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1 For high frequency circuits which parameter analysis is used A;

hybrid-pi model
h-parameter model
z-parameter model
none of the above
2 For low frequency circuits which parameter analysis is suitable B;
hybrid-pi model
h-parameter model
z-parameter model
none of the above
3 If tansconductance gm linearly increases with ...........parameter A;
collector current (Ic)
base current (Ib)
collector to emitter voltage (Vce)
none of the above
4 identify the case which shows validation of hybrid-pi model C;
(ft = frequency at CE short circuit current gain)
f>>3 ft
f<<3 ft
ft is approximately equal to 3f
5 Which of the following is true for an npn or pnp transistor? A;
IE = IB + IC
IC = IB + IE
None of the above
6 For small signal amplification, a transistor is biased in C;
Saturation region
Non linear region
Active region
Cut-off region
7 Reverse h-parameters of a transistor in any configuration are defined with C;
Input short circuited
Output short circuited
Input open circuited
Output open circuited
8 Forward h-parameters of a transistor in any configuration are defined with B;
Input short circuited
Output short circuited
Input open circuited
output open circuited
9 h-Parameters defined graphically from the output characteristics of a transistor in any C;
configuration are
hi, hr
hr, hf
hf, ho
hr, ho
10 h-Parameters defined graphically from the input characteristics of a transistor in any A;
configuration are
hi, hr
hr, hf
hf, ho
hr, ho
11 h-parameters of an ideal transistor are D;
Independent of AC voltages and currents
dependent only on DC voltages and currents
independent of frequency of operation
dependent on the temperature of operation
12 Input impedance, hi of a CE amplifier is defined for D;
Open circuited Input
Short circuited Input
Open circuited Output
Short circuited Output
13 Output admittance, ho of a CE amplifier is defined for A;
Open circuited Input
Short circuited Input
Open circuited Output
Short circuited Output
14 Forward current gain, hf of a CE amplifier is defined for D;
Open circuited Input
Short circuited Input
Open circuited Output
Short circuited Output
15 Reverse voltage gain, hr of a CE amplifier is defined for A;
Open circuited Input
Short circuited Input
Open circuited Output
Short circuited Output
16 Typical values of hfb and hfc are B;
50, -1
-1, -50
50, -50
50, 50
17 Typical values of hfe and hfb are A;
50, -1
-1, -50
50, -50
50, 50
18 Typical values of hfe and hfc are C;
50, -1
-1, -50
50, -50
50, 50
19 Typical value of output impedance ho In CE configuration Is C;
25 Mhos
25x10-2 Mhos
25 μA/v
25x10-2 μA/v
20 Typical value of input impedance hi In CE configuration Is B;
11kilo ohms
1.1kilo ohms
110 kilo ohms
22 kilo ohms
21 Typical value of input impedance hi In CB configuration Is D;
11kilo ohms
1.1kilo ohms
110 kilo ohms
22 kilo ohms
22 Typical value of input impedance hi In CC configuration Is B;
11kilo ohms
1.1kilo ohms
110 kilo ohms
22 kilo ohms
23 Typical value of output impedance ho In CB configuration Is B;
5 μA/v
25 μA/v
25x10-2 μA/v
24 Typical value of transition capacitance (Pico farad) in hybrid-π model D;
25 Typical value of diffusion capacitance (Pico farad) in hybrid-π model B;
26 Giacoletto model is also known as.......... B;
h-parameter model
hybrid-π model
simplified hybrid model
none of the above
27 Typical value of output conductance (mho) between C and E terminals in hybrid-π A;
12.5 x 10-6
0.25 x 10-6
28 Typical value of base spreading resistance (kilo ohm) in hybrid-π model C;
29 In simplified hybrid model which parameters are eliminated D;
hi, hr
hr, hf
hf, ho
hr, ho
30 Typical value of transconductance (mA/volt) in hybrid-π model A;
31 Voltage gain in a common collector amplifier is C;
Very large
Less than unity
Greater than the gain in a common base amplifier
32 Single stage transistor amplifier offering maximum current gain Is C;
Common emitter amplifier
Common collector amplifier
Degenerated common emitter amplifier
Common base amplifier
33 Introduction of an un bypassed resistance in the emitter terminal results in C;
Reduction of input resistance
Increase in voltage gain
Decrease in voltage gain
No effect on input impedance
34 BJT amplifier configuration providing maximum voltage gain is A;
Common emitter
Emitter follower
Common base
None of these
