Jastram Week10 Feascreenshots

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Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Chapter 5 : Deformation of I Beam under self-weight.

Attach your screenshots below in the same order. Make sure your reading matches with the
screenshots given within the lesson.

Screenshot 1: Deformation

Screenshot 2: Displacements

Screenshot 3: Von Misses Stress

1|P age
Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Screenshot 4: Von Misses Stress (using Surface Group by neighbourhood)

Screenshot 5: Stress Principal Tensor (using Surface Group by neighbourhood)

Screenshot 6: Dual Image Layout (Von Miss Stress, Stress Principal Tensor)

2|P age
Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Chapter 5 – Practice 1 : Deformation of I Beam under self weight.

Attach your screenshots below in the same order. Make sure your reading matches with the
screenshots given within the lesson.

Screenshot 1: Deformation

Screenshot 2: Displacements

3|P age
Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Screenshot 3: Von Misses Stress

Chapter 6: C Clamp deformed with Enforced Displacement

Attach your screenshots below in the same order. Make sure your reading matches with the
screenshots given within the lesson.

Screenshot 1: Deformation

4|P age
Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

5|P age
Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Screenshot 2: Displacements

6|P age
Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Screenshot 3: Von Misses Stress

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Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Screenshot 4: Von Misses Stress (using Surface Group by neighbourhood)

Screenshot 5: Sensor > Energy (Follow page 6-11)

8|P age
Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Chapter 6 - Practice 2: Difference between Pressure and Force Loading

Attach your screenshots below in the same order. Make sure your reading matches with the
screenshots given within the lesson.

Screenshot 1: Deformation

9|P age
Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Screenshot 2: Displacements

Screenshot 3: Von Misses Stress

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Week 10 : FEA Assignment (Chapter 5, Chapter 6)

Screenshot 5: Sensor > Energy (Similar to page 6-11)

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