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8 / December/October 2019

Mental Health
Mental Health Over the Years
Written By: Amulya Bandari

If someone broke their arm or their stomach hurts, end of the decade, an estimated 19,000 forced surgical
what is the first thing they would do? They would sterilized and 50,000 lobotomizations took place
probably get some medicine, go to a doctor or seek (Yohanna).
some kind of treatment. However, there are countless
individuals who have treatable health problems just as
serious as a bodily injury. However, unlike physical
illnesses, those who suffer from mental illnesses keep it
a secret or do not get the treatment necessary. Why is
that? This is due to the stigma around mental health.
Fortunately, the recent mental health awareness
movement has helped decrease stigma. This new
movement is fighting for mental illnesses to be taken
just as serious as bodily illnesses, and it has made some The main cause for the stigma and mistreatment of
promising moves, however, much still needs to change. those with mental illness is due to the mystery around
the topic. Much was not known about mental health
To understand the stigma around mental illnesses, we and this led to fear which soon turned into abuse and
must look at the past. Throughout history, those mistreatment. The stigma around mental illnesses
diagnosed with mental illness were persecuted and changed as the horrors of what took place in these
abused. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, mental asylums was released to the public. This led to the
illness was considered a taboo topic. Those struggling deinstitutionalization movement throughout the 1970s,
with anxiety, depression, or other illnesses that are not which shut down many mental health asylums
as noticeable were completely ignored. Those who had (Yohanna). The world of medicine was also evolving
schizophrenia, ADHD, or similar conditions that during this time, and more was being discovered about
affected behavior were thrown into asylums. These mental illnesses and its causes. It was concluded that
asylums were underfunded, overcrowded, and filled mental illnesses were a result of chemical imbalances
with abuse. Inhumane methods were used on those in the brain. Therefore, treatment methods shifted from
living in these asylums. Many were locked away in institutionalism to medicine with new drugs such as
solitary confinement for years, and many were Prozac for depression and Abilify for Schizophrenia in
severally abused. In some cases, unnecessary and the 1980s (Cooper). However, treatment was still
unethical constraints were involved. Lobotomization, a extremely exclusive and expensive. Even with the
procedure where a part of the frontal lobe is removed, expansion of Medicare, the treatment of mental illness
and shock therapy, where electric shocks of different was sidelined and underfunded. Even insurance
intensities were passed through the brain, were popular companies were also not required to cover costs of
treatments at the time. These were originally done in mental health medications and therapy. This continued
the hopes to improve the patient’s condition, however into the early 2000s until people began to take mental
it was soon used for unnecessary reasons, such as bad health more seriously.
behavior. In the end, the Lobotomizations and shock
therapy that took place in the 1960s left many mentally During the turn of the century, a series of tragic events
crippled and in worse condition. In addition, those who and cases took place that showed the world that mental
had mental illnesses were also forcibly sterilized in health needs more attention. One of these infamous
order to prevent the spread of these illnesses. By the events is the Andrea Yate’s case, where Mrs. Yates
murdered her five children after not receiving the come out and shared her personal story of being
proper treatment for her Post Partem Depression bullied, which negatively impacted her mental health.
(CNN). With pharmaceutical companies trying to Many of her fans have also reached out to her about
commercialize treatment of mental illness and bullying. Due to this, in 2011, she started The Born
shocking cases such as the Yates case, there was a huge This Way Foundation, which provides support for
push in legislative reform. In 2008, The United States vulnerable children and helps prevent bullying to
passed the Federal Parity, which changed the mental improve overall mental health (BornThisWay).
health care field. It required insurance companies to Through the foundation, she has stared youth
cover mental illnesses just like physical illnesses empowerment program in more than 20 schools in her
(Mantel). This made treatments more accessible to local area to improve overall mental health. The
people who needed it. However, treatment for mental message has spread her message throughout the
illness has mainly been focused on medication rather country with national anti-bullying programs taking
than addressing the causes of mental illness. The topic root. The United States government nearly doubled its
of mental illness is still in the shadow, and this is funding for The movement gained
where the conversation has remained to this day. nationwide support and the results are promising. By
2015, the movement has caused a 28% decrease in
Now, there is a Mental Health Movement. This bullying nationwide (ed). This has led to a decrease in
movement has changed the public’s views of this topic mental illness caused by bullying and a better school
by decreasing the misconceptions against mental environment overall (NCBI).
