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Autumn Baisa

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180 iCourse
April 30, 2020

EDT 180 Reflection Paper

When I started this course, I was sure that I was familiar with all the technologies we were going

to use. I came in with a very confident mindset on being able to use the technologies that were

presented. However, once I started the course and started using each technology in the modules, I

began to realize there is so many more programs that I was not aware of that I could utilize. I

learned about many new programs that I can use for my future endeavors.

An objective that I was able to achieve in this course was analyzing problems and being able to

pick the right software to solve these problems. I was exposed to many programs that I was not

aware of before, so when I was utilizing different programs, I was able to figure out new ones to

use. For example, I have always used PowerPoint before to create presentations but was not

aware of Prezi or Buncee or any of the other presentation platforms that we used in this class. I

am now aware of the different ones to best present my information for my audience. Even

choosing which program to use to edit a photo or video has been very helpful in my real life.

When I know which program to use and when there is now so many available to me, I can put

my best foot forward for my work.

Another objective I learned in this class was using the many programs such as email, web page

development, internet search strategies, etc. at an intermediate level. Before this class I was

Autumn Baisa
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180 iCourse
April 30, 2020

clueless on things such as webpage development and internet search strategies. I have now

learned how to build my own website and edit it to my liking and can use this for my future

career if need be. I have always wanted to know how to build a website and I think the way it

was presented in this class was very easy to understand and use. I was also not aware of all of the

ways internet search strategies can be used to get different results or more of the results one is

looking for. These are great tools to know when it comes to the outside world and my future

career and can be used for years to come.

When it came to searching the web for reliable information I have learned which sites are more

reliable than others. In this class, I learned ways to check the website and make sure the website

is going to be usable as a site to refer to for classes and even resources for my future career. This

class provided great resources on Purdue to show the reliability of a site and if it is safe to site it

for maybe a presentation or paper I am working on. I believe this is one of the most important

objectives I achieved in this course.

I have learned multiple different technologies in this class and how to be able to use them most

efficiently to help me with projects or papers in the future. This class will be helpful for my

future career to utilize these programs and not be confused on how to navigate around them. I

now have new knowledge that I would not have if it were not for this class and learned many

new objectives.

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