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Engineering Design Properties

Different properties that need to be considered when designing a polymer component from
mechanical properties to failure mechanism, electrical properties, optical properties, acoustic
properties, and permeability of polymer.s

Topics & References

1. Polymer Properties
a. Mechanical and Rheological Properties | Essentials of Polymer Science &
Engineering (p.399)
b. Mechanical Properties | Polymer Science & Technology (Chapter 13)
c. Characteristics, Applications and Properties of Polymers | Polymer Engg' Science &
Viscoelasticity (p. 57)
d. Time and Temperature Behavior of Polymers | Polymer Engg' Science &
Viscoeslasticity (p. 231)
d. Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers | Plastics: Product Design and Process
Engg' (p. 96)
e. Thermal and Chemical Resistance, Electrical, Optical, Other Non-mechanical
properties | Plastics: Produc Design and Process Engg' (p.151)
2. Effects of Variables to Polymer Properties
a. No research yet
3. Engineering Design Considerations with Polymer Properties
a. Plastics Conveying:
b. Book - Polymer Processing: Principles and Design
c. Book - Plastics: Product Design and Process Engineering
4. Researches/Patents (4)
a. No research yet

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