中国食物是烤鸭,好吃!
duck. Yum!
A: Can you use chopsticks? 那你会用筷子吗?
B: Of course. Letʼs go! 当然,我们走吧!
A and B enter the restaurant


hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn

Long time no see: 好 久 不 见
Hungry: 饿
wǒ men qù chī diǎn dōng xī ba
Letʼs go eat: 我 们 去 吃 点 东 西 吧
zài nà li
Over there: 在 那 里
hàn bǎo diàn
Burger place: 汉 堡 店
hǎo chī ma
Does it taste good?: 好 吃 吗 ?
dāng rán
Of course: 当 然
tài jǐ le
Itʼs crowded!: 太 挤 了 !
wǒ men qù nà jiā cān guǎn ba
Letʼs go to that restaurant: 我 们 去 那 家 餐 馆 吧
tài hǎo le
Wonderful: 太 好 了
wǒ xǐ huan
I love: 我 喜 欢
zhōng guó cài
Chinese food: 中 国 菜
wǒ xiǎng
I think: 我 想
dà wǎn
Big bowl: 大 碗
miàn tiáo
Noodles: 面 条
nǐ xiǎng chī shén me
What do you want to eat?: 你 想 吃 什 么 ?
wǒ zuì xǐ huan
My favorite: 我 最 喜 欢
kǎo yā
Roast duck: 烤 鸭
hǎo chī
Yummy: 好 吃 !
nǐ huì yòng
Can you use?: 你 会 用 …?

Learning Contract

Unit 1 – Burger or Chinese food?

NAME: _________________________________ GRADE: ______

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment on ___________________________.

• = Compulsory activity

1. Create a Podcast of the Role-play BUT change the type of food you are
choosing from and the reason why you donʼt go to the first restaurant.
Burn the Podcast onto a CD.
2. Conduct a Survey of your classmate’s food likes and dislikes. Research
the name for at least 10 different foods to include in your Survey. Use
Chinese ONLY to conduct the Survey. Present the Survey results on a
chart labeled in Chinese.
3. Write a short Diary entry of the Role-play events, using Chinese
characters and pinyin/tones.
4. Create a Cartoon depicting the events of the Role-play. All Dialogue
needs to be written in Pinyin and tones. Give your finished Cartoon to a
friend to translate (WITHOUT any outside help)
5. Make a Poster of your favorite foods. Label in Chinese and prepare a 30
second talk to the class about your favorite foods.
6. Research 15 new food words in Chinese. Create a Mini-Dictionary.
7. Using the Chinese character version of the Role-play, cut out each
Chinese sentence. Scramble the pieces and give them to a friend to re-
assemble in the correct order.
dāng rán
8. Compose 5 new sentences that you could answer 当 然 .

9. Write a Rap using at least 10 of the Vocabulary words. Record the Rap
and burn onto a CD.

10. Conduct a Vocabulary Test with a friend. Say the pinyin and your friend will
write the English meaning.



Coughing, Sneezing and a Fever

k é sou d ǎ pēn t i f ā shāo l e
咳 嗽 ,打 喷 嚏 , 发 烧 了

THE SITUATION: You wake up on a school day and have the following
symptoms – coughing, sneezing, and a fever. You tell your friend and she /he
calls the Doctor. Guess who else is not feeling well?

English Pinyin and Tones

A: Hey! Get up. You have to go to Hēi, qǐ chuáng lā, gāi qù shàng xué
school. le.
B: Oh No! I donʼt feel well. āi yō,bú qù! Wǒ gǎn jué bù shū fu.
A: Whatʼs wrong? Zěn me le?
B: My throat hurts. I have a cough! Wǒ sǎng zi téng, hái ké sòu
A: You probably have a cold. (phone Nǐ kě néng gǎn mào le.
B: Oh, Wait a minute. Itʼs the phone! ò, děng yí xià, lái diàn huà le!
B goes to answer the phone and A lays back down on the bed.
B: It was your classmate on the Shì nǐ tóng xué dǎ lái de diàn huà.
A: What did he/she say? Tā shuō shén me?
B: He said he/she is sick. He/she Tā shuō tā shēng bìng le, jīn tiān yě
canʼt go to school today either. bù néng qù xué xiào le.
A: Ohhhh, My throat hurts. I have a āi yō… wǒ sǎng zi téng, hái ké sòu
B: Let me take your temperature. Ràng wǒ liáng yī xià nǐ de tǐ wēn.
A: I feel uncomfortable! Wǒ gǎn jué bù shū fu!
B: Oh no. Its 100 degrees. You have āi yā, yì bǎi dù. Nǐ fā shāo le, wǒ
a fever. I will call the Doctor right xiàn zài jiù dǎ diàn huà jiào yī
now. shēng.
A: (moans) I want to sleep! wǒ xiǎng shuì jiào

English Chinese Characters
A: Hey! Get up. You have to go to 嗨!起床啦,该去上学了。
B: Oh No! I donʼt feel well. 哎哟,不去!我感觉不舒服。
A: Whatʼs wrong? 怎么了?
B: My throat hurts. I have a cough! 我嗓子疼,还咳嗽!
A: You probably have a cold.(phone 你可能感冒了。
B: Oh, Wait a minute. Itʼs the phone! 哦,等一下,来电话了!
B goes to answer the phone and A lays back down on the bed.
B: It was your classmate on the 是你同学打来的电话。
A: What did he/she say? 他/她说什么?
B: He said he/she is sick. He/she 他说他生病了,今天也不能去学校
canʼt go to school today either. 了。
A: Ohhhh, My throat hurts. I have a 哎哟…我嗓子疼,还咳嗽!
B: Let me take your temperature. 让我量一下你的体温。
A: I feel uncomfortable! 我感觉不舒服!
B: Oh no. Its 100 degrees. You have 哎呀!一百度,你发烧了。
a fever. 我现在就打电话叫医生。
I want to call the Doctor right now.
A: (moans) I want to sleep! 我想睡觉!


qǐ chuáng
Get up: 起 床
qù shàng xué
Go to school: 去 上 学
gǎn jué bù shū fu
Donʼt feel well: 感 觉 不 舒 服
zěn me le
Whatʼs wrong: 怎 么 了
sǎng zi
throat: 嗓 子
hurts: 疼
ké sou
cough: 咳 嗽
kě néng
probably: 可 能
gǎn mào
Have a cold: 感 冒
děng yī xià
Wait a minute: 等 一 下
diàn huà
telephone: 电 话
tóng xué
classmate: 同 学
sick: 病
bù néng
canʼt: 不 能

either: 也
liáng tǐ wēn
take temperature: 量 体 温

degrees: 度
nǐ fā shāo le
You have a fever: 你 发 烧 了
xiàn zài
right now: 现 在
yī shēng
Doctor: 医 生

Learning Contract

Unit 2 – Coughing, Sneezing, and a Fever

• = Compulsory activity

NAME: _________________________________ GRADE: ______

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

1. Research common ailments and create a Mini-Book of symptoms. Use at

least 15 Chinese characters and pinyin.

