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Instituto Guatemalteco Americano

Adults’ Courses Program

Reading/ Worksheet 4

Course: Level 4 Unit: 4 Lesson D

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Before you Read…

1. “No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” Aesop

1.1 Discuss the meaning of the quote.
1.2 Aesop was an ancient Greek man who was famous for telling fables. Fables are
stories that teach lessons.

2. Make a list of acts that you think are acts of kindness.

3. Look up the following vocabulary

Stranger, groceries, elderly, unofficial, parking spot

While you Read...

1. Pg. 40 Ex. 1B
Read the article. Find the words in bold. Circle the correct meaning.

Read the article. Where are the Seven Wonders of the Natural World located?

2. Pg. 40 Ex.C
Read the article. According to the article, which of these would be random acts of kindness?
Check the correct answers.

3. Pg. 41 Ex.2A
Listen to four callers to a radio show talk about acts of kindness. Was each act performed or
received by them? Check the correct answer. (track 58)

4. Pg. 41 Ex.2B
Listen again. What was each act of kindness? Write in the chart. (track 58)

After you read…

1. Pg. 41 Ex. 3A
Discuss one of these topics. 1. Something nice someone did for you
2.Something nice you did for someone. 3.Something nice you´d like to do for someone.

2. Pg. 41 Ex. 3B
Write a paragraph about your topic. Use the reading and the model paragraph to help you.
3. Pg. 41 Ex. 4
Look at the picture. What would be some nice things to do?

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