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Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical

Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)
Excavation of areas to accept the specified depth
BL/ B1/1 A of planting medium (300mm)-including areas of m³ 690 60.00 41,400.00 100% 0% 100% 41,400.00
grass sprigging
Excavation of Palm Pits. Size: 1500mm
BL/ B1/1 B m³ 100 60.00 6,000.00 80% 10% 90% 5,400.00
x1500mm x 1500mm
Excavation of Tree Pits. Size: 1200mm
BL/ B1/1 C m³ 150 60.00 9,000.00 62% 12% 74% 6,676.80
x1200mm x 1200mm
Spreading of sweet soil for the areas to accept
BL/ B1/1 D the specified depth of planting medium (300mm) m³ 690 70.50 48,645.00 100.00% 0% 100% 48,645.00
- including areas of grass sprigging
Spreading of sweet soil for the Palm Pits.size:
BL/ B1/1 E m³ 100 70.50 7,050.00 70.00% 12.00% 82% 5,781.00
1500mm x 1500mm x 1500mm
Spreading of sweet soil for the Tree Pits. Size:
BL/ B1/1 F m³ 150 70.50 10,575.00 64.66% 12.00% 76.66% 8,106.80
1200mm x1200mm x 1200mm

Ornamental Tress of Category Terminalia
BL/ B1/1 G Cattapa Having 1.5m clear stem 0.14 - 0.16m no 35 214.00 7,490.00 20.00% 55.00% 75.00% 5,617.50
Ornamental Tress of Category Milligtonia
BL/ B1/1 H hortensis Having 1.5m Over all height Multi stem no 35 162.00 5,670.00 25.71% 35.00% 60.71% 3,442.50
Tress of Category musa speis Having 1.5m
BL/ B1/1 J no 4 109.00 436.00 0.00% 55.00% 55.00% 239.80
clear stem 0.14 - 0.16m Girth
Ornamental Palms of Category Cocus Nucifera
BL/ B1/2 A no 5 3,297.00 16,485.00 0.00% 40.00% 40.00% 6,594.00
Having 2.5M Overall height brown trunk

Ornamental Palms of Category Chamerops

BL/ B1/2 B no 6 3,825.00 22,950.00 0.00% 40.00% 40.00% 9,180.00
Humillis Having 1.2M Overall height brown trunk

- jbp - Page 1 of 9 05/01/2020

Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical
Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)

Ornamental Palms of Category Washing tonia

BL/ B1/2 C no 16 3,297.00 52,752.00 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 26,376.00
Filifera Having 3.0M Overall height brown trunk

Ornamental Palms of Category Cycas Revoluta

BL/ B1/2 D no 18 1,845.00 33,210.00 27.78% 40.00% 67.78% 22,509.00
Having 0.6m Overall height brown trunk

Ornamental Palms of Category Phoenix

BL/ B1/2 E no 29 1,050.00 30,450.00 62.07% 25.00% 87.07% 26,512.50
Dactylifera Having 0.8m brown trunk
Shrubs/Hedges of Category Hibiscus
BL/ B1/2 F no 15 13.75 206.25 0.00% 55.00% 55.00% 113.44
Rosasinensis Having 0.50 - 0.70m height
Shrubs/Hedges of pandanus Vietchi 0.7 - 1.0m
BL/ B1/2 G no 20 17.50 350.00 0.00% 55.00% 55.00% 192.50
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Catheranthus
BL/ B1/2 H no 3,168 3.10 9,820.80 4.26% 40.00% 44.26% 4,346.82
Roseus having 0.40m Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Tradescantia
BL/ B1/2 J no 2,316 4.60 10,653.60 0.00% 40.00% 40.00% 4,261.44
Pallida having 0.30m Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Iresene
BL/ B1/2 K no 1,500 3.10 4,650.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 4,650.00
lindenii having 0.2m to.03m Spread

Ground Cover Plants, of Category Alternanthera

BL/ B1/2 L no 7,316 3.10 22,679.60 24.86% 30.00% 54.86% 12,442.78
versicolor having 0.2m to.03m Spread

