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CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a foundational Examines concepts in Understands and explains Uses broad knowledge of Uses extensive knowledge
knowledge of subject subject matter and the relationship between inter-relationships of of subject matter
matter, related academic academic language to essential subject matter concepts, academic concepts, current issues,
3.1 Demonstrating language, and academic identify connections concepts, academic content standards, and academic language, and
knowledge of subject content standards. between academic language, and academic academic language in research to make relevant
matter academic content standards and content standards. ways that ensure clear connections to standards
content standards instruction. (7/21/19) (12/14/19) connections and during instruction and
relevance to students. extend student learning.

Teacher is able to break Teacher is more familiar

down subject matter with the Kinder CCSS and
academic content spent time drawing out
standards into small the CCSS map from
steps so students can Kinder to 3nd using
learn better. Teacher also mindmap to see how the
can bridge between CCSS progress over the
standards so students grades. (4/12/2020)
have smooth transition
between target contents.
Teacher is also able to
link certain social studies
curriculum or science to
math and science. E.g.
Linking finance and
economics (markets,
currency, and bartering)
to teaching coins in 1st
grade, where students
make items and sell it to
other students.
(7/21/19) (12/14/19)
Teacher uses academic
language that he has to
teach through that week
throughout the day and
week to integrate it as
much as he can (e.g.
wonders has 6 academic
words TK/K has to learn
and I use it throughout
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

the week as much as I
can.) Teacher has not
improved much in this
area since he is teaching
TK/K for the first time
this year. (12/14/19)
Has basic knowledge of Expands knowledge of Adapts instruction in Integrates knowledge of Utilizes comprehensive
student stages of student development and response to knowledge of range of students knowledge of students to
development while implements learning student development and development into guide all students to
becoming aware of activities in single lessons proficiencies to meet instructional decisions to develop proficiencies,
differences in students’ or sequence of lessons students’ diverse learning ensure student understand subject
understanding of subject that addresses students’ needs. Ensures understanding of the matter including related
matter. proficiencies and support understanding of subject subject matter including academic language.
understanding of subject matter including related related academic
Teaches subject-specific matter including related academic language. language. Engages student at all
3.2 Applying vocabulary following academic language. (7/21/19) (12/14/19) levels of vocabulary,
knowledge of curriculum guidelines. (4/12/2020) Provides explicit teaching academic language, and
student development Provides explicit teaching of specific academic proficiencies in self-
and proficiencies to of essential content Provides explicit teaching language, text structures, directed goal setting,
ensure student vocabulary and of essential vocabulary, grammatical, and stylistic monitoring, and
understanding of associated academic idioms, key words with language features to improvement. Guides all
subject matter language in single lessons multiple meanings, and ensure equitable access students in using analysis
or sequence of lessons. academic language in to subject matter strategies that provides
Explains academic ways that engage understanding for the equitable access and deep
language, formats, and students in accessing range of student language understanding of subject
vocabulary to support subject matter text or levels and abilities. matter.
student access to subject learning activities.
matter when confusions (7/21/19) (12/14/19)
are identified. (4/12/2020)

Teacher checks for

understanding by giving
quick preassessments
and goes over academic
specific vocabulary and
key words. Teacher is
well mindful of students
prior mastery of content
and builds on prior
lessons. Teacher knows
students who have IEPs
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

and have specific
behavioral issues and
lessons for them.
(7/21/19) (12/14/19)
Teacher does a lot of
model reading and
through model reading
uses lots of strategies on
what to do when
encountering words that
students don’t know.
(12/14/19) (4/12/2020)
Follows organization of Examines organization of Uses knowledge of Integrates knowledge of Uses extensive knowledge
curriculum as provided curriculum and considers curriculum and student curriculum and resources of curriculum and related
by site and district to adjustments in single readiness to organize and to organize and adjust resources to flexibly and
support student lessons or sequence of adjust the curriculum to instruction within and effectively organize and
3.3 Organizing
understanding of the lessons to support ensure student across subject matter to adjust instruction.
curriculum to
subject matter. understanding of subject understanding. extend student
facilitate student
matter. understanding. Ensures student
understanding of the
(7/21/19) (12/14/19) comprehension and
subject matter
(4/12/2020) facilitates student
articulation about what
they do and do not
Teacher has taught the
same grade (first grade)
for three consecutive
years and is familiar to
the curriculum. He moves
around social studies and
math so that they build
on each other. E.G.
teaching time and social
studies, Past-Present-
Future, and teaching ELA
temporal tenses. E.G. art
and engineering where
students make things,
teacher uses a particular
currency (each day with
different currency
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