35 Single stage transistor amplifier offering maximum current gain Is B;
Common emitter amplifier
Common collector amplifier
Degenerated common emitter amplifier
Common base amplifier
36 If the current gain of a BJT amplifier is approximately unity and voltage gain is large, the C;
amplifier is
In CE configuration
In CC configuration
In CB configuration
None of these
37 Single stage transistor amplifier offering minimum Input impedance D;
Common emitter amplifier
Common collector amplifier
Degenerated common emitter amplifier
Common base amplifier
38 Single stage transistor amplifier with minimum output impedance is B;
Common emitter amplifier
Common collector amplifier
Degenerated common emitter amplifier
Common base amplifier
39 High input impedance & low output impedance makes a common collector amplifier D;
Voltage amplifier
Current amplifier
40 The H-parameter model uses ________ parameters to describe the equivalent circuit of C;
the BJT Transistor
41 The H-parameter model and the ‘re’ parameter model are almost identical if the C;
parameter _______ in the H-parameter model is ignored
42 Show the relation between amplification factor(µ), transconductance (gm) and drain B;
rd = µ x g m
µ = rd x gm
gm = µ x rd
None of the above
43 At f = ft ( ft = frequency at CE short circuit current gain) hfe = …….(in terms of fβ) B;
fβ /ft
ft /fβ
fβ x ft
None of these
44 Common collector configuration is also known as B;
Source follower
Emitter follower
Collector follower
None of these
45 Common drain configuration is also known as A;
Source follower
Emitter follower
Drain follower
None of these
46 Common collector is also known as which gate B;
And gate
Nand gate
Buffer gate
None of these
47 Manufacture representation of transition capacitance A;
None of these
48 Decibel is nothing but A;
Logarithmic unit of power
Voltage gain maximum value
Current gain maximum value
None of these
49 Single stage transistor amplifier offering maximum current gain Is C;
Common emitter amplifier
Common collector amplifier
Degenerated common emitter amplifier
Common base amplifier
50 Introduction of an un bypassed resistance in the emitter terminal results in C;
Reduction of input resistance
Increase in voltage gain
Decrease in voltage gain
No effect on input impedance
51 A radio receiver has ......... of amplification. D;
one stage
two stages
three stages
more than three stages
52 RC coupling is used for .......... amplification. A;
none of the above
53 In an RC coupled amplifier, the voltage gain over mid-frequency range ............. B;
changes abruptly with frequency
is constant
changes uniformly with frequency
none of the above
54 In obtaining the frequency response curve of an amplifier, the.......... D;
amplifier level output is kept constant
amplifier frequency is held constant
generator frequency is held constant
generator output level is held constant
55 An advantage of RC coupling scheme is the........... B;
good impedance matching
high efficiency
none of the above
56 The best frequency response is of ......... coupling. C;
none of the above
57 Transformer coupling is used for........ amplification. A;
none of the above
58 In an RC coupling scheme, the coupling capacitor CC must be large enough....... B;
to pass d.c. between the stages
not to attenuate the low frequencies
to dissipate high power
none of the above
59 In RC coupling, the value of coupling capacitor is about......... D;
100 pF
0.1 μF
0.01 μF
10 μF
60 The noise factor of an ideal amplifier expressed in db is............. A;
61 When a multistage amplifier is to amplify d.c. signal, then one must use........ C;
None of these `
62 ........... Coupling provides the maximum voltage gain. B;
63 In practice, voltage gain is expressed...... A;
in db
in volts
as a number
none of the above
64 Transformer coupling provides high efficiency because........ B;
collector voltage is stepped up
d.c. resistance is low
collector voltage is stepped down
none of the above
65 Transformer coupling is generally employed when load resistance is........ C;
very large
none of the above
66 If a three-stage amplifier has individual stage gains of 10 db, 5 db and 12 db, then D;
total gain in db is ........
600 db
24 db
14 db
27 db
67 The final stage of a multistage amplifier uses.......... B;
RC coupling
transformer coupling
direct coupling