Ground Cover Plants, of Category Gazania

BL/ B1/2 M no 1,552 4.30 6,673.60 27.13% 35.00% 62.13% 4,146.06
Uniflora having 0.2m Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Hymenocallis
BL/ B1/2 N no 1,404 9.00 12,636.00 0.00% 45.00% 45.00% 5,686.20
Carasifolia having 0.2m Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Lantana Dwarf
BL/ B1/2 P no 3,360 3.95 13,272.00 32.80% 25.00% 57.80% 7,670.90
yellow having 0.3m Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category
BL/ B1/2 Q no 1,136 14.10 16,017.60 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Drosanthemum having 0.2m Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Sesuviam
BL/ B1/2 R no 1,200 3.10 3,720.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Parvifollum having 0.6m Height

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Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical
Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Rhoeo
BL/ B1/3 A no. 9,040 3.95 35,708.00 11.22% 18.00% 29.22% 10,432.74
discolour having 0.40 - 0.60m Height (Bushy)
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Wedelia
BL/ B1/3 B no. 84 2.95 247.80 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 247.80
Trilobata having 0.3 Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Jasminum
BL/ B1/3 C no. 87 19.30 1,679.10 0.00% 29.00% 29.00% 486.94
Sambac having 0.3 Spread
Grasses of Category Pennisetum Rubrum having
BL/ B1/3 D no. 226 4.60 1,039.60 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
0.40 - 0.60m Height
Grasses of Category Pennisetum Setaceum
BL/ B1/3 E no. 555 4.60 2,553.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
having 0.40 - 0.60m Height
Lawn of Category paspallum VaginATUM (As
BL/ B1/3 F m2 1,306 13.50 17,631.00 31.01% 25.00% 56.01% 9,875.25
Succulants of Category Aloe Vera having 0.30 -
BL/ B1/3 G no. 32 9.60 307.20 12.50% 45.00% 57.50% 176.64
0.50m Height
Succulants of Category Agav Attenute having
BL/ B1/3 H no. 20 13.60 272.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
0.60m Height
Succulants of Category Adenium obesum having
BL/ B1/3 J no. 18 13.60 244.80 27.78% 15.00% 42.78% 104.72
0.60m Height
BL/ B1/3 K Allow for one year Maintenance item 1 62,058.85 0.00%
BL/ B1/3 L Additional Items as listed below -
Ornamental trees of category ficus benjamina
BL/ B1/3 L.1 no. 9 280.00 2,520.00 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 630.00
having 1.5m clear stem 0.14-0.16m girth
Ornamental trees of category delonix regia
BL/ B1/3 L.2 no. 10 240.00 2,400.00 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 600.00
having 1.5m overall height multi stem girth
Shrubs/hedges of category thevitia peruviana
BL/ B1/3 L.3 no. 172 28.75 4,945.00 0.00% 28.00% 28.00% 1,384.60
having 0.50-0.70m height
Shrubs/hedges of dodonia viscosa 0.50-0.70m
BL/ B1/3 L.4 no. 111 8.40 932.40 0.00% 29.00% 29.00% 270.40
Shrubs/hedges of bougainvillea glabra 0.50-
BL/ B1/3 L.5 no. 290 9.75 2,827.50 0.00% 28.00% 28.00% 791.70
0.70m height