2. Re-write the Role-play script in pinyin. Change the symptoms to a

headache and a stomach ache; also NO temperature.

3. Create a Radio Show Podcast between a Doctor and a caller. The caller
has a cough and a sore throat. The Doctor thinks the caller has a cold,
and suggests he/she sleep it off.

4. Write a short note to a teacher explaining why sickness has kept you
home from school. (Chinese characters)

5. Create a TV ad for a new medicine that will help stop coughing, sneezing,
and reduce a fever. Produce the TV ad with a camera and edit in iMovie.
Burn the TV ad onto a DVD.
děng yī xià
6. Think of 5 different situations where you could use 等 一 下 . Record how
you would use this phrase in spoken Chinese. Record examples and burn
to a CD.

7. Give a Vocabulary Test to a friend. Say the Chinese and your friend will
write the English translation. (Practice beforehand)

8. Draw a thermometer and label a range of body temperatures (10 different

temperatures using Chinese characters)

9. Say all pinyin vocabulary and ask your friend to translate to English.

10. Write and perform a Rap using at least 12 Vocabulary words. Burn the
Rap onto a CD.



Of course thereʼs food!

nà li dāng rán yǒu shí wù
那里 当 然 有 食 物

THE SITUATION: Youʼve had a busy day. You are tired and the phone rings!
Your friend wants you to go out, but you are not sure.
What will sway you to change your mind?

English Pinyin and Tones

A: Hello! (on the phone) Wéi!
B: Oh Hi, Whatʼs up? Wéi, nǐ hǎo, zuì jìn zěn me yàng?
A: Do you have some free time Nǐ jīn tiān wǎn shang yǒu kòng ma?
B: Whatʼs up? shén me shì?
A: Tonight, my favorite Jīn tiān wǎn shang yǒu wǒ zuì xǐ huān de
basketball team is playing. lán qiú duì de bǐ sài.
B: Really? What time? Zhēn de ma? Jǐ diǎn?
A: 7:30pm. Letʼs go together, Wǎn shang qī diǎn bàn, wǒ men yi qǐ qù,
ok? zěn me yàng?
B feels like staying home and watching TV. He yawns!
B: Iʼm feeling tired! Kě shì wǒ lèi le!
A: You like basketball right? Nǐ xǐ huān lán qiú, bú shì ma?
B. Sure. But I am so tired! Dāng rán, dàn shì wǒ zhēn de hěn lèi!
A: Watching basketball is so Kàn qiú sài hěn hǎo wán de, gēn wǒ lái ba!
much fun. Come with me!
B: Is there food there? Yǒu chī de ma?
A: Of course! Hamburgers, Hot Dāng rán! Hàn bǎo, rè gǒu, sān míng zhì.
Dogs, Sandwiches. I will even Wǒ hái huì gěi nǐ mǎi qì shuǐ, hǎo bù hǎo?
buy you a soda, ok?
B: Ok. Thanks. See you at Hǎo ba xiè xie! Qī diǎn bàn jiàn.
A: Sure. Bye. Hǎo, zài jiàn!
A and B hang up the phone.

English Chinese Characters
A: Hello! (on the phone) 喂!
B: Oh Hi, Whatʼs up? 喂,你好,最近怎么样?
A: Do you have some free time 你今天晚上有空吗?
B: Whatʼs up? 什么事?
A: Tonight, my favorite basketball 今天晚上有我最喜欢的篮球队的比
team is playing. 赛。
B: Really? What time? 真的吗?几点?
A: 7:30pm. Letʼs go together, ok? 晚上七点半。我们一起去,怎么样?
B feels like staying home and watching TV. He yawns!
B: Iʼm tired! 可是我累了!
A: You like basketball right? 你喜欢篮球,不是吗?
B. Sure. But I am so tired! 当然,但是我真的很累!
A: Watching basketball is so much 看球赛很好玩的,跟我来吧!
fun. Come with me!
B: Will there be food? 有吃的吗?
A: Of course! Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, 当然!汉堡,热狗,三明治, 我还会
Sandwiches. I will even buy you a 给你买汽水,好不好?
soda, ok?
B: Ok. Thanks. See you at 7:30pm. 好吧,谢谢!七点半见。
A: Sure. Bye. 好,再见!
A and B hang up the phone.


zuì jìn zěn me yàng

Whatʼs up?: 最 近 怎 么 样 ?
wèi shén me
why: 为 什 么
jīn wǎn
tonight: 今 晚
zuì xǐ huan de
favorite: 最 喜 欢 的
lán qiú duì
basketball team: 篮 球 队
zhēn de ma
really: 真 的 吗
jǐ diǎn
what time?: 几 点 ?
yī qǐ
together: 一 起
tired: 累
dàn shì
but: 但 是
fēi cháng
very: 非 常
hǎo wán
fun: 好 玩
hé wǒ yī qǐ qù
Go with me: 和 我 一 起 去
dāng rán
of course: 当 然
hàn bǎo bāo
hamburgers: 汉 堡 包 )
sān míng zhì
sandwiches: 三 明 治
rè gǒu
hot dogs: 热 狗
qì shuǐ
soda: 汽 水

Learning Contract

Unit 3 – Of course thereʼs food!

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

• = compulsory activity

1. Create a Survey to determine your classʼ favorite sports. Conduct the

Sports Survey in Chinese and record your results in a Word document.

2. Brainstorm 10 reasons why you may not want to go to a basketball game.

Research the Chinese pinyin for each reason, and record your answers using
Audacity. Burn onto a CD.

3. Choose any 5 times during the day. Create a cartoon strip of your daily
routine and label your activities with the time and activity in Chinese
hé wǒ yī
4. Write a Rap about sports you like, and use the Chinese phrase for 和 我 一
qǐ qù
起 去 (“go with me”) in each line.

5. Write a short Diary entry (pinyin or characters) about the events of the

6. Create your own telephone conversation about trying to convince your

friend to see a movie.

7. Make a list of the 10 most likely foods to have at a basketball game. Design
a Poster with images and Chinese characters.

8. Think of 5 more leisure activities (TV watching, listening to music etc.,) and
create a spoken TV ad in Chinese to encourage people to do things that are
“So much fun”. (see Vocabulary list)
dàn shì
9. Think up 7 sentences with the Chinese word for but: 但 是
(“but”) in them. Record the sentences as a comedy skit and burn it onto a

10. With a partner, say the Chinese Vocabulary words, and ask your partner
to write the English translation.



Taxi Mix-up
chū zū chē hùn luàn
出 租 车 混 乱

THE SITUATION: You are visiting China, and catching a flight to Nanjing. You
accidentally arrive at the International section of the airport. Will you arrive at the
correct destination in time?

