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Practice Exercise

I. Given the following drugs, determine in what pharmaceutical dosage forms they are
available in the market. Give also the potency and 2 popular brand names in use.

Generic Drug Available Potency Popular Brand

Pharmaceutical Names
Dosage Form

1. Tetanus antitoxin
2. Potassium chloride
3. Sodium iopadate
4. Ascorbic acid
5. Ferrous Sulfate
6. Cefatolin sodium
7. Paracetamol
8. Aromatic Spirit of ammonia
9. Oxytetracyclie hydrochloride
10. Scott’s Emulsion
11. Betamethasone
12. Nitrofurazone
13. Framycetin sulfate
14. Milk of magnesia
15. Attapulgite
16. Nystatin
17. Body powder
18. Povidone iodine
19. Dequalinium chloride
20. Oxymetazoline hydrochloride
21. Pilocarpine hydrochloride
22. Bromhexine hydrochloride
23. Carbocisteine
24. Salbutamol
25. Metaclopramide
26. Isoniazid
27. Amoxicillin
28. Ibuprofen
29. Dexamethasone
30. Aspirin

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