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Final Remedial Examination

Chemistry 211/312 - BIOCHEMISTRY

1ST Semester 2014 – 2015

Name: ___________________________________ Date; _____________________



Each question below contains four suggested answers. Choose the best answer for each question.
Write the letter that correspond your answer on the space provided before the question. All answers must

_____ 1. End product of β – oxidation of fatty acid

a. CoA and Acetyl-CoA c. Acyl-CoA and CoA
b. Acyl-CoA and Acetyl-CoA d. Acetyl-CoA and Acetic acid
_____ 2. The RNA molecule that carries genetic information from the DNA in the nucleus directly to
the ribosomes in the cytoplasm;
a. mRNA c. tRNA
b. rRNA d. snRNA
_____ 3. In certain bacteria and yeast, pyruvate formed from glycolysis undergoes reductive
decarboxylation to form;
a. Acetic acid c. Lactic acid
b. Ethyl alcohol d. CO2 and H2O
_____ 4. ATP yield from oxidative phosphorylation of a single molecule of reduced NAD;
a. 5 c. 9
b. 7 d. 12
_____ 5. The chemical bond that linked the first phosphate group of ATP molecule to ribose sugar is
a. Phosphoric anhydride bond c. Phosphatase bond
b. Phosphate peptide bond d. Phosphoric ester bond
_____ 6. The process transcription during protein synthesis takes place at;
a. Intermembrane space of mitochondria c. Endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm
b. Matrix of mitochondria d. Ribosomes in the cytoplasm
_____ 7. The amount of energy released from hydrolysis of ADP to AMP;
a. 3.4 Kcal/mol. c. 7.3 Kcal/mol.
b. 4.3 Kcal/mol d. 9.3 Kcal/mol
_____ 8. The mRNA has a codon of UAC that codes for amino acid tyrosine. Which anticodon must be
found in tRNA for it to carry tyrosine to the site of protein synthesis;
a. UAG c. GUA
b. AUC d. AUG
_____ 9. Based on the reaction they catalyzed- lactate dehydrogenase – belong to the group of;
a. Isomerase c. Hydrolase
b. Oxidoreductase d. Lyases
_____10. The operative part of NAD as co-enzyme is the;
a. Adenosine portion c. Phosphate group
b. Adenine portion d. Nicotinamide portion
_____11. Which of the following is NOT a pyrimidine base?
a. Adenine c. Uracil
b. Thymine d. Cytosine
_____12. The operative part of FAD as co-enzyme;
a. Adenine portion c. Flavin portion
b. Ribitol portion d. Phosphate group
_____13. The B complex vitamin present in FAD;
a. Nicotinic acid c. Thiamine
b. Pantothenic acid d. Riboflavin
_____14. Based on the reaction it catalyzed, the enzyme alanine racemase belong to the group of;
a. Lyases c. Ligase
b. Transferase d. Isomerase
_____15. The active part of Coenzyme-A is the;
a. ADP core c. Mercaptoethylamine
b. Pantoate d. β – alanine
_____16. If all the acetyl-CoA formed from β – oxidation of stearic acid enters the common catabolic
pathway what is the total ATP yield?
a. 85 c. 108
b. 98 d. 218
_____17. Which is the correct sequence of the three stages of nitrogen metabolism?
a. Urea cycle – oxidative deamination – transamination
b. Oxidative deamination – transamination – urea cycle
c. Transamination – oxidative deamination – urea cycle
d. Transamination – urea cycle – oxidative deamination
_____18. Codon is found in the;
a. mRNA c. tRNA
b. rRNA d. snRNA
_____19. The pentose sugar and phosphate group in nucleic acid molecule forms the;
a. Connecting link of the two strands of DNA molecule
b. Connecting link of the two strands of RNA molecule
c. The backbone of the strands of DNA and RNA molecule
d. The backbone of the strands of DNA only
_____20. In the absence of oxygen pyruvate formed from glycolysis in some bacteria and in mammals
is reduced to;
a. Acetyl-CoA c. Acetic acid
b. Ethyl acetate d. Lactic acid
_____21. The type of RNA molecule that helps in the processing of the initial mRNA transcribed from
DNA into a mature form;
a. miRNA c. snRNA
b. siRNA d. tRNA
_____22. A genetic disorder resulting from missing protein important in the normal clotting process of
a. Sickle-cell anemia c. Thrombocytopneia
b. Hemophilia d. Leukemia
_____23. An enzyme used to diagnose prostate cancer;
a. Alanine amino transferase c. Amylase
b. Acid phosphatase d. Creatine phosphokinase
_____24. Based on the type of reaction it catalyzed, the enzyme pyrophosphatase belong to the group
a. Synthetase c. Lyases
b. Ligases d. Hydrolase
_____25. A green pigment formed from oxidation of the heme part of hemoglobin molecule;
a. Biliverdin c. Cytochrome
b. Bilirubin d. Urobilin
_____26. The anticodon could be found in;
a. mRNA c. tRNA
b. rRNA d. micoRNA
_____27. The type of RNA molecule that binds to section of mRNA and prevent the translation of
genetic information thus affecting gene expression;
a. snRNA c. tRNA
b. siRNA d. miRNA
_____28. The following enzymes can be used to diagnosed heart attack, EXCEPT;
a. Phosphohexose isomerase c. Alkaline phosphatase
b. Aspartate amino transferase d. Creatine phosphokinase
_____29. Which of the following statement is NOT true to catabolic reaction during metabolism?
a. Large molecule are broken down into smaller ones
b. It utilizes energy derived from anabolic reaction
c. It begins during the process of digestion
d. The reaction is completed within individual cells of the body
_____30. The nitrogen bases of the two strands of DNA are linked together by a;
a. Ionic bond c. Disulfide bond
b. Phosphate bond d. Hydrogen bond
_____31. Proteinases includes the following enzymes, EXCEPT;
a. Trypsin c. Carboxypeptidase
b. Pepsin d. Chymotrypsin
_____32. The intermediate compound formed from oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to α –
a. Oxalosuccinate c. Fumarate
b. Cis-aconitate d. Oxaloacetate
_____33. The stage of nitrogen metabolism where amino group from α – amino acid is transferred to α
–ketoglutarate yielding keto-acid and glutamate;
a. Transamination c. Nitrogen fixation
b. Oxidative deamination d. Urea cycle
_____34. The utilization of chemical energy of ATP to activate phosphorylase b so that glycogen can
be utilized as source of energy is a;
a. Conversion of chemical energy to some other form of chemical energy
b. Conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy
c. Conversion of chemical energy to mechanical energy
d. Conversion of chemical energy to heat energy
_____35. Enzyme complex also known as cytochrome oxidase;
a. Complex I c. Complex II
b. Complex II d. Complex IV
_____36. He introduces the induce-fit model of enzyme action;
a. Oswald Avery c. Daniel Koshland
b. Edward Tatum d. George Beadle