English Pinyin and Tones

Traveler: Hi! hāi
Driver: Hello! Where to? nín hǎo !qù nǎ lǐ ?
Traveler: To the Domestic Airport, guó nèi jī chǎng。
Driver: Ok. What time does your hǎo de。nǐ de fēijī shén me
plane depart? shí hòu qǐ fēi (lí kāi) ?
sān diǎn shí wǔ fēn 。wǒ men yǒu
Traveler: 3:15. We have plenty of chōng zú de shí jiān 。
Driver: Ok. hǎo de 。
The traveler sits back and relaxes, as the driver enters the freeway.
Driver: We are almost there! wǒ men jiù kuài dào le!
Traveler: Great. I am looking tài hǎo le。wǒ qī dài zhe cān guān
forward to visiting Nanjing. nán jīng 。
Driver: Is it your first time there? zhè shì nǐ dì yī cì qù nàr ma?
Traveler: Yes. shì de 。
Driver: Here we are. wǒ men dào le 。
Traveler: Oh No! You have taken à, bú duì! wǒ men shì zài guó jì jī
me to the International Airport. chǎng 。

Driver: What! Oh, I am sorry. Itʼs my shén me!ō ,duì bù qǐ 。shì wǒ de

fault. We can still make it. cuò。wǒ men hái kě yǐ gǎn shàng.

Traveler: Quickly. I will be late. kuài diǎn。wǒ yào chí dào le 。

Driver: Ok. Ok. Ai ya! hǎo de。hǎo de 。āi yɑ !
Traveler exits taxi and runs to the Terminal, just in time for his/her flight

English Chinese Characters
Traveler: Hi! 嗨
Driver: Hello! Where to? 国内机场。
Traveler: To the Domestic Airport, 请去国内机场。
Driver: Ok. What time does your 好的。你的飞机什么时候起飞 ?
plane depart?
Traveler: 3:15. We have plenty of 三点十五分。我们有充足的时间。
Driver: Ok. 好的。
The traveler sits back and relaxes, as the driver enters the freeway.

Driver: We are almost there! 我们就快到了!

Traveler: Great. I am looking 太好了。我期待着参观南京。
forward to visiting Nanjing.

Driver: Is it your first time there? 这是你第一次去那吗?

Traveler: Yes. 是的。
Driver: Here we are. 我们到了。
Traveler: Oh No! We are at the 啊!不对!我们是在国际机场。
International Airport.

Driver: What! Oh, I am sorry. Itʼs my 什么!噢,对不起。是我的错。我们

fault. We can still make it. 还可以赶上。

Traveler: Quickly. I will be late. 快点。我要迟到了。

Driver: Ok. Ok. Ai ya! 好的。好的。哎呀!
Traveler exits taxi and runs to the Terminal, just in time for his/her flight.


Where are you going? : nǐ yào qù nǎ lǐ ?

你 要 去 哪 里?

domestic: guó nèi de

国 内 的

International: guó jì de
国 际 的

airport: jī chǎng
机 场

please: qǐng

What time: shén me shí jiān

 什 么 时 间

depart: lí kāi,chū fā
离 开, 出 发

plenty of time: chōng zú de shí jiān

充 足 的 时 间

almost: chà bù duō

差 不 多

arrived: dào dá
到 达

visiting: fǎng wèn

 访 问

Nanjing: nán jīng

南 京

what: shén me
 什 么

Itʼs my fault: zhè shì wǒ de cuò

这 是 我的错

still: hái shì

 还 是

quickly kuài

Learning Contract

Unit 4 – Taxi Mix-up

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

• = compulsory activity

1. Choose any 5 school activities / lessons and plan a ʻWhen is it?ʼ

conversation with a partner.

2. Use: zhè shì wǒ de cuò

这 是 我 的 错 (ʻOh no, Sorry itʼs my faultʼ) in 3 different situations.
Record three situations you could use this phrase in Chinese.

3. Research flights on Air China online:

Create your own Schedule using Chinese characters. Include days, times
and locations in the Schedule.

4. Find a Beijing airport map online: http://www.beijing- Record directions in Chinese for a
tourist to get from the International Airport to a popular hotel.

5. Use Google Maps to determine the best taxi route from Shanghai Airport
to the Hilton Hotel. Rewrite the Role-play to include this information. This
time you wonʼt get lost!

6. You are a taxi driver in Beijing - Brainstorm 5 questions you would ask a
visitor you picked up from the airport.

7. Research different forms of transport. Make a schedule to travel to 5

different locations in China using 5 different forms of transport. Create a
detailed schedule including, day, time and form of transport. (Word doc.)

8. Design a Taxi cab ID card. Include at least 5 pieces of relevant information

on the Card. (Chinese characters)

9. You are staying in a Chinese hotel of your choice, and need to book a taxi
to take you to the city Domestic Airport. Rehearse a conversation with the
Hotel Lobby customer service rep in Chinese. Include a map of the route
in your conversation. Record the conversation on a CD.

10. Test your Talk Partner using all the Vocabulary words. Say the English
and your partner will say the Chinese translation.



Weekend Movies
zhōu m ò yǐng xùn
周 末 影 讯

THE SITUATION: Your friend has two free tickets to a movie. But which movie
will you see and why doesnʼt he/she like horror movies?

English Pinyin and Tones

A: What are you doing this Nǐ zhè ge zhōu mò dǎ suan zuò
weekend? shén me?
B: Probably just watching TV. Kě néng huì kàn diàn shì ba!
A: Why donʼt we go see a movie? I Nà wǒ men qù kàn diàn yǐng ba! Wǒ
have two free tickets. yǒu liǎng zhāng miǎn fèi piào.
B: Wow! Really? Free? Wā, zhēn de? Miǎn fèi de?
A: Sure. What movies do you like? Dāng ràn, nǐ xǐ huān kàn shén me
diàn yǐng?
B: Hmmm…Let me think. èn…ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng.
B takes out his iPod and they search movie listings.
A: Oh look there is a horror movie. Qiáo, yǒu chǎng kǒng bù piàn.
B: I like horror movies too. Wǒ yě xǐ huān kǒng bù piàn.
A: Sometimes they give me Dàn shì kàn kǒng bù piàn wǒ yǒu
nightmares! shí hòu huì zuò è mèng, zhēn tàn
Detective movies are also exciting! piàn yě tǐng cì jī de.
B: Yes. Find a detective movie we Duì, zhǎo gè zhēn tàn piàn kàn.
can see.
A: Here is one. It starts at 6pm. Zhè lǐ yǒu yí gè, wǎn shang liù diǎn
kāi shǐ.
B: Great. It looks interesting. Tài hǎo le, zhè bù diàn yǐng kàn qǐ
lái hěn yǒu qù.
A: I will meet you out the front of the Nà wǒ men zài diàn yǐng yuàn qián
theater. Ok? jiàn miàn hǎo ma?
B: Thanks for the free tickets. xiè xie nǐ de miǎn fèi diàn yǐng piào,
See you tonight. wǎn shang jiàn.
A: Bye! Zài jiàn!
A and B exit to get ready for the movie.