impedance coupling
68 The ear is not sensitive to........ A;
frequency distortion
amplitude distortion
frequency as well as amplitude distortion
none of the above
69 RC coupling is not used to amplify extremely low frequencies because........ C;
there is considerable power loss
there is hum in the output
electrical size of coupling capacitor becomes very large
none of the above
70 In transistor amplifiers, we use........ transformer for impedance matching. B;
step up
step down
same turn ratio
none of the above
71 The lower and upper cuts off frequencies are also called........ frequencies. D;
72 A gain of 1,000,000 times in power is expressed by........ B;
30 db
60 db
120 db
600 db
73 A gain of 1000 times in voltage is expressed by........... A;
60 db
30 db
120 db
600 db
74 1 db corresponds to........... change in power level. C;
75 1 db corresponds to ......... change in voltage or current level. A;
76 The frequency response of transformer coupling is......... D;
very good
77 In the initial stages of a multistage amplifier, we use........ A;
RC coupling
transformer coupling
direct coupling
none of the above
78 The total gain of a multistage amplifier is less than the product of the gains of B;
individual stages due to.......
power loss in the coupling device
loading effect of next stage
the use of many transistors
the use of many capacitors
79 The gain of an amplifier is expressed in db because.......... C;
it is a simple unit
calculations become easy
human ear response is logarithmic
none of the above
80 If the power level of an amplifier reduces to half, the db gain will fall by....... D;
0.5 db
2 db
10 db
3 db
81 A current amplification of 2000 is a gain of B;
3 db
66 db
20 db
200 db
82 An amplifier receives 0.1 W of input signal and delivers 15 W of signal power. What A;
is the power gain in db?
21.8 db
14.6 db
9.5 db
17.4 db
83 The power output of an audio system is 18 W. For a person to notice an increase in the C;
output (loudness or sound intensity) of the system, what must the output power be
increased to?
14.2 W
11.6 W
22.68 W
none of the above
84 The output of a microphone is rated at – 52 db. The reference level is 1 V under D;
specified sound conditions. What is the output voltage of this microphone under the
same sound conditions?
1.5 mV
6.2 mV
3.8 mV
2.5 mV
85 RC coupling is generally confined to low power applications because of......... B;
large value of coupling capacitor
low efficiency
large number of components
none of the above
86 The number of stages that can be directly coupled is limited because........ A;
changes in temperature cause thermal instability
circuit becomes heavy and costly
it becomes difficult to bias the circuit
none of the above
87 The purpose of RC or transformer coupling is to........ B;
block a.c.
separate bias of one stage from another
increase thermal stability
none of the above
88 The upper or lower cut off frequency is also called........ frequency. C;
3 db
none of the above
89 The bandwidth of a single stage amplifier is ....... that of a multistage amplifier. A;
more than
the same as
less than
data insufficient
90 The value of emitter capacitor CE in a multistage amplifier is about............ D;
0.1 μF
100 pF
0.01 μF
50 μF
91 Identify the cascade amplifier A;
Two stage RC coupled amplifier
CE-CB amplifier
RC phase shift oscillator
None of these
92 Identify the cascode amplifier B;
Two stage RC coupled amplifier
CE-CB amplifier
RC phase shift oscillator
None of these
93 Which multistage amplifier has high efficiency D;
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
94 Coupling circuit contains which components C;
Voltage dependent source
Current dependent source
Passive components
None of these
95 In 3 stage amplifier what is the overall gain A is ……. A;
(let A1,A2,A3 are individual gains of each stage respectively)
A1 x A2 x A3
A1 + A2 +A3
(A1 x A2)/A3
None of these
96 What is the efficiency of class A amplifier… A;
97 What is the efficiency of class B amplifier…? C;
98 What is the efficiency of class D amplifier…? B;
99 The main use of feedback amplifier A;
To increase stability
To increase gain
To decrease amplification
None of these
10 The main use of multistage amplifier B;
To provide high stability
To provide high gain
To decrease amplification
None of these
10 Open-loop gain of an amplifier is given by A;