Match the following with their descriptions below. Write the letters that correspond to your
answers on the space provided before their description. All answers must be in capital letters. NO

a. Michaelis and Menten g. Insulin m. Franklin & Wilkins s. Tyroxine

b. Glycogenesis h. Avery & Tatum n. Gluconeogenesis t. Protein modification
c. Enzyme equilibrium i. Albinism o. Carboxypeptidase u. Holoenzyme
d. Erwin Chargaff j. Urobilin p. Biliverdin v. Co-enzyme
e. Growth hormone k. Enzyme activity q. Oswald Avery w. Wilson’s disease
f. Trypsin l. Watson & Crick r. Glycolysis x. Apoenzyme
y. Feedback control

_____ 1. The enzyme that particularly catalyzed the hydrolysis of peptide bond only at the C-terminal of
polypeptide chain.
_____ 2. The conversion of a molecule of glucose into two molecule of pyruvate.
_____ 3. Genetic condition that results from lack of enzyme tyrosinase.
_____ 4. The protein portion of an enzyme.
_____ 5. The measure of how much reaction rate is increased by an enzyme.
_____ 6. They developed an explanation us to how enzyme participate in any chemical reaction.
_____ 7. The type of enzyme regulation in which formation of product inhibit an earlier reaction in the
_____ 8. The green pigment formed from oxidation of the heme portion of hemoglobin molecule.
_____ 9. It regulate protein metabolism by increasing the rate of synthesis of cellular protein causing
tissue protein to increase.
_____10. They were the first to make an x-ray refraction photograph of the double helix molecule of
_____11. A complete form of protein.
_____12. The conversion of excess glucose in the blood to glycogen.
_____13. Genetic disorder resulting from lack of ceruplasmin in the body.
_____14. Enzyme regulation caused by a change in the primary structure of enzyme.
_____15. A yellow pigment formed from further oxidation of bilirubin.
_____16. They established the three-dimensional structure of DNA molecule.
_____17. An organic enzyme co-factor.
_____18. It regulate protein metabolism by accelerating transport of amino acids into the cells.
_____19. The first to made an analysis on the base composition of DNA molecule from many different
species of organism.
_____20. The formation of glucose from non-carbohydrates compounds.

A. Five (5) enzymes that makes-up the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
1. _______________________________ 4. ____________________________
2. _______________________________ 5. ____________________________
3. _______________________________

B, Two (2) enzymes associated with complex I of mitochondria.

6. ________________________________ 7. ____________________________

C. Three (3) genetic codes that dictate for stopping protein synthesis.
8. _____________________ 9. _____________________ 10. ________________

D. Two (2) main purpose of the food that we eat.

11. __________________________________________________________
12. __________________________________________________________

E. Three (3) factors affecting enzyme activity.

13. _________________________________________
14. _________________________________________
15. _________________________________________

F. Four (4) differences between DN A and RNA molecule.

16. ______________________________________________________________
17. ______________________________________________________________
18. ______________________________________________________________
19. ______________________________________________________________

TEST IV – On a separate paper you were given illustration of Glycolytic Pathway and Beta-Oxidation.

A. Identify the enzyme that catalyzed each reaction of the glycolytic pathway and write your
answers below.

1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________
7. _______________________________
8. _______________________________
9. _______________________________
10. _______________________________
B. Identify the enzyme that catalyzed stepwise reaction of Beta-Oxidation and name some product
of the reaction. Write your answer below.

1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________
10. _____________________________________

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