English Chinese Characters
A: What are you doing this 你这个周末打算做什么?
B: Probably just watching TV. 可能会看电视吧!
A: Why donʼt we see a movie? I 那我们去看电影吧!我有两张免费
have two free tickets. 票。
B: Wow! Really? Free? 哇!真的?免费的?
A: Sure. What movies do you like? 当然,你喜欢看什么电影?
B: Hmmm…Let me think. 嗯…让我想一想。
B takes out his iPod and they search movie listings.
A: Oh look a horror movie is playing. 瞧,有场恐怖片。
B: I like horror movies too. 我也喜欢恐怖片。
A: Sometimes they give me 但是看恐怖片我有时候会做噩梦!侦
nightmares! Detective movies are 探片也挺刺激的。
also exciting!
B: Yes. Find a detective movie we 对,找个侦探片看。
can see.
A: Here is one. It starts at 6pm. 这里有一个,晚上六点开始。
B: Great. It looks interesting. 太好了,这部电影看起来很有趣。
A: I will meet you out the front of the 那我们在电影院前见面,好吗?
theater. Ok?
B: Thanks for the free tickets. 谢谢你的免费电影票,晚上见。
See you tonight.
A: Bye! 再见!
A and B exit to get ready for the movie.


zhōu mò
weekend: 周 末
kě néng
probably: 可 能

diàn yǐng
movie: 电 影
liǎng zhāng miǎn fèi piào
two free tickets: 两 张 免 费 票
zhēn de
really?: 真 的 ?

kǒng bù piàn
horror movie: 恐 怖 片
wǒ xǐ huan
I like: 我 喜 欢

too: 也

yǒu shí
sometimes: 有 时
è mèng
nightmares: 噩 梦
find: 找
zhēn tàn piàn
detective movie: 侦 探 片
wǒ jiāng huì zài hé nǐ jiàn miàn
I will meet you: 我 将 会 在 …和 你 见 面
qián mian
front: 前 面

Learning Contract

Unit 5 - Weekend Movies

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

• = compulsory activity

1. Use the question 你这个周末打算做什么? to create your own conversation

that results in you and your friend going to see a soccer game. Record the

2. List 5 types of movies in cartoon form. Label in Chinese characters. Read

the cartoon strip to a friend.
kě néng
3. Think of 8 situations you could use the phrase 可 能 (ʻprobablyʼ). Write a
ʻProbably Rapʼ and record on a CD.

4. Research location vocabulary – front, behind, next to, across from etc.,
Draw two friends on different locations on a map (in front of…behind…)
and label in Chinese. Ask a friend to describe their locations in Chinese.

5. Create a Card game using all Chinese Vocabulary in this Unit.

6. Make a 10 page Mini-Book using “Letʼs go watch” on each page.

7. Conduct a class Survey about likes and dislikes of movies. Use Chinese to
ask questions, and record the results using a graph. Label all information
in Chinese characters.

8. Research the top 10 movies showing in your movie theater. Categorize

each movie and write the type of movie using Chinese characters for each
movie. Include a Time schedule for each movie.

9. Re-write the Role-play (in shorten form) and insist that you want to see a
Horror Movie. Include reasons why you both MUST see that type of movie.
Record the new conversation onto a CD.

10. Brainstorm adjectives to describe movies – interesting, boring, scary, etc.,

Create a Poster of movies and label each one using a different descriptive
word in Chinese. Discuss the Poster with your Talk Partner. Record the
discussion in a Podcast.



What? No Bathroom!
shén me méi yǒu xǐ shǒu jiān
什 么! 没 有 洗 手 间 ?

THE SITUATION: You have an Exchange student from China staying with you.
Show him/her around your house. What is the one room you forget to show

English Pinyin and Tones

A: Welcome! Welcome! Huān yíng! Huān yíng!
Guest: Thank you. I am happy to meet xiè xie. Hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ!
A: Firstly, let me show you around our Shǒu xiān, ràng wǒ dài nǐ kàn kan
house. wǒ men de jiā.
Guest: You speak Chinese very well. Nǐ de zhōng wén hěn hǎo.
A: Thanks. This is the kitchen. The xiè xie. Zhè lǐ shì chú fáng, bīng
fridge has food inside. Please help xiāng lǐ miàn yǒu shí wù, nǐ kě yǐ
yourself. suí yì chī.
Guest: You are too kind. Nǐ men zhēn shì tài hǎo le!
A: This is the bedroom. Here is your Zhè lǐ shì wò shì, zhè ge shì nǐ de
bed. chuáng.
Guest: This room is great! Zhè ge fáng jiān zhēn hǎo!
A and the Guest continue through the house.
A: Here is the Living room. You can Zhè lǐ shì kè tīng, nǐ kě yǐ zài zhè lǐ
watch TV in here. kàn diàn shì.
Guest: Oh, and the sofa looks very Wā, zhè shā fā kàn qǐ lái hěn shū
comfortable. fu.
A: Outside is our garden. Please make Wài miàn shì wǒ men de huā yuán.
yourself at home. Qǐng bié kè qi, jiù bǎ zhè lǐ dāng zì
jǐ jiā hǎo le.
Guest: Where is the toilet? Qǐng wèn xǐ shǒu jiān zài nǎ?
A: Oops, Sorry. Follow me. How could āi yā, zhēn bào qiàn. Gēn wǒ lái.
I forget the bathroom! Wǒ zěn me kě yǐ bǎ xǐ shǒu jiān gěi
wàng le ne?
Guest: Itʼs ok. I knew you must have a Méi guān xi. Wǒ jiù zhī dào nǐ men
bathroom….somewhere! yí dìng yǒu gè xǐ shǒu jiān…zài
mǒu gè dì fāng.
A and Guest go back to the bedroom to unpack.
English Chinese Characters

A: Welcome! Welcome! 欢迎!欢迎!
Guest: Thank you. I am happy to meet 谢谢,很高兴认识你!
A: Firstly, let me show you around our 首先,让我带你看看我们的家。
Guest: You speak Chinese very well. 你的中文很好。
A: Thanks. This is the kitchen. The 谢谢!这里是厨房,冰箱里面有食
fridge has food in it. Please help 物,你可以随意吃。
Guest: You are too kind. 你们真是太好了!
A: This is the bedroom. Here is your 这里是卧室,这个是你的床。
Guest: This room is great! 这个房间真好!
A and the Guest continue through the house.
A: Here is the Living room. You can 这里是客厅,你可以在这里看电
watch TV in here. 视。
Guest: Oh, and the sofa looks very 哇,这沙发看起来很舒服。
A: Outside is our garden. Please make 外面是我们的花园。请别客气,就
yourself at home. 把这里当自己家好了。
Guest: Where is the toilet? 请问洗手间在哪?
A: Oops, Sorry. Follow me. How could 哎呀,真抱歉。跟我来。我怎么可
I forget the bathroom! 以把洗手间给忘了呢!
Guest: Itʼs ok. I knew you must have a 没关系。我就知道你们一定有个洗
bathroom….somewhere! 手间…在某个地方!
A and Guest go back to the bedroom to unpack.