None of the above
10 Loop gain is given by B;

None of the above
10 In a feedback amplifier, sensitivity D is equal to C;

1 – Aβ
1 + Aβ
1/(Aβ + 1)
10 In a negative feedback amplifier, voltage sampling B;
Tends to decrease the output resistance
Tends to increase to output resistance
Does not alter the output resistance
Produces the same effect on output resistance as current sampling
10 In a negative feedback amplifier, current sampling: B;
Tends to increase the output resistance
Tends to decrease the output resistance
Does not alter the output resistance
Produces the same effect on input resistance as voltage sampling
10 In a negative feedback amplifier, series mixing: A;
Tends to increase the input resistance
Tends to decrease the input resistance
Does not alter the input resistance
Produces the same effect on input resistance as shunt mixing
10 In a negative feedback amplifier, shunt mixing: B;
Tends to increase the input resistance
Tends to decrease the input resistance
Does not alter the input resistance
Produces the same effect on input resistance as the series mixing
10 Negative feedback in an amplifier improves: C;
The signal to noise ratio at the output
Reduces distortion
Both (A) and (B)
None of the above
10 For a shunt-shunt negative feedback amplifier B;
Input impedance decreases but output impedance increases
Both input impedance and output impedance increases
Both input impedance and output impedance decreases
None of the above
11 An amplifier with the negative feedback: D;
Controls the gain
Reduces the noise
Reduces phase distortion
All of the above
11 An amplifier with resistive negative feedback has two left half plane poles in its open- C;
1 loop transfer junction. The amplifier will be:
Stable for all frequencies
Unstable for all frequency
Stable for a particular frequencies
Unstable for a particular frequencies
11 Barkhusen criteria is: A;
Positive feedback, Aβ = 1, θ = 0 or multiple 360
Negative feedback, Aβ = 1, θ = 0 or multiple 360
Positive feedback, Aβ = 0, θ = 0 or multiple 360
Negative feedback, Aβ = 1, θ = 180
11 When negative voltage feedback is applied to an amplifier, its voltage gain B;
is increased
is reduced
remains the same
none of the above
11 The value of negative feedback fraction is always.......... A;
less than 1
more than 1
equal to 1
none of the above
11 If the output of an amplifier is 10 V and100 mV from the output is fed back to the C;
5 input, then feedback fraction is.......
11 The gain of an amplifier without feedback is 100 db. If a negative feedback of 3 db is D;
6 applied, the gain of the amplifier will be-come
101.5 db
300 db
103 db
97 db
11 If the feedback fraction of an amplifier is 0.01, then voltage gain with negative volt- B;
7 age feedback is approximately.......
50 0
11 A feedback circuit usually employs .......... network. A;
none of the above
11 The gain of an amplifier with feedback is known as ...........gain. C;
open loop
closed loop
none of the above
12 Negative feedback is employed in....... C;
none of the above
12 When current feedback (negative) is applied to an amplifier, its output impedance...... A;
is increased
is decreased
remains the same
none of the above
12 Emitter follower is a ............... circuit. B;
voltage feedback
current feedback
both voltage and current feedback
none of the above
12 If voltage feedback (negative) is applied to an amplifier, its output impedance C;
remains the same
is increased
is decreased
none of the above
12 When negative voltage feedback is applied to an amplifier, its bandwidth A;
is increased
is decreased
remains the same
insufficient data
12 If voltage gain without feedback and feed-back fraction is Av and mv respectively, then B;
5 gain with negative voltage feedback is........
Av/1 –Avmv
Av/1 +Avmv
1 +Avmv/ Av
(1 - Avmv)/ Av
12 The approximate voltage gain of an amplifier with negative voltage feedback (feed- A;
6 back fraction being mv) is.........
1/1 + mv
1 –mv
12 If Av and Afb are the voltage gains of an amplifier without feedback and with D;
7 negative feedback respectively, then feedback fraction is.......
1/(AV) -1/(Afb)
1/AV -1/Afb
AV /Afb + 1/AV
1/Afb -1/AV
12 In the expression for voltage gain with nega-tive voltage feedback, the term 1 + Am C;
8 mv is known as........
gain factor
feedback factor
sacrifice factor
none of the above
12 If the output impedance of an amplifier is Zout without feedback, then with negative A;
9 voltage feedback, its value will be...........
zout /(1+AV MV)
Zout (1 + Avmv)
(1 +Avmv)/ZOUT
Zout(1 −Avmv)
13 If the input impedance of an amplifier is Zin without feedback, then with negative B;
0 volt-age feedback, its value will be...........
Zin/(1+Av mv)
Zin (1 + Av mv)
(1+Av mv)/Zin
Zin(1-Av mv)
13 Feedback circuit ......... frequency. A;
is independent of
is strongly dependent on
is moderately dependent on
none of the above
13 The basic purpose of applying negative volt-age feedback is to......... B;
increase voltage gain
reduce distortion
keep the temperature within limits
none of the above
13 If the voltage gain of an amplifier without feedback is 20 and with negative voltage D;
3 feedback it is 12, then feedback fraction is
13 In an emitter follower, we employ ...... negative current feedback. C;
13 An amplifier has an open loop voltage gain of 1,00,000. With negative voltage feed- A;
5 back, the voltage gain is reduced to 100. What is the sacrifice factor?
none of the above
13 In the above question, what will happen to circuit performance? B;
distortion is increased 1000 times
input impedance is increased 1000 times
output impedance is increased 1000 times
none of the above
13 The non-linear distortion of an amplifier is D without feedback. The amplifier has an D;
7 open-loop voltage gain of Av and feedback fraction is mv. With negative voltage
feed-back, the non-linear distortion is
D (1 + Av mv)
D (1− Av mv)
1 +Avmv/D
1 +AV Mv/D
13 The output and input voltages of an emitter follower have a phase difference of....... C;