- jbp - Page 3 of 9 05/01/2020

Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical
Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)
Groundcover plants of category hymenocallis
BL/ B1/3 L.6 no. 628 10.50 6,594.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 6,594.00
littoralis, 0.20m spread
Groundcover plants of category lantana sp.,
BL/ B1/3 L.7 no. 2,024 3.95 7,994.80 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 7,994.80
0.30m spread
Groundcover plants of category lantana dwarf,
BL/ B1/3 L.8 no. 913 3.95 3,606.35 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
0.30m spread
Groundcover plants of category lantana
BL/ B1/3 L.9 no. 132 4.25 561.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
montevidensis, 0.30m spread
L.1 Groundcover plants of category asperagus
BL/ B1/3 no. 240 4.60 1,104.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1,104.00
0 spingerii, 0.20m spread
L.1 Grasses of category cyperus alternifolius, 0.40-
BL/ B1/3 no. 268 4.60 1,232.80 0.00% 18.00% 18.00% 221.90
1 0.60m height
L.1 Succulents of category zamia furfuecea, 0.30-
BL/ B1/3 no. 12 65.00 780.00 33.33% 12.00% 45.33% 353.60
2 0.50 height
pine bark mulch composed of fresh pinus radiata
L.1 pine bark to a depth of 50mm for shrub beds as
BL/ B1/3 item 1 Lump Sum 6,000.00 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 3,000.00
3 shown in drawing no., LD118 Rev. 0 "PLANTING
L.1 Allow for additional maintenance as per
BL/ B1/3 item 12 mnts
4 contractors requirements to above Item K
Excavation of areas to accept the specified depth
BL/ B4/1 A of planting medium (300mm)-including areas of m³ 137 60.00 8,220.00 70.00% 10.00% 80.00% 6,576.00
grass sprigging
Excavation of Tree Pits. Size: 1200mm
BL/ B4/1 B m³ 55 60.00 3,300.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 3,300.00
x1200mm x 1200mm
Spreading of sweet soil for the areas to accept
BL/ B4/1 C the specified depth of planting medium (300mm) m³ 137 70.50 9,658.50 80.00% 0.00% 80.00% 7,726.80
- including areas of grass sprigging
Spreading of sweet soil for the Tree Pits. Size:
BL/ B4/1 D m³ 55 70.50 3,877.50 90.00% 0.00% 90.00% 3,489.75
1200mm x1200mm x 1200mm

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Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical
Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)
Ornamental Tress of Category Terminalia
BL/ B4/1 E Cattapa Having 1.5m clear stem 0.14 - 0.16m no 2 214.00 428.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Ornamental Tress of Category Milligtonia
BL/ B4/1 F hortensis Having 1.5m Over all height Multi stem no 7 162.00 1,134.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Ornamental Tress of Category Delonix Regia
BL/ B4/1 G Having 1.5m Over all height Clear stem 14- no 7 109.00 763.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
to.15m Grith
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Tradescantia
BL/ B4/1 H no 375 4.60 1,725.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Pallida having 0.30m Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Iresene
BL/ B4/1 J no 430 3.10 1,333.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
lindenii having 0.2m to.03m Spread
Ground Cover Plants, of Category Sesuviam
BL/ B4/1 K no 355 3.10 1,100.50 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Parvifollum having 0.6m Height
LAWN - -
Lawn of Category paspallum VaginATUM (As
BL/ B4/1 L m2
197 13.25 2,610.25 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Installation of PVC Pipe including fittings,
trenching,,thrust blocks, support, pressure test
and backfilling(Use Mechanical Joints for Main

4" PVC Pipe(Cl-E) with Mechanical Joints(use

BL/ B3/1 A m 1,500 80.00 120,000.00 70.00% 12.00% 82.00% 98,400.00
Pressure relief Valve where deemed necessary)
BL/ B3/1 B
3" PVC Pipe(CL-D) S/W m 98 62.00 6,076.00 15.00% 25.00% 40.00% 2,430.40
BL/ B3/1 C
2" PVC Pipe(CL-D) S/W m 350 40.00 14,000.00 84.57% 5.00% 89.57% 12,540.00
BL/ B3/1 D
1.5" PVC Pipe(CL-D) S/W m 510 35.00 17,850.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 17,850.00
BL/ B3/1 E
1" PVC Pipe(CL-D) S/W m 1,200 30.00 36,000.00 80.83% 4.00% 84.83% 30,540.00
Installation of Isolation Valves including fittings
and valve Chamber
BL/ B3/1 F 110 mm no 2 2,200.00 4,400.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 4,400.00
Installation of Double acting Air Release valves
including fittings, valve box and support