huān yíng
Welcome: 欢 迎

rèn shi nǐ
meet you: 认 识 你

gāo xìng
happy: 高 兴

shǒu xiān
firstly: 首 先

ràng wǒ
let me: 让 我

speak: 说

zhōng wén hàn yǔ

Chinese: 中 文 ( 汉 语 )

hěn hǎo
very well: 很 好

zhè shì
This is: 这 是

chú fáng
kitchen: 厨 房

bīng xiāng
fridge: 冰 箱

shí wù
food: 食 物

lǐ miàn
inside: 里 面

Please: 请

qǐng suí biàn chī

help yourself: 请 随 便 吃 )

nǐ men zhēn shì tài hǎo le
You are too kind: 你 们 真 是 太 好 了

wò shì
bedroom: 卧 室

zhè lǐ shì
Here is: 这 里 是

bed: 床

tài hǎole
great: 太 好 了

kè tīng
living room: 客 厅

kàn diàn shì

watch TV: 看 电 视

shā fā
sofa: 沙 发

shū fu
comfortable: 舒 服

wài miàn
outside: 外 面

huā yuán
garden: 花 园

bié kè qi
Please make yourself at home: 别 客 气

nǎ li
Where: 哪 里 ?

cè suǒ
toilet: 厕 所

xǐ shǒu jiān
bathroom : 洗 手 间

duì bu qǐ bào qiàn

sorry: 对 不 起 , 抱 歉

wàng le
forget: 忘 了

wǒ zěn me néng
How could I…: 我 怎 么 能 …

méi guān xi
Itʼs ok: 没 关 系

zhī dào
knew/know: 知 道

yí dìng yǒu
must have: 一 定 有

mǒu gè dì fāng
somewhere: 某 个 地 方

Learning Contract

Unit 6 – What? No Bathroom!

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

• = compulsory activity

1. Use Sketchup ( ) to create your own dream

home. Label each room using Chinese characters. Write a quick 30 second
description of the rooms in the house.

2. Create a Rap titled – ʻRooms of a Houseʼ. You may use the sentences from
the Role-play. Create a Podcast with lyrics, music and audio.

3. Imagine you are the Exchange visitor staying in the house. Create
questions you have about each room. Re-enact the Role-play and record a

4. Think of a different adjective to describe the rooms of a house. Make

Playing cards of Rooms and Adjectives. Match and say the words in Chinese.

5. Create a Cartoon strip of one activity you can do in each room. Use the
sentence 你可以在这里看电视 to label each cartoon.

6. Make a Poster of your own home. Label each room and take your Talk
Partner on a virtual tour of your home using Chinese.

7. Use a real or imaginary map and play a game called: “Where is the..?”

8. Cut out all Vocabulary words. With a Talk Partner sort the English, Pinyin,
and Chinese Characters. Create a Game to match all Vocabulary.
wǒ zěn me néng
9. Write 5 different sentences using: How could I…: 我 怎 么 能 …

10. Test your Talk Partner. Say the English Vocabulary and your partner will
write the Chinese pinyin translation. For any errors, your partner will write the
correct Chinese 3 times. Swap roles and repeat the test.



Holiday Plans
jià q ī j ì huà
假 期计 划

THE SITUATION: You are talking about your plans to visit China for your next
holiday. What will you send your friends from China?

English Pinyin and Tones

A: Holidays will soon be here! Jià qī hěn kuài jiù yào dào le!
B: Yay! Yē!
A: Do you have any plans for the Nǐ jià qī yǒu shén me jì huà ma?
B: My Mom has made plans to take Wǒ mā mā dǎ suan ( suàn) dài wǒ qù
me to China. zhōng guó.
A: Thatʼs wonderful. What places will Tài bàng le! Nǐ men huì qù nǎ xiē dì
you visit? fāng ne?
B: I especially want to see the Great Wǒ tè bié xiǎng qù cháng chéng hé zǐ
Wall and the Forbidden City. jìn chéng.
A: What about Tian An Men Square? Tiān ān mén guǎng chǎng ne?
B: Sorry. Iʼll be back in a minute. Dui bù qǐ , děng yī xià.
Bʼs cell phone rings. B excuses himself/herself and talks to someone on the
A: Who was that? Gāng cái shì shuí?
B: It was my Mom. She just told me Wǒ mā mā. Tā gāng gāng gào sù wǒ
we are also visiting my grandfather in wǒ men yě huì qù xī ān kàn wǒ yé yé,
Xi An and my uncle in Nanjing. qù nán jīng kàn wǒ shū shū.
A: How long are you going for? Nǐ yào qù duō jiǔ?
B: Just 13 days. Zhǐ yǒu shí sān tiān. Wǒ yī dìng huì
A: I will be sure to send you a gěi nǐ jì míng xìn piàn de.

B: Have a good trip. Zhù nǐ lǚ tú yú kuài.

English Chinese Characters
A: Holidays will soon be here! 假期很快就要到了!
B: Yay! 耶!
A: Do you have any plans for the 你假期有什么计划吗?
B: My Mom has made plans to take 我妈妈打算带我去中国。
me to China.
A: Thatʼs wonderful. What places will 太棒了!你们会去哪些地方呢?
you visit?
B: I especially want to see the Great 我特别想去长城和紫禁城。
Wall and the Forbidden City.
A: What about Tian An Men Square? 天安门广场呢?
B: Sorry. Iʼll be back in a minute. 对不起,等一下。
Bʼs cell phone rings. B excuses himself/herself and talks to someone on the
A: Who was that? 刚才是谁?
B: It was my Mom. She just told me 我妈妈。她刚刚告诉我,我们也会去
we are also visiting my grandfather in 西安看我爷爷,去南京看我叔叔。
Xi An, and my uncle in Nanjing.
A: How long are you going for? 你要去多久?
B: Just 13 days. I will be sure to send 只有十三天。我一定会给你寄明信片
you a Postcard. 的。
A: Have a good trip. 祝你旅途愉快。


jià qī
holidays: 假 期
jì huà
plans: 计 划

take: 带
zhōng guó
China: 中 国
dì fāng
places: 地 方
qí miào de jí hǎo de
wonderful: 奇 妙 的 ,极 好 的
cān guān
visit: 参 观
tè bié
especially: 特 别

cháng chéng
The Great Wall: 长 城
zǐ jìn chéng gù gōng
The Forbidden City: 紫 禁 城 (故 宫 )

tiān ān mén guǎng chǎng

Tian An Men Square: 天 安 门 广 场
nán jīng
Nan Jing: 南 京
duō jiǔ
how long: 多 久
just: 只
days: 天

sorry: 对 不 起

yé yé
grandfather: 爷 爷

shū shū
uncle: 叔 叔

wǒ yí dìng huì
I will certainly: 我 一 定 会 …)

mail: 寄

míng xìn piàn

postcard: 明 信 片

jí hǎo de
fantastic: 极 好 的

lǚ tú yú kuài
Have a good trip: 旅 途 愉 快

Learning Contract

Unit 7 – Holiday Plans

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

• = compulsory activity

1. Create a Postcard from China. Illustrate 3 famous landmarks and on the

back of the Postcard, give simple information of your visit to these

2. “I especially want to…” Conduct a survey of 10 classmates and find out

where they would especially like to visit when in China. Document the
results of your Survey in a short Podcast.