illness. People have begun to focus on determining the
causes of these illnesses rather than simply trying to
treat or manage the symptoms. Treatments such as
lifestyle changes like exercise and dietary
modifications have also emerged as an alternative to
medication. With the aid of the Mental Health
Movement and continual advances in the field, the
stigma around mental illness will continue to diminish
and more will understand the importance of taking care
one’s mental health.
The Mental Health Movement has also helped
The Mental Health Movement also took advantage of decreased the stigma and common misconceptions of
the media to propel its movement. Originally, the mental illness. One popular example of this is when
movement started with tweets, hashtags and personal President Donald Trump made a negative comment
stories being shared online. Due to the immense impact about the topic. Shortly after the Margery Stoneman
of social media and mainstream media, the movement Douglas shooting, President Trump quickly responded
gained support almost immediately. People were able to mass shootings by pointing the blame at mental
to empathize with people suffering from mental health illness. At a rally in New Hampshire earlier this year,
issues and were able to see them from a perspective. It President Trump stated, “I think we have to start
capitalized its emotionally compelling message, which building institutions again because, you know, if you
aided in shifting public opinion. Social media look at the '60s and '70s, so many of these institutions
influencers and other prominent figures quickly spoke were closed...But a lot of our conversation has to do
out in support of the movement, and some also shared with the fact that we have to open up institutions. We
their own stories. People such as Opera Winfrey, can't let these people be on the streets." Not only did he
Barack Obama and Prince Harry have started to mention reopening institutions, but he also referred to
advocate for mental health, aiding in the popularity and people with mental illnesses as “monsters (CBSNews).
impact of the movement. It has garnered international Many took to the internet to quickly respond to these
recognition and its impact has continued to grow. accusations. They used the hashtags #mentalhealth,
#mentalhealthawareness and #endthestigma to correct
One of the impacts of the Mental Health Movement is the common misconception. Since people were able to
the focus on the cause of mental illness. Some studies stand up to comments made by the President, it shows
have revealed that bullying, especially during the how far we have come in accepting mental illnesses as
childhood, has negative effects on mental health and real illnesses. Even predominant figures in the Mental
increases the chances of developing a mental illness. Health advocacy field responded to President Trump’s
Prominent figures such as Lady Gaga have taken it accusation. Angela Kimball, the acting CEO of
upon themselves to aid in this crisis. Lady Gaga has National Alliance on Mental Illness, released a
statement to respond to President Trump, which states,
“Words matter, Mr. President. ‘These people’ are our
friends, neighbors, children, spouses. They’re not
'monsters,' 'the mentally ill' or 'crazy people' – they’re
us. Talking about reinstitutionalization only further
marginalizes and isolates the one in five people with
mental illness. Instead, we need to be talking about the
power of early treatment and effective intervention to
change lives (NAMI).” She further explains that
institutionalization has terrible consequences and that
there are alternative forms of treatment, such of
lifestyle changes that have a higher success rate.