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Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical
Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)
BL/ B3/1 G 2" Air Release valve Assembly no 2 1,200.00 2,400.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Installation of PRS Solenoid Valves for including
all fittings, valve box and support
BL/ B3/1 H 2" Solenoid Valve Assembly no 6 1,100.00 6,600.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B3/1 J 2" Solenoid Valve Assembly with Y Strainer no 10 1,500.00 15,000.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B3/1 K 1" Solenoid Valve Assembly with Y Strainer no 1 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Installation of PC Emitters for Shrubs and
BL/ B3/1 L no 50,786 2.50 126,965.00 5.91% 25.00% 30.91% 39,241.25
Ground Covers
Installation of 16 mm(OD) Dripper line using
BL/ B3/1 M no 15,236 3.50 53,326.00 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 13,331.50
necessary fittings(excluding Drippers)
BL/ B3/1 N Installation of PC Emitters for Tress and Palm no 663 2.50 1,657.50 0.00% 12.00% 12.00% 198.90
BL/ B3/1 P Installation of Drip Take off Points no 217 3.75 813.75 42.40% 25.00% 67.40% 548.44
Installation of Pop-up Sprayers with check valve
BL/ B3/2 A and PRS (use Matched Precipitation Nozzle no 273 32.00 8,736.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
where deemed necessary)

BL/ B3/2 B Installation of 1" Quick Coupling Valve Assembly no 5 425.00 2,125.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B3/2 C Installation of Conduit pipes including fittings m 3,500 6.50 22,750.00 50.00% 15.00% 65.00% 14,787.50
BL/ B3/2 D Irrigation Warning Tape m 3,217 2.50 8,042.50 40.00% 25.00% 65.00% 5,227.63
Installation of Conduit Cable Pull box (Use
BL/ B3/2 E no 39 375.00 14,625.00 0.00% 35.00% 35.00% 5,118.75
long radius Bends where deemed necessary)

Installation of Control Cable AWG # 14 with

BL/ B3/2 F m 4,939 3.10 15,310.90 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Installation of Control Cable AWG # 12 with
BL/ B3/2 G m 957 3.10 2,966.70 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Installation of Field Satellite Controller (24
BL/ B3/2 H no 1 45,000.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Stations) with accessories

Installation of VFD 40 M³ @120 Meter Head

Pump set (1Duty Pump, 1 Stand by, 1 Jockey,
BL/ B3/2 J Manifold piping, Electrical Panel Board, Pressure no 1 244,000.00 80.00% 20.00% 100.00% 244,000.00
Vessel, Pressure Relief Valve and other

Irrigation Distribution Board(20 Kw) and

BL/ B3/2 K no 1 24,871.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 24,871.00
Armored cables necessary to take connection
BL/ B3/2 L m 10 600.00 6,000.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 6,000.00
from Distribution Board to Irrigation Pump
Allow for cost for Irrigation Water Meter including
BL/ B3/2 M no 1 28,000.00 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 28,000.00
Gate Valves & Fittings

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Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical
Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)
Cost for Irrigation Design works, Samples for
BL/ B3/2 N LS 1 12,000.00 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 12,000.00
Approval, Mock up works
BL/ B3/2 P Cost for 1 Year Irrigation Maintenance works LS 1 50,000.00 0.00% 0.00% -