3. Create a set of super-sized stamps of 5 famous places in China. Label in

Chinese and write a 30 second talk to the class about the stamps.

4. Create a Mini-Book about a holiday you recently took.

duō jiǔ
5. Write and record a Rap with the words: how long: 多 久 and places in

6. Create a simple Board Game that includes all Vocabulary words and a
map of China. Play the game in Chinese with 3 friends.

7. Write and record a ʻVisit Chinaʼ Podcast. Include places to visit, ways to
get around, and tips for tourists. Use Audacity to record the Podcast and
burn onto a CD.

8. Create an Itinerary for your own visit to China. Research places you
especially want to visit, and using a Map of China present the short talk to
the class.

9. Say each new Vocabulary word in Chinese. Ask your Talk partner to draw
the word.

10. Make your own Family Tree in images and Chinese characters. Include
Uncle, Aunt, and Grandfather / Grandmother. Record a virtual introduction
to your family onto a CD.



The dog ate my schedule!

gǒu chī le wǒ de kè chéng biǎo
狗 吃 了我的课 程 表

THE SITUATION: Itʼs the beginning of the school year. Youʼve lost your daily
schedule and call your classmate to find out what classes you have tomorrow.

English Pinyin and Tones

A: Hello (phone) Wéi.
B: Hello. Whatʼs up? Wéi, shén me shì?
A: Iʼve lost my school schedule. Wǒ diū le wǒ de kè chéng biǎo, nǐ
Can you help me? néng bāng zhù wǒ ma?
B: Sure. You want tomorrowʼs Dāng rán. Nǐ xiǎng zhī dào míng
classes? tiān de kè?
A: Yes. Shì de.
B: Tomorrow, we have Math in the Míng tiān, wǒ men shàng wǔ yǒu
morning, and then after that a shù xué kè, zhī hòu yǒu yī jié dì lǐ
Geography class. kè.
A: What subjects are in the Xià wǔ yǒu shén me kè?
B: Wait a minute. Qǐng děng yí xià.
B walks over to his dog that has his school schedule in his mouth!
B: Bad dog! My dog was eating huài gǒu! Wǒ de gǒu gāng cái zài
my schedule! chī wǒ de kè chéng biǎo.
A: Thatʼs funny. Can you Zhēn yǒu qù. Nà nǐ hái jì de wǒ
remember what subjects we have men xià wǔ yǒu shén me kè ma?
in the afternoon?
B. Chemistry and PE, I think. Wǒ xiǎng shì huà xué hé tǐ yù.
A: Great. Going to the Library and Tài hǎo le! Wǒ zuì xǐ huān qù tú
PE are my favorite subjects. shū guǎn hé shàng tǐ yù kè le.
B: Me too. The Library is always Wǒ yě shì, tú shū guǎn zǒng shì
so quiet. nà me ān jìng.
A: Now, I have to go finish my Xiàn zài wǒ yào qù wán chéng wǒ
homework. de jiā tíng zuò yè.
B: Ok. See you tomorrow. Hǎo de, míng tiān jiàn.
A and B hang up the phone.

English Chinese characters
A: Hello (phone) 喂。
B: Hello. Whatʼs up? 喂,什么事?
A: Iʼve lost my Class schedule. 我丢了我的课程表,你能帮助我
Can you help me? 吗?
B: Sure. You want tomorrowʼs 当然。你想知道明天的课?
A: Yes. 是的。
B: Tomorrow, we have Math in 明天,我们上午有数学课,之后有
the morning, and then after that a 一节地理课。
Geography class.
A: What subjects are in the 下午有什么课?
B: Wait a minute. 请等一下。
B walks over to his dog that has his Class schedule in his mouth!
B: Bad dog! My dog was eating 坏狗!我的狗刚才在吃我的课程
my schedule! 表。
A: Thatʼs funny. Can you 真有趣。那你还记得我们下午有什
remember what subjects we have 么课吗?
in the afternoon?
B. Chemistry and PE, I think. 我想是化学和体育。
A: Great. Going to the Library and 太好了!我最喜欢去图书馆和上体
PE are my favorite subjects. 育课了。
B: Me too. The Library is always 我也是,图书馆总是那么安静。
so quiet.
A: Now, I have to go finish my 现在我要去完成我的家庭作业。
B: Ok. See you tomorrow. 好的,明天见。
A and B hang up the phone.


shén me shì
Whatʼs up?: 什 么 事 ?
diū le
lost: 丢 了
kè chéng biǎo
class schedule / timetable: 课 程 表

bāng zhù
help: 帮 助
míng tiān
tomorrow: 明 天

class/classes: 课

shù xué kè
math class: 数 学 课
zhī hòu
after: 之 后
dì lǐ kè
geography class: 地 理 课
zǎo shang
morning: 早 上
xià wǔ
afternoon: 下 午
kē mù
subject: 科 目
děng yí xià
wait a minute: 等 一 下

huài de
bad: 坏 的
dog: 狗

yǒu qù de
funny: 有 趣 的

jì de
remember: 记 得

tǐ yù
P.E: 体 育

huà xué
chemistry: 化 学

huā shí jiān

spending time: 花 时 间

tú shū guǎn
Library: 图 书 馆

zuì xǐ huan de
favorite: 最 喜 欢 的

wǒ yě shì
me too: 我 也 是

xiàn zài
now: 现 在

wán chéng
finish: 完 成

jiā tíng zuò yè

homework: 家 庭 作 业

míng tiān jiàn

see you tomorrow: 明 天 见

cháng cháng
always: 常 常

ān jìng
quiet: 安 静

Learning Contract

Unit 8 – The dog ate my Schedule!

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

• = Compulsory activity

1. Write a Rap using: 喂,什么事?Include at least 5 classes you study at

school in the Rap. Record the Rap and burn onto a CD.

2. Conduct a “Things I study at school” Interview with a classmate in

Chinese. Write the Questions you want to ask (in Chinese) and record
the answers on a “Class Schedule” Table.

3. Create a BINGO Game using at least 10 School Subjects. Play The

BINGO Game with 4 classmates in Chinese.

4. Use a Map of your school (drawn or real image) and label the different
rooms and areas. Conduct a virtual tour through the school and record
the Virtual Tour using Audacity.

5. Make a Cartoon strip titled: 我的……刚才在吃我的……. 真有趣!

Include 5 different animals and 5 different things they eat! Illustrate and
label using Chinese characters.

6. Conduct a Survey of your classmatesʼ favorite School Subject. Use

Chinese to ask the questions and record your findings in Chinese
characters on a Graph Poster.

7. Create a set of 5 Bumper Stickers that use 5 different Subjects and a

sentence about each one.

