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Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

Panelis 1 3

2 3

3 3

4 3

5 3

6 3

7 3

8 3

9 3

10 3

11 3

12 3

13 3

14 3

15 3

16 3

17 3

18 3

19 3

20 3

21 3

22 3

23 3

24 3

25 3

26 3

27 3

28 3

29 3

30 3
Warna 1 451 FA 30

2 722 FB 30

3 145 FC 30
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Skor

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Model 2296,956 32 71,780 96,719 ,000
Warna 103,622 2 51,811 69,813 ,000
Panelis 22,622 29 ,780 1,051 ,425
Error 43,044 58 ,742
Total 2340,000 90

a. R Squared = ,982 (Adjusted R Squared = ,971)

Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets


Warna N 1 2 3

451 FA 30 3,50
145 FC 30 5,13
722 FB 30 6,10
Sig. 1,000 1,000 1,000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,742.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 30,000.
b. Alpha = 0,05.
Univariate Analysis of Variance
Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

Panelis 1 3

2 3

3 3

4 3

5 3

6 3

7 3

8 3

9 3

10 3

11 3

12 3

13 3

14 3

15 3

16 3

17 3

18 3

19 3

20 3

21 3

22 3

23 3

24 3

25 3
26 3

27 3

28 3

29 3

30 3

Aroma 1 451 FA 30

2 722 FB 30

3 145 FC 30

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Skor

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Model 2227,156a 32 69,599 203,418 ,000

Aroma 144,822 2 72,411 211,638 ,000
Panelis 18,322 29 ,632 1,847 ,024
Error 19,844 58 ,342
Total 2247,000 90

a. R Squared = ,991 (Adjusted R Squared = ,986)

Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets


Aroma N 1 2 3

451 FA 30 3,30
145 FC 30 4,67
722 FB 30 6,40
Sig. 1,000 1,000 1,000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,342.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 30,000.
b. Alpha = 0,05.
Univariate Analysis of Variance
Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

Panelis 1 3

2 3

3 3

4 3

5 3

6 3

7 3

8 3

9 3

10 3

11 3

12 3

13 3

14 3

15 3

16 3

17 3

18 3

19 3

20 3

21 3

22 3

23 3
24 3

25 3

26 3

27 3

28 3

29 3

30 3
Rasa 1 451 FA 30

2 722 FB 30

3 145 FC 30

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Skor

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Model 2266,200a 32 70,819 89,683 ,000

Rasa 114,867 2 57,433 72,732 ,000
Panelis 19,733 29 ,680 ,862 ,663
Error 45,800 58 ,790
Total 2312,000 90

a. R Squared = ,980 (Adjusted R Squared = ,969)

Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets


Rasa N 1 2 3

451 FA 30 3,47
145 FC 30 4,90
722 FB 30 6,23
Sig. 1,000 1,000 1,000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,790.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 30,000.
b. Alpha = 0,05.

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