- jbp - Page 7 of 9 05/01/2020

Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical
Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)
Allow for cost for Irrigation Items Deemed
BL/ B3/2 Q LS 1 8,000.00 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 4,000.00
Installation of Perforated PVC Pipe to required
slope including fittings with Geo Textile -
Membrane, Plastic Sheet & Gravel
200 mm PVC to be connected with Storm Water
BL/ B3/3 A item 1 - 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B3/3 B 160 mm PVC Pipe m 200 - 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B3/3 C 110 mm PVC Pipe m 300 - 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B3/3 D 90 mm PVC Pipe m 250 - 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B3/3 E 63 mm PVC Pipe m 750 - 0.00% 0.00% -
Construction of Chamber & Gully Connection
BL/ B3/3 F Deemed Necessary(On Areas without Civil 1 - 0.00% 0.00% -
Structures beneath)
Cost of Drainage Design works, Samples for Lump
BL/ B3/3 G 1 - 0.00% 0.00% -
Approval, Mock up works Sum
BL/ B3/3 H Cost of 1 Year Drainage Maintenance works 1 - 0.00% 0.00% -
Allow for cost for Drainage Items Deemed Lump
BL/ B3/3 J 1 - 0.00% 0.00% -
Necessary Sum
Installation of PVC Pipe including fittings,
trenching, thrust blocks, support, pressure test
and backfilling ( Use Mechanical Joints for Main
Line )
4" mm PVC Pipe (CL-E) with Mechanical Joints
BL/ B6/1 A (use Pressure Relief Valve where deemed m 37 80.00 2,960.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2,960.00
necessary )
BL/ B6/1 B 3" PVC Pipe (CL-D) S/W m 17 62.00 1,054.00 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 527.00
BL/ B6/1 C 2" PVC Pipe (CL-D) S/W m 190 40.00 7,600.00 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 3,800.00
BL/ B6/1 D 1.5" PVC Pipe (CL-D) S/W m 177 35.00 6,195.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 6,195.00
BL/ B6/1 E 1" PVC Pipe (CL-D) S/W m 274 30.00 8,220.00 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 4,110.00
Installation of Isolation Valves including fittings
and valve Chamber
BL/ B6/1 F 110 mm no 1 2,200.00 2,200.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2,200.00
Installation of Double acting Air Release valves
including fittings, valve box and support
BL/ B6/1 G 2" Air Release valve Assembly no 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Installation of PRS Solenoid Valves for including
all fittings, valve box and support

- jbp - Page 8 of 9 05/01/2020

Project: Development of P9 Sector E-25 Hotel, Residential & Commerical
Complex ( SITE NO 278)

Subject: Landscaping & Irrigation Works



Work done up to Work done this Amount to Date
QTY RATE AMOUNT done up to this
last month (%) month (%) AED
month (%)
BL/ B6/1 H 2" Solenoid Valve Assembly no 1 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B6/1 J 1.5" Solenoid Valve Assembly with Y Strainer no 1 1,350.00 1,350.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Installation of PC Emitters for Shrubs and
BL/ B6/1 K no 418 2.50 1,045.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Ground Covers
Installation of 16 mm(OD) Dripper line using
BL/ B6/1 L m 1028 3.50 3,598.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
necessary fittings(excluding Drippers)
BL/ B6/1 M Installation of PC Emitters for Tress no 96 2.50 240.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B6/1 N Installation of Drip Take off Points no 25 3.75 93.75 25.00% 55.00% 80.00% 75.00
Installation of Pop-up Sprayers with check valve
BL/ B6/2 A and PRS (use Matched Precipitation Nozzle no 36 32.00 1,152.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
where deemed necessary)

BL/ B6/2 B Installation of 1" Quick Coupling Valve Assembly no 1 425.00 425.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
BL/ B6/2 C Installation of Conduit pipes including fittings m 37 6.50 240.50 80.00% 0.00% 80.00% 192.40
BL/ B6/2 D Irrigation Warning Tape m 37 2.50 92.50 80.00% 0.00% 80.00% 74.00
Installation of Conduit Cable Pull box (Use
BL/ B6/2 E no 3 375.00 1,125.00 3.00% 35.00% 38.00% 427.50
long radius Bends where deemed necessary)

Installation of Control Cable AWG # 14 with

BL/ B6/2 F m 275 3.10 852.50 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Installation of Control Cable AWG # 12 with
BL/ B6/2 G m 100 3.10 310.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Cost for Irrigation Design works, Samples for Lump
BL/ B6/2 H 1 12,000.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 12,000.00
Approval, Mock up works Sum
BL/ B6/2 J Cost for 1 Year Irrigation Maintenance works 1 - 0.00% 0.00% -
Allow for cost for Irrigation Items Deemed Lump
BL/ B6/2 K 1 8,000.00 50.00% 50.00% 4,000.00
Necessary Sum


- jbp - Page 9 of 9 05/01/2020

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