8. Design a Poster advertising your School in Chinese characters. Include

8 Subject areas and why students should study at your school.

9. Create a Mini-Comic story – “A Day in the Life of…” The Comic will
include times, activities of a typical school day for a 13 year-old student
at your school.

10. Develop and make a Matching Card Game using all new Vocabulary
words in this Unit of Work. (Characters and Pinyin and English)



A Strange Shopping Experience!

yī cì qí tè de gòu wù jīng lì
一次奇特的 购 物 经 历

THE SITUATION: You are shopping for a friendʼs birthday gift. New clothes seem
to be a good choice. But will your friend be of any help on this shopping trip?

English Pinyin and Tones

A: Wow! This store is packed with Wā! Zhè jiā diàn yǒu hǎo duō
clothes! yī fu!
B: I think our classmate would love Wǒ xiǎng wǒ men tóng xué
some new clothes for his birthday. yīng gāi xiǎng yào zài tā shēng
rì de shí hòu dé dào yī xiē xīn
yī fu.
A: What about this shirt? Zhè jiàn chèn yī zěn me yàng?
B: No. Heʼs short. That would not Bù hǎo, tā zhǎng de ǎi, chuān
look good on him. nà ge bù hǎo kàn.
A: What about this brown t-shirt? Zhè jiàn zōng sè T xù zěn me
B: I think he prefers to wear trousers Wǒ xiǎng tā gèng xǐ huān
and a jumper. cháng kù hé tào tóu shān.
A and B walk around the store.
B: I found a great hat! What do you Wǒ zhǎo dào le yī dǐng hěn
think? bàng de mào zi! Nǐ jué de zěn
me yàng?
A: For our classmateʼs birthday gift? Gěi wǒ men tóng xué de shēng
rì lǐ wù?
B. No. For me. Bú shì, shì gěi wǒ zì jǐ de.
A: It looks like a panda sitting on Kàn qǐ lái hǎo xiàng yī zhī
your head! Very strange! xióng māo zuò zài nǐ tóu shàng,
guài guài de!
B: I find something for our friend, and Wǒ yào wèi wǒ men de péng
at the same time, find something for yǒu zhǎo yī xiē dōng xī, tóng
me. shí, yě wèi wǒ zì jǐ zhǎo yī xiē
dōng xī.
A: Whatever! I found a great Suí nǐ! Wǒ zhǎo dào yī tào hěn
tracksuit. It would be very useful to bàng de yùn dòng yī, zhè ge
him. huì duì tā hěn yǒu yòng.
B: Is it cheap too? Yě pián yi ma?
A: Yes. Letʼs buy it. Shì de, wǒ men mǎi ba!

B: I canʼt wait for everyone to see my Wǒ děng bù jí ràng měi gè rén
hat. dōu kàn dào wǒ de xīn mào zi.
A: Ai ya! āi yā!
A and B walk over to the cash register to pay for the birthday
English Chinese Characters
A: Wow! This store is packed with 哇!这家店有好多衣服!
B: I think our classmate would love 我想我们同学应该想要在他生日
some new clothes for his birthday. 的时候得到一些新衣服。
A: What about this shirt? 这件衬衣怎么样?
B: No. Heʼs short. That would not 不好,他长得矮,穿那个不好
look good on him. 看。
A: What about this brown t-shirt? 这件棕色T恤怎么样?
B: I think he prefers to wear trousers 我想他更喜欢长裤和套头衫。
and a jumper.
A and B walk around the store.
B: I found a great hat! What do you 我找到了一顶很棒的帽子!你觉
think? 得怎么样?
A: For our classmateʼs birthday gift? 给我们同学的生日礼物?
B. No. For me. 不是,是给我自己的。
A: It looks like a panda sitting on 看起来好像一只熊猫坐在你头
your head! Very strange! 上,怪怪的!
B: I found something for our friend, 我要为我们的朋友找一些东西,
and at the same time, find something 同时,也为我自己找一些东西。
for me.
A: Whatever! I found a great 随你!我找到一套很棒的运动
tracksuit. It would be very useful to 衣,这个会对他很有用。
B: Is it cheap? 便宜吗?
A: Yes. Letʼs buy it. 是的,我们买吧!
B: I canʼt wait for everyone to see my 我等不及让每个人都看到我的新
hat. 帽子。
A: Ai ya! 哎呀!
A and B walk over to the cash register to pay for the birthday gift.


shāng diàn
store: 商 店

xīn de
new: 新 的
shēng rì
birthday: 生 日
yī fu
clothes: 衣 服

péng yǒu
friend: 朋 友
xǐ huan
likes: 喜 欢
kāi shǐ
get started: 开 始
zěn me yàng
what about…: … 怎 么 样
chèn shān chèn yī
shirt: 衬 衫 ( 衬 衣 )
short: 矮
kàn qǐ lái bù hǎo kàn
not look good: 看 起 来 不 好 看

think: 想
gèng xǐ huan
prefers: 更 喜 欢
chuān dài
wear: 穿 ,戴

kù zǐ cháng kù
trousers: 裤 子 ( 长 裤 )

máo yī
jumper / sweater: 毛 衣 )
jì xù zhǎo
keep looking: 继 续 找
nǐ jué de zěn me yàng
What do you think?: 你 觉 得 怎 么 样 ?
zhǎo dào
found: 找 到
mào zi
hat: 帽 子
tóng xué
classmate: 同 学
shēng rì lǐ wù
birthday gift: 生 日 礼 物
shì gěi wǒ de wèi wǒ
for me: 是 给 我 的( 为 我)
kàn qǐ lái xiàng
looks like: 看 起 来 像 …
xióng māo
panda: 熊 猫
sitting: 坐

zài shàng
on: 在 … 上
head: 头
qí guài
strange: 奇 怪
tóng shí
at the same time: 同 时
zhǎo dào
find: 找 到

suí biàn
whatever: 随 便

yùn dòng fú yùn dòng tào zhuāng

tracksuit: 运 动 服 ( 运 动 套 装 )

yǒu yòng de
useful: 有 用 的

pián yi
cheap: 便 宜

too: 也

buy: 买

děng bù jí
canʼt wait: 等 不 及

kàn jiàn
see: 看 见

Learning Contract

Unit 9 – A Strange Shopping Experience

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

• = Compulsory activity

1. Design a Clothing Catalogue of at least 10 pieces of clothing. Label in

Chinese characters and pinyin.

2. Create a Store ID for yourself with information about age, height, general
description using Chinese characters. Include your own photo on the Store ID.

3. Write a Rap about “Shopping for Clothes” and perform it for the class. Be
sure to create backup music using Garage Band.

4. Set up a Clothes Store in the classroom. Be sure to label all clothes and
include prices in Chinese. Ask 2-3 classmates to visit the store and record
your conversation as you help them choose items to buy.

