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Current Electricity Science Notes JC-Learn

Science Notes
Current Electricity

Current Electricity Science Notes JC-Learn

Current Electricity
An electric current is a flow of electric charge.

If a battery is connected to each end of a conductor, the positive

terminal will attract the free electrons of the conductor. At the other
end, the negative terminal will replace the missing electrons.
 The result will be a constant flow of charges (electrons)
through the conductor. A flow of charge like this is called an
electric current.

Mandatory Experiment
*To test if a substance is a conductor or an insulator

Apparatus required: 6 V battery, 6 V bulb, conducting wires, two

crocodile clips, items to be tested (copper wire, candle, key, coins,
plastic bottle, nail, comb, ruler, compass, paper clip, fruit, cotton wool

1. Make list of all materials you are going to test. Divide them into
two columns, predicting whether they are conductors or
2. Set up circuit. At beginning there is gap between crocodile
clips. The bulb does not light. The circuit is not complete yet.
3. Now, bridge the gap with each item you are testing, by
inserting them between the clips. Note the result each time.

 The materials that cause the bulb to light brightly, like copper,
steel and most metals, are good conductors.
 Other materials, like plastic, paper etc., are insulators. Charge
cannot travel through these materials. Thus, the light does not
come on.

Current Electricity Science Notes JC-Learn

Simple electric circuits

When charges move around, as in current electricity, they become
really useful. These charges flow around a path (electric circuit).

Points to remember about electric circuits:

1. Circuits must be complete – if there is a gap anywhere, the
charges cannot flow. Current flows when a switch in the circuit
is closed (or on). The current cannot flow when the switch is
open (or off).

2. Potential difference – A circuit must have a source of potential

difference. This is also referred to as voltage or e.m.f (electron-
moving-force). This provides the energy to push the electrons
around the circuit. Electrons cannot move around a circuit
without this energy. A voltmeter is used to measure the

Current Electricity Science Notes JC-Learn

difference in potential/ voltage between any two points in a

circuit. Volt (V) is the unit of voltage.

3. Current – The potential difference in a circuit causes electrons

to flow, i.e. a current. To measure electric current, we use an
ammeter. Ampere/Amp (A) is the unit of current. The symbol
for current is I.

4. Resistance – Resistors are often used in circuits to produce

heat or light or to reduce the current flowing in a circuit.
Resistors, whose resistance can be changed, also exist. They are
called variable resistors or rheostats. If you increase the
resistance, less current will flow. An ohmmeter is the
instrument used to measure the resistance of a resistor. Ohms
is the unit of resistance. The following is the symbol for

Symbols for electric currents

Current Electricity Science Notes JC-Learn

Resistance between voltage, current and resistance

The following experiment will find a link between voltage, current
and resistance across a coil of wire. An electric current will be used.
1. The resistance of the coil will be measured.
2. Then the voltage across coil and current going through coil will
be measured.
3. We then try to establish a link between the resistance, voltage
and current.

Mandatory Experiment
(a) To measure the resistance of a coil (or resistor)

Apparatus required: ohmmeter, coil (resistor), test leads and

connecting wires

1. Set the multimeter to act as an ohmmeter by changing the dial
to lowest resistance setting. Switch it on.
2. Connect test leads to each end of resistor. Note reading on

 The reading on ohmmeter is resistance of coil.

(b) To measure potential difference (voltage) and current and

establish a relationship between potential difference, current and

Apparatus required: low voltage power supply, ammeter, voltmeter,

switch, coil in beaker of water ( same coil as used above), connecting

1. Use connecting wires to connect up circuit.
2. Switch on power supply at lowest setting. Close switch. Current
will flow.
3. Note reading on voltmeter and ammeter.

Current Electricity Science Notes JC-Learn

4. Change to next setting on power supply. Take readings of

voltage and current again. Repeat process for several other
5. Plot graph of voltage (vertical axis) against current (horizontal
6. Divide each voltage by its corresponding current,
7. Find average of these results. Compare this average result with
resistance of same coil.

Results and conclusion

 The voltage across resistor is given by voltmeter reading.
 The reading on ammeter is the current in circuit.
 A straight-line graph going through origin shows that current is
proportional to voltage. This means that the current increases
directly with the voltage.
 The resistance of a resistor can be found by dividing potential
difference across it by current passing through it.
 The resistance of coil can be found by finding slope of graph of
potential difference plotted against current.

Calculations based on relationship between potential difference,

current and resistance:
 = resistance (R)
 I=V÷R
 V=I×R

Current Electricity Science Notes JC-Learn

Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits

Two bulbs in a circuit can be connected in two different ways:
1. They can be connected in series. Here, they are connected one
after the other. There is only one path through which the
current can flow.

2. They can be connected in parallel. Here, they are connected

side by side. There is a branch in the circuit and the current
will have a choice of paths.

Mandatory Experiment
*To demonstrate simple series and parallel circuits, containing a
switch and two bulbs

Apparatus required: battery, two similar 6 V bulbs, switch,

connecting wires

1. Set up series circuit. Close switch and observe bulb brightness.
2. Then set up in circuit. Here, an extra similar bulb is added in
series with first bulb. Close switch. Observe bulb brightness.
3. Now remove one of these two bulbs from its holder.
4. Set up parallel circuit. This time, second similar bulb is added
in parallel with first bulb. Close switch. Observe bulb
5. Remove one of these bulbs from its holder.

 Two bulbs in series shine less brightly than if one of these
bulbs was on its own. If one bulb is removed/blows, the circuit
is no longer complete.
 Two bulbs in parallel shine as brightly as one of these bulbs on
its own. If one bulb is removed/blows, the circuit is still

Current Electricity Science Notes JC-Learn

Effects of an electric current

1. Heating effect – A demonstration of this is that electric current
causes light bulb to heat up and emit light. An everyday
application is electric kettle.
2. Magnetic effect – A demonstration of this is that electric
current will deflect a magnetic current. An everyday
application of this is electro magnet.
3. Chemical effect – Electrolysis occurs when electric current
splits water into hydrogen and oxygen. An everyday
application is electro plating (used in making cutlery).

Direct and alternating current

Direct current (d.c.) is current that flows in one direction only. An
example is a battery.

Alternating current (a.c) is current that changes direction constantly

(100 times a second). An example of this is the mains electricity.


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