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Magana, Jericho Bryan T.

CE – B2

Journal # 4

What are opportunities and threats for each specialization of civil engineering?

With regards to "Opportunities" in the field of civil engineering, we can say that there is no limit
to what our profession can do. There's always a civil engineering side in almost everything. From
underwater and underground energy facilities, to building launch pads for space exploration, a lot of
unusual elements of our ever-evolving world require civil engineering besides building roads, bridges and

The opportunities for civil engineering to grow are always there. All we need to do is to just explore and
reimagine things in what we can do to contribute to society as civil engineers. There is no need to worry if
one would think that there would be a time that the world won't need civil engineers anymore. There are
always buildings, roads, and bridges to be built, land to be reclaimed, sources to be replenished and work
to be done.

The threat that may come to the civil engineering profession is credibility. A lot of people can build
structures but cannot corroborate their said structures with proper plans, calculations, and documents.
This in turn can become an issue of safety for the occupants and people who will be using the said built
facilities. Worryingly, the people who built these structures without any proper education for the
fundamentals of civil engineering (even architecture) are also being marketed as cheaper alternatives for
the actual professionals.

That alone, poses a great threat in the civil engineering profession l.

From the discussion and further research, which among the specialization would most likely be
your chosen field, why?

From the discussion and further research, I’ve gained interest in construction engineering. When I
was a kid, I’ve always wondered that how roads, bridges, and buildings are built. As the time passes by,
I’ve gained interest in this area. My dad is also a construction engineer and I’ve asking him questions
about his job. According to him, he deals with the designing, planning, construction and management of
infrastructures. In order for me to be a construction engineer, I must improve my problem-solving skills.
Growing up, I loved Mathematics in terms of analyzing and solving problems. This is the most important
skill that I have but needs more improvement to obtain this specialization.

I also want to contribute when it comes to preparing the blueprint for the project and supervising
construction efforts. I want to ensure that every infrastructure project that are about to be built are not just
only functional but also safe to use it. In order to be a construction engineer, I actually have many skills to
improve such as critical and analytical thinking, time management, people management, and especially
communication skills in order to be good at the job. I have one in a billion chances in order to be great at
those skills and I should be hungry every single day to get this job.

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