13 It is most necessary to control signal-to-noise ratio at........ A;
initial stage
driver stage
output stage
detector stage
14 In order to obtain good gain stability in a negative voltage feedback amplifier (Av = B;
0 voltage gain without feedback; mv = feed-back fraction) ...
Av mv = 1
Av mv >> 1
Av mv < 1
none of the above
14 D;
If the gain of a closed-loop inverting amplifier is 3.9, with an input resistor value of
1.6 kilohms, what value of feedback resistor is necessary?
0.62 kilohms
410 ohms
2.4 kilohms
6240 ohms
14 For an ideal noise free amplifier, the noise figure is D;
Zero dB
1 dB
14 In the negative feedback amplifier with gain A / K, the noise generated in the C;
3 amplifier is reduced by a factor of
1 / (1 - K)
14 What is the NFB method being used in Fig.3.5.1 ? B;

Voltage derived, parallel fed.

Voltage derived, series fed.
Current derived, parallel fed.
Current derived, series fed.
14 Refer to Fig.: Which of the following statements most accurately describes the type of D;
5 inter stage coupling and method of feedback used?

Direct coupling with DC negative feedback.

Resistive coupling with AC negative feedback.

Capacitive coupling with AC and DC negative feedback.

DC coupling with AC and DC negative feedback.
14 B;
Negative feedback loops avoid the use of reactive components where possible to
minimize which of the following effects?
Amplitude distortion.
Phase distortion.
Frequency distortion.
External noise.
14 In an audio amplifier using NFB which of the following methods would be most D;
7 effective in reducing electro-magnetically induced noise from the power supply?

Using a low pass filter in the negative feedback system.

Decoupling the DC power lines using both electrolytic and polyester capacitors.
Using a high pass filter in the negative feedback system.
Using electromagnetic screening on the power supply components.
14 C;
Assuming that the input signal is normal, what would be the probable effect on the
circuit if R4 became open circuit in Fig. 3.5.2?

No output signal.
Normal output signal.
Large and distorted output signal.
Small and distorted output signal.
14 A;
If a voltage amplifier has an open loop gain (AO) of 150 and a feedback factor (β) of
1/20, what will be the approximate gain with negative feedback applied?
15 A;
0 The audio amplifier response curve illustrated in Fig. 3.5.3 shows which of the
following problems?

Frequency distortion.
Phase distortion.
Bandwidth distortion.
Amplitude Distortion.

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