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Daily Assignment
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NMR Spectroscopy
1. How many Hertz does 1 ppm correspond to for an PMR spectrometer operating at a radiofrequency
of 60 MHz and 100 MHz?
(a) 6 Hz, 10 Hz (b) 60 Hz, 100 Hz (c) 100 Hz, 60 Hz (d) None
2. At an operating frequency of 350 MHz, the shift (in Hz) of resonance from TMS (tetramethylsilane)
of a proton with chemical shift of 2 ppm is _____
3. The nuclear spin quantum number (I) of a nucleus is . When placed in an external magnetic field.
the number of possible spin energy states it can occupy is __________.
4. In NMR spectroscopy, the product of the nuclear ‘g’ factor (gN), the nuclear magneton (N) and
the magnetic field strength (B0) gives the
(a) energy of transition from  to  state (b) chemical shift
(c) spin-spin coupling constant (d) magnetogyric ratio

Given   1 H   2.7  108 T 1s 1 . The resonance frequency of a proton in magnetic field of 12.6 T
is close to ( = 3.14)
(a) 60 MHz (b) 110 MHz (c) 540 MHz (d) 780 MHz
1 14
6. The nuclear g-factors of H and N are 5.6 and 0.40 respectively. If the magnetic field in an NMR
spectrometer is set such that the proton resonates at 700 MHz, the 14N nucleus would resonate at
(a) 1750 MHz (b) 700 MHz (c) 125 MHz (d) 50 MHz
7. The H NMR frequency at 1.0 T is 42.4 MHz. If the gyromagnetic ratio of 1H and 13C are 27 × 107

and 6.75 × 107 T–1S–1, respectively, what will be the 13C frequency at 1.0 T?
(a) 10.6 MHz (b) 169.9 MHz (c) 42.6 MHz (d) 21.3 MHz
8. The g-factors of 1H and 13C are 5.6 and 1.4 respectively. For the same value of the magnetic field
strength, if the 1H resonates at 600 MHz, the 13C would resonate at
(a) 2400 MHz (b) 600 MHz (c) 150 MHz (d) 38 MHz
9. Calculate the number of spin states for 17 Cl

1. b 2. 700 3. 4 4. a 5. c 6. d 7. a
3 1 1 3
8. c 9.  ,  ,  , 
2 2 2 2

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