Thanks to this debacle occurring, these common
misconceptions were corrected and circulated the
internet. The main goal for the Mental Health Movement is to
provide more resources to those with mental illness,
which can come in the form of aid, medical
advancements and research. This mainly comes in the
form of government funding. The government funds
millions of dollars into treating physical illnesses, but
how come they do not provide the same benefits to
those with mental illnesses? Just like physical illnesses,
those who have mental illnesses require proper medical
treatment. The problem came to light again due to the
Furthermore, like stated previously, alternative forms recent suicide crisis. In recent years, suicide, especially
of treatment have been on the rise due to the Mental in teens, has been on the rise. Teen suicide recently
Health Movement. Originally, medical treatment, reached a 13-year high of 6.7 deaths per 100,000 teens
which may not work for everybody, was seen as the (Lyons). Suicide is also the second-leading cause of
only way for mental health treatment. Through the death among 13- to 19-year-olds, after unintended
Mental Health Movement, many have been sharing injury and before homicides (Lyons). With the
alternative forms of treatment that can work with momentum of the Mental Health Movement, increase
medication to get the best results. According Boston in funding was provided to aid Mental Health. In 2018,
University College of Health and Rehabilitation the funding for The Substance Abuse and Mental
Sciences, studies have shown that the use of alternative Health Servies Administration (SAMHSA) increase by
forms of treatment, such as self-help, diet, expressive $306 million, the research funding for National
therapy etc., coupled with medication produce the best Institute of Mental Health (NIMA) increased by $109.8
results in battling mental illness (bu). Technology has million and the funding for Department of Veterans
also aided in finding alternative ways to cope. Now, Affairs’ Mental Health Servies and Programs increased
there are more than 10,000 apps aid those with mental by $580 million. Overall, NIMA will have a $3 billion
illness. Previously, pharmaceutical companies hid increase in funding (NAMI). This would have not been
alternative forms of medication so they could capitalize possible without the nationwide pressure created by the
on the industry. However, due to the Mental Health Mental Health Movement.
Movement, information about alternative treatment has
been released to the public. This has become so So, after all this progress, what will happen next? If the
successful that now the American Psychological conversation continues as it is and the topic of mental
Association agrees that to receive the best results for illness is still trending, there will continue to be more
mental health treatment, to use a combination of change and there will be a positive impact on those
medication and lifestyle changes (Walsh). with mental illness. The movement needs to continue
to be an active part of social media and national news.
If the movement is publicized and continues to grow,
then there will be more awareness about Mental Illness.
This will help combat the stigma and common
misconceptions of mental illness. More people will get
involved and more people will become aware. The
main goal is to make sure the conversation does not
stop. In the past, mental health was a taboo, which led Mantel, Barbara. “Mental Health Policy.”10 May 2013.
to horrible consequences. If the movement continues as
it is now, then there will be more investment in “NAMI.” NAMI, 16 Sept. 2019,
preventing mental illness. If the public complies with
preventative measures, then mental illness can diminish News/2019/NAMI-s-Statement-Regarding-President-
significantly. As technology improves, new forms of Trump-s-Comments-on-Reinstitutionalizing-People-
alternative treatment will be discovered, leading to a with-Mental-Ill.
more effective way to combat mental illness.
Furthermore, more recognition of the problem will lead “New Data Show a Decline in School-Based
to an increase in funding to stop the problem. To Bullying.” New Data Show a Decline in School-Based
increase funding, there needs to be more pressure from Bullying | U.S. Department of Education, 15 May
the citizens for mental health policy reform, which will 2015,
happen if the movement continues as it is now. Overall, data-show-decline-school-based-bullying.
the movement is only just staring. With the continued
conversation, pressure and fighting for mental illness, “NVSS - Mortality Tables - Leading Causes of Death -
the mental health will be taken just as seriously as LCWK9.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
physical health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 May

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“Alternative Approaches to Mental Health Care.”
Boston University Center for Psychiatric “Trump Wants to Bring Back Mental Institutions to
Rehabilitation, Address Mass Shootings.” CBS News, CBS Interactive,
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“Andrea Yates Fast Facts.” CNN, Cable News
Network, 14 June 2019, Walsh, Roger. “Lifestyle and Mental Health.” American Psychologist, vol. 66, no. 7, 2011, pp. 579–
facts/index.html. 592., doi:10.1037/a0021769.

Cooper, Mary H. “Prozac.” 19 Aug. 1994. Wolke, Dieter, and Suzet Tanya Lereya. “Long-Term
Effects of Bullying.” Archives of Disease in
Godlasky, Anne, and Alia E. Dastagir. “Suicide Rate Childhood, BMJ Publishing Group, Sept. 2015,
up 33% in Less than 20 Years, Yet Funding Lags
behind Other Top Killers.” USA Today, Gannett 09/.
Satellite Information Network, 21 Dec. 2018, Yohanna, Daniel. “Deinstitutionalization of People
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