eventually leading up to
coinage), students sell
and buy and dialogue,
students write.
(7/21/19) (4/12/2020)
Teacher uses his own
pacing and moved around
standards in the MyMath
curriculum to better
teach TK/K. Currently
60% my Tks can add and
subtract up to 10 and
identify, draw, and read
number sentences.
(12/14/19) (4/12/2020)
Uses instructional Gathers and uses Selects and adapts a Integrates instructional Uses an extensive
strategies that are additional instructional variety of instructional strategies appropriate to repertoire of instructional
provided in the strategies in single strategies to ensure subject matter to meet strategies to develop
curriculum. lessons or sequence of student understanding of students’ diverse enthusiasm, meta-
3.4 Utilizing
lessons to increase academic language learning, to ensure cognitive abilities, and
student understanding of appropriate to subject student understanding of support and challenge the
strategies that are
academic language matter and that academic language, and full range of student
appropriate to the
appropriate to subject addresses students’ guide student in towards a deep
subject matter
matter. diverse learning needs. understanding knowledge of subject
(7/21/19) (12/14/19) connections within and matter.
across subject matter.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Gives ample time for I’ve been trying to move
practice, plans extension most of my teaching from
activities, and connects the book to the
between subjects. Uses promethean board, which
anchor charts, GLAD is also connected to my
strategies, graphic computer. This way I can
organizers, and other ELD explain vocabulary by
strategies. Lessons are showing them images on
not isolated but are built google as well as videos. I
upon each other and have also been much
planed out. (7/21/19) more focused on
Teacher uses Spanish academic vocabulary in
(although very lacking) all subjects, especially
for students that don’t math, and the usage of it
speak English, uses through guided discourse,
videos and pictures to such as number talks.
explain words that (4/12/2020)
students don’t know
(such as Narwall).

3.5 Using and Uses available Explores additional Selects, adapts, and Engages students in
adapting resources, instructional materials, instructional materials, utilizes appropriate Integrates a wide range of identifying and adapting
technologies, and resources, and resources, and instructional materials, adapted resources, resources, technologies,
standards-aligned technologies for specific technologies to make resources, and technologies, and and standards-aligned
instructional lessons to make subject subject matter accessible technologies for concept instructional materials to instructional materials to
materials including matter accessible to to students. and skill development in meet identified student extend student
adopted materials, to students. subject matter. Resources needs and make subject understanding and
make subject matter Explores how to make reflect the diversity of the matter accessible to critical thinking about
accessible to all Identifies technological technological resources classroom and support students. (7/21/19) subject matter.
students resource needs. available to all students. differentiated learning of (4/12/2020)
subject matter. (12/14/19) Ensures that student are
Assists student with able to obtain equitable
Guides students to use equitable access to access to a wide range of
available print, electronic, materials, resources, and technologies through
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

and online subject matter technologies. Seeks ongoing links to outside
resources based on outside resources and resources and support.
individual needs. support. (12/14/19)
(7/21/19) (4/12/2020)

Teacher uses 1-1 Teacher uses 1-1

chromebooks to broaden chromebooks to broaden
learning by focusing on learning by focusing on
research, writing, and research, writing, and
presentations. Teacher presentations. Teacher
uses videos to teach uses videos to teach
content and get student content and get student
attention, and is ready to attention, and is ready to
print materials so print materials so
students can write on students can write on
their text books. their text books.
(7/21/19) (7/21/19) (12/14/19)
Teacher works with the
intervention teacher to
print out password for
students that have
difficulty remembering
them, and works with
intervention teacher as
well as other teachers to
better teach writers
workshop. Teacher uses
SSPT and intervention
forms to conference with
other teachers regarding
intervention student
progress. (12/14/19)