5. Make a Slide Show of Clothes (at least 10 items) and label the size, name
of clothing, and Color. Print and make into a Mini-Book.
nǐ jué de zěn me yàng
6. Use the phrase: What do you think? 你 觉 得 怎 么 样 ?to ask your
friends what they think about clothes in a Catalogue. Record their responses
in a Class Graph labeled in Chinese characters.

7. Brainstorm ways to describe clothing – too long, too short etc., Draw a
cartoon strip of characters wearing different clothing. Use parts of the Role-
play to label each cartoon.
děng bù jí
8. Use the phrase – 等 不 及 (“I canʼt wait”) to write a short poem. Illustrate.

9. Cut out each section of the Role-play. Scramble the pieces and put them
back together in the correct order. Read the final Role-play to your Talk

10. Make a List of 20 possible Birthday presents you would like to be given.
(Clothes, Books, Tech, etc.,) Choose the top 5 and give reasons why you
would like them as presents. Burn your short explanation to a CD.



A Chinese Banquet
zhōng guó yàn x í
中 国 宴 席

THE SITUATION: This is your first time eating at this Chinese restaurant. How
hungry are you really?

English Pinyin and Tones

A: Good Evening. Wǎn shang hǎo!
B: Hello. Nǐ hǎo!
A: What would you like to drink? Nǐ xiǎng hē shén me?
B: Yes. A soda please. Qǐng gěi wǒ yī píng qì shuǐ.
A: Ok. I will bring you the menu. Hǎo de. Wǒ qù gěi nǐ ná cài dān.
B: Thank you. Xiè xie!
A walks over and bring the glass of soda to B.
B: Thank you. That tastes great. Xiè xie. Nà ge wèi dào hǎo jí le.
A: Are you ready to order food? Nǐ xiàn zài kě yǐ diǎn cài le ma?

B. This is my first time at this Chinese Zhè shì wǒ dì yī cì lái zhè jiā zhōng
restaurant. What do you recommend? guó cān guǎn, nǐ yǒu shén me jiàn yì
A: Do you eat meat? Nǐ chī ròu ma?
B: Of course. I especially like beef, Dāng rán, wǒ tè bié xǐ huān chī niú
and chicken. ròu hé jī ròu.
A: Our roast duck is good. We also Wǒ men de kǎo yā hěn hǎo chī, chūn
have tasty spring rolls. juǎn yě hěn hǎo chī.
B: Hmmmm… I would like a seafood èn…wǒ xiǎng yào yī gè hǎi xiān tāng,
soup, then sweet and sour pork. hái yǒu suān tián ròu.
A: Anything else? Hái yào bié de ma?
B: Hmmmm… I would like fried èn… wǒ xiǎng yào chǎo miàn, bái mǐ
noodles, plain rice, and beef. fàn hé niú ròu.
A: Ok. Anything else? Hǎo, hái yào bié de ma?
B: Hmmm…. a pair of chopsticks è… qǐng gěi wǒ yī shuāng kuài zǐ.
A: Ai ya! I will bring you a Fortune āi yā! Hǎo de. Wǒ yě qù gěi nǐ ná yī
Cookie as well. gè xìng yùn bǐng.
B: Good idea. Iʼm so hungry! Hǎo zhǔ yì. Wǒ zhēn shì tài è le!

English Chinese Characters
A: Good Evening. 晚上好!
B: Hello. 你好!
A: What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么?
B: Yes. A soda please. 请给我一瓶汽水。
A: Ok. I will bring you the menu. 好的。我去给你拿菜单。
B: Thank you. 谢谢!
A walks over and bring the glass of soda to B.
B: Thank you. That tastes great. 谢谢。那个味道好极了。
A: Are you ready to order food? 你现在可以点菜了吗?
B. This is my first time at this Chinese 这是我第一次来这家中国餐馆,你有
restaurant. What do you recommend? 什么建议吗?
A: Do you eat meat? 你吃肉吗?
B: Of course. I especially like beef, 当然,我特别喜欢吃牛肉和鸡肉。
and chicken.
A: Our roast duck is good. We also 我们的烤鸭很好吃,春卷也很好吃。
have tasty spring rolls.
B: Hmmmm… I would like a seafood 嗯…我想要一个海鲜汤,还有酸甜
soup, then sweet and sour pork. 肉。
A: Anything else? 还要别的吗?
B: Hmmmm… I would like fried 嗯…我想要炒面,白米饭和牛肉。
noodles, plain rice, and beef.
A: Ok. Anything else? 好,还要别的吗?
B: Hmmm…. a pair of chopsticks 呃…请给我一双筷子。
A: Ai ya! I will bring you a Fortune 哎呀!好的,我也去给你拿一个幸运
Cookie as well. 饼。
B: Good idea. Iʼm so hungry! 好主意。我真是太饿了!


diǎn xīn
Dim sum – 点 心
hǎi xiān
Seafood – 海 鲜
kǎo yā
Roast duck – 烤 鸭
kuài zǐ
Chopsticks – 筷 子
shū cài
Vegetables – 蔬 菜

Fish – 鱼
Beef – 牛 肉
zhū ròu
Pork – 猪 肉

Soup – 汤
chǎo mǐ fàn
Fried Rice – 炒 米 饭
hǎi xiān tāng
Seafood soup – 海 鲜 汤

chǎo miàn
Fried noodles – 炒 面
chūn juǎn
Spring Roll – 春 卷
cài dān
Menu – 菜 单
jiǎn chá
Check – 检 查
zhōng guó cān guǎn
Chinese restaurant – 中 国 餐 馆
wǎn shang hǎo
Good Evening – 晚 上 好
diǎn cài
order – 点 菜

Learning Contract

Unit 10 – A Chinese Banquet

Choose __ activities to complete. All completed activities need to be

submitted for Assessment.

• = Compulsory activity

1. Design and write your own Chinese Menu using Characters and Pinyin.
Use the Menu to conduct a Survey of your Classmates top 3 favorite
Chinese dishes. Record your findings in a Graph.

2. Write and record a Rap using the following two phrases: 你想喝什么?and

3. Rewrite the Role-play into a comedy, and make the waiter very clumsy.
He/she is very awkward, and drops everything you ask for. Be sure to
include apologies in the dialogue.

4. Write and perform a telephone call to place an order for Chinese food. You
are to order 5 dishes. Remember to ask for and give your address for

5. Research online to find a recipe to make fried rice. Produce a TV cooking

show demonstrating how to make Chinese friend rice. Record the TV
show and burn onto a CD.

6. Write a Journal entry about your Chinese Banquet Role-play.

7. Research Chinese measure words. Find out what nouns use and. Design
a Poster of the 10 most common measure words and nouns.

8. Use to make an Advertisement for a new Chinese restaurant opening up

in your neighborhood.

9. You are the Interviewer on a TV show ʻGreat Tasteʼ. You will interview a
guest who has visited a Chinese restaurant and get their opinion of the
food served. Record the Interview in a Podcast.

10. Test your Talk Partnerʼs ability to translate all new Vocabulary. Ask your
Talk Partner to use each vocabulary word in a sentence.



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