3.6 Addressing the Is aware of students’ Seeks additional information Identifies language Integrates knowledge of Engages English learners in
needs of English primary language and describing elements of proficiencies and English English language assessment of their progress
learners and student English language culture and language learner strengths in the development, English in English language
proficiencies based on proficiencies in listening, study of language and learners’ strengths and development and in meeting
with special needs to
available assessment data. speaking, reading, and content. Differentiates assessed needs into English content standards. Supports
provide equitable writing. Uses multiple instruction using one or language and content students to establish and
access to the content measures for assessing more components of English instruction. (12/14/19) monitor language and
English learners’ language development to (4/12/2020) content goals.
performance to identify gaps support English learners.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

in English language (7/21/19)
Provides adapted materials development. Is resourceful and flexible in
to help English learners Creates and implements the design, adjustment, and
access content. Attempts to scaffold content scaffolds to support elimination of scaffolds
using visuals, models, and standards-based instruction Develops and adapts based on English learners’
graphic organizers. using literacy strategies, instruction to provide a wide proficiencies, knowledge,
SDAIE, and content level range of scaffolded support and skills in the content.
English language for language and content for
development in order for the range of English
students to improve learners. (12/14/19)
language proficiencies and (4/12/2020)
understand content.
Els are seated with strong Teacher seats Els that
models, they are given don’t speak English with
ample opportunities to students that are strong
talk. Teacher observes bilinguals. Teacher
and adjusts lessons based provides visuals, explains
on observing group words through body
efficacy and seeing how actions and
much and well Els video/images, provides
participate. Teacher sentence frames, allows
creates individual answers in Spanish and
behavioral plans and through drawing, and
accommodations for learns Spanish in his own
students with special time to better assist Els.
needs. Teacher makes (12/14/19) (4/12/2020)
observations, formative
and informative, to see
how Els and special need
students are using the
scaffolding material
provided for them.
Has an awareness of the full Seeks additional information Utilizes information on the Integrates accommodations, Guides and support the full
range of students identified on the full range of students full range of students adaptations, and extensions range of student with special
3.6 Addressing the with special needs through identified with special needs identified with special needs to instruction for the full needs to actively engage in
needs of English data provided by the school. to address challenges or to assess strengths and range of students with the assessment and monitor
learners and student supports in single lessons or competencies to provide special needs to ensure their own strengths, learning
with special needs to sequence of lessons. appropriate challenge and adequate support and needs, and achievement in
accommodations in challenge. (7/21/19) accessing content.
provide equitable
instruction. (12/14/19)
access to the content Attends required meeting Cooperates with resource Communicates and
with resource personnel and personnel, para-educators, Communicates regularly Communicates and collaborates with resource
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

families. and families during with resource personnel, collaborates with colleagues, personnel, para-educators,
meetings and activities in para-educators, and families support staff, and families to families, leadership, and
support of learning plans to ensure that student ensure consistent students in creating a
and goals. (7/21/19) services are provided and instruction. Supports coordinated program to
progress is made in families in positive optimize success of the full
accessing appropriate engagement with school. range of students with
content. (12/14/19) (4/12/2020) special needs.
Learns about referral
processes for students with Seeks additional information Refers students as needed in Takes leadership at the
special needs. on struggling learners and a timely and appropriate Initiates and monitors site/district and collaborates
advanced learners to manner supported with referral processes and with resource personnel to
determine appropriateness documented data over time, follow-up meeting to ensure ensure the smooth and
for referral. including interventions tried that students receive effective implementations of
previous to referral. support and/or extended referral processes.
(7/21/19) learning that is integrated
into the core curriculum.
(12/14/19) (4/12/2020)

I had a student with Teacher provides

autism (moderate with individual behavior plans,
ADHD) last year and he special seating
was very challenging. I arrangement, and with
had to readjust my individual work for
teaching schedule, create student with special
simple routines that needs. Teacher provided
couldn’t change day to his own separate
day. And create many behavior reward sheet
modifications in my room and communicated with
such as putting his name the parent through
on where he needs to sit, classroom dojo,
stand, changing his seat, homework behavior
taking down anchor chart, and daily pick up
charts (he was easily meetings every day.
visually stimulated), Teacher created and
adjusting the volume of reported to the
the classroom, etc. intervention teacher as
(7/21/19) well as the principal
monthly updates on the
progress of the student
and suggestions on how
to better help him.
(12/14/19) (4/12/2020)
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

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